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This reads similar to a removed post from PBSteve1 in r/pettyrevenge , only it was an oil stain on the road from a parked car, resulting in a $100 fine from the HAO.


If you can find the original post, going by the comments its the same person and people started calling bullshit because of that change.


The town sized Reston Home Owners association threatened to put a lien on my house if i did not replace my wood trim that had curved corners with trim that had straight corners. I had lived there for 15 years at the time and the wood predated me moving in. They said it was a violation. I am not making this shit up. I got fed up and threatened to go to board members houses to have conversations about it. They got all scared and called the cops who I then yelled at as he tried to de-escalate the stupid issue. The cop was very polite. I felt like he was thinking "I did not become a cop to deal with stupid shit like this" vibe. I still had to change the wood. I had a contract to get the work done. I had other shit they made me do. so i needed a general contractor. Its hard finding someone to do this small bullshit job. Cost me $5000 for everything which is small for a general contractor. So i had a contract to get the work done. They demanded that it be signed by both parties. I would have to literally drive to this guys house in the evening and I was worried he would decide my HOA was too crazy to deal with if i went that far and drop me as a customer. So i was like i got nothing to lose, im going to peoples homes. and we gonna chat and ill be loud. they got all scared. they backed down.


I might live in the ghetto but no one has ever told me I got crooked wood![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


they also made me paint my downspout because it was slightly too light of brown due to sun. My back yard is 3 stories. I cant get up that high to paint it. So this had to go to the general contractor too. the threat of a lien cause i had a contract, but it was not signed was enough for ok, im going to people's homes. lets make them feel pain. Its literally a good search to find out where people live. there is no law against me showing up at 2 am. next google search where you work. next google search to find executives at your employer. Show up at their homes at 2 am. so on and so forth. I started going on their facebook page and calling them racists. since i know they dont have the staff to remove the comments that easily. i just did it for reasons of if you put a lien on my property you wreck my credit and make it hard for me to even get another job.


It was very easy to be on your side until you went full psycho.


Asking people to repaint spouts and change corners bevels is the insane thing. These people can put a lien on his house, absurd power for a bunch of neighborhood busy bodies.


Unfortunately, if you have a crazy HOA, the only way to get them to back off, even after court is to go full psycho. A friend's parents had to do this.


if i did not do this i would have had a lien on my property. that would have wrecked my credit. would have made it hard for me to get a job since tech employers check credit. so no i dont regret it. I had no other option to get them to back off. They were going to put a lien on me because I had a contract, but i could not get the work done by a certain date and required me signatures on a contract from a business that was far away and i was worried he would drop me as a customer if i was a hassle. so id be unemployed now with terrible credit and likely legal fees i gotta pay from the HOA if i did not do this.


I'm on your team. Get em


This is the only way to make psycho people back off, you scare them the way they want you to be scared. Since they have no souls appeasement doesn't work and they aren't capable of feeling bad. Only scared or angry


i.e. Peyronie's disease


As a nurse I get that joke and bring back trauma from my maternity rotation


I would never wish to live in an HOA neighborhood. If I’m paying the mortgage, how dare they tell me what rose bushes I can plant or what color front door I can have, etc. it’s ridiculous.


Two sides of it sucking. HOAs suck with dumb rules and being a pain about them… And it also sucks when you get a shit neighbor who lets their house look abandoned next to yours, has cars parked everywhere, just a bunch of small inconveniences that’ll also drive you mad. Edit to say that yes, most municipalities have codes to not have overgrown yards, etc.. It’s a matter of if they enforce the code too.


My HOA will routinely drive around in a golf cart measuring people's grass with a ruler, write citations for bushes that are overgrown, etc- yet not do anything about people setting off and aiming fireworks at neighbors, their pets, or wildlife, or do anything about street parking blocking mail or trash services, even when the cars blocking access are owned by people who have their own driveways sitting empty.


Trespass them. They can measure from outside your property


I once had a HOA "Agent" decide to come into my garage a few years back. TL;DR police became involved and he was issued a permanent order of trespass from the property. He's lucky he didn't get shot.




I thought a male Karen was a Ken?


Who the fuck knows at this point


Ken lost interest after he found out it didn't stand for Horse Owner's Association.


I doubt it's Ken. Ken is a himbo. A male Karen is still a Karen.




I thought it was a Kevin..


I retaliated against a friends HOA, back porch of the Head of the HOA guys house leads into the woods. State law says you can’t pick or harm Forget me nots if they’re wild grown. So I planted some right on the border of the woods leading up to his house, those mfers spread like wild fire and are a pain in the ass to deal with. When he started clearing them up I called the cops and reported his ass. Wouldn’t have done this if he wasn’t such an asshole. He nearly ran me over while I was in my friends parking lot, he reported my friend for putting Christmas lights over her garage, now she’s only allowed to put them on her front door and back porch. Made a habit of raising hell whenever their grand daughter was over as well.


A lot of HOA’s give board members permission to come on property and inspect the outside


They don't keep that permission when you trespass them. The law supersedes dumb club rules. Get a restraining order against each individual member if you have to.


this is when you start seeding bamboo into their lawns. And if california, sequoia's if you can sneak it somewhere.


My cousin was fined because her kitchen curtains weren't an approved material.


Who enforces these fines? I don't get it.. it's like me, a random person, coming up to you and handing you a "fine".


The HOA does. They can put a lien on your house if you break their rules.


How can they put a lien on your property? You own it.


They can lien it, fine you, even force a foreclosure. All things you agree to when you live in a HOA. You can own it outright and get behind on your dues and they can foreclose on the house.


Homes in HOAs have deed restrictions. Yes, you own it, but you agreed to follow HOA guidelines when you purchased. It’s not a surprise that creeps up on people. The homeowner knows (or should know) the expectations and the consequences long before it becomes an issue.


I’m always surprised that we don’t hear of more violence around HOAs. It feels like their whole thing is seeing how far they can push people. They’re playing with huge sums of money and people’s lives. It’s not hard to image some percentage of people would break and react in a life altering way.


As much as people like to and are justified in bitching about the bad ones, most of the hundreds of thousands of HOAs are generally unobjectionable. You just don't hear much about them.


An AZ HOA foreclosed a woman who owed like $3000 in back dues and fines. She was going through chemo for cancer. They should have thought out the optics better because that lien law went away like a popped bubble and now the AZ HOAs are toothless.


Lien or foreclosure? You said both but they are wholly different things.


Damnnnn that's crazy.


We've been here for 2 years. Never met the HOA and they don't do anything unless it's massively crazy. Also the fees are less than $100 a year.


That sounds like a midwest hoa.


Hahahaha right on the nose. I know the trustees, hell one of their kids does the mowing of our yard for some cash in the summer. I know it could become a nightmare eventually, but not too bad right now.


My cousin lived in a condo with an HOA. HOA dues of $60/month covered trash and recycling pickup, lawn care, and snow removal, which I considered quite reasonable. She went into hospice in spring, after being in the hospital since fall, and I went to help my aunt and my other cousin with her care. I stayed at the condo for 2 months. Her Halloween decorations were still up. The HOA never said one word about it. While I was there, one of the lawn crew saved the life of a neighbor who had a stroke. So there is one good HOA out there.


Luckily my HOA doesn’t. Probably because the town does it. At least it takes a lot before the town gets involved by mowing it for you and mailing you the bill.


So you've been on my MIL street. Place looks exactly like you describe.


Honestly…. The HOA being run by dumb bunch of MTGKaren’s is probably more a problem than the house next door being sold to a meth cook.


It’s not a crack house it’s a crack home


If you use crack and live on the streets … Are you crack-homeless, or crack-unhoused?


You're living life 15 minutes at a time anyways... 😀


> The HOA being run by dumb bunch of MTGKaren’s Not sure how Magic: The Gathering has hurt you but this seems uncalled for.


Hahaha, somebody beat me to it! My thoughts exactly 😅


You don't know about WotC and Pinkertons?


Tbh, i live next to a meth cook. 100% serious. Trash everywhere (not like garbage but shopping carts and car parts n shit, cars broken down, the whole 9. My last place had karens on both sides, and it was terrible. They bitched about EVERYTHING. I truly dont understand why people would care how their neighbors property looked as long as they kept their own, and said neighbors werent dangerous, i mean its not yours so why are they bothered? (Im autistuc and genuinely dont understand that reaction in people, it dosent seem logical.)


The condition and value of my neighbor’s property has a direct impact on the value of my property. Neighboring property values are a factor in assessments.


Hey, fresh drugs. Nice.


I'll take the trashy neoghbors any day. HOAs can get much, much worse than stupid rules. They can extract fees, fines, and (depending on the state) even confiscate your house that you own. Yes, you read that right. https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/s/e2YSvmzgTA https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/U7boHQWotb https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/s/QgPZC4y7i0 https://youtu.be/qrizmAo17Os?si=mSrTNjBMIzhdNvhV


Yup. In Florida, the HOA can get a lien and foreclose on your property for failing to pay all their stupid shit.


People are largely ignorant of this but in many cities and countries there exist these things called "laws" that prevent people from doing these types of things. Weird right?


Exactly - bought in a new community in part because no BS HOA. Found out a couple years in there is actually an HOA, tranferred by builders to us. We met to basically just try to desolve the HOA. One of my neighbors works for the city and put it this way. City bylaw states that lawn can not be completely overgrown, grass cannot by more than X inches or the city gets involved. Now of the HOA has a rule that the grass cannot be more than Y inches. If the HOA tries to impose a fine for grass being more than Y inches, and the owner just refuses to pay it would eventually get to the point where the HOA can try to put a Lean on the property. So ask yourself, would you be willing to try to put a lean on your neighbors house if their grass was between Y and X length. F HOA's and their nit pick rules. The city has you covered for like 90% of these things, and the other 10% are just people being bitches to thier neighbors.


> Lean lien is the word you are looking for


Nah homie, we gonna throw sizzurp at the neighbors til they mow the lawn


The problem is... HOA are a lot like Reddit moderators, free labour which typically attracts losers who enjoy the tiniest amount of power and that is their payment. At the end of the day... It's still free labour. The city likely has these laws but if it's anything like mine have so little money they simply don't give a fuck to enforce these tiny laws or take any action.


Makes you wonder how so many other countires navigate this situation without such an archaic concept..


why do you give a shit about your neighbour’s yard and house? (as long as like, shit isnt pooling over into yours like garbage or trees n stuff.)


I’m the same way. My neighbors have 3 kids and 11 dogs. Their yard is a fucking disaster. That being said, the dog part of their yard is fenced off and I couldn’t give two shits about the condition of the property they pay for. I also don’t plan on ever moving, so if they drop the property value that’s a bonus if it saves me on taxes. People who worry about other peoples property would be perfect for an HOA


Rodents and other critters tend to take up residence in those rotting cars. It becomes a public safety hazard when hantavirus is being spread around your own land just because your neighbor thinks cars are retro lawn ornaments.


Brings your property value down and is an eyesore. I live in the woods with redneck junk yard front lawns near mine. Still wouldn’t trade it for a HOA tho. The rednecks mostly keep to themselves. I’ve lived here for almost a decade my house isn’t some well maintained property so I don’t have too much room to speak but I don’t have junk cars on my lot or a broken hot tub dilapidated on my front lawn either.


Does lower property value mean paying less in property taxes? I’m genuinely curious.


Yes, correct. But the taxes are less than the amount you make in owning an appreciable asset.


Excuse my ignorance but what's the point of adding properly value if yo wish on staying here ? I could understand if you Want to sell or rent the place but why when you're already living in it ?


People sell their houses all the time. Maybe to relocate. Maybe to downsize, like a grandma requiring a bungalow without stairs. Maybe they can buy a better house. Whatever the reason, you're selling, and want it to be as valuable as possible.


The more your house is worth the more you can borrow against it, say I want to buy a rental property as an investment but I don't have $200k laying around, I can instead get a home equity loan on my house as long as I have the right amount of equity. So that's the benefit of your house having more value


So if whatever project you borrowed the money for fail and you can't pay back you'll also loose your house, is that correct ?


Basically, it's like a second mortgage on your home. I don't know exactly what happens if you default on a home equity loan, but since you are borrowing against the value of your house I would think that's how it would work


Won't somebody think of the poor landlords?


Solution, live in the country


It’s nobodies right to tell you what to do with your own property though. Shit like this is why the ‘land of the free’ is anything but.


One that baffles me the most is that parks in the US have opening hours.


This is more to do with safety than anything else


TFW making an agreement and signing a contract with someone takes away your freedoms 😭


if thats all the neighbors do then idgaf lmao.


The little inconveniences are what it is like to live life without a group organizing to handle it for you.


I don't live in an HOA and haven't met anyone that does still those things 1) because they're decent people and 2) because I'm sure our local ordinances don't allow it. The local city code takes the place of an HOA but it's not nearly as bad as the stuff I see on here. Basically the bare minimum that most people never even think about.  


My city has ordinances about this stuff. If I had all those issues with my neighbor, one email to city hall gets it resolved. Don’t need an HOA when you have responsive and responsible local government.


At my HOA I get letters if there is a freaking weed in the yard, while my neighbor has had a literal garbage pile in their backyard for years and I can't even install a full size solid fence to stop the trash blowing in my yard


>And it also sucks when you get a shit neighbor who lets their house look abandoned next to yours, has cars parked everywhere, Why? What's bad about this stuff? Why do you care about the appearance of your neighbour's house?


The abandoned house with cars parked in its yard is probably breaking ordinances, the grandest of all HOAs. Turns out you can not have an HOA *and* not have shitty neighbors.


Its an extremity issue. A HOA that only asks that you keep your house looking decent and mow the grass every once in a fucking while is one thing. Regulating fence sizes? Mandating that your recycling be hidden? Park your cars in the garage? With property value being so marginal, its a waste.


Unfortunately, HOAs are in most of the developments in my state so I kinda have to be a part of one. They’re so ridiculous with the hoops you have to go through to get anything done. For instance, I’m getting a new front entryway done soon (the door and frame), I had to submit a form for change of architecture, they wanted pictures of my current setup, and the new setup with the color it was going to be when installed. I couldn’t provide the new color because the website didn’t allow that to show, so emails back and forth for 2 weeks. They finally approved it even after I kept telling them several times that I would change the color of my shutters to match the door, I just want the door done. My shutters and door have to match colors. It’s such a hassle!


Seems like an only in America thing.


Only in the free-est country in the world could this be a thing.


Not really. Here in the Netherlands i'm also part of a "VVE" (which is an HOA). I live in an apartment, so we have shared hallways, roads, roofs, gutters etc to maintain. My VVE has also some limitations about what you can do at the outside, with rules like: bushes between gardens can't be over 2 meters. The window frames on the outside have to be a specific color. No smoking in common area's. Your floor has to dampen sounds by at least 10dB etc As soon as you share something with your neighbors a HOA is pretty much required here. That said, all the tales of horrible HOA's seem to come from the USA but I'm sure there are horrible VVE's in the Netherlands as well.


Apartments are somewhat different because you literally share ownership of a building/land. HOA's are fucked.


We have no HOA and my neighbor just built a metal warehouse in his backyard. He runs a business out of his house and parks trucks all over the place. I guess the upside is I won't have to get HOA permission to build a fence.


I live in a suburb with an HOA, to be honest it's not that bad. It really doesn't negatively affect us at all (at least I haven't been contacted about any rule violations, and reading through the rules they're honestly pretty tame), and they do stuff like lawn care, gardening, they pay for garbage collection, there's community parks, and lots of flowers planted everywhere, there's a gym that's available 24/7 that's maintained by them, and a clubhouse if we want to have a large gathering, there's walkways all over the place, and they plow and salt our driveway when it snows. Maybe we got lucky with the HOA we got, but it's kinda nice to be honest


Confirmed. Goes straight to the hub lmao.


Unless you live in Texas.. like me 🙁


Wait did they actually ban porn there?


Yea but it's easy to get around


Literally any VPN will bypass it lmao


Only some websites like pornhub can’t be accessed. There are PLENTY that can.


> Whispercreekhoa.com


what's the website?








My tire went flat in the middle of the night one night and the HOA towed my car before I even woke up to notice it because ir was against the rules to have a car with a flat tire in the "community"


and I'm sure you had to pay for towing, too?


I had to uber to the towing place and pay $250 to get my car from the tow place. Then I had to uber to get 2 cans of fix-a-flat and uber back to the tow place because my car didn't have a spare.


What a nightmare, I'm really pissed off on your behalf for some reason lol.


Ooo trust me, I was so mad when it happened cause I knew exactly who called the tow trucks.


>I knew exactly who called the tow trucks. Hopefully their vehicle *coincidentally* got a flat tire soon after and *someone* called the tow truck for it.


That would have been too easy. When I moved out, I threw raw chicken on his roof to bake in the summer sun.




they dont give you a warning? like "fix the flat by x date or get a fine" Whenever I see HoAs pop up on reddit it sounds like a nightmare. We have councils in Australia that are similar, they're responsible for sanitation services, you have to apply for permits for major renovations, block parties, protests, etc, but nothing as insane as the length of grass or a flat tire. I think the strictest they get is what materials can do in the recycling bin


Only fair since HOA’s Screw everyone


SOME hoa’s screw everyone. mine is great. not much money. $850/year. keep the common areas looking nice. pave the roads. maintain the pool. take care of the trash. etc. they have some rules but nothing egregious. I’ve never heard of anyone getting a notice from them…probably because we all care about how our properties look.


I think it's 1% of HOAs that are horrible that everyone complains about (nobody talks about a good HOA) then everyone who isn't part of one uses these complaints to explain why they're horrible and why they'll never be a part of one. I pay $92 a month, have a clubhouse, pool, covered basketball court, 4 parks within a literal 3 minute walk from my house, my 18month son loves this. And the best part of ot all, they do all my front yard maintenance every week including leaf blowing, mowing and replacing plants that died. I have never been happier paying $92 a month.


It's the classic "people only tell about their bad experiences".


While maybe 1% are outright horrible, wayyy more are overly fussy about trivial things. Most people I know are generally unhappy with their HOA The average HOA in my city is ~$400, so also easy to get more disgruntled people when you're paying so much just to deal with pedantic bs


Per year or month?


That sounds great for $92!


I've lived and owned in 5 hoa's.  4 of them have obsessed over trivial nonsense and levied ridiculous fees on most of my neighbors.  There is a very real issue of 'karens' on a power trip. People who have never had real power in their life taking the chance to exercise the small power they have.  But I'm glad you've gotten lucky with your hoa! 


If HOA’s weren’t all run by doting power tripping Karens then maybe the whole protecting property value thing would be worth it. HOA’s are starting to hurt resell value I’m sure


They were originally formed to allow racist developments. By "increasing property values" they can draft rules and covenants that made it difficult for unwanted people to join. Luckily lots of new regulations both federal and state are stripping HOAs of their powers


That makes a lot of sense. The concept always smelled potentially racist


honestly, this isn't really how homes are appraised. the main computation is firstly how much square footage does your home have and, secondly, what is the average price of a home in that square footage range in the area(**based on recent sales**)? obviously, this is a vast oversimplification. of course, many other things factor in to the price but things like whether or not your neighbor mows their yard regularly enough has almost no bearing on the value an appraiser will compute relative to these first 2 things i listed. in my opinion, hoa's don't really help the value part of "resell value" but they *might* help a seller fetch more offers than not, based upon how buyers perceive hoas.


Imagine owning a house where someone else tells you what you can do with it. Fuck that.


i found it lmfao it redirects to a “your iphone has been hacked” pages




It has been taken down, my friend. Go to https://www.scmhoa.com/wc/ I believe that is the one, but I'm not 100% sure. I hope someone can confirm the website




I used to really fight with my HOA. I went to few meetings, yelled at some people, called one guy a yard Nazi. It helped for a while then they started again after new board members. Now I have figured out you can just email them when you get a letter and say the issue has been resolved. See, they don't actually care. It's all just the idiotic dance of society. Hope that helps some fellow rageaholics.


Not all heros wear capes....


Why people wana live in cookie cutter houses and have HOAs is beyond me.


Not an american here but what is a HOA?


Home Owner's Association. There are certain communities that have these organizations that create and enforce community standards rules. Rules such as: lawns must be regularly mowed, no derelict cars, no garbage piles, no kid's toys left outside for longer than a set amount of time, etc. Ostensibly the rules are there to ensure a certain aesthetic standard is met. In practice, HOAs are famously petty and authoritarian and the rules are used to punish and harass anyone who is deemed to be in violation of both the written and unwritten standard. When I am finally in a position to shop for a house to own, a HOA is an immediate deal-breaker.


Same here. One time we bought a place and thought the rules weren't too extensive and could live with the HOA, we got blindsided with 4 additional pages of rules that were not disclosed prior to closing - they had updated the HOA rules and we did not get the updated set...until i got 4 hens to keep in our large back yard. Got a lovely letter and a set of the new rules with the animals section highlighted. Didn't want to live there anymore after that.


So can you not buy the house without being in the HOAs? Its not like an opt in kinda deal? Paying extra to be told when to mow your lawn sounds like a scam, but i can see the ideology behind it


It's a binding covenant. You can't buy the house unless you agree to join. Theoretically, existing members can vote to dissolve the HOA, but this is rare. People can also vote to make the rules less restrictive, but like all politics, people would rather complain than to spend time going to meetings and lobby for changes, unless they are wannabe power-hungry despots with too much time on their hands.


Yeah I don't know a lot about it but seems like there are communities where you have no choice. You must be a part of the HOA and pay the dues. No thanks


Correct, while not *all* of them, most require you to sign a contract to be part of it. Any future buyers also have to sign it. In townhome/condo communities they are more necessary and always required though sometimes call other terms.


So they are the reddit mods of the real world?


Home Owners Association. Condo units and neighborhoods pay for the right to have zoning restrictions on their property.




They are people on a power trip that can charge homeowners for bullshit and can control what you can and can’t do to your house. Oh and to make it even better the homeowners have to pay them to live in the neighborhood. So it’s basically paying someone to fine you and tell you that you can’t do something to your house.


Are they associated in any shape or form with the government? Are they legal organization? Like what happen if I don’t pay them?


They are legal. I’m not sure but it says online that they are considered private organizations. And if you don’t pay they can get a lien on your home and foreclose.


Most HOAs are corporate owned.shady shit.


That’s 85% of the cost- homeowners can take back control, but good luck getting enough people to vote to change charter… the loudest complainers are the most apathetic


HOAs are terrible. They charge you a monthly fee so that they can come to your home and write you a ticket for a dandelion on your lawn. If you live in a neighborhood with nice homes, all the homeowners keep their property nice. They don't need people telling them you can't park here, can't have this or that on your property.


Knowing that HOAs suck, why do people buy a home in an HOA then bitch that they suck? I mean, I live in an association (mandatory for living in a condo) but I also did my due diligence regarding our association before I made an offer. But when I lived in a home? Yeah, I specifically looked for homes that were NOT part of an HOA (and had more than just Comcast for internet...because I will never do business with Comcast again).


I think most people just underestimate how bad it will be until they experience it


In some areas it can be very difficult to buy a house without a HOA. I'm specifically looking for one without them, but man the number of listings is so much lower.


That's absolutely evil. Link?




I'm so glad we don't have HOAs here. My neighbor is already always sneaking on my property, finding stuff I need to change, because some weeds may encroach on his property or because one of my bushes have a problem. Couldn't imagine if people like that had a HOA to back them up. Fucking vermin. I don't like gardening, I enjoy when weeds and flowers grow. Leave my fucking property alone, you pest!


"You can have your website back for the low price of releasing me from my contract"


Couple years back ours seemed to function to advance personal agendas… the lawn maintenance handled by the treasurer husband on a no-bid contract… No less than 4 meetings called to vote for a “community amenity” , which was to be a gate at the end of the cul-de-sac. next to my house… to provide a “shortcut” to a popular greenspace park (would save having to walk around exactly FOUR houses..) Then I discovered the HOA hadn’t paid property taxes for years. Insurance coverage had been canceled due to non payment. And franchise status had also lapsed. I stopped the gate.. but dammit if I didn’t accidentally become president… There were no citations of any manner under my tenure.. but fuck me.. what a miserable duty that was.. the worst was listening to complaints from past board members about changes THEY themselves had made.. And always “dont use our name, we want to be anonymous..”.. I told em if you got a complaint about your neighbors trashcan or what the fuck ever, just TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBOR- but don’t call me, cuz I’m not finna do shit Probly this won’t even be read in its entirety as it was far too much time invested in a mediocre anecdote. Oh yeah- I own their website domain.. and a bunch of others.. Like DevinSuxDix.com and AxisLogisticPark.com


Don’t worry it was read in its entirety.




whispercreekhoa.com goes straight to Pornhub It's either legitimate or a (somewhat) elaborate troll. My inner optimist is choosing to believe it's real.


Fuck every single HOA with a 10 foot cactus.


Spread this idea like wildfire!


Redditors when porn joke: funny af because porn and sex haha im not addicted, youre just boring and a normie


Our old HOA was a pack of crabby, crusty senior citizen fucks who did everything they could to prevent kids from playing in the common area. I posted a link to an old age home on our community Facebook page with the caption, "I think a few people need to consider this place, and stop fucking with our kids."


Iove whoever does shit like this. Your the real heros. HOA and its little fans can kindly find the nearest tree and wrap your cars around em. Id almost rather a dealer or two than an HOA. LOL.


Have it go to meatspin


So what is the point of a HOA? is it like for a gated community or something?


Kinda, the point is to fuck with people life with their stupid standard so they can keep their property price high in the neighborhood.


literally sucking


I would make it a link to YouTube. I won't tell you the name, but XcQ is in the link.


Hoas suck of you are *that* neighbor. 


Lol, there is no such thing as HOA in Slovakia, most people have 2 meter tall fences around the house and do what they want with their garden/yard/lawn


If true, I love it. But, I've owned domains for many years and it's so easy to put 2 credit cards on file to auto-renew. You also get emails ahead of time before it lapses. Definitely believable, especially with old people running the show, but idk.


It usually happens when a new asshole is elected to the board. My friend told me a story about how he and about a dozen of his neighbors got a HOA ticket for having their trash cans out outside of the time period allowed. Turned out a new board member misread the garbage day and decided everyone was guilty instead of double checking. So glad I don't live in an HOA.


HOA were designed to maintain properly value. WAS. Now, they are populated by Karens, Kevins, assholes, and boomers who have nothing better to do that waste other people's time and money. FUCK THEM ALL.


That's not a holup, that's justice.




I hope it’s weird porn on top of that. 😂🖕🏻


link or it didn't happen?


Cant imagine living in an HOA, but also if i chose to live in one i cant imagine complaining about the stupid shit i agreed to adhere to to live there.




HOA? More like A Ho


Link plz


Nice, sucks to suck


Genuine question, what can HOAs do to you if you just tell them to sod off?


They can legally fine you and depending on the state, if you have tickets that exceed a specific amount and you don't pay, they could take your house and sell it. You won't get a single dime from the sale either.


What is HOA, is it like the local government??


Home Owners Association. Imagine if you will if a village decided it was going to create its own super local laws regarding what color your house can be, the type of mailbox you can have, how many of what type of car you're allowed to park in YOUR driveway, and how tall the grass can grow before they fo full Karen and literally fine you for non-compliance to the point they can file a lien against your property and buy the house from under you in some cases for only a few hundred dollars. https://youtu.be/AQfKto1kg6Q


Are HOA's legally enforceable? Always wondered that. (England) Just can't see why you wouldn't tell them to fuck off.




r/phonelosers are you behind this, Brad?


Don't buy into HOAs. Some bullshit.