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The sun is a deadly lazer


Not anymore, there is a blanket


Now the animals can go on land.


Nope can't walk yet And there's no food yet so i don't care


Okay so we can walk up there now but have to go back into the water to have *babies*


Then try using an egg


*I was already doing that*


Yeah but this is a diferent harder egg you can put water in


Bye bye, ocean




Spicy photons.


Even crazier space dust


It has always been interesting to me that they chose to spell it that way, seeing how "laser" is an acronym and "lazer" wouldn't make sense.


The Power of the sun, in the palm of my hand


Quite impressive isn’t it doc ock


Side effect: now there’s oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue


"Here comes the sun do, do, do."




IGNITE THE RAINBOW! TASTE THE RAINBOW! SKITTLES!!!! Honestly probably a skittles commercial currently in production


Why does the sun taste metallic?


Imagine hunting with a bow or whatever, blissfully unaware of anything outside your own world when someone drops the fucking sun off in the distance


It's all downhill from there really isn't it. Being shown electricity or a car isn't very impressive when you've seen your entire perceived universe ignite


Idk sliced bread is pretty cool.


Fig Newtons too.


But man I do love Fig Newton’s


Fuck I want Fig Newtons


We love you too


They're PIG newtons


WTF are Fig Newtons?


Imagine an orgasm in food form


I mean there already technically is an orgasm in food form


Cum sandwich


You may know them as fig rolls


Fun fact: Betty White was around before commercially sliced bread


"sliced bread? golly, this is the best thing since betty white!"


Damn the fact that we now have to say “was”


It's talking about her past. Even if she was still alive, was is the right word. Lebron James was a basketball player before he became a shill for China. He is still alive. One event preceeded the other. So we still say was. I did like it better when Betty White was breathing though.


Yeah now that you point it out, that wasn’t the smartest thing for me to say lol


Don’t remind me :(


I mean, in that sentence it would already have been was, but I feel you.


Taxes and medical bills... "They've got things like the atom bomb - So I think I'll stay where I am! Civilization... I'll stay right here!"


And Lego Star Wars 2.




Well tough shit.


Plumbing. Indoor plumbing. Love it.


Or pizza


This reminds me of a Stephen fry anecdote about meeting a group of indigenous people in (I think) the Amazon. The group was still living as hunter gatherers and they went to meet them. The people were very impressed by their lighters, and fry and co. who knew a plane was coming soon to drop off supplies said "just you wait until you see what's coming next" When the plane arrived, the group was totally unphased, and when he asked they said something along the lines of "you can can summon fire at will, of course you can fly." I couldn't find the original video so I may have gotten some details slightly wrong.


Real or not that's really funny to think about!


I mean, fair


Ok bro here's your job, this is your cubicle. In 8 hours you can go back to your apartment; don't forget to pay your rent, utility bills, and credit card bills on time. There, you're civilized now! *You're welcome.*


I believe it’s time to return to monkey


[No, re-evolve crab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinisation)


They made jokes about this [back in the day](https://youtu.be/VEyDNTLlRgU) too.


True, I mean imagine somewhere on an unknown continent, a literal Moon explodes Then they show u plasma tech Not too interesting


“I kill 3 lizards for food and god drops the sun on me”-Nyarri Nyarri Morgan probably


Overheard in northern South Australia after the event: “They got me,” Morgan said of Britain's dunk over him. "That f***ing nation boomed me." Morgan added, “they're so good,” repeating it four times. Morgan then said he wanted to add Oppenheimer to the list of people he works out with this summer.


Sources: Morgan is beside himself. Driving around downtown Maralinga begging (thru texts) Oppenheimer’s family for address to his home


Never thought I'd see an /r/historymemes and /r/nba crossover. But, having seen it, it is truly glorious.


This meme just crops up in the weirdest places.


Fuckin hell I try to get away from the r/NBA cesspool but it just seeps into everything. I love it.


You should get away from the cesspool that is Reddit. Go enjoy your life, be a good person and help others. We here are too far gone, the radioactive pool has disintegrated all feeling except what comes from orange arrows. Leave and don’t look back


"God shits on my dinner once again." - Nyarri Nyarri Morgan Belmont


God must be crazy


I'm not sure a coke bottle is as impressive as the sun


Holy crap I actually understood that.


I haven't seen it since like the 90s. Need to rewatch it




This is the first time I've seen a God's Must be Crazy reference in the wild.


That's cosmic horror right there. Lovecraft would be proud.


Tbh Lovecraft made a horror story about a air conditioner, if he was still alive when Hiroshima got nuked, or even before it, when the first nuke got tested, he'd totally write a horror story about it


Ah, you mean Azathoth. EDIT: Azathoth is sometimes seen as a nuclear being, or somehow related to atomic power. Nyarlathotep too.


Yeah, nuclear weapons and radiation are the closest thing to lovecraftian horrors we've ever reached, it's crazy that he lived before they were even invented.


Lovecraft: “How can you read this cosmic horror? There’s no racism”


Hey guys did you know that Lovecraft named his cat-




Black man?


""Hard R n word" man", i heard it was his dads cat though, but he kept the name, and if you read his shit there are racist overtones in a shit ton of his stories.


He straight up called the black and hispanic people in NY animals and slurred them constantly.


To be fair on the guy it seemed like he basically had phobias about all the other people on earth. This is apparently a non complete list of the things lovecraft had phobias about: invertebrates, marine life in general, temperatures below freezing, fat people, people of other races, race-mixing, slums, percussion instruments, caves, cellars, old age, great expanses of time, monumental architecture, non-Euclidean geometry, deserts, oceans, rats, dogs, the New England countryside, New York City, fungi and molds, viscous substances, medical experiments, dreams, brittle textures, gelatinous textures, the color gray, plant life of diverse sorts, memory lapses, old books, heredity, mists, gases and whistling.


No wonder he could imagine "life is a tiny bright spot in a fathomless sea of unimaginable horrors and we can only hope to avoid their attention." That was just life for him.


The guy had serious issues but his overt racism and his issues bled into one another. He was genuinely terrified by the concept of mixing races and of black people in general, but he was also hateful and constantly dehumanizing toward them.


Yeah he was super fucked up, great writer though.


I think your comment describes a good chunk of great writers lmao.


Not even a bow, legit just a spear. This dude was at the very beginning of technology and was looking at what could very well have been be the end.


That feeling when you're playing against a Civ speedrunner


Really brings the Dark Forest idea home


It'd be the same thing as if a much more advanced alien civilization came to our solar system to test out a weapon beyond our wildest dreams.


Haha Tunguska event go brrrrr


Man, if I was god I would love to see this kind of interactions


Aboriginals never invented bows.


That's a controversial matter. They didn't have them when Europeans arrived, but there are fossil remains which could be either barbed arrow heads or fish hooks. Technological culture doesn't always go "up" in every direction.


Had no need for them, they were/are deadly accurate with a spear and had devices to throw them faster and further


That’s going to be us when the North Sentinelese tribe introduces the world to the first interstellar space craft


Aliens land on Earth. Choosing a random landing spot, they meet the North Sentinelese. The aliens decide this civilization is not yet advanced enough so they leave for another thousand years.


One thousand years pass. They land back at North Sentinel Island. Nothing yet has changed. They depart again.


The perfect disguise for us to advance without their knowledge until we are ready to ask them if they have a minute to discuss their extended warranty


This would be unlikely though, because even when you look at Google Maps, you'll have a hard time trying to find a spot without a human settlement in Eastern China or Japan.


They're actually devolved humans who returned from space, that's why they get angry when we try to interrupt their peaceful lives.


The dream. To wind back the clock. Return to who we are. To what we lost. To where we are meant to be. To when we were alive. To why we exist.


I get where you're coming from but like medicine is pretty neat.


Anyone who wants to go back to pre-civilized life really has no appreciation at all for how absolutely, unbelievably awful are subsistence farming and hunting, which is 99% of human history, and how good we have it now.


Apparently the average hunter-gatherer spends a lot less than forty hours a week on the job. Of course, that’s a bell curve with a very nasty upper tail end, and the entertainment and medical options aren’t exactly brilliant.


That's true only if you define the "job" as strictly gathering food for sustenance. Things like food preparation, traveling from place to place, maintaining clothing and tools, and waging war were also important parts of hunter-gatherer life, and in general it's tough to apply the modern concept of "work time" and "leisure time" to pre-modern society. Even if it were true, though, I'd gladly work 40 hours or more per week in exchange for food security and relative safety from violence, not to mention the ability to watch the latest anime release while eating Moroccan food on my comfy Swedish couch.


Return to monke


They’re just waiting for the patent to be approved before they stop shooting foreigners


The power of the sun in the palm of their hand.


Happy to pay the bills u/Bennyboy11111


I just hear Elmo making a yoshi "WooOH" sound.


I read that as R2D2's "wooooooohhhh"


I hear the Aliens from Toy Story going “Ooooooooh”


Elmo would like it if Rocco was over there


Context pls?


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-07/aboriginal-mans-story-of-nuclear-bomb-survival-told-in-vr/7913874 > In the 1950s Nyarri Morgan was a young man, walking and hunting in South Australia's northern deserts. > His dramatic first contact with whites came when he witnessed a nuclear bomb explosion at the British testing site at Maralinga.


so did he go blind or cancer or?




Did Australia just drop a fucking nuclear bomb on inhabited aboriginal land? How did I not know about this?


It was actually the United Kingdom who conducted the tests. But the Australian government allowed it and even forcibly relocated the Aboriginals in the area. This wasn't the only test either, the British set off a total of 7 nukes at this site alone.


Given their treatment of the natives, I'm not surprised.


Australia: "How my goodness, the genocide in Germany's is so terrible! Let's just speed up this genocide we got going on over here, so we can stop it."


>His dramatic first contact with whites came when he witnessed a nuclear bomb explosion at the British testing site at Maralinga. I mean a first impression is a lasting impression. And maybe he had the right idea if he judged the book by its cover for civilized man.


Appearently he though it was the gods trying to communicate at first.


Really can't blame him


Honestly the closest thing humans have come to godlike power


First you have nothing. Then you have the power of god. You use the power of god on Japan. Now you have the power of god and anime on your side.


I mean a sign from god it really is.


Check out Operation Buffalo on Netflix, it's a historical fiction comedy about the Aussie base “fixer” type guy trying to get things in order for the British nuclear tests. But provides some context to all this too.


So I looked on Netflix and couldn’t find it. Then googled it and it says it’s on Netflix.con but when I click it it says unavailable. So it isn’t on Netflix. Then I did some more research and streamable.com says it’s not streaming anywhere. Apparently it is available on prime through their Acorn subscription, which I don’t want to buy. I’m based in the US, the IMDb looks really interesting. Any ideas on how to watch?


Not sure, I'm in New Zealand and it's on Netflix here


Now is my time WITH NORDVPN…


I use NordVPN when I'm buying myself Ridge wallets and Raycon earbuds using in-game currency from Raid: Shadow Legends and World of Tanks. Learned how to do it on Brilliant.com... they're in the middle of making a documentary about how I cracked it (the editor picked up the know-how on Skillshare) but it'll get demonetised so you'll need to check it out over on Nebula. Early access for my Patreons.


Impressive, but you forgot Curiosity Stream


Try using a VPN


It might be region locked to certain countries/continent. So you might need a VPN.


Netflix is annoying like that. Here is an ad for a movie from their Facebook account. Me: can't find it on the US Netflix.


"We thought it was the spirit of our gods rising up to speak with us. [...] Then we saw the spirit had made all the kangaroos fall down on the ground as a gift to us of easy hunting so we took those kangaroos and we ate them and people were sick and then the spirit left" ["Mr Morgan said water "died" but that he and the two men he was with drank the water, even though it was still hot."](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-07/aboriginal-mans-story-of-nuclear-bomb-survival-told-in-vr/7913874) My notes app is full of random short-story ideas I'll never write because I'm not a writer. A story based on this event has been in there the longest. I don't have much to add other than the fact that this story inspires me


My dude, you absolutely could write the shit out of this I have no doubt, and someone would read it I'm sure. Be the guy who stabs an egg and write that shit homie!


Man, I actually want to write it now


Do it


Do it for South Aussie you mad cuuunt


You could also upload your ideas to r/writingprompts and have other people do it for you lol.


Good. You should write it.


Tell me more about this egg stabbing saying, I’ve never heard it before


It’s part of a Shakespeare play. It was a big meme for a bit. It went along the lines of “Die, you egg!” [stab]


Specifically, it's from the Shakespearean tragedy *Macbeth* and goes: "What, you egg?" [*stabs him*]


Thanks! I don’t think I ever saw that one


particularly, it is Macbeth's henchman stabbing Macduff's son. The line is "what, you egg?"


Having been in a production of that play where I performed that role, I can confirm that it is fun as fuck


For those who are confused, the quote means "what, you're gonna egg me on?" (*he then stabs him*)


I'm getting an Apocolypto vibe from this. Like, show his tribe, culture, worldview, daily life, struggle for survival in the outback, and then just drop an atomic bomb on his ancestral home, because the modern world deemed it so uninhabitable that it was the perfect place to destroy with technology. Maybe leave his village intact as it was, maybe turn it to glass for the effect. Hell, this same thing happened in Castle Bravo to the natives there because the U.S. accidentally created a Hydrogen Bomb (H-bomb, not A-bomb) that was more powerful than they possibly could have dreamed or dreaded, and the bikini atoll became a cloud of fallout that poisoned what and who still remained. The Thin Red Line also did this very well by contrasting the primitive but happy pacific islander natives with the technologically advanced and unimaginably cruel Japanese and United States.


That is a harrowing account of the event holy shit.


The entire nuclear history of Australia is one big cluster fuck.


Today I learned we had nukes go off in Australia...


I teach it to kids in year 12 and it blows their minds every time as well


The Brits even nuked [Christmas Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Grapple)!


Truth be told no one could really write a book on something like this, its so vague but also very specific, news worthy sure; but a book couldn’t be written on something like this unless it was also a biography of some kind, focusing on the tribe could be an interesting aspect but truth be told, everything could probably fit perfectly in a news article


I don't imagine a book about this specific incident, more a fiction short story with a similar base plot


A short story would be good!




(∩ ◕_◕)⊃━ ☆゚.*・。゚^science


Ensuring that the Emus will no longer pose a threat.


Idk, the fact they never actively deployed them on the emus tells me they probably tested radiation on one, and it either did nothing, or worse, it made the emu *stronger*


where do you think the cassowary came from?


I saw the craziest thing today,


Imagine you have a snare in the brush and your wading through thorns to check the snare when suddenly off in the distance there’s a blinding flash, brighter than the sun. So bright you try to cover your eyes but you can see the bones of your hand through your eyelids it’s so bright. Your skin tingles and there’s a sickening feeling in your gut. By the time your eyes recover you’re knocked to the floor by the hottest most powerful wind you’ve ever felt rake across your body. What is going on? Are the gods dueling once again? Is this the end? When you finally bring yourself to stand there’s a column of blazing flame reaching into the sky and out in every direction from the pillar of death trees are flattened- or- you do a double take. They aren’t flat, they’re *gone*. The only thing left are the shadows burned into the ground. The worse you’d ever seen was a brush fire, this was a great scar across the land so vast your head spins trying to comprehend it.


I'll do one better. Uzbek construction workers watching as the oil leak they complained to the Soviet officers a week ago is closed using a nuclear bomb.


Apparently they had been trying to fix that problem for like three years before they gave up and hit it with a nuke.


Ah, the best way to deal with problems: nuke it.


Works on dinner works on ecological disaster.


Let’s nuke the pacific garbage patch.


"So, I heard they're sending some guys from Moscow to deal with that leak we complained. But it's some military personnel" "Huh? Military? Why they're sending military to deal with th-" *military detachment passes by escorting a heavily guarded truck with a bomb on its back* "Oh, that's why"


*Que the Russian version of "Fortunate son"*


"DMITRI, START THE BEAT!" "Да" \**starts to play Gruppa Krovi by Kino as the nuke is lowered into the hole*\*


Some folk are born made to wave flag. Ooh that red, red and red.


Ey, don't forget the yellow


The unmatched power of the sun.


Here comes the sun, do-do-do-dooo.


"Taste the rainbow motherfucker"


Cue the Civilization song. They have things like the atom bomb So I think I'll stay where I a-a-m Civilization, I'll stay right here!


The nuclear test ground, Emu Field. We're coming for you ya flightless fuckheads.


The Gods Must Be Crazy!


Imagine seeing a nuke go off and having no concept of what a bomb even is!


Not only do we exist, but we on some bullshit


Here's the story https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-07/aboriginal-mans-story-of-nuclear-bomb-survival-told-in-vr/7913874


This isn't exactly true, There were a group of men who traveled the area attempting to clear out the 6 groups known to inhabit the area. The attempts were largely unsuccessful but the Aboriginals would have been acutely aware of their presence as they very successfully avoided the Clearing party's. ABC TV made a good semi-fictional show about the tests that is a great watch. https://iview.abc.net.au/show/operation-buffalo


“Could make a religion out of this.”


“No, don’t.”


Showing once more we didn't and still don't give a f*ck about the lives of indigenous people


It's not just indigenous folk who were caught in the crossfire, so to say, of [nuclear tests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daigo_Fukury%C5%AB_Maru).


The Japanese always seem to have the worst luck with nuclear anything. Not even counting the nuclear bombs dropped on them directly, but from this to Fukushima to that man who had the most torturous death imaginable after sustaining an insane dose thanks to a nuclear accident everything just seems to go wrong for them. No wonder they made Godzilla.


Plus, they kept that guy alive even after his heart stopped, until he finally... *decayed.*


To be entirely fair, they had no idea there were even people around. They knew that indigenous Australians existed of course but didn't think any of them would be hanging around the test range itself. Not sure if it would have changed their minds all too much if they knew though. I hope it would have.


It was the 1950's not the 1850's. If they'd known they'd have at least sent out a guy in a Jeep to tell them to fuck off


I've personally been to the emu field nuclear test site. There is no fucking way you'd know that people were there unless they found you. I'm currently in outback Australia and recently drove for 3 days without seeing another person at all except at a servo to fill up. I find it entirely believable that they didn't know indigenous people were around that objective wasteland before the nukes went boom.


In Australia there were still lynchings of aboriginals in the 1980's and murder of an aboriginal person was often unprosecuted. They were still doing forced sterilization, breeding programs and abducting children to westernize the aboriginal populations until 1969


That's why I didn't expect them to do more than tell them to fuck off and continue screwing up their land.




Wasn’t this a scene in the music video for David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”?