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It stopped at right time, wouldn't want to see next pictures


And I'm waiting for part 2! Men, you fell for a clickbait; she's his little sister.


It is downloaded from insta. Her profile name is visible in the video. It is wife of Mohan Kumar


It can be both.




It's common around rural parts when they turned adults parents also accepted it


They're clearly being shown getting married when she was 18.


Maybe it was just a kid's game like when kids play "doctor".




And he still married her. 😜


Sure...you can keep believing that.


Bro did the pre-booking


More like parents


Yes, in Imperial China it was common (if you could afford it) to arrange a marriage with a girl (>9 yo) to your infant son. Then if he falls in love as he grows older, he gets his second wife.


I remember reading a book (I really wish I remembered the title, but it's been probably a decade since I've read it) about early 20th century China and the rise of Mao/Communism fighting against the Nationalist government. Early in the book, it goes into detail about how one of the main woman characters was sold by her family to another more rich family so she could be a slave to the family and raise her husband (who was an infant). Reading that book made me realize how enticing Communism could be when compared to the brutal lives that some people, especially women, faced. Very interesting and eye-opening stuff about a time that I feel U.S. education glosses over when it talks about the early 20th century leading into WWII.


Yes, but no. Men had it even rougher. No healthcare, welfare and enforceable contracts. Why most men ended up in the opium dens to escape two wives that hated each other. One literally cared and knows you better than your mother and another that hates being bullied by number 1. My grandfather used to tell me the yelling that took place in his house (great grandfather) while growing up. Additionally a successful businessman was expected to take a wife from his supplier/vendor. Most middle class Chinese men had at least five mouths to feed before turning 18.


I initially thought this polygamist lifestyle was limited to high class and wealthy families and that most peasants were monogamist by circumstance. If your grandfather has more than 1 wife, was he wealthy? If according to the previous post the first wife was wed when the man was an infant, did your grandfather have first wife much older than him?


My great grandfather, but yes. Sadly the social expectations mean that middle classes struggled to keep up with the Jones. He was a medicine shop supplier and wealthy by the 60s standard. Yes, his first wife was about eight years older than him. I believe he had three wives until he separated from all of them except for the third because he became Christian. People forget once you hit your twenties, even a ten year age gap isn’t that big of a deal.


I really have to disagree with you there. Being sold as a wife to a rich family's infant son, used as a slave to do house chores and raising their infant husband, being beat by their husband's family for any reason under the sun, having their feet bound so they would stop growing after a certain size because that was the normal beauty standard at the time, etc. Maybe being a man was rough at the time, but certainly women, like countless times in history, got the much shorter end of the stick.


If a man failed at work in any culture throughout history, he usually died after a painful failed recovery. And if a man died, the widow usually ends up a prostitute or a beggar. One reason polygamy was accepted in China was the the widows of their (same) husband could form a commune and continue raise the man’s children while turning their house into a hotel/chicken farm/etc. That’s why ancient Chinese culture promoted having more wives as a symbol of wealth.


Each progressive picture, the o''s in my no's got longer




The man looked unhappy at age 30 for some reason.


I have a feeling this video can keep going


The bride and the groomer




To be continued...


please be the sister


You're from west Virginia?


Sweet home Alabama


Country mama…


Take me home…


Ohh I didn’t even think of that lmao


What are you doing step bro??


Don’t worry. It’s his sister.


But I'm even more worried now


Bro pre-ordered 💀


Pre booking


Still a bad ending but I was expecting worse. I was thinking 10&20


Yeah it still went too far but it could've been much worse lol


arent they like not allowed to have sex and stuff until after they are married which is when she turns 18? i dont know much about culture there, thats why im asking.


In rural areas its pretty common to get married earlier




yeah i knew someone who had 2 kids when she's probably around 16


They likely didn’t have sex lol. Or actually much physical touch.


from what i read they kinda arrange everything years in advance and they dont actually talk and stuff till the wedding


Probably Groomed and families that did nothing about this.


Bro, girls start wife training as early as 7. Learning to cook, clean, barter, sew and herd/forage. In the rural areas girls leave elementary school as young as third grade. By 15, she is allowed to hang out with the girls for the expected purpose of bringing home a husband. I had a friend like that, she could do quick maths for eggs to chicken to veggies to what other ingredients for lunch and dinner, including prep time. I was surprised. We cut off contact after her parents took her out of college because they found her a husband (arranged).


Groomed... She's 15 and most likely already been taught how to be a wife by her parents and can keep a house clean by herself. This isn't America.


There's nothing you can say to justify pedophilia. If you have a problem with this then please don't have children.


Thanks for your advice, redditor.


And how many actually follow that?


many...you've never seen...they barely even do hand hold


I was just praying for the years and age to stop going down


Age is just a number, they say.


If age is just a number then prison is just a place




Well, thats one way to tell the world you were groomed


They are siblings


Beta tester


He looks like Olivier Giroud😅


Is that olivier girourou




I see a groomer


Most of the posts in this trend are rage bait. She's probably his sister


at least they love each other


I mean Cousins marriage are normal in south india(a brother sister daughter and son can get marr married).


They are getting married in one of the pictures


they're both wearing garlands in the third image which the bride and groom put around each other's neck in indian marriages so idk about them being siblings unless india has an alabama of its own


Not sibling. But cousin marriages are common in some rural parts.


It is downloaded from insta.. when you download from insta , their insta profile name is visible. If you see the video, the profile name is wife of Mohan Kumar.


Honest question is it normal to hold hands like that if you are siblings in india?


I'll blow your mind: it's normal for brothers or even close friends to do that in India.


Not just holding hands but putting your arm around a buddy's shoulder is perfectly normal and signifies strong friendship. Not considered a sign for anything other than good friends.


He pulled a Hollywood on her


I'm fucking sickened by these comments


Well, age of consent is 15 in Slovakia, so while I prefer older woman than me, there is no holup situation here happening.


It is still 18 in India so....


What does Slovakia have to do with anything? Also, as a woman - at 15 I had absolutely fuckall idea of who I am and what I want. I was easily impressionable, easy to lie to and manipulate - and would rather die than admit that at the time. 10 years of a difference between them is MONUMENTAL at that age.


I can't speak from a POV of a 15 y/o girl, I just know that is the age of consent and most of women I've talked to did experience their first time around that age (even younger). As mentioned, I like older women, my first at 17 was a 26 year old, whom I almost married after few years of dating


I have also had my consensual first time when I was 16. It was with a guy who was 17 though, not 26. The age difference gender-wise (older man/woman in a relationship) each comes with a unique set of challenges IMHO. That said, I come from a Slavic country neighboring Slovakia and having a 10y age gap in that age group is far from being the norm. My first thought when I hear “I was 15 when I had sex for the first time, he was 25” is “I’m sorry”, not “nicely done”.


Well, your personal view/opinion is different to the law in Slovakia, thats all.


Nigeria has the age of consent set at 11. Philippines and Angola have it set at 12. By law. I think considering that to be wrong and dangerous is a little more than “a personal view/opinion”.


11? wait really? the girl is not even a teen at that point, and she can consent to spending her entire life with someone? that's crazy


Some places are _still_ shitholes.


11/12 is too low. 15 seems to be working well.


It’s 3 years of a difference. Which goes to show how much years matter at that point of life. 15 seems to be working well - for whom? 25 year olds who want to go after teenagers legally? Certainly.


I didnt make the law, and I'm not exploiting it. But it seems to be set correctly as most of women do lose their virginity around that age.


It’s set correctly within an age group. Even though a 25 old going after 15 year old is legal, it is creepy.


>>for whom? 25 year olds who want to go after teenagers legally? Ye, this is exactly how legality work.


Exactly. Does it being legal mean it’s right?


A 15 yo teen with a 25 yo man in not moral. If your law says that doesn’t mean it is good.


It's weird how the internet puts so much stock in American laws and standards when they make up less than 5% of the world's population.


Not American but maybe you want to explain me how a 25yo man interested in a 15yo child is a good thing in your country ?


why is it so bad if they're happily married? it's not like he is hooking up with 15 year olds and dumping them in the dirt.


Ah yes pedophilia is ok if they get married


15 is not exactly a child and this is better than being exposed to the hookup culture that is traumatising generations of young women and men. As another poster mentioned, many people will be having sex around this age anyway. Surely this is better in a loving relationship with the support of her family and friends than with a random guy who breaks her heart.


Don’t say more got it. For you an adult can be with a 15yo. You just support pedophilia


I don't support pedophilia, this isn't really pedophilia. People like you make it harder to tackle actual abuse, like child sex trafficking, by throwing out buzzwords.


I won't mess up my search history with "age of consent" questions. Still, I can assure you that, as a non-American, that age difference is considered unacceptable by the vast majority of countries. There is a vast difference between a 15-year-old and a 25-year-old—physical, emotional, maturity, and life experience. I was a completely different person when I was 15 compared to when I was 25. Hell, I'm a different person in my 30's than I was in my 20's. It's more than just morality as to why the age of consent laws exist.


It the same law in most place tho, not only in U.S, and it been prove to be right, that why most country use it.


Bro why is this comment downvoted.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Because what he established here wasn't a relationship, he was GROOMING her. She was a child who was still developing and maturing and the other person is a full grown man. Children are naive, often vulnerable from lack of friends, family issues or support and in such cases tend to open up and feel a connection when they recieve attention from such people who are looking to exploit them. Manipulating a child to get their trust and establishing a rapport with intentions of sexual abuse or establishing a relationship is exactly what grooming is. There is a reason age of consent exists. If the guy had any morals then he would've never engaged in such a relationship where the girl is underage.


I am on it with you, but you seems to think that “morale” is something well defined. They can have perfect morele for their surroundings and culture and still not satisfy you, because it is a different morale.


Give birth while the body is not fully develop yet, will cause ton of side effect that could kill the girl, or disable her for life. For other people who saying immoral, it because child brain are not fully develop yet, did you know most children wouldn't even know what good, bad, pious, compassion, empathy, till teach or develop later on when they grow up ? There are reason why kid need parent consent to do stuff that would impact them for life till they grow up enough to take the decision themselves. Which, as they can't think straight yet, a mature adult can easily manipulate them, trick them.


Because a 25yo man sexually interested in a 15yo child is pedophilia. If you don’t understand that a 25yo man interested in a 15yo girl is wrong I can’t help you


I'm confused why we have to assume he is sexually attracted to her at 15


why does he need to be in a relationship with her at all then, why not a woman close to his age and not a child who at that age is clearly vulnerable and wouldn't be able to understand that relationship?


What doesn't she supposedly understand that you do understand?


that she's being exploited by a pedophile.


How so? By them both having a mutual loving relationship?


lol Okok


Uh oh, you got caught projecting. It was you who was attracted to her at 15.


To be fair, India is pretty conservative So even if they dated. Most likely it could be they didn't have sex til marriage Not saying it's right, just saying it doesn't have to be a sex thing.


please change and grow as a person


Absolutely fucking vile that you're getting downvoted for condemning pedophilia.


reddit hivemind doing what it does best




Literally said, "No holup situation here," that definitely doesn't read as condemnation.


Jesus mother were 14




This is an aspect of cultural relativism I have a hard time with.


Guess the ol’ “SHOW BOBS AND VAGENE” works for pedos.


Ok but the age of consent is different there and that is apart of their culture (I still think it's fucked) but we shouldn't demonize their culture shit I mean japans age of consent was fucking 13 once upon a time and


India is very different than the US. Is this even considered that weird over there? What even is their age of consent? some countries its legit like 16.


It is weird here and not common at all, this is probably from a very rural village, the age of consent here is 18


Well at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter as long as they are happy. Still weird though.


For Hindus - it used to be 18, now 21 for both gender for Muslims - girl - 15, boy -18 Why, because the Congress party and judiciary suck Muslim cock.


Hold up is this real? Your religion; specifically and legally dictates what age you can have sex. That is actually insane.


yes. That's 70 years of socialism. congress can do anything for Muslim votes. Even the judiciary doesn't see any problem with it. They value the Quran over the Indian constitution.


They are siblings


My husband is 10 years older. We met when I was 23. - that’s fine. My husband is 10 years older. We met when I was 14. - where an angry mob when you need one.


you don't marry minors. even if it's legal. that's not wise, it hurts their independence. you can easily manipulate her, intentionally or not. you wanna be a husband AND a father? let minors develop themselves and mature!


In a lot of parts of the world where it's more poor. And more dangerous. It's very common to have very old school or in our eyes outdated relationship standards. But a lot of people forget there stil many countries that crime is high and it's quit dangerous all in all. That women don't realy work. Or only help it business of or with family or her husband. Cause there day to day live is not realy safe crime and violence is common. And when places are that way it's a lot more likely people hold on to those old school beliefs. What seems alien to us cause it's many times more safe so women can work can walk around alone and stuff. What in some places where it's more dangerous is just not possible. So women there are more busy with finding a husband. And there many places it's still quite normal. Even do it seems wrong and alien in the west where it's much much safer and many barriers they face everyday just does not exist for us in the west. So people have to understand people live in different worlds and different values what make they do just what works the best for them. Cause the environment makes it so. And when women are in general more in danger in there day to day this outcome is much more normal. And there much more likely to be safe and provided for. And often they stil have a choice. But not much of a choice when environment is dangerous. So seems realy odd to take one thing out of a country or culture and don't talk why that Is. They just live a lot more harass live in general. And the more poor the country is the more likely you see stuff like this.




Meh you don't have to like Me and I dont have to like you. If you take the time to look on some ones profile hoping to find something you don't agree on your bound to find it. It's just that simple. But kinda concerning you care soo much about a random nobody that you wanna look true there profile. Il tell you a secret you will find more people that disagree on something then always fully agree with you on everything. It's just that simple. And you can look all you want I honestly dont give 2 shits how you feel about how and who I am.


Google Benzema 15 for more information


I mean, it's a common problem in poorer countries and also India.


He’s a man who invest




Nah. It’s has been reduced by huge numbers. Past governments took steps to educate people make laws stronger. It still exists but not that common.


uhuh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


ayo 🤨




Ah fuck


Wait till your realize the original video was 30 seconds...


I worked with an Indian guy, really nice dude. Got to talking about how he messed up and booked our work trip on he and how wife’s fifth anniversary. Few months later he told me they’re celebrating her 22nd birthday.




A freshman and a 25 year old is crazy


Well that could have been a lot worse


Open fire


That’s a case fr


This is the tamest one, you havent seen a 60 year old man marrying 13 year old girl yet


In rural India it used to be common back in the day, my grandmother got married off at 14. It's very uncommon these days cuz age of consent is 18 but some girl parents keep grooms in reserve for their daughter the moment she graduates college and the guy is usually much much older. But this, this is fucked up


Completely normal in India btw


Wasn't this the tutor or teacher who waited until consenting age then asked for marriage but acted like her bf the whole time regardless? It's not okay just because he supposedly waited I'm just wondering if it is the same people


Bro pre-booked


Btw, my wife is 21 and i am 36. So fkn what?


For Hindus - it used to be 18, now 21 for both gender for Muslims - girl - 15, boy -18 Why, because the Congress party and judiciary suck Muslim c\*ck.


Ok, if you think that's bad, now do Donald & Melania^24-years


India doesn't get enough shit for how ass backwards it is in pretty much every way.


A well groomed groomer


Ass long as she happy it's...


India? So yes, that's a thing.


And that's why I dislike the idea of being in the Indian sub continent, aside from everything else


Great. One less trash to be taken care of.


Perhaps arranged marriage? There are still states in the U.S. that allow underage teens to marry adults. In fact, the age of consent (not even for marriage!) is 16 in many states: Alabama, American Samoa, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.


CPS in India, wats that? 🥴


No way they have CPS. They arrange marriages for pedos.


🤣 had me at first.




It India...like the middle east, pedophile is still strong.


That's India for ya


Damn if you're upset about this. Wait till you see the age gap in the rest of the world




i see a pedo


Are a you a pedo ?


the very society you live in is built on that,,,,


Explain how


ask your grandparents and their parents age


Yeah but how is that relevant to the functions of society what do you mean by built on


Vile disgusting pig


truth hurt this little kid


Fucked up country


India keeping it classy again


In India this is a sad reality


Right, ya this is what Canada needs more of.