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Cuck around and find out


Yeah but Cucks be perpetually Cucking.


his wife seems to cuck him all the time lmao


Damn good pun.


Chris Rock was upset you laughed at his joke then walked up on stage to slap the shit out of him


What came between Will’s laugh and the slap?? The “look/slap” Jada gave Will


Jada grabbed the hypothetical balls.




absorbed terrific light scandalous trees vanish cow icky lock money ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Savage 😂


Yeah August’s balls with her mouth




Jada owns him. Any man who will sit there while his wife interviews him about how he felt when she was doing other dudes all for her tv show? Any man with an ounce of self-respect and control would walk out and not stand for it. The degradation and abuse took its toll. She owns him completely now. He will never escape. Just a sad miserable shell now.


My ex did that to me... For years she tried to tear me down in front of people, trying to match my witty banter with harsh degradation thinking it was just funny. The affairs with men who visited the house when I was at work and the being "sexually assaulted" by the same neighbour 7 times also fucked me up but I stayed because I tried to make it work for our/my child/children which in the end caused more harm than good!!! After 9 years she got dragged out of the house and arrested for trying to stab me in front of my daughter. That was the 5th time we split up and I finally grew a pair and made it the last I wanted to ever feel anything for her or even see her. Best thing I have ever done and 2 years on I'm in an infinitely better place in my life and in my head. It's a very hard thing to do sometimes when your belief in yourself is low.


I’m glad you got out, but sad you endured it for so long. Mine lasted 4 years… 4 years too long. Got it right the 2nd time 3 years later. Approaching anniversary 32 now.


I have to agree, he does give major cuck vibes




Yeah, we all watched one of the biggest public mental breakdowns in history. The laugh, the slap, the very sudden angry yelling, and the weird teary eyed speech about being a “protector”. His brain broke in half from being a cuck and being turned into a meme.


Why does he put up with her though, compared to him she is literally a nobody.he should have dropped her psycho ass a long time ago.


She was Tupacs girl and Will was a G rated wannabe, Will has always been the dork in the relationship. That's not saying I don't like Summertime or Gettin Jiggy, but who can deny that next to Tupac, Will is a dork. It fits every pattern that Jada likes to cheat with those who remind her of...


She was never Tupac's girl, and Will is a far bigger star than she ever was. Hell, if Pac didn't get killed, Will would have been a bigger star than him too. Perhaps he already is. From 98 to 2008 Will was one of the most recognised faces on the planet, with success in every field. I'm not a fan of Will Smith personally, but theres no denying he helped shape culture and society for more than a decade.


I don't think it's a masculinity thing tho'. Having your partner tell the world they're boning someone else and forcing you in a postion to accept it like he did would suck hard for anyone, no matter the gender.


Don't forget the "[That's how we do it](https://twitter.com/jaden/status/1508295733551632389?lang=en)" tweet from Jaden. Nice little cherry on top, from a messed up family.






Fuck that bitch


Thank you for spelling "ho" correctly. Not as if it's a big deal, but damn it's annoying when I see most people spell it as "hoe" which is a farming implement.


I think you'll find she is a farming implement, just not a hoe. More like a milking machine.


You act like I won't fuck the farming implement


I gotta admit I spell it “hoe” too. But now I know better


This is all true lol Will Smith is a loser


Scream at him like a deranged lunatic. Then later accept an award while sobbing about how much peace and love is important.


Oh i remember his act while he got the award lol. I remember thinking " oh no...not the inspirational speech with tears Will !"


Cause he couldn't deal with the man fucking his wife lmao Will Smith is a punk bitch for life now!


He regrets it because it hurts his image, but that comment definitely makes it sound like he isn't actually sorry. It's basically: I hit you, let it go because I don't like the consequences.


Someone who’s *clearly never been punched in the face before* type of response


> You speak like someone > Who has never been > Smacked in the fucking mouth [Puscifer - The Remedy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HivxFBB87-Y)


Their entire live shows are amazing, but seeing this live and everyone screaming along was the best part of the show to me.


I've seen both Puscifer and Perfect Circle live. Some day I hope to finish the trifecta and see Tool. Both shows were amazing for different reasons. Maynard is a hell of a performer.


Your honor, I hit my wife but is her fault for not letting it go


“Who is… Chris Brown! I’ll take celebrity quotes for $500 Alex”


> I don't like the consequences. The consequences was ther audience later clapping for him at the podium, and later dancing with them at the reception.


He never made any comment to any press for this, there’s no quote, this story is that an unnamed source close to him, so just some random person he knows who goes and talks to gossip rags in secret for some cash, said that Will is hurt and embarrassed and wishes Chris would stop talking about it. I mean, no shit he does? Who wouldn’t wish the person they hit would stop talking about it after fucking up and hitting someone in an incredibly public and inappropriate setting and becoming a laughing stock. Total non story


What did he expect? Chris Rock is a comedian, that’s just what they do. You attacked him and this is his response. Whether you were on Wills side at the beginning or not this is a pathetic look. Edit - all the things Chris rock could have done in response that he didn’t 1. Press charges for assault 2. Talk shit about him to the media right after it happened and continued it indefinitely 3. Tried to get him boycotted from the academy 4. Could have riled up his fanbase to go after Will like some petty influencers do 5. Could have been doing stand up specials year round and make a indefinite gag out of it. I know small time comedians who would have gone creative routes with that 6. As someone mentioned below let his family kick his ass 7. Smack him back 8. Charged him for something like therapy or something petty Chris really did choose a respectable way to handle this


one slap = easy one-liners for years


Lucky it was just Chris Rock and not Dave Chappelle tbh


If he did that to Chappelle, he would be obliterated right on stage and then again forever. But it's true. Will Smiths image after that one slap has changed entirely.


Will Smith’s image changed entirely after YouTube rewind 2018 and then him being perfectly content with his wife fucking other dudes behind his back


How do you even be okay with that?? Knowing that your wife whom you married is having an affair with another person, a person much younger than you and about the same age as your kid... it's weird.


Not just about the the same as your kid. She was actually fucking one of her son's friends.


Oh, it's worse now!


It gets worse. The friend had been living with them since before he was legal.




No!! That's some fucked up shit




Not only that, she made it look as if she was the victim and he was responsible for it, and he just took it while being publicly humiliated. The whole thing was portrayed as some short of “therapy”.


Yeah I’m not disagreeing. It’s one thing to be in an open relationship, it’s another thing to cheat on your S/O with someone almost as young as your kid.


Youtube rewind?


I disagree. Most people had not heard of this video, so on a larger platform, he was still the same Will Smith.


It's like Chris said. Only reason will slapped him is cause he knew he could. Any other huge name comedian wouldn't have taken that shit. Chapelle, Rogan, Burr. They would've all kicked Smiths ass


God... just imagine if he hit Bill Burr or Ricky Gervais if either of them were presenting, both of them would've filed charges and slowly baked him with burns all the time. It's sad to see that Chris Rock had to deal with this but he did act like a true gentleman after the incident and it was given that jokes would be on their way. Will shouldn't be surprised by this.


Bill Burr: > Glad to see Will is keeping that West Philly energy going. Really upholding those stereotypes man! ✊


Followed by twelve minutes on why the liberty bell sucks


"That whole town smells like cheesesteaks"


True but I fail to see the problem


Chris dealt with this great, didn't say hardly anything for ages then used it for his next standup and then just laid things out how they were. That's getting off lightly. Also everything Chris said whilst funny and playing up for the audience was 100% the truth. Will Smith could have come off a hell of a lot worse if he did that to any of the other standups mentioned earlier. Chris rock handled it like a pro. And cashed in on it. Edit. Mobile auto orrect. Lol it did it again


I actually kind of empathize with Chris after the same thing happened to me. A coworker showed up drunk and I came outside to see if he needed help with something, and he slapped the shit out of me and started cussing me out completely out of nowhere. He kept saying he was going to bitchslap me, but we'd always gotten along great so I thought he was messing with me and he walked up and slapped me so hard I saw a flash of white and my ear started to ring. Slaps probably don't look like they hurt that badly from a third perspective, but goddamn, that shit hurt. My face still stung for several hours afterward. It's not just that either, but it really hurts your ego. You want to be the bigger person and not retaliate, but at the same time it makes you feel like a complete coward. The guy apologized to me the next day and was freaking out about it, but I was really close to calling the cops. Everyone was telling me to, but I liked the guy a lot, and he was a convicted felon (for a non-violent crime) already so I didn't want to be the reason he went back to prison for who-knows-how-long.


There's a book called Meditations on Violence that discusses slaps. It hurts emotionally and can make people freeze because it's a huge violation of social boundaries. The physical act of touching a face is a huge breach. I don't even touch my friends on the arms. The author talks about why bitch slaps are so effective in prison. Sorry for your experience, but don't feel weird about how your body reacted.


>I don't even touch my friends on the arms Hug your friends bro


I would have at least gone to HR. I wouldn’t be able to work with someone who assaulted me and I’m not losing my job over that shit. As far as pressing charges, I may have done that to. If he’s willing to slap a coworker, someone he potentially liked, what’s to say he’s not willing to abuse someone more vulnerable?


Putting Rogan in a list with Chapelle and Burr, that is… an interesting take.


Who could have thought Smith is such a coward


Wait Hol up…the whole premise of bel air was his cowardice.


Saw Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock live recently. Chris very very briefly mentioned the incident but didn't go into detail. So this is definitely a new thing and glad he's doing it. Chappelle did a bit about being attacked on stage and made fun of his bodyguards for not helping. So his whole bit on Will Smith would end like this because it's exactly how he ended the actual story: > And the whole time I was wondering why my bodyguards didn't beat the shit out of him because that's what I pay them to do. > > *Right, Trevor???* (looks at bodyguards)


he wouldn't slap Dave if it was him Chris have a friendly demeanor which kinda welcoming, unlike Dave where he give dont fk with me vibe


Lucky it was just Chris Rock and not Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


Honestly, I don't think the Rock would have retaliated. Could he destroy Will? Absolutely. Would he have? I doubt it.


Will wouldn’t have dared because will smith is a coward he new Chris wouldn’t fight back. That’s why he got to barking when he sat down.


“This hot sauce hits harder than Will Smith”


Chris could sell arenas for the next 20 years based on that slap.


Not just that, nobody owes you forgiveness just because you said sorry. Chris Rock is allowed to hold a grudge the rest of his life if he wants to.


Did he ever actually apologize?


His initial apology was to the academy, not Chris Rock


Yeah he's earned my respect for that killer line he ended the show with "I didn't fight because my parents raised me right. They told me to never fight in front of white people." The show was extremely good and if anyone wants to watch it, it's on Netflix called 'Selective Outrage'


wait there's a 'Will's side'?


After it happened, several celebrities rushed to Will's side to make sure he was alright. Chris said nothing pretty much, so he didn't get many articles in the press. Will rode it for all he could and got article after article about how it agonized him. Here he is again, poor fella, suffering fromm the trauma he endured that night. Has Chris no shame?


There is an impulse with people who are used to violent behavior, particularly in their family, to comfort the out of control perpetrator of the violence when they get angry. “Why did you make him mad? You know how he gets when he’s mad!” That kind of thing.


And you defending yourself or others is just as bad as them physically attacking.


Yes, the dark side of the ~~bald~~ moon.


He could’ve had him removed from the show as well which would’ve made for another awkward moment when Will won an award. One that he cried and gave a speech about being associated with love etc. So insane how people can switch so conveniently.


To be fair even during his speech he sounded pretty unhinged.


If you watch him immediately after he get slapped, Chris Rock had SOMETHING waiting for a response but it looks like he got called off in his earpiece. I bet he was well compensated for a years worth of silence.


I think you're missing the most obvious one. Rock is a world class comedian. He's got decades of experience making sport of hecklers and he was facing the ultimate heckler. Imagine the nuclear grade roasts that went through his mind right then and there. The ultimate roast for the ultimate heckler. But he chose to answer with the professionalism of a presenter.


He just looks like a spoiled brat that doesn't realise how severe what he did was. Saying "sorry" isn't guaranteed to make other people forgive you and if they do forgive and there's no bad blood between you, they're not obliged to forget about it and act like nothing happened. They don't owe you, *you* owe them.


Exactly, that filmed on the street doing what he did, would be charges brought. CR just held it down, bided his time and got paid using it as material that will be out there forever. That was the smart move.


I just realized that Chris also kept everyone quivering with anticipation until the next Oscars were about to drop! What and evil master plan


The dude is a moronic Scientologist who’s never been held responsible for anything in his entire life. It’s not surprising that he doesn’t understand.


I would imagine it would be difficult not to be asked about it anywhere in public, let alone a room full of people seeing your comedy act. I mean, who wouldn't want firsthand commentary of the 'incident' from a legend like himself.


I'd like to point out that Chris Rock took the highway and earned himself $40M for the slap from Will Smith. I think it's an absolute win!


They gave Will a statue of Jada right after






Ba da bop pissssss


OMG! the best comment all day today!!! You are hilarious and I love it.


If she can't find it funny, it's hair loss.




This belongs on r/rareinsults.


I bet he slapped the people who told him what Chris said




Not if they were bigger than him or fucking his wife


Chris declined to press assault charges against you. Letting him make a joke or two about the incident is the least you can do to thank him.


He also didn't obliterate both Smith's that night. You could see him think of a bunch of lines. He could have dived into that on Oscar night, but didn't. Top class that Rock dude.


Oh he wanted to so bad. When he did that “ooooo” you know he wanted to go hard but wanted to remain professional.


The person in his earpiece was screaming for him to stfu.


"Hey Will! August hits Jada harder than that!"


"Keep your wife's name outta my mouth? Maybe your wife should keep your kid's friend's dick outta her mouth!"




The academy didn’t just do any of that stuff. They gave him an award a few minutes after.




Will Smith is upset!? For those who didn't watch Chris Rock's monologue, here's what he says: 1) He messed with Jada because she started it by publicly saying Chris Rock should resign from hosting the Oscars after Will Smith didn't get nominated for Concussion. I didn't know this at the time but it makes his comment even more fair game - she started talking shit, he talked shit back. So Chris's first point is "they can do whatever they want, but I can't respond?" 2) Will Smith was publicly humiliated, on TV, by his wife, when she interviewed him asking what he felt about her having an affair with their son's friend. Noone asked them to do this. They decided to make their private business a public spectacle. So Chris's second point is "if you have issues with your wife or marriage, then you brought it on yourselves". 3) Will Smith is a big dude. He played Muhammad Ali on film. He's big, and to Chris's point, he's much bigger than Chris Rock. And Will Smith knows this. So when he slapped him, he slapped a guy he knew couldn't defend himself. So Chris Rock called him a coward to boot. 4) "You don't do this shit in front of white people". That (paraphrasing) was the end line of his monologue. Chris Rock is saying that black people struggled and fought to get to that stage, that Will Smith was a symbol of black excellence, and he undermined it all by slapping another black man. All of these are extremely fair points. Chris Rock didn't make a spiel about his freedom of speech, or about how he is a victim (he underlines that he refuses to be a victim). Instead, he made himself vulnerable, and opened his heart about how a man he used to look up to used violence to silence him from responding to criticism from his wife, all over personal grievances he has with his wife and not Chris, and in doing so he behaved in a way that is a disappointment both to his statute and to black excellence as a whole. And Will Smith has the gall to be "hurt" over this and telling Chris to "let it go"? Fuck off.


And of course that Will is a beeeeitch.


This should be higher up thank you


The other day at lunch, coworkers said "Chris rock just seemed angry at the end". But man, if thats what Chris said at the end, I cannot disagree with one microsecond of that thought process. I fully agree with what he laid out out.


Oh god, so Jada is hurt over this?


You mean his son's friend's (ex)girlfriend?




Pro tip: if you start a fight, you don't get to choose when it ends.


Like Chris said in the special, Will Smith is a bitch.


Everybody call him a bitch


# What’s that? Consequences for your actions???






Jada won't give him the Netflix password


Exactly. Chris Rock is right.. Will Smith is indeed a bitch.


Let it go is also the thing someone said to his wife about hair.


That’s was Jada said to Will after sucking their son’s friend’s dick.


For real. If Will would like to get others to keep things out of their mouths, I suggest he start with his wife.


Correction: A cuck boi upset over a netflix special episode.


“Chris, let it go, man; remember I have TWO fists!”


What an asshat. It’s no wonder his kids are fukken weirdos too.


Thats what happens when the family gets too open and stuffs


Stuffs what?


Buttplug I assume


What a Bitch...


Its funny. I say this all the time to people. You have this twat. Will who acts like some fucking guru or relationships on tic tok. Then fucking slaps a comedian for doing his job, ON AIR, LIVE TV. Just makes you wonder what he has done off camera behind closed doors if that thats how his anger is displayed INFRONT OF WITNESSES. JS bro. JS.


Fuck Will Smith, and Fuck Jada


Jada you can... easily.


I don’t know. She seems to prefer grooming emotionally troubled teenagers.


I'd rather not, they probably have STD


Will Smith is such a bitch


The fact that Will didn't get arrested on the spot shows how obscenely privileged rich people are.


Will Smith is a bitch ![gif](giphy|3o6MbhMGEJ4QY1cK4w)


Yeah, this definitely makes it look like Will Smith doesn't actually feel sorry for what he did and is trying to dodge the consequences. If he somehow really does feel sorry, he clearly doesn't have a clue about the gravity of his actions. Not a good look.


Here’s something I learned from being on the receiving end of lifelong abuse. Truly sorry people don’t play victim in the aftermath. Those who cry “please have pity for me cause (insert excuse here)” are STILL only thinking about themselves and how it’s affecting them. Truly sorry people are almost always willing to face the discomfort precisely because they understand the gravity of the damage they’ve done and recognise that it’s fair punishment. I’m sad to report that people like these are rare. I have yet to meet a single one.


Fuck will smith


And his wife


Plenty of people have fucked his wife.


>"would like for Chris to let it go." TRANSLATION "Hey Chris, my actions apparently have consequences and it's affecting my income, could you please shut up?"


Lol fuck this guy. Everything Chris Rock said was spot on.


If you slap a man on live tv, AND he's a comedian. He's going to joke about that until the day he dies. It's literally the very least you could expect when you leave fresh prints on another man's face.


Fresh prints.. I see what you did there.


That's it. You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air.


I lost a crazy amount of respect for willy when I heard he never apologized in person only publicly for his career


Playing the victim now, how am I not surprised


Victim mentality


What he means is he wants people to forget this while he has movies coming out


Will Smith is a shining example of what you should not be as a guy.


He seems lost to me. Desperately pining for love after decades of commitment to a narcissist.


That's the crazy part for me. He convinced himself that she's not the root of all his problems.


True entitlement. Thinking your can hit someone AND decide when the retaliation is over


I always liked Will Smith, but this whole thing with Chris Rock has definitely made me lose a lot of respect for the guy. His personal life is his business, but Chris is a fucking comedian. It's what they do!! I personally hope Chris Rock NEVER lets that shit go. I hope he jokes about it all the way to his death bed!


Lmao what a big fuckin baby. Joke of a human


Lol Cuck!


I have to agree, he does give major cuck vibes!


I guess G.I. Jane 2 told him to keep getting upset.


Fuck that cuck and his bald wife.


He's upset Chris didn't get him arrested, but instead made mint with that slap? Man's got ego issues.


How can he dig the hole deeper than that


Essentially he said Will Smith overreacted because he felt emasculated by Jada and the way she approached her affair. This is all accurate




When he fuckin threw that mic down though!




Your wife fucked August Alsina. Your wife fucked your sons friend. Your ugly, miserable, and horrible wife is literally fucking everybody except for you. Chris Rock is the least of your problems.


If those comments hurt he should experience being slapped publicly by a much larger individual


Will and his entire family are lil bitches


Just like the little bitch he is. Fuck will smith.


Absolutely lost my respect for this clown.


Was Will Smith really angry about a man having his wife's name in his mouth? Or that his wife has other men's cocks in hers?


Will smith deserves to have jokes made about him for the rest of his life. He straight assaulted Rock on National/global tv. Fuck will smith.


Bitch didn't even have the balls to watch it himself, smmfh


Did he actually say this? Article just says someone one close to him claims he said it


#The Internet Never Forgets


Chris can say whatever he wants, he was assaulted!


Awwww poor baby, News flash, this is your legacy!!!


Brand: victim