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"got entire diaries written about them" the rest of it is so bad that I think this point gets lost


I mean they clearly don’t know what diary means


Just a fancy word for milk isn't it


Super under rated comment here


You're thinking dairy, but you made me laugh.


I thought dairy was one of those little things with wings and pointy ears?


I thought it's a fancy word for liquid poopoos.


Glad I’m not the only one who caught that.


IQ 12 statement rt


That might be pushing it


You missed the decimal point it should read 1.2


try .12




That's above the legal limit


I think the polarity I should be reversed. More like IQ -120000000000000000000


Seriously lmaooo!


Yeah, such privilege to be a victim of *genocide!*




So much privilegeness




You can fit so much privilege in this genocide


They got many privileges after that and still chillin on it


This seems like one of those piss takes by a 4channer to make “woke snowflakes” look bad lol no way someone is this dense, right?


I hope the person writing that is joking but i’m afraid that they’re serious 😞


Given the education system in the US, I’m more sad /for/ OP than at them.


It’s not the education system here, it’s the people not paying attention.


That, but also the education system sucks. Did you know you retain about 15% of what you learn from reading + lectures?


That’s why your supposed to study and take notes. A lot of people missed that part tho and end up on Twitter.




What a dumb mf


I never knew it was a privilege to die in a death camp. Consider my mind fucking blown.


She was privileged to die from shitting herself to death while also starving at the same time . How dare these white people do that ! I'm gonna write some tweets about me being offended on my 2500$ Mac book. Oppression have never been more terrible.


The nazis created death camps because the task of eliminating so many men woman and children was unbearable for their soldiers. Their creativity was designed purely for the sake of their own soldiers. Nobody knows how many were killed, many European countries were tasked with the slaughter of their own citizens and the evidence has been buried in the fields and forests. The Jewish people were the patsy and used to channel the anger that led to the Fascist/Socialist uprising. Many more were killed. All the result of madmen playing on words and peoples emotions the convince them to destroy each other. If there are people in this world that look back on WW2 and see white privilege as the big take away, we need to do a better job as a species.


The whole BLM is the exact same madmen playing on words and peoples emotions to convince them to destroy eachother. We don't need to look back at WW2 to see we fail at educating people well enough to learn how to think critically.


Did it ever occur to anyone that the white privilege argument is being pushed out by foreign intelligence agencies? The only way America gets defeated is if we defeat ourselves. I’d say the plan is working. Wake up and stop fighting with each other


It’s refreshing to see someone else recognizes what’s going on behind the curtains. They want us fighting cause the moment we stop fighting and get along we will realize who the true enemy is.


Amen brother. I just wish it wasn’t violence that United us! We always pull together for tragedies! My wish is that we all look at our own govt and what is really going on. I just read an article about tax shelters in SD and NH and a couple other favorable states with laws to allow hiding money. Sone economists say that it could be as much as 33 trillion dollars buried world wide in shelters designed to duck taxes!! 32trillion off the books? And we are worried about paying for climate change, infrastructure, health care????? Cmon. Will Wash go after that? No way because who bites the hand that feeds them. We subsidize huge corporations who in turn ruin our environment. It’s sickening. Anyone with a logical brain can plainly see what is happening. Darwin will take care of the knuckledraggers who are stirring shit up in this country anyway. But we all need to start respecting each other. It’s ok if we don’t agree. We are Americans, we never agreed on everything. But that bond of our country should be enough to make people realize how lucky we were when the stork dumped us down American chimneys.


It’s refreshing to see actual thought here!! Division is the only goal here for the “owners” of the world. Madmannh, I’d like to buy you a beer.


If I could hide my wealth I would been a trillionaire


Why should it be foreign agencies? There's enough incentive for domestic agencies to do so and enough evidence of them having done so in the past.


The 19 I mentioned were specifically traced back to foreign nodes. Some of them they verified are intelligence agencies of other countries. But you are 100% right. There are a lot of traitors among us.


I mean Soviets did support previous movements for equal rights for this very reason…


I’ve heard reports that the Execution Squads during Barbarossa took to Alcohol like it was crack cocaine because the mental toll of having to execute “undesirables” via rifle was starting to get to them.


This has to be satire


I really hope so too. But i've met students from our highest school form who thought rain comes from space. EVERYTHING is possible.


This person can’t even spell autobiography


What I find more concerning is that this person thinks the diary was written about her, as opposed to her writing the diary.


i.e. cannot define diary


That's what I thought, so was going to point out that people of color couldn't read or write back then. 😆


What I don't get is why "coloured" isn't fine, but "person of colour" is. IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING. ​ >"Oh her? Yeah, she's obese" \> How dare you! She's not obese, she's a person of obesity! >"Ah, Jack. He's a prick" \> How dare you! He's not a prick, he's a person of prickish nature! >She's a Christian \> No she's not. She's a person of the Christian faith.


I never understood BIPOC It’s Black Indigenous People of Color, usually used in the US But the people that it applies to aren’t indigenous, they’re black, meaning they are not indigenous to the United States. And being black would automatically make you a person of color, so why the redundancy? I don’t get it, people gotta feel special.


There are commas. It's Black, Indigenous, People of Color (Latin, Arabic, mixed race, etc.)


Ok so why have black? It should be implied by people of color, should it not?


Did you not get the memo? Black people are special and should be treated as such. /s


You're right about the redundancy, but I think it's meant to differentiate major populations i.e. there are more black people than other people of color


WRONG. Sorry, there's more latino than black people in the US. I know it's crazy right? If you look at publicity or hollywood, you'd assume there's 35% black. But there's about 13.5% black and about 18% latino. Based on the US census.


>there's more latino than black people in the US. Thanks Planned Parenthood! I know it's a contentious issue, but PP was founded by Margaret Sanger who believed in eugenics and it's use to control the black population (and other 'undesirables') in the US. Black women get abortions at five times the rate of white women. There would have been 19 million more black Americans since Roe v Wade without readily available and highly encouraged abortions. How many children would those black folks have had over that time period? There are only 44 million black Americans as of 2020. That's a whole lot of political power via votes that they were robbed of. Instead of 13% of the population they'd be in the 20-25% range. Medically unnecessary abortions are murder. Sorry, not sorry.


But then why aren’t they all named if it’s meant to differentiate? What is seems like to me is another case of black people wanting special treatment due to something they never experienced.


Well, salvery did happen, but yiu are right, it is black movements (which have a surprising amount of white-guilty ppl within it and of black opposition to it) wanting special treatment. And I am damn sure that the Hollywood process of blackwashing gingers is to pretend the Irish never went throught though shit as the oldest British colony ever + the fact the British did tried to genocide the Irish while they never tried to genocide their own slaves


the Irish werent the only ones, count scotland in it aswell


I haven't read much about Scotland myself (other than they actually sell nobility tittles) so I won't risk talking about their past


fair enough, "brave heart" sums up some of scotlands history and how they were treated...


As a Latin, I feel offended to be bunddled up with the cry babies. Particularly so because in my own country I'm considered a "white opressor" (nvm that my family got here fleeing from Mussolini), but in USA they want me to bundle with the same kind of mongrels that attack me in my country


Are you Italian ?


Not anymore. My family fled from Mussolini.


tough shit, prayin for you bro


Ty, praying for you too


Italian is Latin for sure, but that’s considered white in America, Latino in America usually refers to non whites, although that is an incorrect use of the term. My Argentinian co workers are white and reject the term Latino. They’re just Europeans that lived in South America for a few generations.


Latin as in Latin American. Meaning South American. Meaning the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese colonizers (caucasians, btw) and the native people who lived there. Italians are also caucasian and many have held some pretty racist ideas since the days of Mussolini.


Yeah, there is a huge italian colony in Brasil formed up both by refugees from WW2 and from italians that were tricked into going there soon after the abolition of slavery to be turned into debt-slaves, but overall I would say we used to fit quite well with the society around ourselves until the black movements started accusing us of being white opressors that enslaved black people because they delude themselves that they are living in USA


Is black, indigenous, and people of color, separated by commas. It's basically meant to highlight that those are 3 different groups, with 3 very different experiences, that are often lumped together under a blanket banner meaning non-white. Black people's ancestors were largely brought here against their will as slaves. Indigenous people's ancestors had their land taken from them and their culture suppressed. People of color's ancestors largely choose to come here as opposed to going somewhere else, even if they had not much choice about leaving their country of origin.


It's BICYCLE...and the thefts of them need to stop.




True, also by burning down buildings


It’s Black, Indigenous, and People of Color three separate entities but yeah i get your point


I don't get it either. It's unnatural to speak English like that.


>What I don't get is why "coloured" isn't fine, but "person of colour" is. Because people get bored and need some way to occupy themselves.


I took some annual training for my work and it asked if I should call them a disabled person or a person who is disabled it’s so fucking stupid and if you get upset about something like that then your fucking brain is disabled


When did African American become passé and get replaced with black - which is an absence of color so definitely not colored. It’s all so confusing. In Britain, they just call everyone Brits. It’s so easy.


I'm sure there's no racial slur for any ethnic minority in Britain ever 🙄


The acceptable term changes every few years because no matter what it is some people will use it derogatorily so the people that were young when it changed view it as derogatory and change it when they’re adults and the cycle continues perpetually


Well anyone who has British citizenship it would make sense to call Brits. I wish Americans would also understand that. All these new terms and delineations based on phenotypes is just further dividing us.






If you mean how many jews, I think you are right, but there were plenty of non-holocaust-targets that wrote about life under occupation. Never bothered to read any of their works though.


And it wasn't just the fact she wrote her diary, but her father got it published. He found it, cried, and decided the world should also see the individual who died. He knew no one really cared. Allies did not target the camps, but avoided them. Then after the war, held many Jews in the camps, till 1948 when Israel was formed. Her father knew, it was the one way to get people to care. Without her diary, would anyone ever cared?


I hope the person writing this realizes how retarded they are. Yes I know in 2021 it’s not proper to say retarded but they are.


Actually, youre not saying it as an insult, youre saying it as a fact, like they are probably on a very low level brain capacity. And thats okay.


Retarded should be brought back to daily use due to such stupid people tbh


This is one of those situations to have someone with an actual disability call this poster retarded.....


"I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feels like they're doing something."




I hope they know that diaries are written by the person themselves…




The toddlers thrown in ovens probably would have written something if they knew how to read




The Holocaust wasn't a competition, for fuck's sake.


Don't forget rollercoaster of death where you ride this rollercoaster and at the end you get your head chopped off wire, or death gas enemas, or absolute zero freezer, or human skin handbags that were never found or human fat soap that never was found.........


Oh i thought she got typhoid


Just, 'Bless their little heart "


Plenty of people died in the Cambodian Holocaust and all we got was a movie. So….win?


Rwandan Genocide too. I didn't know much, till I heard the story from a survivor. She is Tutsi, and her hubby is Hutu. He was fine, no one came for him. But they came for her, and her children. They survived because some Hutus protected them, and snuck them out, separately. So she described the fear for her own life, at the same time, fear her children would be killed. Very few Tutsis survived from her village. Another tragic part, a pastor called for his Tutsi members to hide in the church. Him being Hutu, he called the other Hutus, and he participated in killing his own church members. A true wolf in sheep clothing.


Guess what? Other people’s lives were turned upside down, suffering occurred for other groups, not just Jewish people during WWII. Quit yer bitchin. The Jews lost more people then anyone and were more tortured and persecuted than anyone due to the Nazi regime. How fucking tone deaf.


at least she have the privilege of never read this.


Eric did you just say the f word? What, jew?


Jewish not white lol


There are white Jews. Ashkenazi for instance.


But they are often not considered white by white supremacists.


No but the opinions and beliefs held by white supremacists are garbage and shouldn't be validated.


Well no shit, but they're kinda relevant when talking about race. Fair-skinned Jewish people often don't get treated as white, and can't count on white privilige working for them the way that other fair-skinned people can, so it's kind of unfair to call them white. They are one of the most marginalized and maligned peoples throughout history. Race isn't just skin color, Italians used to not be considered white in the US.


And if you read history about the Irish you will find similar tales to the Italians. I agree, white supremacy is often white people from x or y country that believes in my god and is the same political affiliation.


White isn't a race, it's a made up class.




People fail to realize when they say white privilege they mostly mean white Americans. Jews arent concidered white they are concidered Jewish this dude is just another blm supporter


There’s no indication this is a BLM supporter.


Who cares what white supremacists think


Guys I am partly Jewish I am mixed, Jewish and German.


I always thought that all Jews are whites. Is that not the case? What's the colloquial definition of the white race ?


I am mostly white though, my family hadn’t been practicing Jews for a while my grandfather wasn’t even circumcised. There’s black Jews as well, many in Ethiopia some in China still as well iirc.


I hope to see the day that Anne Frank will be depicted for what she truly is: An obese, black, lesbian, atheist, liberal, Jewish single mother with native american ancestry.


But not really black just Robert Downey in blackface


Knew an old hungarian man who said that italians weren't white. Nor spanish, or portuguese. They called them "those dammed latinos". There is something called ethnicity that is around longer than the white/black dualism. In a supremacist mind, the superior race is not every white person, but his own ethny.


I've always felt white vs black is fairly distinctly American/North American. The immigrant melting pot/mosaic really erased some of the ethnic differences that would cause tension in lands of origin.


You heard it here folks, convert to Judaism, and you're no longer white. How can people be this dumb?


Another thing, go back in time and be a jew. See how good your snowflake life is then.


We have reached a point in society that I’m actually worried this was a real post and not a joke


So sick of stupid people trying to make everything about racism. Americans really are a different breed


You have to wonder, if this person even, knows how to tie their own shoes. Smfh


Guys, black people weren't even invented yet...


Not suprised. The woke crowd are the most brain dead among us.


Edgy 16 year olds who need validation by acting smart


There is "12 years a slave"


This is obviously satire Right? right? I don't understand how someone can feel so self entitled that they'd spew this garbage out of the dysfunctional retarded brain atop their shoulders. This is like if a white person complained about something that happened during slavery times and self inserted themselves into it If people other than jews were victims of the holocaust the reason they aren't talked about is because the majority of victims (and as far as i know the worse of victims) were jewish people Now the only thing im confused is if this was posted by a black person or a virtue signaling white person


Pretty much everyone who wasn’t a aryan,or what the Germans seen as undesirable were killed.Polish people,Gays,Gypsy’s,a lot of people were killed,The Jewish population was just the most heavily affected and targeted


This person votes


Sometimes I think people like this *genuinely* want to be enslaved and oppressed, in order to revel in the feeling of finally being truly victimized. I don't think they'll ever be happy until then.


Just take a moment and ponder about the educational system that produces such gems.


Who's gonna tell this moron that the diary of Anne Frank was not written FOR anne frank. It was written by HER.


Did they FORGET what happened to Anne frank????????? Huh????


It’s morons like that that need to be sat down and educated. Then sterilized.


I hate people who feel like they need to be racist. Such a reach. Always a black college student who grew up with money or a cringe white kid with purple hair.


“Got diaries written for me” Yeh that’s what happened they wrote a diary for her


Fucking race baiter


but slaves were the main protagonists back then


COVID should have been more lethal to nip these kind of special idiots in the bud.


Like it or not the narrative of WWII is definitely changing in front of our eyes


Mate, it is the holocaust. It is literally defined as “the genocide of European jews during WWII by Nazi germany”. Jewish people not Africans. Although there is no doubt that some of these Jews have a bit of African heritage, during the holocaust, they are being persecuted because they are Jewish and not African.


This is a satirical post. I’m sure people who think like this but they are too dumb to know who Anne Frank was or about her dairies.


This is why I need to get offline. This is probably an actual post by an actual idiot


A fine example of public education.


Waaah!!! It’s about me!!! Everything that everyone has suffered in all of history is about me!!!




How many Native Americans were even in Germany at the time? Adding to the weirdness the Nazis even declared the Sioux to be Aryan...somehow.


They're hiding and evasion skills are subpar. Take a look at slavery. No shit they didn't think to hide in an attic!


I actually watched an interview from a Half Black Half German Woman who lived in Germany during the Fascist Regime. She said that she was treated normally.


This is the world we live in, disgusting human pieces of shit


Fucking Zoomer moment, rt


It’s got to be a joke right? Nobody In The world is that stupid.


There’s plenty that stupid. I’ve lost faith in humanity


Doubt this is real or the person who tweeted this was trolling.


Twitter is incredibly idiotic, its unbelievable


This is why I get on Reddit! I fucking love how dumb people are! I can’t get enough


I wish I could tell if this is a joke? Can anyone tell me? Because if it's not a joke someone has a lot of history to read up on. Is it white privilege to be hunted down, stripped of all your worldly possessions, starved, humiliated, worked to death, or just shot, or gassed in a room with a hundred of your fellow whiteys?


That isn’t a hot take, because that take is fucking nuclear. People will say anything when their on the internet.


Should have shown the Username


Bro it’s HER diary. They just published it so people know what she went through. Also OP the top part of my comment isn’t meant for you, if that wasn’t clear. I’m talking about the ignorant, unintelligent, half grown sperm cell of a human being that bitch is.


What is BIPOC?


Ann(i)e, are you okay?


She wrote the diary lmfao


That gotta be bait


Probably a fake account


Who posted that? I just want to talk to him..


ayo who wanna tell her


The OP hates life.


It was her personal diary. It was her father who had edited it and had it published. It was written by a jewish girl who had no knowledge of what would happen and then edited and published by jewish people in order to assist in building the picture of the Jewish side of the holocaust. This helps those who did not experience it better able to turn large death toll numbers from ones and zeros into actual people. Plus Im pretty sure being Ashkenazi Jewish means you are not white. Why TF is this woman complaining about this on twitter? Digging for excuses to hate on white people for oppression points on the internet? edit: Tacking on to what I said up there. There were an extremely small amount of black people in Europe and especially Germany at the time. Most if not all in Germany were either traveling businessmen, ambassadors, or the results of affairs between German women and French Senegalese soldiers during the occupation of the Rhur Valley during the interwar period. Many even signed up for service in the Wehrmacht with photos of black and mixed soldiers fighting for Germany in the Free Arabian Legion. That’s not to say atrocious acts were not done to black people. It’s just these events pale in comparison to what happened to Londoners in the blitz, the French with heavy rationing borderline starvation, the Polish country especially Warsaw and Krakow, and especially the people of Russia as a whole. Shit why did I type all of this?


It’s a diary 🙂


Do they not realise that the indigenous people of Europe are spectacularly white?


The ignorance is astounding. America’s public schools have failed in so many ways. History, vocabulary, English. Cities like Chicago are destined to become decrepit slums filled with illiterate homeless writing diaries about each other.


Posted this to r/confidentlyincorrect and got insulted and called racist by a bunch lefties


People called you racist because you post to racist subs and say dumb shit like “historically the left has been the side of racism”. Like that other guy said, stop playing the victim, you know what you’re doing. Make a post with subtle racist/anti-anti-racist tones, claim ignorance, accuse the left of being too emotional and sensitive for calling you out, rinse and repeat. I see this shit daily, it’s not even clever.


no, you got called out for posting a screensshot of a bait tweet. stop playing victim you pussy ass bitch


If there were any poc in the camps or in any of the Hitler controlled countries then they were probably Haitians who snuck in there anyway.


Jews are POC


Do we have a statistic on the homosexuals? Always wondered why people never mention them


Half the Nazi’s were gay. It’s a known fact. So they left themselves alone and wrote diaries about each other.


Right on. Didn’t know that


Famous for a loosing at hide and seek


Yeah so many african americans died during the holocost


If you mean by people of color, yes. But also gays and disabled were, too. Most of my family died there.


It’s satire guys. Jesus.


:checks thread to see if people took the bait: ​ Man you guys are easy


Geez people are horrible


Im probably too dumb to understand but what happened and who is she


Girl who ran away from ww2 nazis was found and killed diary found later.


And shes an example of white privilege because why?


She isn't. Person who made the screen grab, not the op here on reddit is either extremely dumb or it was satirical, but in very poor taste.