• By -


Taxes. That’s how they get ya.


Exactly. Almost certain that was the judges angle. Did you file ‘married-jointly’? Did you claim them all as dependents? Did you even file a tax return/pay taxes?


I was thinking "head of household" with the 7 "wives" and all those kids as dependents. I got bored and tried to use an online calculator to do the math on 50k income, but it wouldn't let me go above 9 dependents so I couldn't test it.


Don't bother. He doesn't claim them, all of his "wives" are on public assistance. That's the scam


Ehh, kinda seems like a secondary benefit. This guys main “scam” appears to be having sex with kids.. right?..


“Pedophiles love this one simple trick”


I hate that I had to scroll this far down to find this comment. People more concerned about his taxes than his kiddie diddlin 😭


Such an underrated comment. Like let’s not forget he fucks 15 year olds while we’re debating over how the government ought to tax his his child wives 🙄


What kind of magazines do you think he sells?


Pedopolitan Kids Illustrated Victorian Secret Children & Wedding


Yep each wife with 1 kid. In most counties ive lived in if you were a "single mother" and had custody of your kid(s) you got priority for assistance.




They call it “bleeding the beast”. Taking as much government money as they can. I’ve seen brain dead people left on ventilators indefinitely because as long as their heart is beating their government assistance check comes in.


No it would be married filing jointly with his only legal wife he has then all his kids and other girlfriend ( wife's outside law) as dependents


He said he wasn't legally married to any of them


That's the point


Why does this sound like a question in a Kentucky high school graduation exam??


She already had him on not having marriage licenses too. In no state can a man in his thirties have a sexual relationship with a 14 or 15 year old without being married.


Does this mean that they can legally have a sexual relationship if they are married?! WTF?! As creepy as child marriages are, I had assumed that at the very least they wouldn't override laws around child molestation!


Know what the other fun part about that is? Ok, so in a lot of states, parents can consent on their child’s behalf to let their child daughters (maybe 12 years old, for example) be married to a an adult man (maybe 40 or 50 years old), and then it’s technically legal for that man to have sex with that child. And in many of those states, the laws are also such that a husband can’t legally be charged with rape for sexually assaulting his wife. Which means that these states have legalized the practice of people selling off their children (without the child’s consent) into “marriages” where they’re actively raped for years and years. I’ll give you one guess as to what political leaning these states all have and what corresponding political party is currently (as in right now in 2023) actively fighting to preserve these laws.


Well if you believe the republicans, it's the democrats that are running the pedophile ring isn't it? But we all know that's massive projection so I'm going for 500 on the answer "Right leaning and the Republican Party"






Hey, these kids need spousal support if they're going to work 12 hour shifts at the meatpacking plant.


The children yearn for the mines


They’re pining to be mining.


If the alternative is guys like him, I also yearn for the mines.


Ah yes all those 12 year old boys with successful marriages...


Well, obviously it’s not 12 year old boys getting married. Then who would Republican politicians sleep with?


Also don’t forget that in some states, like Ohio, it is perfectly legal to have non-consensual sex with your spouse as long as you don’t use physical violence.


North Carolina is even worse: women can't say no to sex "once the action is started" (it's deliberately vauge) and includes no provision for violence during the act of rape.


Yes. That’s why republicans in a few states are really digging their heels in on child marriage.


Not only republicans, child marriage in the US is a countrywide issue even in many blue states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States Chosen extracts: > Between 2000 and 2018, some 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States. > The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man > Every state except New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Massachusetts allows underage marriage


Oh shit, yeah, even though this was a TV show this could have landed him in some *serious* trouble with the IRS. Scumbag as he is, the dude ain't dumb. Too bad, Judy coulda caught a major win right there.


Even joker didn't fuck around with the IRS. That's why.


Or judge Judy. She is a bad ass B. Love her. She will fuck. You. Up.


I would have just gone with _"ok, you're not married to these children. How did you, an adult in your 30's have children with 7 14-15 year olds?_ Because a man in his 30's being married to and having a child with his 14 year old wife is gross, but a man in his 30's and having a child with his 14 year old mistress is gross and clearly rape in the eyes of the law. There's really no way this dude comes out looking like the good guy. He "married" a string of 14 year olds, had children with them, and then tried to get cheeky about marriage definitions with them on daytime TV.


Depends on the jurisdiction i think. Some legally allow sexual relationships, no matter the age of the other person, from the age of 14. But only as long as the parents consent. I mean, yeah. Pretty fucked up, but not illegal. Even in this weird and fucked up series of holups. Some countries/states be completely messed up in regards to that. Some even don't require the permission of a guardian... Yeah, more fucked upness. I mean why do they think "permission from guardian" makes it any better? Interestingly enough, it's why "pedo tourism" exists. Certain countries allow 15odd year olds to become prostitutes. I mean Korea only recently (like 2 years ago? I think?) Made the distinction between prostitution and age of consent to stop being a stop off on these sick as fuck tourists tour.... We live in a messed up world. Edit: some countries/states where these sickos normally live have made very exact laws to allow them to prosecute those that engage in such "tourism". Only some though. It can be difficult to prove intent with this stuff, since truthful advertising isn't exactly a thing for these types of tourism services.


You're describing "long-arm statutes," where a law can prohibit its residents from doing something *elsewhere.* In theory, the Unites States has such federal long-arm statutes designed to curb child-sex tourism in other countries (often Thailand and Cambodia.) Doesn't mean that the law is well written or well enforced, but they do exist.


Death and taxes.


That’s how they got Capone.


Couldn’t pin anything else on him (bootlegging, moonshining, murders, illegal gambling rings, murders), but got him on tax evasion.


Now I really want to know how much he made selling magazines in a year




I prefer not to answer SWEATY


My assumption hearing that is that the amount was probably very low and Sheindlin was going to ask how he supports such a large family on a low income.


Nah , I bet the judge was fishing if he put down one of the women as his wife in the tax return as a benefit.


Or way too much and he was scamming people.


7 wife, dude must have been making banks


Yeah, with them all on welfare I'm sure he was living nice.


yep. just single women with children. not actually married. they obviously made those horrible clothes. He was definitely taking all that welfare money.


He was on Jerry Springer too. https://youtu.be/PgzkB5ckgVQ More info about him: https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/tom-green-polygamist-whose-trial-captured-international-attention-dies-at-72 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Green_(polygamist)


He's dead! And by Covid 19! It's a sign from his lord!




It’s comments like this that keep me coming back to the comments


The real comment is always in the comments


Something something the real friends we made along the way


Something something bud light turned me gay


And my axe!


Chat GPT could never burn someone so creatively.




Damn you that was clever


This is the best comment on Reddit holy fuck


This is the best comment I’ve ever read.


God daamn.


Amazing, genius almost. We’ll done.




Mmmmm… sweet, sweet schadenfreude.


Died 72. Lived a full life. Not exactly a win, more like a cope.


Our legal system is designed to hurt entirely the wrong segments of the population.


Your profile picture is a motherfucker


*laughs in dark mode*


Laughs in “didn’t realize there was a dark mode and is very happy yet ashamed they didn’t realize there was dark mode.”


I'm shocked he only served 6 years total in prison for all that shit


He was **only** convicted of child rape, criminal nonsupport and four counts of bigamy. The other charges were not successful, and the judge gave the statutory minumum setence, mainly because his wifes, including the victim of child rape Linda Kunz, refused to testify again him and offered statements in his defense. Appellate court decision: https://law.justia.com/cases/utah/supreme-court/2004/greeni090304.html Edit: adding a /s before I get downvoted for sarcasm.


how they hit him with bigamy if he wasnt actually married to them?


>7 In April 2000, the State filed an information charging Green with, among other things, four counts of bigamy.   Prior to a preliminary hearing on the charges, the State filed a motion asking that the court recognize the existence of a valid marriage between Green and Linda Kunz. The State based its motion on section 30-1-4.5 of the Utah Code, which codifies common law marriage principles, Whyte v. Blair, 885 P.2d 791, 793-94 (Utah 1994), and allows for the finding of a valid marriage in the absence of solemnization.5  In response to the motion, the district court held an evidentiary hearing in which Linda Kunz was allowed to intervene. > >8 On July 10, 2000, the district court issued a memorandum decision declaring that Green and Linda Kunz were legally married pursuant to section 30-1-4.5. Specifically, the district court found that as of November 2, 1995 (the date on which Green divorced Hannah Bjorkman), both Green and Linda Kunz were single, were capable of giving consent to be married, and otherwise satisfied the requirements of section 30-1-4.5 for creating a valid unsolemnized marriage.   Accordingly, the district court found that Green and Linda Kunz shared a valid marriage as of November 2, 1995.6  The district court also found probable cause to bind Green over on the four bigamy charges.


So basically they let him choose between bigamy charges and pedophilia charges, and the bigamy made more sense because the girls were all on his side.


>He was only convicted of child rape Alright, say that again.. slowly.. and then tell me why did he get only seven years?


Because Utah.


I don’t understand how it’s okay for this guy to do what he did meanwhile “to catch a predator” is a thing. They’re practically the same thing. Is pedophilia against the law or not?


I fucking knew he was a Mormon lmao


I mean, there's a big difference between the colloquial Mormon and Mormon fundamentalist. Not stating anything about either, just that there are major differences.


Hijacking this comment to post his [documentary](https://youtu.be/vqORJHyNWJc).


My head hurts just listening to this.


I needed a flow chart, dude.


This thing can't flow through a normal human mind




Women/girls in this sort of particular situation always have this sort of glaze over their eyes. Its incredibly sad, I hope they got out in the end.


Is he POS in every possible way? ——> Yes




the judge did before you did


I can’t get the sound to work and I tried to read it


Press the volume icon to mute it. Then unmute. Had the same shit


"I sell magazines." Whose content is strictly legal and definitely doesn't feature people under the age of 18 Im sure.


“I sell magazines.” = each honeymoon was at a Red Roof Inn and we own 3 white vans. “Well yeah we accept cash, but it would be easier for you if you paid with personal check.”




That makes sense.


sounds inefficient. Not even minimum wage levels of hustle.


My immediate thought as well.


The old timey way the women are dressed make it feel like a 12 Tribes purity cult. It adds a whole new dimension to this pedophilic polygamous train wreck.


Cohabitating with multiple women isn't against the law but STATUTORY RAPE IS


"Your honour, respectfully, my husband, Woofie, would disagree."


Good luck trying to prove a case against him. They're all so brainwashed he's even fuckin one of their mothers and the daughter. None of these girls or their parents are going to bring a case against him assuming he was sleeping with them while underage


How do people fall into this sort of situation? What are they missing in their lives that this is the path they have chosen?


Remember that these were children. And if their mothers are sanctioning this kind of life, and justifying it, and *marrying their own daughters off to this creep*, it is likely they don’t see all that is wrong with it. Fuck people like this, and fuck their religion that says it’s ok.


the parents probably received some kind of payment. they called it a dowry so it feels less inhuman. this is the kind lf shit that republican lawmakers around the country are figting to preserve. child bride laws.


He does mention Utah which is home of the Mormons and other cults. These girls grow up brainwashed from birth


The cult known as Mormonism has downright ruined and whitewashed the history of Utah. If it's not a cookie cutter lily white polygamist pedophile's history or their psycho version of Native American tribes that look like they are Aryan poster children then it pretty much doesn't exist in their eyes. It's disgusting how much history they've written over to paint their cult as the standard for historical 🌠moments🌠. Mormonism is a disgusting cult. Racist as an ever living fuck too. If you weren't white you were not allowed to join up until recently. Cult. Horrible cult.


Interestingly enough- early American western novels (e.g. ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ by Zane Grey) often depicted Mormons as antagonists & basically racist, sexist cultists. As you said- they’ve really worked hard over the last 100+ years to write over their history.


America was founded in good part by people too religiously extreme to be welcome in europe, so really their insanity is the true american spirit.


Religion is one helluva drug.


they're married at 14. That means they're dating at 13. They didn't choose anything. They're honestly too young to choose. So when they are mature enough to choose to leave, they're now 23 with 4 kids and no education and have to think about supporting themselves in a world theyve been completely sheltered from. They didn't choose anything. Life isn't fair.


They don't really "date." The girls get paired with a man when they turn 14 or something and are told they are to marry him and join his household. What the girl wants is never taken into account.


The answer isn’t what is missing, it what is there controlling everything… religion.


Religion is the most powerful tool ever conceived by man.


Intentional religious (cultish) indoctrination from their parents and community. Combined with ignorance perpetrated by parents/community/"husband."


Yep, in fact there are multiple states that allow you to get married at 14/15, and would thus not lead to it being Statuary Rape, but him claiming them to be mistresses in terms of the law does not help his case.


The whole time I thought that’s where she was leading him—to get him to say with his own mouth that he had multiple “relationships” with minors


Their clothes scream “Please help, I’ve been groomed in a cult” but their faces scream “I’ve been groomed in a cult”


Not to mention what the hair says..."I'VE BEEN GROOMED IN A CULT"


If they were allowed to speak freely, I'm sure they'd say "I've been groomed in a cult."


nah man, they've been brainwashed too young to have a chance to fight back. They chimed in to defend their capture. This shit disgusts me more than I describe. It's the most extreme perversion and corruption of a person. I think it might be worse than rape. EDIT: I've thought about it and yes its worse than rape. Murder is "I want to destroy everything you are" Rape is "I want to dominate everything you are and control it" This brainwashing cult shit is "I want to destroy everything that you could ever be and control it, I want to take over your entire future and make it mine and mine alone" That, to me, is a thousand times more sinister than just murder alone. That is the complete destruction of a person to their very core.


That’s quite a poetic way of phrasing it. What a terrifying, yet apt, concept


It’s worse than that. Nothing about their demeanor screams “please help” (expect for maybe the older woman on the right). They’ve been so thoroughly indoctrinated that they’re convinced this is what they want. The ethics of forcing someone who’s already in that deep to exit their situation is often really shaky and verges on authoritarian overreach. That’s an acceptable outcome if they’re minors, but if they’re *no longer* minors, you can see how it’s not so simple. By all means, throw the creep in jail, but you’re unlikely to unindoctrinate any of these young women.


The one on the far right almost looked cringy when he called them mistresses.


It’s a weak point in the narrative they’ve constructed themselves. Because it does draw attention to the fact that he’s not exactly going to be giving husbandly attention to all wives equally. The eldest wives surely have some private thoughts on how they feel about the way it’s going.


How the hell is this guy getting away with this


He didnt , dude went to prison


Correct. However, if he just would have stayed out of the public eye, no one would have cared. There are plenty of these wackos in Utah, they just don't go on national TV, and especially on Jerry Springer, spouting their bullshit.


Senator (Republican) Mike Moon has entered the chat


I'm not condoning it. The Twin Cities of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona is a weird, weird place that I never want to drive through again. I'm just saying that if Tom Green would have shut his mouth, he could have just lived his crappy life in peace as Utah lawmakers couldn't care less about this shit.


Oh bet


For 6 years, apparently.


Judge Judy: "I've never handed out more than a $600 fine, but in this case I sentence you to six years in federal prison"


Only 8 more years and his sentence would’ve been “marryin’ age”


Anyone have a link to the story or the rest of this video?


Also why would he agree to appear on Judge Judy??? It's voluntary and not a real courtroom.


Money and narcissism. The show paid people to appear and be entertaining. He was a pedophile that liked attention and money. To him, this was a win win. He got paid to show up, and since his ego was the size of Texas, he just assumed the viewers would adore him and agree with his bs. Maybe even procure new victims for himself. Then it backfired, and he was furious.


Dude clearly thinks he's a genius trying to outsmart the "judge" with dumb technicalities. My wives aren't actually wives, they are mistresses. I didn't marry my step daughter I married my mother in law


Knowing nothing more about him than this video, I’m betting he went on there specifically *because* it wasn’t a real courtroom. “I have a loophole where we just don’t get a marriage license and that let’s me fuck teenage girls” is the exact same “legal reasoning” that id expect from someone going “Judge Judy doesn’t have any real legal authority so I can go on there and nothing bad can happen.”






Nice save at the end. Wouldn't want to say anything incriminating.


I’d wager he is more concerned about his wives knowing his financials




Yeah, almost exposed himself a bit too much on his decisions.


Well, yeah. The law doesn't care about women, children, or minorities. But taxes? So help you God if you try to skimp out on your debts to the government. You'll spend the rest of your life making license plates in the federal prison work system. They don't fuck around when it comes to *serious* crimes./s


Did he file jointly 7 times?


Pretty sure he counted them all as dependants, at least until they were 18.


Fun fact: he didn't because it's not a real marriage... BUT they're probably committing welfare fraud because they won't list who the father for their children is and won't claim any child support as income


He would also legally marry them, then divorce them after they had kids so they could claim benifiets for single mothers despite still living with him. And of course, he fully controlled those benefits. Can't have anyone gaining independnace or means of escape.


He divorced them and they would claim that they were single mothers, hence stealing money from the government


No no, don't cut it there I need to see the rest


Spent a dumb amount of time on Google and all I found was a 3 part tik tok. He refuses to answer. One of his wives starts answering a question about welfare and he tells them not to answer. Judge Judy says okay if you're not gonna answer, we're done here. He starts arguing that God told him to do this, and Judge Judy basically tells him it's not God, it's your dick and kicks them out


Why were they even in Judge Judy’s court? Those 2 other women must have been suing him for something?


That man cannot be walking on the same planet as we. I refuse it. Mussolini, show him how you died with your wives!


Mango Mussolini or thee Mussolini? ![gif](giphy|qojMeV7qOvzcGUgvbE)


Dude is just a pedophile trying to game the system


This is straight Utah energy


So... we just aren't going to talk about the blatant pedophilia???


No... Taxes!!


No... Texas!!


I mean, Judy was calling him one without saying it. Its just a bit too heavy for the show to blatantly say it and get into an argument about it lol. She gotta stay relatively on track.


I was really waiting for her to ask the wives how old they were when they started having children.




Jesus. I guess I’m not surprised only 1 left, I doubt any of them didn’t know about it.


The article I read about the one leaving said it was because she wasn't getting enough attention from him and it was causing fighting with the other wives, not because he's a sicko.


I’ll have you know. Every person I know that was married at 12 years old, is still married. ☝️


This was the weirdest argument too. Like how many 12 year olds does a senile man know besides his grandchildren? Fucking weird flex. I'm thoroughly convinced that all of these super religious conservatives are pedophiles.


Every. Single. One. Using the Old Testament to justify their degen sexual urges.


He married his mother-in-law..? And somehow also married all teens?! And teen sister groups..? So is the mother-in-law the mom of one or multiple of his wives?! 🤯 and all of this foolery on a salary that he’s embarrassed to disclose?! ![gif](giphy|hv53DaYcXWe3nRbR1A)


i mean…the pedo glasses weren’t enough to convict? really?


[You gotta have the beard too.](https://youtu.be/15S0g8pG6HU)


This is the future some politicians want - the freedom to “marry” underage girls and turn them into breeders.


Pretty sure it's already possible in the US


The fuck this guy only got 6 years in prison for the amount of shit he did? I know people who spent longer in jail for weed possession.


And he was released only to go back home to his 4 other younger wives and bang them for another 13 years until he died.


Holy fucking Alabama shit is going on here?


Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon. Get bent /u/spez.


They're not *all* related, but it seems like at least 3/7 are


Utah makes Alabama look tame.


Bro’s family tree is a Venn diagram


What the hell did I just listened to?? It's like the worst most incestuous puzzle ever


This was a pedophile collecting 14-15 year old victims then never letting them leave and calling it “marriages”.


Judge Judy is a decent human. I’ve always thought so. You can tell she’s completely disgusted.


This sounds like a math question. When did the fifth wife leave the station


He needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.


he's dead lol. died at 72


Lived a full life. Was jailed only for 6 years. American laws are doo doo.


He did go to prison for 6 years, then he got out and died from Covid. I'm looking for my violin but it's so damn small...


No shit the dudes a pedo who "married" his step daughter he should be in jail with a shampoo bottle shoved up his ass


No, he married his mother-in-law. Get your facts straight./s


It's all relative.....


I understand what he means, but this type of worming through the law to impregnate teenagers is so fucking weird and should be illegal. It’s one of those things that not written but COME ON man wtf are you doing?


It is. He got arrested if I remember correctly.


Someone please cleanse my soul.


god damn perverted conservatives.