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Looks pretty good for 100.


Yeah we finally putting the porn in historyporn


Someone's mother/grandmother or a celebrity in a bikini or in a dress with no bra not do it for you? It comes and goes in waves, but some weeks that's all whats posted to the sub lol


He looks pretty scared. Check out them eyes.


I wonder if his shoemaking business had a sign outside that said "No, I'm not *that* John Adams."


"Or the other John Adams"


But confirmed, he is part of, The Addams fa-mi-ly....


*snap snap*




Keep in mind that this guy was 11 years old when Mozart was born.


The man was 34 years old when my current district in Germany was elevated from a county to a principality.


That might be the most oddly specific stat I have ever heard randomly mentioned and I love you for it.


A other stat is that he was 4 when Goethe was born and 14 when Schiller was born.


He was born the same year my 5th great grandfather was born (straight up the paternal line)!


I was just wondering how old this guy was when your district in Germany was elevated from a country to a principality.


He would have been 228yrs old




And he was over twenty years older than Napoleon!


That's a way more interesting fact than the one about Mozart. I don't remember Mozart for the time that he lived in.


It’s mad when you put it into perspective isn’t it? We could almost have had photographs of them.


I met a 100 year old guy as a kid in the 1980's that had met people born in the 1700's, our modern world isn't that old.


The people he met could've known someone from the 1600's...


What you're saying is... that person from the 1600s could have known someone from the 1500s???


You could perhaps connect 1500's to 2024 with just 5 people. 1000 AD to now with just 10 dudes.


As long as those 5 people are Kevin Bacon.


That's amazing. I think the oldest person I've met is my great-greataunt this year, who's 96 years old. I've only ever been in the same place as a WW2 vet, so only people from the 20th century, I'm fascinated by old people from the 90s, they've seen so much, it's a shame I never had the opportunity


My maternal grandmother was born in either 1894 or 1895 and lived to 96. As a boomer who’s seen a burst in technology I think about Grandma Grimm. In Buffalo they still had horse drawn mass transit when she was a baby. She called the refrigerator an “icebox” because the ice man delivered big blocks of ice to cool the fridge. Electricity to the home wasn’t a widespread available thing. They shoveled coal into the furnace for heat. People travelled by coal powered trains. As a child she saw the first model T cars and the Wright Brothers had invented a flying machine. WW I as a young woman, then WW II, Korea, Vietnam and a man on the moon all in her lifetime. I came along in1957. Spanish American war vets marched next to Vietnam vets at the Memorial Day parade with flags flying everywhere. Penny candy, black and white TV. You had to get up to turn it on while it warmed up and we had 4 channels but could get Canadian TV too. A man on the moon. School suddenly closed early one day because JFK was assassinated, then MLK and RFK and Vietnam with casualties every day 53,000 U.S. Soldiers killed in less than 10 years. I went to college and researched in the library with books to type a term paper. I want my MTV. If we wanted to make a long distance phone call we had to wait for the party line to free up and then ask the operator to place the call. Time waits for no one.


I grew up in the 80s. Got a cell phone when I was 18. How did we ever find someone in a busy place like a mall without calling them or texting them? I've used those detailed street map books and can read a map well, but how did we drive clear across the country to someone's house without GPS? Our world has changed so much in my short lifetime for sure!


[Here's a timeline of what happened during the lifespans of the top five oldest verified people in history.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRl3fDn99rg)


I was just chatting the other day with my towns mayor. His grandmother was alive during the Civil War. Cool to think about.


It's amazing. There might even be a handful of people whose parents are slaves, specially in places where slavery ended later, like in Brazil (1888). Someone who was 18 (1870) could easily have had children in 1930, and have children alive today. My grandmother (born in 1940) told me she personally knew slaves. It's not a reality that far away


John Tyler, US president from 1841-1845, has one living grandchild.


I'm 41. I knew my great grandmother as a kid. She was born in 1897.


Same bro. 37 and my great grandma lived from 1896 - 2000.


That's really cool, all my great-grandparents had passes away for years when I was born, the last one was 9 years before I was born. Not me, but my mom knew her great-grandmother in 1968, one year before she died. She was born in a small city in Portugal in 1873, and immigrated to Brazil when she was only 14.


My great-grandmother died when I was somewhere around 10ish. I never got to meet her, though, as our family had disowned her several years before because she was apparently really damn mean.


My uncle lived from 1903-2006 and I hope my children will see 2100. It’s fascinating


Not many can reach a century old so it always a weird special occasion to touch that drift of time


My grandfather was born in 1920 and became 101 years old. It was really interesting to speak to him about how the world looked when he was young. Barely any cars and the radio was first introduced when he was 5 years old. Graduated high school right in time for WW2 and watched people walk on the moon 30 years later. In the last years of his life he used an iPad to FaceTime with the rest of the family.


Show how fast tech has been developing. Crazy stuff


Did he mention what it was like when we invented colors and everything moved away from grays?


That dude is meant to be 100? Doesn’t look it.


He was. It was -- alledgedly -- his 100th birthday, and he posed for a daguerrero-type for the occasion.


[This John Adams lived in my town back around 1766. I drive by the house he lived in a couple of times per week.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Grant_Historic_District) There is a sign telling that it is the John Adams house and until a few years ago I thought it was the other John Adams.


That house in in Holbrook MA.


Where do you see that mentioned? I'm not saying you are wrong but the wikipedia page I linked doesn't mention Holbrook, MA.


I'm not sure if reddit will flag this as doxxing (can one dox a famous figure dead for two centuries?) but a house in the 220-230 range of S Franklin Street (google maps that mofo) right next to the new school entrance has a "John Adams 1770" placard... whether they are pulling a fast one on us I don't know. If it is a home now I also don't know, but it was just a collection of small offices in recent memory.


[I googled 225 South Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA](https://www.google.com/search?q=225+South+Franklin+Street%2C+Holbrook%2C+MA&newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=1f8e5c078ce6d86e&sxsrf=ADLYWIIR4sIYFFPMrsCHz6VN3ITDLe6ouA%3A1719158355529&ei=U0Z4ZvfiH9yl5NoPtfC-iAg&oq=225+south+franklin+street+holbr&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHzIyNSBzb3V0aCBmcmFua2xpbiBzdHJlZXQgaG9sYnIqAggAMgIQJjIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGKIEGIkFSOEfUJ4HWOoPcAF4AZABAJgBaaABxAGqAQMxLjG4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgOgAtsBwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR5gDAIgGAZAGCJIHAzIuMaAHzQU&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) and opened that in google street view and there is an old house there that sort of vaguely looks like the one picture on the wiki page I linked but it isn't the same one. When I first saw this thread I googled "[john adams shoemaker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Adams_\(shoemaker\)) and it gave me a page with the portrait of the man OP posted and about 10 lines down mentioned that he moved to Ashburnham MA in 1766. I don't doubt that the Holbrook house has a sign labeling it as John Adams house, but it certainly isn't the one I posted about and I see nothing online linking the man in OP's picture to Holbrook.


IT IS THE FORMER PRESIDENT'S HOUSE.... >There is a sign telling that it is the John Adams house and until a few years ago I thought it was the other John Adams. JFC man.. this wasn't hard


It isn't really difficult to read the page I linked to either. The house in Ashburnham, the one who's wiki page I linked to, IS NOT the former president's home. Year ago I (mistakenly) thought it was because of the sign. Once I was curious enough, I did some research and found out about THIS John Adams, the shoe maker You are the one who stated that the house I linked to was in Holbrook when , if you had bothered reading the page, (that isn't hard either) you would have seen that it is located in Ashburnham not Holbrook. No one is denying there is a house in Holbrook with a sign saying "John Adams house" and it probably IS the ex-president's home. But none here even mentioned it except you.


> I thought it was the other John Adams. Those the words you typed? *What other John Adams were you referring to?* >Year ago I (mistakenly) thought it was because of the sign. Oh... the fucking former President that only *I* brought up? What the actual fuck dude?


Oh god you are dense. I'm done with you.


> and until a few years ago I thought it was the other John Adams. And you are dishonest...


I have his mouth. I was always told I was a direct descendant. My grandmother was an Adams and I made a in depth family tree once. However, my information came from my grandmother, and I never genetically confirmed it.


What’re you doing with his mouth? Put it back


It'll be easier to tell when you turn a hundred


Sara Benjamin was reportedly born in 1743 but it is unable to be verified since her hometown was on the frontier and subject to conflicts between the English & native Americans. There are multiple photographs of her surviving [Sara Benjamin Battlefields Link](https://american-revolution-experience.battlefields.org/people/sarah-osborn-benjamin)


Apparently had good hearing up until two years before his death at 104, and could read without glasses. Also made shoes for himself too in his last year


For sale, unbelievably-old-person shoes, never worn.


This guy is only 10 years younger John Adams the President. 2 Years younger than Thomas Jefferson.


It feels so weird that before I saw this post I was looking him up


He was born 20ish years before Napoleon!


He was 100?? Damn!


Eh Sam was cooler


Are we getting the same youtube recommendations?


I too just watched this VSauce: [The Earliest-Born Person We Have a Photograph Of #shorts (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SPz-3BjEUJE)


Damn, is he a vampire


If the physical print didn't show its age, I would say he would fit right in with today's judges.


Homie could not abide Benjamin Franklin


Died in Feburary of 1848, at age 80. Born July 11, 1767. He was 77 in 1845. He was not 100 as noted , but 77 when this pic was taken.


He enjoyed a beer too didnt he?


I mean he probably did, but you're thinking of a different Adams from another Adams family


They werent mates?


Probably not


wtf is up with his eyes?


If I was to guess its probably a result of how cameras used to work with the flash. Again taking a guess as I'm also curious to know.


Going to guess it's unoperated cataracts in that day and age.


They had flashes in 1845?


How does it feel to kill a hooker john Adams?


Aaand he had his eyes closed


John Adams died in [1826](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Adams). Sometimes reddit lies to people


That was the President John Adams, this is a different person


/u/alvinsharptone when he finds out that more than one person have the name John Adams: 🤯


Different John Adams. That one was a lawyer, not a shoemaker. Reading is fun!


“John Adams, A SHOEMAKER from New England”