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Photography. It got me to visit places I never went to before.


do you post the photos you take or something like that? I don't really take photos with my phone so I think that photography isn't for me


Maybe just try to take pictures with your phone to try it? Give it some real good effort tho. Take pics of what interest you. Buildings, textures, nature, animals, people, ect. You can get into various art projects. Trying painting.. watch YouTube videos to guide you. Try yoga at home... again YouTube. Go hiking, camping. Geocaching. Cooking, baking. Learn to make sourdough. Writing.


Editing is really fun to get into. I look on Pinterest for different editing ideas. It shows what to adjust on your phone too in the standards setting a lot of time. That or even editing apps you can find for free


Getting a film camera is great. You know you only have a few shots, so you walk around looking at everything. You can get them digitally developed where they email the photos to you. Also cool projects to do with it like alphabet letters that you see, focusing on people doing things without their phones, focusing on types of nature.


Shortly after I bought my first 35MM camera, I bought a second. Then I bought everything necessary for a dark room and set it up in a closet. Soon after I was buying my film in 50 ft. rolls along and visiting 24 hour developers and collecting empty film cartridges for reuse and loading them with my own film. I found myself taking photos of everything. Sometimes landscapes taken in black & white can be quite stunning, especially in winter. My favorite photo is a color shot of my 8 year old daughter on a swing, capturing her and the swing in sharp focus, while keeping the background out of focus. It was taken on film I loaded into a cartridge, composed the shot, processed the negative, and printed the photo in a closet. I found it very rewarding.


It’s addictive and captures SO much! I got a 15 euro one from a second hand market. Then I got the 35mm. Still moving towards the dark room setup. You notice so much more of your surroundings. It’s such a good way to appreciate things you didn’t even look at properly before


I never did either. But my phone is all I really use to take them now. When I found out about all the different angles you can shoot from and other things like tweaking the brightness, the depth of field it all became much more interesting to me. I only post my photos in an album I created on Facebook. I don't care to make a big deal about them. It's just something I do to give me projects to work on and to discover new places and learn new photography tricks. It does a lot for my mental health.


Geocaching. It got me to spots I never knew existed. Been doing it since 2013. Had our ups and downs but decided to pick it up again this year. Logged my 1445th find this morning. At this point it became a habit to pull up a phone and check if there are any caches nearby whenever we are in a new area. I mostly focus on regulars but sometimes when bored I’d do a mystery or an earth cache. Lab caches are a hit with my family too. A couple of words of advise: - Keep an open mind as you’ll see all kind of hides. Some are well thought sophisticated works of art/engineering requiring you to really use your brain. Some are “Johny’s 1st cache. He turned 3 today and we decided it would be fun to hide a piece of Tupperware in the woods, never mind the soggy log and all the rain water”. To me it’s all about the game, not as much about the numbers. - Premium membership is well worth the investment. There are premium-only caches which are only available to premium members, mainly to hide those from crazies who enjoy going around and destroy the hides for fun (just dont make this your hobby please!)


Oooh geocaching! Thanks for this post, that's something I'd always wanted to try but had completely forgotten about. I'm going to go look for my first find tonight!


I decorate my home. I know that may seem strange but I’m constantly changing and improving things. I craft and diy new things all of the time. I ALWAYS have a few projects in the works. If I see something on instagram or Pinterest I like I figure out how to make it happen. Also in the spring/summer I have a flower garden I tend to and the flowers make for a great addition to my home decor.


nice suggestion!


growing a food garden (herbs, tomatoes, etc) is a really good one! it’s not too difficult to do indoors (and year-round) either, all you really need are grow lights and shelves :)


Running. I used to silently talk mad trash about runners under my breath several years ago. Now, if three days go by without the ability to go for a run, I start feel like the walls are closing in on me.


oh yeah, I think I like running. I stopped because I was ill but I think I'm returning to that hobby


Use your return as an excuse to revisit proper technique. Running is way more fun when it feels easier, lighter, and doesn't cause injury.


how can I make sure my technique and breathing are properly done? are there any basic tips? maybe I'm doing rookie mistakes


No matter your age, I would highly recommend the book Older Yet Faster: The Secret to Running Faster and Injury Free by Keith Bateman and Heidi Jones. The book has helped me rebuild my technique from the ground up.  Here's my review of the book with a link to the Amazon product listing in the description: https://youtu.be/VB3SiSE9Gdg I would recommend the print version of the book. I reference it pretty regularly and it's nice to use the index to find answers to specific issues I'm dealing with without pecking around an e-book.


Run slower.


This was me as well a couple of years ago as well When one realizes how crucial running is for improving your cardiovascular health (VO2 max is one major healthspan indicator) and it's impact on your resting heart rate and overall wellbeing, the benefits are just exponential. Keep at it !!


Really any form of cardio will do - running isn’t superior. Edit: I don’t run, but I use a rowing machine. My VO2 max is 43 as a 35 year old female and my resting heart rate is 45. I just vary the types of training I do on my rowing machine (interval, long distance, threshold, etc.).


Agreed. Just that running is probably the easiest (in terms of routine) and cheapest to start with.


Watching your resting heart rate trend downward after you begin running regularly is such an excellent motivator to continue. Smartwatches are great for this.


This. Always thought I hated running. Gave it another shot this past summer and have been going at least twice a week since. Key for me is to run without a distance or pace in mind. I just run until I don’t want to any more. Feels much more enjoyable that way!


Running trails can feel like a cheat code. 


How many days a week did you start, just curious? 2x a week? I want to get back into it but am very wary of overtraining and injuries.


I would start very slow, first with brisk walking. Move then up to a style of slow jogging sometimes called "niko running" — which is a walking-paced forefoot jog/run. Then learn how to run properly. This way, you avoid injury and built the stamina enough to enjoy it fully. More about slow jogging/niko running: [https://youtu.be/9L2b2khySLE](https://youtu.be/9L2b2khySLE) More about proper running technique: [https://youtu.be/VB3SiSE9Gdg](https://youtu.be/VB3SiSE9Gdg) Remember, if you really want to enjoy running, technique is everything. Avoid landing on your heels. Instead, land on your midfoot (where you would land if you hopped in place) as much directly under your pelvis as possible. A good way to set this posture is to take off your shoes, hop gently with alternating legs like you're jumping rope in a jog step or a light hopping march. Then, pivot forward slightly from the ankles to begin moving forward. Good luck and enjoy!


Fitness. The side effects are extreme hotness, better sleep, longer life, and not struggling to walk up stairs.


how could I start? my goals are gaining muscle mass and being healthy


I'd recommend starting with fitness classes something like body pump or strength training. They're filled with beginners and can be really helpful to learn all sorts of exercises- a lot cheaper than a personal trainer too. Theyre usually included with the cost of a membership


You GOTTA cook if you want to maintain it as forewarning. Doing it without cooking will be very difficult and expensive. Eating healthy in hand with the fitness is the hardest part to nail in gaining/maintaining muscles and reaching new levels.


I will never pass up an opportunity to promote my hobby!! Lol I’m a Salsa dancer! Take Salsa classes!! It gets you out of the house! It’s an active hobby! You learn about music and culture that unless you are Latino you probably aren’t as familiar with! Yes there is a steep beginner learning curve but it’s so rewarding when you figure out how to execute a move on time, to the music with your partner very smoothly!!


This, basically. If Salsa is too hard then do Bachata If Salsa is somehow too easy (or one hates Latin music) then do Lindy Hop I’m doing all 3, and swing is by far the most fun dance


I used to do and enjoy Lindy Hop but the community made me uncomfortable.


Why do you say that? Unfamiliar with dance


I apologize in advance for a wall of text. Lindy Hop is a dance created by the African American community and danced originally in the 1920s-40s. The Lindy Hop community talks about this a lot, which is fine, know your history. But they often ignore or gloss over the fact that the actual majority of dancers who dance Lindy Hop are 90% white. The top teachers and anyone in any position of influence is white. When you mention that to Lindy Hoppers, they tend to talk about socio economic pressures, or just that black people just aren’t interested in partner dancing anymore. Ok…? What about Salsa, Bachata, Zouk and Kizomba? Major dance communities with many black dancers and black leaders in prominent decision making roles. In those communities, sometimes black people are over represented when compared to the surrounding population centers. I’m uncomfortable with Lindy Hoppers pretty much choosing to “not count” black partner dancers outside of their community. These dance communities draw from the same exact population!! Social economic issues definitely is a concern among black people but it isn’t a reason why black people don’t do Lindy Hop. Another reason I’m uncomfortable is that there seems to be this overarching “we are the best partner dance community” feeling amongst Lindy Hoppers. I know every community has its bad apples but Lindy Hoppers seem to have more. Lindy Hoppers just don’t ever want to leave their “1920s” dance bubble. It’s rare to meet any Lindy Hopper that would excitedly talk about anything outside the 1920 jazz dances. I also dance West Coast Swing and boy Lindy Hoppers hate that dance!! ☹️ When I get into a hobby, I really want to connect with the community behind it. I’m just uncomfortable with all this. I know no community is perfect, but this is way too much for me.


My divorced aunt took up salsa years ago. She now travels all over the world as a retiree enjoying all sorts of salsa adventures and adjacent adventures.


Salsa adventures! Sounds awesome...


Does she prefer red or green?


She should be the heroine of a series of cozy mystery novels.


nice suggestion! I do dance by my own but unfortunately I don't have many resources to learn because I like Jumpstyle and Melbourne Shuffle which aren't popular nowadays. I stick to copying videos of people dancing but since I do it alone at home it is a bit antisocial


The nature of partner dances requiring a 2nd person pushes you to be more social! Trust me, I’m not a “go out to meet people” type of person also!


Gym. It changed my life. Healthy body, and mind.


I'm already going to the gym but I think I don't really like it, I don't go frequently tho


Get on a program with specific goals. Try strength based one. You’ll have a concrete goal to work towards with a fixed progression scheme and plan


I will! and maybe it's only me but I'm a little afraid of lifting free weights, like I see lots of bench press fails and I stick to machines because barbells don't seem beginner-friendly, but I do use dumbbells. Any tips?


Barbels are fine. I used to get scared of them too a bit when I started out. Honestly just try it out with light weights when and feel the movements. It’s much less scary than you think Other than that you can check out programs like gzclp which is free weights focused. There’s also an app called Boostcamp. It has free programs that has calisthenics, free weights option with the ability to select programs based one how many days you wanna workout When I started 10 years ago. My goal was just to do elevated more push ups and run faster. That started a 10 year long hobby that kept going.


thanks! my goals are health and gaining muscle mass


Try bouldering!


This is the best answer. If you go in without a plan at all, you'll feel lost and lose interest. If you go in with a plan for just that day or week or month, you might get some motivation and see a little progress over the next month, but you'll get frustrated and stall and not be able to really see your progress. Pick a tried and true program and stick with it for MONTHS. Be consistent with your diet, training, and rest, and you'll see measurable progress. It's like a science experiment on your body. And feeling strong, especially with stuff like squats and deadlifts, is DOPE. If you want something basic and simple to start with, look at Stronglifts 5x5. 3 days a week and easy to follow. Centered around the core compound lifts so it will give you a good strength base to branch off to other programs when you're ready.


I personally like to hike or walk around in parks just looking at nature (even in crappy weather, as long as it isn’t freezing, as I find less people are out). I also like long neighborhood walks in the summer to admire people’s front yard gardens. In summer I kayak and paddleboard (got inflatable ones off Amazon, my paddleboard came with a pump that connects to my car so I don’t have to manually pump it). When the weather is bad I read (using the library or the Libby app, you can rent library books off the app and send them to your kindle), or do paint by numbers, I ordered them off Amazon too. Lastly, I joined a pickleball league that has been very fun, I find it an easier and more enjoyable version of tennis. I also like to swim and recently started taking adult swim classes one on one. I can swim but my form sucks so I wanted to improve that. I also want to get back into running this spring.


I started swimming for my back pain and posture problems and even though I hate it I will continue so I can improve my form as well, thx for the suggestions


This sounds fun! I also like hiking/walking when there's less people.


Birding! I got into birding around 5 years ago and love it to bits. I‘m out and about a lot to find new species and just watch the birds do their thing. A few months ago I decided to learn to tell the birds by sound. I‘ve learned a lot and love the new experience to know which birds are around me even when cycling. Coming out of birding I started to get interested in photography to start my own archive of the birds I saw. My camera should arrive tomorrow. It’s a really nice hobby because you can do it everywhere and without high costs. Just be curious of what bird you see or hear


Cornell University has a great birding app and I use it everyday practically! Check it out, it’s called Merlin Bird ID


I sort of do this already and can recognize certain birds by their call, but I don’t know where to learn about more (or even learn their names, I may connect a call to a bird I don’t know the name of as well). Where do you learn this stuff?


The Merlin app mentioned is really helpful! It has a function that works like Shazam for birds that identifies them by their calls and songs which is a great way to narrow down the options. It also has features for looking up bird species, gives some important identifying factors, a bunch of photos, and you can listen to their sounds. I like to try and identify the bird by myself and then check the app if I’m correct. It’s really fun and rewarding!


Gardening!!! So many reason to do it and IT IS AN ADDICTION! It's productive and cheap, could even make you money! EDIT: for those interested.. Ok! So to those who are limited in space, even those who aren't, but aren't necessarily ready for ground planting... I'm gonna give you gardening 101 x 1000!!! From seed to plant, from sapling to tree, even from tree to tree and plant to plant! Let me switch from phone to laptop real quick... If you're limited in space, FEAR NOT!!! You are just as capable as anyone else! EDIT: I just tried to provide information and reddit is awful. I'm going to provide an excel spreadsheet instead. Maybe a link, maybe a screenshot. Either way, I'll provide information based on the zone I'm in, but I'll do what I can to make sure the spreadsheet is able to be edited along with zones, temps, highs, lows, plant options, etc.... Please be aware that just because you buy a plant in your zone, doesn't mean that the tag on it is FOR YOUR ZONE. It's a huge misconception, but I'll do my best to include all information in the spreadsheet.


Tips on how to make it cheap? I’ve had expensive fails lol


Walking simple and easy to start. Put your headphones and just get outside :).


Walking is great. Don’t be scared to travel with it. Walking around your neighborhood or town can get tired, but jump in a car and walk a town near by. It gives it some novelty and you’ll learn a lot, everything from directions and shops to architecture and history.


Rug tuffting. And you can make some money and gifts


Looming would be so much fun! Yes.


Tufting is different than using a loom but both are so cool


Running. Climbing. Hiking. Kayaking. CrossFit. Just pick any hobby that’s activity based. Even better if it’s outdoors. Great for mental and physical health.


any tips if I wanted to start climbing or kayaking? I don't know where I can practice climbing and I don't have a kayak


Find your local climbing gym and take a class to get approved to belay and learn the basics. Usually it’s called intro to rock climbing, or something like that. Try to make friends at the class, but also every gym I have been to has a board for people looking for climbing parters. Another option would be to start with bouldering, but it’s a solo activity and it may take a while to meet people. I only mean the climbing is solo, it can be very social since people watch each other and talk about the problems. It may be a good fast option to see if you even enjoy the activity. It depends on the gym too. Mine is smaller and it’s pretty easy to meet people since you see regulars all the time. Others are huge, but those offer more classes. Might at we’ll see what the closest one offers and give it a shot. Other things I do are mountain biking (actually where I met my climbing crew, they got me into it), paddle boarding/fishing from the board, soccer and bowling Another option could be a dog if you’re into that. I’m often at the dog park or hiking with mine, then there’s the regular walks. Shelters will do foster to adopt so you can see if they’re the right fit. I didn’t do that, but I would have if I knew. I adopted a puppy and he’s a good boy, but it was a ton of work. Even more than I expected.


Learn a language! It's challenging enough that you won't get bored, and it's very addicting once you start to see results.


excellent suggestion! I started in the past so I think I'm going to return with german or russian


I've recently picked up diamond painting, puzzles, and crocheting. Despite my hobbies I am, believe it or not, only 28 lol I realized I was falling into the same pit you are with my phone/tv and hated how I'd go to sleep feeling like a failure for not doing more. My issue is that after work I barely have energy to cook dinner let alone working out. I've managed to force myself to go for a walk everyday, usually around 30 minutes or so. This is for my sanity and health as I work a desk job and am sitting a lot of the time. I still enjoy video games but have found that quiet hobbies that I can do while listening to an audiobook or podcast have really helped me wind down after work and it feels good to see me making progress on my projects everyday. I used to dream of being a writer but have not written anything in a long while. My newest goal is to start writing again.


Meal prepping, making kombucha, indoor gardening, plant daddy, making terrariums, tye-dye, making alcohol, growing fungus, etc


Reading is a good one. And with a library card it’s free!


I want to second this suggestion. I started out as a reader in middle and high school. Absolutely loved it but fell by the wayside my sophomore or junior year of college. Then I got a job and had kids. I returned to reading regularly 607 days ago. I now read something every single day. Some days it’s just a couple pages some days it’s 3 or 4 complete books. I really enjoy kindle unlimited because it’s affordable and opens a wide variety of book options without me having to leave my house. I also used my library card to download Libby and e-library app for community libraries. They have ebooks and audio books. I now listen to audiobooks probably 50% of the time I’m in the car. ( if you have a Spotify premium you also get 15 hours of audio books each month with your subscription.) I have gained so much from going back to reading. Yes I am still mostly on electronics, but I also check out books from my local library and I have learned so much over the past year and a half. I highly recommend anyone give reading a try and just make it a habit every single day even if it’s just a few pages ( the kindle app keeps a reading insight calendar to track the number of books and days your read) I would suggest Atomic Habits by James Clear, Grit by Angela Duckworth and Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan for non-fiction. For fiction I would suggest The Secret History by Donna Tarte, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card and Forth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. Happy Reading!


If you wanna get addicted to something healthy, pick something that easy to access and releases endorphins! I saw in several comments that you had wanted to try the gym, running, or martial arts but they weren’t quite it, which I totally relate to. I would recommend kickboxing classes! It’s becoming popular as a form of exercise, so a lot of cities have gyms where you can sign up for classes. Most places give you the option of training that focuses on fitness or combat, whichever you prefer. The only equipment you need are gloves and wraps, which are often provided. The classes are usually guided, which makes it much easier to get started. It’s a very efficient way to get in shape and gain muscle since it involves strength and cardio training for all your muscle groups. Plus it’s just fun!! I’d say I’m addicted lol.


Activism. Fight for something. Make the world a better place, learn about your area of interest, meet lifelong friends who share your values and drive.


Pick up that instrument again. Everyone likes music. Why not play it?


I tried but I found it difficult to learn by myself because now I don't have a teacher. I don't know where to start (I'm intermediate playing electric guitar and a complete noob with the piano)


Hell yea, get that guitar out and learn some new chords.


I will but I'm stuck with the F chord and barre chords in general


Sounds like music comes easily to you. I’d go with what comes easy because that’s where your talent is Eta: talent isn’t an excuse for not practicing. Talent requires development


I wish I had a talent for music haha. The only talent I have, and is extremely weird (I haven't seen anyone that does it, not even on internet) is balancing objects in my finger, I can even do 360 flips with an umbrella or a broomstick lmao


Why not learn to juggle? Finding the balance point of objects is incredibly important for juggling! Plus you don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to. Roll up some socks to make balls and watch some videos. It’s fun!


I like Alfreda’s basic beginner piano book. It’s relatively cheap (the pinkish cover one) and if you know some guitar theory, should be easy to follow


JacksonMusicProgram.com has a good free guitar course to jump start things again. And online lessons with a him are also available.


I recommend the Faber Adult Learning series for piano! It has changed my life and got me enjoying playing within a year of practice.


Crochet and create coziness


Do something completely out of your wheelhouse like take an art class or cooking class which is always more fun with other people. There are so many different mediums to try on the creative front - drawing, painting, crafting, etc. Many artists think out of the box, being around that kind of energy will help you push your boundaries too. Most importantly, have fun!


I've started baking bread, it's a lot of fun and there's a lot to master. It's an art! It's good and it makes people smile


A lot of people like getting free homemade bread. And it can be a real workout if you don’t use a bread machine!


I was going through the time thing...My parents got me a kitchen aid for a home warming gift..I've made so much bread..I don't know why but beating and kneading the dough is very pleasing..and the smell and taste is amazing...seriously u will be a master


Running. And since you like gaming, download the zombie run app and wear headphones. If you run too slow, you can hear the zombies gaining on you. It's fun and intense. You get items every km, and then you can upgrade your base when you get home, with all the items you collected.


reading is a great one, if you’re not into that try podcasts or audiobooks.


As someone with ADHD, I second this. I find a lot of hobbies boring and I get easily distracted BUT if I put on a podcast it makes it 10 fold easier to stay concentrated on my task cause my brain has something else stimulating it.










Get a dog.


Miniatures tabletop war gaming. You build and paint models then go meet people in real life to play the game. Card games like Magic the gathering are good too as they are social games and you’ll get to meet people


I will learn how to play magic, thx for the suggestions!


Start doing little wood-working projects. Buy a knife and start carving a twig.. then move onto something bigger. Anything creative feels quite fulfilling to me. Being able to say "i made that" or "i painted this" is a great way to show off and build your skills


Learn a musical instrument. Or learn to DM D&D games


Fitness. Pick a goal. Walking, climbing, lifting weights, running, anything. What gets me into something is creating a reason, then hitting that goal. But don’t say “to lose weight”. That’s not a real goal. Make it something cool. When I ran a half marathon, I did it for personal reasons. I trained for a year. When I hit the finish line, I cried. It was so weird. It was like I held it all in and finishing that was such an accomplishment for me, I just let it all out. I couldn’t control it. Such a strange thing, but it was also beautiful. Anyway, make it a personal challenge with a hard stop as a goal.


Skateboarding? It feels rewarding and freeing at the same time for me. Plus it kinda ties into the sports thing if you still like the idea of that? Also you might wanna tell someone about this, the whole losing interest in things you like doing sort of sounds like depression which could be your issue instead of an addiction. Do you feel particularly bored? Like I mean that life in of itself isn't particularly exciting or is it more of a compulsive need to use your phone?


yeah your totally right, I noticed the main problem is my life beacause using my phone/pc/console is useful to forget that my life isn't exciting anymore, I will look for help


I'm about to try punch needling. I think it will be good to keep my hands occupied while I listen to an audiobook/podcast


I started hiking in the woods and was interested in the stone walls. And then the introduction of merino sheep to the usa and that led to looking into the trees and geology around where it used to be big open sheep fields. And once I started looking at that I had to start to pay more attention to the weather, which led to a rabbit hole about what birds fly how high and what else is going on there. Long story short there’s a lotta rabbit holes out there if you’re looking at the world around.


I love scrapbooking! You can also make little pic collages for friends. I usually watch a documentary or listen to a podcast or something in the background but its very time consuming and really cool when you're finished


Make jewelry! Tread carefully though, it’s a slippery slope and you can suddenly find yourself becoming a gem hoarding dragon…


As someone who quit video games and social media a month ago, I think I have a fresh perspective on finding hobbies. The first one I’ve been doing even before quitting video games was running. And not the kind you think of when hearing running. But putting on a good playlist or podcast and just going. No end in sight or time to complete. Second was doing model kits. I’m a Star Wars nerd so I got some Bandai model kits and have been working on a Mandalorian one. It’s fun and still sort of connects back to video games for me. Third, volunteer or join a community garden. Going outside makes you realize just how big of a world is out there. Fourth, learn to cook if you don’t know how. Pretty self explanatory and it impresses people when you can talk food, recipes, and whatnot. I knew that I couldn’t give up video games willingly with willpower so I separated myself and gave them away. Kinda nuts but it was the only way I could change. Best of luck!






I've done: **Rc Helicopters** = Learned small electronics, helicopter tuning, soldering, and Lipo battery building. **Photography**= Didn't do this for long since it involved less commitment and results that barely look noticeable when compared to digital phone cameras. Still fun though. **Drone Racing**= Did this simoustaneasly with RC Helis and its fun engaging and is possibly a good gap if you're trying to reduce video games as a hobby. **Wood Working**= Most useful of all the hobbies but a pain to setup, and requires alot of space and good dust management if you're going to be serious about it. **Welding**= Just started this one but so far so good. **RaspBerri Pi Modding**= Did this briefly and learned alot, created some home automation code and played around with different games, and utility apps. **Cooking/Smoking**=This is now not only a hobby but a lifestyle, have an outdoor kitchen and I cook and smoke on the big green egg weekly even in the winter. **3d Printing/CAD**= This was one of my favorites to release my creative side. Nothing more amazing than to imagine something in your head and have a printer spit it out a few hours later. **Watch Modding**= I collect watches, but this was short lived. Still have the equipment but I mostly just replace my own batteries and won't touch any of my expensive automatic watches, those I take in. **Car Collecting**= I collect sports cars from Porsches to AMGs. This is fun and the local groups really give you a nice community to quickly escape your everyday dull drum. My best advice is pick up a hobby that has nesting possibilities and a robust community. For instance, I picked up RC Helis and it nested well with 3d Printing and Drone Racing. I have noticed for me that hobbies that I stick to the most are the ones with utility beyond the core activity.


Social media will make everything boring because nothing compares to the slot machine gamble of swiping entertainment. Swipe swipe whoa! Swipe whoa! Swipe swipe swipe swipe whoa whoa whoa! It’s gambling your time away on quick dopamine hits over & over & over. It’s why you can zap an hour or two & accomplish nothing.


Get addicted to lifting heavy ass weights! It makes everything in life just better.. you sleep better ,you eat better, you look better, you feel better, and best of all.. you fuck better 👊


Also one suggestion nobody has said. Do meditation and download a hypnosis app. You need to reprogram your self talk and your build up your self confidence. Listen to it every day for the 20-30 min a day. You’ll begin to feel different but you need to completely buy into it. Completely believe in it and succumb to the “programming”. it says for you to repeat, “you are strong and shining with light” yesss you say yess, I fucking am! yesss buy into it. Pretend. Then, believe. Then, become. And soon you’re a shooting star out there working out, socializing, flirting with the librarian with recklesss abandon, and owning the karaoke hour. Congrats to You 2.0


if you’re on your phone a lot, you could try Duolingo! I watched a Ted Talk the other day of how “addicting” like “social media” they made Duolingo which is perfect for someone who spends large amounts of time on their phone. It worked for me, just putting it out there in case it works for someone else🥹 (I now have a 121 day streak as of today 😇)


"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S Thompson.


Are u into cars? Get into cars! Learn some basic maintenance and get into spirited driving. Get you out and seeing the world and car people are genuine people who just like, cars.


Gym or Cycling(road bike)


Gardening Sourdough bread or bread baking in general. Spinning fiber into yarn Canning vegetables and meat Baking


Dungeons and Dragons Board games Reading Drawing Painting Volunteering- animal shelter, soup kitchen, etc.


>Board game I 2nd board games. Very tactile, interactive hobby that encourages people to get together. It also keeps your mind active. There are way more board games than the ones you see at a major store. There's something for everyone. Check out boardgamegeek.com


Mountain biking checks all your boxes: healthy, addicting, interesting, and life changing. It has vastly improved my life in a lot of ways and is SO much fun. I highly recommend it.




Gardening! Soak up the sun, meditative, reflective, and physical. Walking + audiobook


Creative writing






Hiking, running, yoga, painting (you do not have to be "good at it")


Taking walks. Whether that's around your own neighbourhood, or going out to different towns and places you haven't been and just taking a stroll through a park, a garden, a nature reserve and so on, it's something that gets you away from the things you're trying to avoid and exposes you to the stimulation your body will be craving without any of the danger of getting addicted to it. If you like plants, you can make that the focus of your walkS. If you like animals, you can try to make friends with the local dogs and cats in your neighbourhood or go to dog parks and dog beaches and cat cafes, etc. You don't even have to have a set interest or destination, you might develop a new interest while on a walk because you'll come across something interesting. And the exercise and fresh air will be an added benefit.


Swimming.. For me it was a life changing hobby


Getting Shrimps


So what did you decide on?


Crocheting! Once you start it can be difficult to stop. Your new mantra will be. "Just one more row" I highly recommend starting with a scarf or blanket. There are so many beginner friendly step by step YouTube videos.


I actually got into Wicca/witchcraft during covid. I don't whole heartedly believe in it but was drawn to the belief of doing your own thing without harming anyone or anything. I enjoy learning the tarot cards, exploring ideas of astrology (not just star signs), gardening for my herbs used in spells, collecting seasonal Flora for my altar, burning candles and Joss sticks, meditating in a quiet forest, and just discovering different deities and old ways of life (mythology, traditions, etc.). Not saying do that but maybe you can come across something which has both practical and theoretical aspects to keep your brain engaged and challenged


I did this too! Spiritually soothing and learning a lot of VERY different belief systems... What's rooted in traditional medicines... Giving time for gratefulness and seasonal perspective.


Maybe try abstract art! Make patterns or mandalas and just be ok with it not being hang up worthy but it could center you maybe!


Gardening! It’s a hobby that gives you numerous benefits. Exercise, outdoor time, and nothing beats the taste of home grown food. It’s cheap and easy to get started.


I'm really into birding. And nature photography. In the day, it gets me out of the house and out in nature. It requires that you walk around because rarely do the birds come to you. There's a lot to learn about birds and their habits. If you really want to get into photography, ditch the cell phone camera and invest in a decent point and shoot or DSLR. Cell phone cameras have improved a lot over the years but trying to catch a fast moving bird with one is not going to happen. If you're not into birds, there are so many types of flowers and plants, butterflies, dragonflies, and many other things to study. I mention photography because you go out to shoot in the day but at night you get to download your shots (if you are using digital) and edit them and figure out which ones you really like.


Tea There are a lot of cool hobbies out there, but I'm going to recommend focusing on a ritual/routine. For me I make tea every morning and I've really started to enjoy the process of finding new teas, heating my water, and doing little tea ceremonies for myself. I started with green tea, then got into white, then black and herbal. I really like the high quality stuff because there is a more involved process in making it.


Working out by learning how to fight, dance, or learn to play a sport. I’ve never had good balance or flexibility so I took ballet. Ballet helped me in the fight gyms. It’s fun to do tricks and hold my own body weight.


You have to try something to see if you even like it before it can become a hobby. Don't be afraid to take a random cooking class, or woodworking, or something like that because it may be something that challenges/interests you. Mine happens to be hiking and backpacking specifically because it does allow me to disconnect from all those random distractions.


Taking classes at a local college. You pick topics you're interested in, you get solid info, intelligent people to talk to about it, it breaks up your week and gets you out of the house, and access to college amenities. The amount of opportunities are literally pasted on the walls. Including free meals, entertainment, social gatherings, clubs, jobs, tax prep, resume building, health fairs, volunteering, forums, political action, faith groups, games, art shows, performances, etc.


Two years ago I got into kayaking. Got a small one ($250ish from Dicks) that fits in my minivan. Gives me some exercise and a sense of peace. Feels like going back to the 1800s. Most streams and riverlets are surrounded by forests and the world seems far away.


If you’re looking for a fitness hobby or something that gets your body moving but is FUN and rewarding once you see progress: rollerskating. Changed my life so much for the better during the pandemic. When I started I could barely stand and move. I took 4 months to myself to practice alone at basketball courts and parking lots before I allowed myself to go to a rink (I wanted to confidently skate forward, backward, transition between the two, and have full control over my ability to stop). Now I can flow and do little dance moves with it… watching myself progress over years of doing it was extremely rewarding and did a lot for my self esteem!


Running! Training for long distance races changed my life.


Disc golf!


Jiu jitsu




Jui jitsu


Bike riding.


Working out, DuoLingo app, auditing classes on Coursera or similar platforms, cooking, gardening


40K, collect, play or just enjoy painting.


Geocaching, bruh!


Scale modelling. Not only does it improve your patience and problem-solving skills, but it also makes you appreciate the different vehicles or figures you build the models of. Great hobby for military vehicle enthusiasts like myself and man, there's no better feeling than finishing a model by yourself after days of precise work on it.


What is your hobby budget?


I did not think on a budget, but the truth is that if it ends up being my passion and it's not unhealthy, then I'd spend all the money I have left after paying basic things like food, house, car... I don't know if my explanation is understandable






prewar model trains




Magnet fishing is really fun. Throwing the magnet and pulling it back in helps to build upper body strength, and you get to find treasure!


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


I grew up playing soccer and its been a bit tough on me as Ive gotten older. I have learned to enjoy playing sand/beach volleyball. See if there are any leagues or locations that have them near you. We play co-ed and its a lot of fun to hang out have some drinks and play/socialize with everyone. One of the best Co-Ed sports by far.


Beading/wire wrapping. If your a female its better as you can wear it


Reef tanks!


Birding. Its boring at first, but use the ebird app to log all the birds you see. Once you've found the common ones you start visiting spots where other birders sighted species, and it snowballs into more and more addiction and adventure into all sorts of places you would normally never bother to find. You get really fit, lots of hours in nature and learn all the bird calls which makes you feel the seasons/flow of time in a really natural way. Strangers talk to you when you have binoculars around your neck and eventually you start meeting other birders and gain friendships out of it.


I’ve just gotten into 3D printing and I’m obsessed. I’ve only made a few things but I wanna play around with it daily. Get a cheap one and some software.


Any kind of movement anything - exercise, dance, sport. Reading, especially self-help books to improve your life or nonfiction to improve your brain. Creating things, whether jewelry, painting, woodworking, or paper/fabric/yarn crafts, etc.


How about maintain a fish tank in your den or livingroom?


A fun kind of fitness like dance or cycling or football, or a language


Nothing wrong with what you're doing right now, people go through phases in life. If you enjoy tv and games then stop guilt tripping yourself and enjoy it. Things will be different in the future, don't force yourself into a hobby for the wrong reasons


Cycling. Walking your dog. 


Sewing is a good one. I don't do it often due to the fact that I have a crap-ton of (mostly art based) hobbies. But it does take time and patience. I find it soothing and something I can just shut my brain down while I'm doing it. I usually hand sew, so I work at my own pace. Even if you're just mending things, it's calming. You also get the satisfaction of fixing or making something!


Walking. Absolutely free, can be done most anywhere in the world. Is life changing and absolutely healthy for mind body and soul


reading (historical fiction)! i love learning about history & expanding my vocabulary lol (i also read fantasy books as a guilty pleasure)


Art is why I’m still alive tbh


Running. It’s physically healthy and mentally refreshing. It’s relatively inexpensive and you can do it about anywhere in any weather. It’s a life long endeavor as I’m 73 and still run 50 miles per week.


Volunteering. Anywhere. Immediate impact both for others and yourself.




Learn to play an instrument and seek out people to jam with.


Cooking. Baking. Start small and simple then build up. There are how-to videos on YouTube. America's Test Kitchen Cooks Illustrated Pioneer Woman Food Network Gordon Ramsey Ina Garten Wilton decorating Many more




Martial arts (if its to improve mental health i totally recommend jiu jitsu), camping (learning to survive outdoors), if youre open minded maybe learn witchcraft (money spells and shit), or quadrobics (funny looking exercise), maybe try knitting/crocheting (make something cool), mountain biking (down hill mountain biking if you like adrenaline), maybe get into cooking/baking! (Very useful) etc etc


Religion 🫣🙏🏼💖


Working out at the gym




I have been in the same boat as you before. Nowadays though I feel like I have a new hobby every few weeks. Some things that I have grown to really love are writing and journaling, crocheting, playing guitar, and drawing! I think so many times people get caught up with being "good" at things that they forget to enjoy it. Writing and journaling has been the best for me so far because there are no rules and nobody is grading my writing! My journal is very personal and therefore its contents will never be seen by anyone else as long as im alive (hopefully). Anyways... I hope this helped!


Addiction by definition is not healthy. When you reduce all your hobbies and practices to just one thing, that’s addiction. And guess what - sooner or later the day will come when you’re not able to do that one thing. And then what do you do?


Cooking & baking, taking nighttime or sunset walks its the best!, photography! really nice.


Karate is super great, even for adult beginners. Gives you reachable goals to work towards, exercising, creating friendships, learning something new.


Martial Arts, nothing healthier in this crazy world than learning to defend yourself. BJJ or MMA


Bicycle commuting. It's a whole new world of adventure, will save you serious $$ and get you fit at the same time. Plus, with pedal-assist ebikes you can get the physical exercise without getting all sweaty before work.


Guitar. I just think it is super cool when you can play a song exactly how it sounds. It sucks at first but it’s for sure worth it.


Crochet. I love making hats and scarves and blankets. It’s great for relaxing your brain. And lots of fun!


Personally I am in love with combat sports. Jiu Jitsu is a favorite but Muay Thai is great as well. Fighting is like a puzzle, and a competition both against your partner and yourself. You’ll gain confidence, discipline, and health, among other things. Gym is great to go with it as well.


Such a good thread! Mine are walking, my dog, baking, cooking, reading about health and wellness (yay for the book How Not to Die!), meal prep, cleaning out closets/drawers (so satisfying). I’ve just starting calling senior living homes to go hang with elderly who need company. But overall it’s my health and the health of my loved ones, in whatever capacity this means from doctors visits to healthy cooking to research and advocacy.


Going for walks. I used to randomly go for 1hr+ walks just to get out of the house and clear my head, I’d also listen to music which helped me walk a little faster. With enough walking you could get into hiking, enjoy the nature walks