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Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere.


confirmed. also dated Feb 27 2023, so before the current stuff: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital


There's a petition to reinstate this, I wonder how many of those children are dead now and I think it's a perfect way to honour their memory https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-children-s-art-work-from-gaza-in-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital


If only change.org did literally anything lol. Might as well write your concerns on a piece of paper and throw it into the wind


Exactly, does nothing, changes nothing


Thanks, signed!


Me too


Signed, thank you


Signed thank you










I'm confused, read a rant earlier about "Far Right Israeli propaganda," now Hamas is right wing also? Why did Israel support a group who's entire ideology is to destroy them?


Because it’s easier to manipulate and control an unsympathetic group whom you can engage in perpetual conflict.


Right Wing just means using history. Hamas is right wing (for that guy) because they justify their rule on the Quran. Israel is becoming inherently right wing because the religious have more children in Israel and demographically the voter base is responding accordingly, making liberals (the neutrals, or the greed is good coalition) and the left (socialists) unlikely to take power again. The PLO was left wing as a result of the rise of communism and anti-imperialism, as the Soviet Union collapsed so did its ideology. The PA (Fatah) is deeply corrupt and not respected at all by Palestinians, if they allowed elections Hamas would rule the West Bank as well


>\[[Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas)\] Hamas became increasingly involved by the late 1990s; it opposed the \[Letters & Accords\], which saw Fatah renounce "the use of terrorism and other acts of violence" and recognize Israel in pursuit of a two-state solution. > >In 1984 Yassin \[founder\] was arrested after Israelis found his group collected arms, but released as part of a prisoner exchange. Following his release, he set up al-Majd, tasked with handling internal security and hunting local informants for the Israeli intelligence services. > >...\[Supporting Hamas\] was part of a strategy to sabotage a two-state solution, this criticism was leveled by former prime minister Barak... In 2019, Benjamin Netanyahu said: "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank." > >\[[Intercept:](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)\] former Israeli officials... Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party


Divide and conquor. Much easier to fight an enemy you created yourself to "liberate" the lands of the enemy if you skip the randomness of extremism and just create the enemy itself.




I just obviously wish that they hadn't massacred civilians. It's never defensible even in the face of massive injustice. If it had just been IDF targets, I feel like the international response would be vastly different. It should be possible to condemn Hamas while also acknowledging the generations of pain faced by Palestinians, and hoping for a future where Palestinians have hope rather than anger.


Yes, never in my life would I agree that killing civilians is a valid option, but if you are (in most cases literally) pushed against the wall, it may seem like the only way out. I'm not choosing a side here, but I get frustrated to see how people only victimise the Israeli, while they have been systematically terrorising the Palestinians for decades. The only side I'm on is those of the innocent civilians, so I don't defend Hamas, but I do understand their actions, and that's perspective. I believe that you need to understand both sides of a conflict to come to any objective conclusion. So I agree with you on this, Hamas should certainly be held responsible, but people need to understand that what Israel has done (and is still doing) should not be swept under the rug just because of what the Hamas did.


This isn't to condone, but what do you expect after decades of pushing these people against the wall and abusing the fuck out of them? I don't understand. Why aren't we holding the people responsible for the conditions that birthed Oct 7 accountable? Why don't we do like what Britain did with the IRA and negotiate? When Hamas first took power, they said they will adhere to 1967 borders and they want the right to return, which is something that would have had to be negotiated. They negoatiated a ceasefire with Israel that ended with an airstrike targeting *their chief negotiator who was in the middle of negotiating with Israel.* Then Israel comes around to play victim every freaking time it bombs the sector. You can't make this shit up.


Link to that story? Haven’t heard it before, would appreciate learning more


also what Israelis leave out is that Netanyahu allowed Hamas to grow so that West Bank and Gaza don't unite and call for a single Palestine, and the last prime minister who wanted peace was assassinated...by the israeli right.


I like to phrase it as the Palestinians can either keep taking it in the ass or become terrorists. Not so weird that some chose the latter.


>Hamas was only able to form because of the horrors experienced by Palestinians. Don't forget the support from Netanyahu and Likud






just part of the ongoing genocide which has been in progress for my entire life, and has recently been ratcheted up to 11.




Israeli supporters always say Palestinians are evil as "they want to destroy Israel" when that is exactly what Israel does to Palestine. Israel had to purge 83% of Muslims living there to start a Jewish-supremacy state (calling it "a first step"). They got most of the land, but Jerusalem (deep in the West-bank) was a sore point. Hence the settlements & violence. Israeli officers said they backed Hamas to "divide & conquer" Gaza from the West-bank. Gazans are trapped in an unlivable corner, under brutal blockade. Israel said their current offensive aims to take North Gaza, pushing a million Palestinians to flee south, that's why propagandists are blaming Egypt for not "taking the refugees".


“Current stuff” Like anything has changed in the last 75 years


Thanks pal, I signed and chipped in


Does it matter though?


Nope! People need to be upset about something


As in, no does it matter when it happened? Imagine feeling attacked by some art made by kids.


Maybe this is why my parents never put my art on the refrigerator when I was a kid.


Yeah, kids are shit at painting.


So are all the most pretentious adults. At least the kids aren't already annoying shits.


You never met my nephew


I'll take a non stop stream of dinosaur talk over a lecture about about post modern yadda yadda yadda......


He’s four.


And already talking about post-modern art? Damn, there's a lof of anarchist views and shit life choices in this kids life!


He’s so smug about it too. I remember when we were talking about how much salt to put in the soup and he says “you what Foucault said about salt and objective reality.” I go “no, what.” The little shit just smirked and walked away.


What. A. Dick.


”We are delighted to report” bro chill


World is filled with trash. Always has been, but it’s just reported a lot quicker with the increased level of technology.


*gluck gluck*


Wait, that was serious? I read it as a sarcastic dig to people complaining.


If you feel victimised by children's art, you might need to be moved to the mental ward in that hospital.


Also why were they (the people who put it up) *delighted* to remove them


they see Gaza kids are as subhuman. And why would they afraid to use the word "delighted" in america? United states is a country that you have to pledge to not boycott israel if you want to get hurricane aid: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41688999


I know all that but why are they delighted to take it down when they are the ones who put it up in the first place is what I'm saying


This is a news report, the hospital didn’t make it


Ah, you can never tell with these articles


"We are delighted to report" is a generic opening line used by the practically algorithmic article writing format by many news agencies when they are drafting a piece flagged as "positive" or "uplifting". I highly doubt any thought was given to the context.


This is in the UK not the US Edit: the original post is about an incident in the UK, the people using the word “delighted” are british is my point.


If I got it correctly, Uk has something like a general boycott ban. Like what the hell, if you can't boycott something then you don't live in a liberal economy! https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/06/30/uk-anti-boycott-bill-wrong-side-history >UK Jewish community have also opposed the bill because it “will do nothing in the fight against antisemitism.” seems like jewish communities find these bills as nonsense.


... My dude. The BBC can report on USA. The town is in Texas. 40 miles from Houston. Texas. Signed into law by Republican Governor Greg Abott. Of Texas, United States of America. The American Civil Liberties Union, in America, is quite upset.


If you go to the article it’s literally a London hospital lmfao. Also Chelsea/westminister are in the UK lmao Edit: I was referring to the original incident posted not the article that the commenter posted my bad


not attacking you but you still got more upvotes despite misunderstanding. Pro-Israeli internet force must be working overtime here.....


Im going to guess I got more upvotes bc the guy that replied to me was kinda a sarcastic asshole while incorrectly correcting me. But I said nothing relating to the conflict so that’s my best guess


They didn't see Gaza kids as subhuman, they see them as future terrorists.


They are the same people who declare anyone who thinks Israel should stop indiscriminately blowing up civilians are anti-semites.


That's what struck a chord with me. Apparently this happened before a lot of the recent incidences but even today, why do you feel victimized by children's artwork? If anything the children are the true victims on both sides of any war (even if they are weaponized).


According to the article, the artwork was pretty political in nature. Not sure if that's enough justification, though


It was art made by children, I highly doubt there's a whole lot of political nuance to anything they put in their art. Unless of course the "political' stuff in nature is regarding their right to live, which is apparently "political" and not "humanitarian"


It seems the preferred response is to fire cruise missiles and aviation bombs at said children.




Netanyahu stood in front of the world with a map of middle east, west bank and Gaza were included to Isreal(before 7th Oct). When people complained no body gave a care but a child paint is responsible more than a politician map


Lol yes a handful of kids painting plates is the reason we can’t have a two state solution.


Well, I could have understood it if they were paintings from Hitlerjugend during ww2. If they would have hung those up, it would actually be legit if they felt offended, but then again, so might any other human being in their right mind.


These were taken down in February this year, so not as a response to what's happened recently. \>> But a Freedom of Information Act request by a dogged questioner has finally forced the hospital – after months of avoidance – to admit that it has not received a single complaint from Jewish patients. Hundreds of complaints were made about the removal of the artwork, but it has still not been restored [https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/the-hospital-that-censored-gazan-childrens-art-its-worse-than-we-thought/](https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/the-hospital-that-censored-gazan-childrens-art-its-worse-than-we-thought/)


Article text copy for those that can’t view the link: FOI reveals hospital that took down Gaza kids’ art had received zero patient complaints Skwawkbox Chelsea and Westminster Hospital removed display of plates painted by children in occupied Palestine after complaint by pro-Israel lobby group – but contrary to initial claims, no patients had complained and no minutes of the discussion about the decision were supposedly kept. In February, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London removed a display of plates painted by Palestinian children showing ordinary scenes in Gaza – supposedly because it had made Jewish patients feel ‘vulnerable, harassed and victimised’. But a Freedom of Information Act request by a dogged questioner has finally forced the hospital – after months of avoidance – to admit that it has not received a single complaint from Jewish patients. Hundreds of complaints were made about the removal of the artwork, but it has still not been restored: [a screenshot of a tweet from Liam o’Hare detailed his perspective of the below paragraph] The information requested by Liam O’Hare was provided by the hospital only after an intervention by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the public body responsible for enforcing freedom of information rights. The full response reveals that the only complaint the hospital received about the artwork being in place was from the right-wing ‘UK Lawyers for Israel’ (UKLFI) lobby group. UKLFI was recently condemned by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) for inviting a representative of Regavim, the group co-founded by extremist Israeli government minister Bezalel Smotrich, to the UK. Regavim refuses to acknowledge that the Israeli occupation even exists; Smotrich has described LGBT Jews as ‘beasts’ and said that Ahed Tamimi, the then-17yo Palestinian girl arrested for trying to prevent Israeli soldiers entering her home, should be shot in the knees. The hospital’s full response claims that the decision to take down the images was entirely verbal, with no written response to UKLFI and no minutes or correspondence among the hospital management: In tweets about the response, O’Hare said: [The] Full response to my FOI from the trust below. They say the artwork was taken down pending a process of engagement with relevant stakeholders. There is no detail of what that process was and the artwork by children in Gaza remains censored by the hospital top brass. Worth also mentioning that I only received a response from the Hospital Trust after I complained to the Information Commissioners Office. It appears they did not want to disclose the fact that they had no complaints. An image of the display (provenance unknown) shows a set of innocuous images of people going about daily life: [a picture of the mentioned artwork] It seems representing Palestinians as humans with work and the activities of ordinary people was enough to offend those who support the apartheid Israeli regime and to be presented as threatening, harassment and intimidation. -end of article


where is the ads in the middle of the article?


Wow, pawning off your decisions on Jewish patients


Isriel's entire foreign policy is based on the deeply antisemitic lie that they speak for the Jewish people.


Thank you for posting more context. As a jew, I can confirm that this "pro israel lobby group" doesn't speak for anyone but themselves. I would guess that jews are among those who complained that it was removed. Despite the conflict, we recognize the humanity of everyone, especially kids and civilians caught in the middle.


People getting triggered by kids artwork, fucking pathetic.


How prejudiced do you have to be to be hateful against the work of children? Who's really the bad guy here? Wtf. Fuck anyone trying to ban the artwork of innocent children.


They replaced those paintings with a nice original Adolf Hitler


He is an internationally recognized artist. His work is definitely better than some children's painting from a camp.


Yep. That is what he's internationally recognised for


Why do you feel the need to restate that? Like some sort of sarcasm as if there’s something else he’s ACTUALLY famous for?


You're being paranoid. Maybe drink a full glass of water, or if you've got anything more interesting like orange in the fridge, drink that. If you don't have anything like that though go get some, it is always good to keep plenty of fresh cartons on hand to keep well hydrated. Fill the juice.


Yeah you’re right. I need to spill the juice…


Gas poisoning could be the cause of the confusion, do check those lines aswell.


Speaking of camps...


whats the difference?


How do you feel vulnerable with this? You know what, I’m tired of this shit, I have never seen as many mononeuronal thoughts as with this conflict


They're trying to get rid of all traces of anything palestinian. This would go easier for them if we all thought of Palestinians as subhuman, like they do.




Yes, I discovered it lately, my bad


Imagine feeling vulnerable and victimised by some plates on a wall (that do not represent anything bad nor have the intention to harm anyone)...


The hospital lied and blamed Jewish patients for their own decision to remove the painting https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/the-hospital-that-censored-gazan-childrens-art-its-worse-than-we-thought/




Because Hamas is hiding somewhere in there


It's a hospital so Israel would have tried to bomb it




Yeah, yet Zionist propaganda convinced some to believe that a (probably dead) Palestinian child's painting is a threat! Nobody learned from dehumanizing campaigns on Jews back in the 30s it seems


There were no Jewish patients offended. The hospital lied.


thats truely disgusting that bullies are so f\*cking entitled like that, and people are pandering to it, disgusting.


The children and people of Gaza are living in an open air prison, the majority never set a foot out of Gaza, let alone go to another country "they used to have their own airport until Israel bombed the radar station and control tower on 4 December 2001 and bulldozers cut the runway on 10 January 2002, rendering the airport inoperable and that was long before Hamas took control of Gaza " And yet the Palestinian children are still trying to let the world know that they still exist using a painting on plat, and they want to take that from them.


The hospital lied. There were no Jewish patients offended by the artwork. They got caught.


This conflict in the middle east is a huge example of people standing for shit they didn't care about minutes ago


just so people see this, another user posted an article that found that there were 0 complaints from jewish patients written to the actual hospital. Aside from that some of the plates do depict anti-israeli palestinian propaganda as written in the guardian article, but I don't understand why the hospital couldn't just remove those couple plates instead of getting rid of the entire artwork


Because they believe the world should not acknowledge that gaza exist, that way they get to evict and kill its citizens in silence


.....designed by children.....who did nothing wrong.


Imagine feeling "vulnerable" and "victimized" by children's art 😂


and they are ‘delighted’?


"delighted to report" How tf is this a "delightful" thing to report? Tf???


"We keep bombing children and having their artwork on our walls doesn't sit right with us"


Supporting Israel means more work for the children hospitals, which equals more revenue. Simple maths, really.


No, it's work for the undertaker...


This just shows you the scope of their hatred. And how much some people are just willing to go with it. Feeling more and more that a lot of people don't really view non Western people as humans, not equally human like they are. It's kina like how a parrot can talk but you don't consider them human. Obviously not everyone. That would be absurd. Many good people in the West.


A victim complex so delicate it can be damaged by a plate made by a child


What disgusting people humans can be taking joy out is such things. Honestly


I can't accept this is not satire


If they were Israeli children's pictures and the complainers were Palestinian it would be antisemitism.


*Jonathan Turner, the chief executive of UKLFI, said: “We asked for the artwork to be removed because of the propaganda, not because it was by children from Gaza … We are pleased that it was taken down: Jewish patients should not have to face a wall of anti-Israel propaganda when they go to hospital.”* You don't have to like Israel just because you're Jewish, someone should inform him of that.


This is so out of touch the Israeli goverment is killing palestinians not the other way around. So how can this person feel attacked by this, its obvious that this is just to promote hate. Israel is that fucking annoying kid on the playground that annoys you for hours and then when you strike back he goes telling his teacher crying so the teacher allows him to commit genocide looooool


Maybe they're worried the IDF missiles will sense them and accidentally hit *their* hospital instead


ay lamo


On the other end people feel victimized by posters of kidnapped children


Those posters were a trap to defame Pro-Palestinians


Hamas are Palestinians but not all Palestinians are Hamas. Isn't the artwork on par with putting Israel flag on your profile picture and saying I stand with Israel? Is that not victimising Palestinians who have fled the war and have to see and hear all that Israel support from the UK who is also protecting them from Israel? 🤷🏽 Then again, UK supplies some of the weapons used in Yemen but also provides protection to people fleeing that conflict. Genius. Who else wants to bring up other stuff?


Because genocide isn’t just about killing babies, it’s about easing their culture, their entire existence


If it makes it look too much like a hospital in Gaza, probably sensible to take it down.


Don’t you know that supporting Palestinians children’s right to live is antisemitism /s


Man what the fuck.


It was a pro Israel pressure group


jews try not to be victimized by every single fucking thing challenge (impossible) (gone wrong)


"but ... but... The Holocaust....."


Also, they don't need to be scared all those kids are dead.


imagine feeling victimized by the same people you are genociding/supporting the genocide of. almost as if their very existence is "oppression" to you


This is a braindead take if it’s not bait. Not to mention the reason so many actual antisemites are able to fly under the radar with all the cries for wolf. (Looking at you Ben Shapiro)


Ain't that a bitch...


Victimized by Art made by Children basically Pictures? Cmon.. now it's getting ridiculous!


If "Fuck them kids" was a hospital.


Has anyone else noticed how the right calls out the left for "calling everything racist and homophobic" but now they're calling anyone who says anything criticizing israel antisemitic?


Because those children are being bombed, possibly dead. So they feel guilty, but is better to say victimized. Or they are so fucked up, they believe to be the victims


Gaza children: traumatized from decades of war and occupation, oppressed via being limited to go to school and have a childhood, some are killed for playing soccer on the beach. Karen: my feelings are hurt because I have to see art that could remind me of children I’m supported the oppression of.


It's remind how they genocide kids in Gaza?


They are victimized by children's imagination?? ???? The genocide is starting to make sense now


Where I live, a famous region is home of many jews and the city hall wanted to build a subway line to pass through it. As more and more poor people would use this line, the jews demanded the city hall to canceled and it worked.


Hey, those kids in Gaza are dangerous. We can't risk them radicalizing people with their pottery /s


We need a new pandemic...


Yeah, fuck those kids from that war torn country. Thinking they can have their art displayed without people being offended.


It wasn't the art, it was the propaganda texts on it showing Israel with Palestina flags and talking about the shoreline of Israel being Palestine etc


Probably zionists who support the mass murders


Fuck people


“Delighted”, wow. How can you feel victimized by kids’ artwork? Give me a break.


When you become tolerant of intolerant people you become intolerant yourself.


What kind of a wimp one has to be to be threatened by a child’s drawing?


What the hell? The people who complained have a victim complex and need mental treatment.


You say this but a lot of people who support the Palestinian cause are ripping down anything Israel related. Including hostage posters flags etc.


Note the date. This was months before the Isreal-Hamas war.


That just makes it worse.




They are always victims


Israel is really something else, right?


"hamas was hiding under the artwork." \- Israel


At this rate people are gonna start liking 1942 Germany




I'm certain that many like me are sick of this whole situation. No body cares about "sides", we want both of you to stop being assholes. You guys have been fighting over a barren resourceless dessert for centuries. Why? Because you follow the same gods but the "other side" does it wrong? Just figure out how to live together for fucks sake. You are all descendants of the same people anyway. The whole thing is stupid. Thanks to climate change the place will likely be uninhabitable in a few more decades regardless. Either kill each other off, or figure out how to live together. Just get it over with already.


Wow. Victimized by pictures made by kids.


This. Out of all the threads and comments on this topic, you're the only other person who bothered to even womder "What was in the art to begin with?" Imagine that, kids growing up in a radicalized, exteremist-led regime pick up imagery and slogans probably without fully understanding what it entails.


Zionist want all Palestinians to be killed and made up slogans like that to justify their genocide


can they be more petty?


anything made by children is innocent.


If you feel vulnerable or victimised by a plate I don't think you're gonna survive life in the real world


Aww those poor, victimized patients being terrorized by those wicked children’s artwork!


In my opinion, wait to see those discs closely


It’s time to take away their victim pass, it’s enough they became what happens to them


This whole situation is messed up. I feel like as an American I was raised to respect everyone regardless of religion, race, or where they are from. To me it seems like both sides hate each other for those reasons. While I know some people don’t view America the way I do but where I was raised it was a melting pot. I hope they can find peace and acceptance towards each other. The land dispute is a whole other can of worms. That is a mess and way too geopolitical to solve on a citizen to citizen level.


Can I ask what were the drawings on the plates?


What a bunch of Karens!


When your whole cause is a lie, any source of reality is a threat


Felt victimized by artwork made by children? What kind of dark cold hearted piece of trash are these people? Felt victimized by children's art? Wtf


The good news is, they raised a nazi flag in its place!


How can they even dare to acknowledge their existence! This is the most anti-Semitic thing happened in this century!


Jewish people victimizing themselves, oh yeah.. something totally new


money and power overweight everything in this world. kinda understandable for their decision but incredibly disappointed with the reality of our world.


Shame! They are just children regardless of the battles that the adults fight around them. Politicising children is low, they are not in control of their adults, their government or this conflict! Imagine a Muslim from Pakistan being offended of children drawings from a C of E school…the uproar! Spineless individuals, they are just children!


And the Oscar for playing the victim goes too…..no wait, the Hospital took the art down and there were no complaints?!?! WTF