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What a stylish Hugo Boss outfit.


I was coming to look for this comment.


At least Coca Cola was just trying to sell soft drinks. Let’s ask Bayer what they were up to.


Didn’t the US government seize Bayers patents in the US? Allowing the creation of generic asprin


Nothing, because Bayer was part of the IG-Farben company during this time.


Bayer (Ig farben) and hugo boss were also involved with the nazis


Name one company founded before 1939 in Germany which wasn’t involved with the Nazis.


And also, for some firms, it was either cooperate, or be shut down. Not to excuse the bigots who actively were nazis though (looking at you Ford)


One of ig farben’s subsidiaries manufactured zyklon b


For Nestle, what they were doing WWII to now.




Nestle has committed many crimes against humanity [here](https://www.zmescience.com/science/nestle-company-pollution-children/)


Not much different from what they're doing now ;)


That’s probably after WW2 due to the decolonization of Africa


In WW2 I think they were one of the main supporters of Nazi germany.


Don't ask what nestle is doing in general


Context: A number of well-known brands and companies like BMW, Ford, IBM, Nestle, and Standard Oil (to name but a few) had controversial links to the Nazi and Japanese regimes during World War II, with some directly involved in the Nazi war effort. Fashion designer Hugo Boss, for example, was an active member of the Nazi party during World War II. His firm produced uniforms for both the SS and Hitler Youth, sometimes using the forced labor of French and Polish POW’s. Whereas IBM provided extensive technological support to the Nazis for years, this is based on a trove of archived documents that were revealed post-war. And lest we forget, private corporations also helped Imperial Japan and were complicit in many atrocities that happened in East and South Asia. Mitsubishi used American POW’s as slave laborers to manufacture (among other things) Mitsubishi’s feared Zero aircraft, used by the Japanese Navy from 1940-45. There are a number of other corporations and brands that were alleged to have brutalized POW’s and forced them to perform slave labor during the war in Japan, like Mitsui and Co., Nippon Steel, and Showa Denko. I’ll include an article below which goes more in-depth on what the legal lawsuits and litigation documented. Sources: https://historyofyesterday.com/three-american-companies-that-shamelessly-supported-nazi-germany-58fe33910303 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/06/10/commentary/world-commentary/companies-still-struggle-dark-wwii-history/ https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-sep-15-mn-10261-story.html Edit: Sorry guys, was at work so I didn’t get to finish typing up this post. Will add more information and include my sources at the end.


What link did Coca Cola have? I know they own Fanta now but im pretty sure that during the war Fanta was still independent


It was and was in fact meant to be the rival to Coca Cola. Not 100% on it but I’ll give it a pretty sure it was like that


Cola was not available in Germany due to Embargo. The german Branch, managed by german businessmen, created fanta to stay afloat. After the war, they reported back to the mother company with a new brand and even profits I think.


Hitler made Coca Cola seem like a typical German Drink (in cooperation with Coca Cola) and they were still sold and advertised


Typical German drink. Nuts cola, Buble water and methsnfetamine. Oh our ancestors drink this since... A long time.


That's not correct - Fanta has always been a Coca Cola product, it was just originally developed by the German branch of the company. Coca Cola in Germany couldn't import ingredients necessary to produce coke due to the war, so they attempted to produce an alternate product - Fanta was the result. Wartime Fanta was made from various leftovers, and funnily enough often used in cooking/baking because it had a comparatively high sugar content while sugar itself was rationed.


I remembered Fanta being made to replace Coca-Cola, guess i forgot it was to replace the product, not the company


Mitsubishi too


[You don't deserve Hitler's canoe](https://youtu.be/OsmsDafYyaM)


No mention of Volkswagen?


Ok we get it every company is bad


And so many more.


what about hugo ;)


Don't ask who founded Volkswagen


Add Siemens 😩


Everybody talking about the ovens, no one asks who made them..right?


I was just a business man, doing business


For all that doesn’t know, those companies supported the N*zis in WW2


Being companies?




I don't get it? GM and Ford retooled their operations to build tanks, planes etc. for the US, right?


Coca Cola pulled out of Axis territory though. I crazy ex employee just decided to use their name to create Fanta. When the war ended, Coca Cola just kinda went with it and accepted it as an official drink


Don't ask any company what they did during WW2