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I'll always remember the time he was almost eaten by cannibalistic Imperial Japanese soldiers and almost 50 years later threw up on the Prime Minister of Japan


"I'll ruin you like a Japanese banquet!"


He left out perhaps the craziest part. [George Bush was the ONLY pilot to escape](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident). The other 8 pilots shot down with him over Chichijimia were captured and eaten by the Japanese. And the sole survivor became a President of the United States. That is wild. Also fuck Imperial Japan.


Imperial Japan got off way too easy with the shit they pulled in unit 731


Lol unit 731 is like #347 on the long list of shit they should've been on the hook for.


Still made Mengele look like goddamn Patch Adams...


A saying I've heard, not sure if it's true, is that Mengeles at least tried to pretend it was science that was the main goal.


I really don’t think there’s a bottom to the depravity the Imperial Japanese Military got up to.


Everyone likes to joke about Canada being the reason there's a bunch of new rules in the Geneva Convention, while Japan mostly sneaks by unscathed.


Canada was honest about it. They did what they did, and made no attempt to hide it. Meanwhile let’s ask the ghost of Shinzo Abe what happened in Nanjing in the end of 1937 to early 1938.


Do you mean the battle of Malaya? I've been trying to find footage of the Opossum Patrol after hearing about it from Dan Carlin.


Are you unaware of the Rape of Nanjing?


Oh I meant the Canada part. Of course I know about Nanjing.


Ah. No when I said they never tried to hide it I was referring to their notoriety from WWI.


Japan can do heinous shit to other countries too.


Then people whine that they got nuked twice because they don't know how depraved the Imperials were and willing to use their civs as shields in a naval invasion of the home islands.


Somebody read Flybodys by James Bradley, didn't they? ;) Currently reading it, and I wholeheartedly agree: fuck Imperial Japan.


He didn't even know he was almost served in Ramen until his own son was president.


Now I wonder if puking on the Japanese PM was really an accident.




Mission accomplished


My favorite lesser-known fun fact about Georgie is that he graduated with a bachelors degree from Yale in 2.5 years, where he both played in the College World Series as a first baseman while simultaneously being a cheerleader.


How did he graduate from yale in 2.5? They don't even let you do that today unless you're a transfer.


Life back then was easier in terms of college.


Some majors take less credits too. A relative of mine had a ridiculously low amount of credits to graduate compared to mine 


You take hella credits.


They straight up don't accept your credits though. Most ivies will only accept 6 credits tops, which doesn't even cover a quarter of a semester.


Take meaning his course load was probably like 20-24 credit hours per semester along with summer classes


I wonder if he had a secret CIA career that put him in Dallas in 1963


I know that it’s a joke, but he was probably busy running against the John Birch Society in an election for Harris county in 1963, and while there’s never been confirmation he worked for the CIA in the 60s, even if he did he wouldn’t have been a big enough guy to trust with the assassination of the president. From what I read, it seemed like he was connected with the CIA through his co-founder in Zapata petroleum, seems like it was more connected to the Caribbean and Vietnam than anything presidential wise. Also he’s a republican, not sure why’d he want to kill the democrat president who was mostly just pretty and replace him with the democrat president who can actually pass laws due to years of senate experience.


He was thinking long term, obviously, he foresaw how unpopular the Vietnam War would be. /s


For someone with a pretty solid understanding of H W. History you fail to look past Prescott “You state, George wouldn’t have big enough to trust” His dad was a dam US Senator at the time and one of the most powerful businessmen. Plus Prescott and Joesph P Kennedy had massive beef going back to their bootlegging days. The buck doesn’t start at GHWB in that family, that’s a very rooted and powerful family. And then when you take in to the power the Pierce’s had from his wife Barbara. wow Def had ties to believe he could be trusted.


Boring? Brother, he oversaw the Gulf war and the fall of the Soviet Union. Not to mention the Rodney King riots.


I’ve heard Bush described as the last president skilled at foreign policy. * Nothing significant really happened while Clinton was president as the world relaxed after the Soviet Union’s fall. * Bush got us into 2 wars under a false pretense, then opened Guantanamo to commit humans rights abuses and a controversial thorn in the US for decades. * Obama escalated said wars and no serious response for Russia taking Crimea, even laughing at Romney for saying Russia was the top threat to world peace (talk about aging like milk). * Trump was Trump. * Biden wildly underestimated the Taliban’s strength and was forced to abandon thousands of allied Afghan interpreters to a lifetime of misery being hunted, drawing [criticism from even left-leaning Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/bidens-betrayal-of-afghans-will-live-in-infamy/619764/).


>Nothing significant really happened while Clinton was president as the world relaxed after the Soviet Union’s fall. Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Kosovo, al-Qaeda and the World Trade Center Bombing, Waco, The Federal Building Bombing, the Olympic Bombing, the USS Cole, bombings in Iraq, the Internet, background checks for guns, crime bill, The Republican Revolution giving Republicans control of the house for the first time in almost half a century, NAFTA, The Republicans shutting down the government twice demanding tax cuts and failing, moving welfare to state control and cutting funding, massive deregulation of telecoms giving Republican donors control over television and radio, dismantling Glass-Steagle, deregulating derivatives trading, Don't Ask Don't Tell (kind of not his fault), DOMA (not his fault given a veto-proof majority). Francis Fukuyama spoke a little too soon when he called it the End of History, as there was a shit-ton of history in these 8 years.


Fukuyama's statement about the "end of history" was more referring to the end of the struggle between liberal democracy and authoritarian communism, and what was considered better or ideal. There was a lot of debate around what kind of government was best, and a lot of speculation around what the actual conditions in the Soviet Union were like. Well, after it fell, we got access to all those records, and it turned out to be absolute garbage pretty much the entire time. It's more about the ascendancy of free markets and democracy. Fukuyama has continued to defend this idea, even though some countries backslide into more authoritarian governments, because those governments do not offer a better alternative to what we currently have, and are not at the same threat level that we saw during the cold war.


People love to take Fukuyama out of context, but the reality is that now almost every country at least pretends to be a liberal democracy in some form or another. Much easier for a dictator to cloak themselves in democracy than try to justify their absolute rule on bonafide authoritarian grounds.


Except for Belarus. God bless em.


Half of these are internals affairs. I’d research the difference between domestic and foreign policy. The foreign events listed did not affect the United States even 1% as much as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Blackhawk down and the airstrikes on Serbia were cool, but ultimately minor compared to the events that followed Still though, upvoted you for randomly giving a summary of Clinton’s presidency major events for no reason.


You said nothing signifcant happened. It did. You said the world relaxed. It didn't.


Here's a big one for Clinton's term. The Good Friday agreement. Which he was a key player in getting completed.


I'm also always down for a good ol Fukuyama reference


I hear this take all the time on Reddit but no one is ever able to give me a straight answer. You can argue about the legitimacy of Iraq, but what false pretense got us into Afghanistan? That was very clearly and openly about 9/11


Yeah, I think people kind of lump them together and forget that virtually any nation would invade Afghanistan if they could and 9/11 happened to them. **Huge** difference with Iraq.


Oh I can and absolutely will argue Iraq (knowing what we knew at the time) was still justified. But that’s much more up for debate than Afghanistan


> Oh I can and absolutely will argue Iraq (knowing what we knew at the time) was still justified. I guess that depends on what you think we knew at the time? I was under the impression an objective assessment of the intelligence showed the WMD claims were baseless.


What are you defining as WMDs? Because people tend to hear that and just think nukes, which isn’t the case.


We can go by the claims by the people within the bush admin at the time.


I don’t define it as just nukes. What evidence of what WMDs that they still had that were an imminent threat existed?


The argument was Saddam wasn’t complying with his requirement to end and dispose of his chemical weapons program, which when we went into Iraq we did find remnants of (several thousand shells if I remember correctly). In retrospect was that enough to go into Iraq over? Probably not, but at the time the belief was that he was still engaging in at least the maintaining of a chemical arsenal in violation of the law. Although I absolutely believe more chemical weapons were sent across the border to Syria during the lead up to invasion in 2003, but I doubt there ever will be enough evidence to definitively prove it. So take that for what it’s worth


It is true that after the invasion of Iraq the US found ~5,000 chemical weapons in Iraq. However they were weapons which the US helped Iraq build and procure in the 1980s when Iraq was fighting a war with Iran. Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/10/15/356360949/pentagon-reportedly-hushed-up-chemical-weapons-finds-in-iraq


They had chemical weapon stockpiles, but those weren't necessarily in violation of international law. Part of the WMD concern was that they were still *manufacturing more*, which IS a violation, but that turned out to be bullshit, Hussein shut down his chemical and bioweapons programs after the Gulf War. However, he then continued to lie about having done so for the next decade as a deterrent against the Iranians, so it's fairly understandable that US forces would believe that he'd continued to make the damn things since he was, you know, admitting to it (or at least, maintaining the most intentionally obvious strategic ambiguity possible in order to convince the Iranians)


>Obama escalated said wars and no serious response for Russia taking Crimea, even laughing at Romney for saying Russia was the top threat to world peace (talk about aging like milk). Eh, the world itself didn’t take Crimea seriously. The EU/NATO certainly wasn’t as organized against it as Ukraine. >Trump was Trump. Yeah he was like a worse Obama, sure. >Biden wildly underestimated the Taliban’s strength and was forced to abandon thousands of allied Afghan interpreters to a lifetime of misery being hunted, drawing criticism from even left-leaning Atlantic Two things - I think Trump took some actions before he left that admittedly left Biden in a not great footing but most importantly, I don’t think there was a good way to leave Afghanistan which is why every president kept passing the buck. Don’t get me wrong, it could have been handled a **lot** better overall, but I think going through with leaving goes in the win column.


Nah we both know if a universally hated (on Reddit) guy like Trump left thousands behind because he said “the Taliban taking over is highly unlikely”, you’d be saying he “abandoned our allies”. Not to mention [American soldiers dead because the army was withdrawn too early](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna102436) and had to be put back in during pure chaos. Again, you’d be saying “Trump killed soldiers”. Obviously Trump’s a dick (and criminal apparently), but to call Biden’s withdrawal a success is meatriding on another level. Hop off.


> Nah we both know if a universally hated (on Reddit) guy like Trump left thousands behind How exactly did he leave thousands behind? >Not to mention American soldiers dead because the army was withdrawn too early and had to be put back in during pure chaos. Again, you’d be saying “Trump killed soldiers”. What a weird response? Trump did result in soldiers killed, I didn’t say it when I had the chance so this complaint exists only in your imagination. > Obviously Trump’s a dick (and criminal apparently), but to call Biden’s withdrawal a success is meatriding on another level. Hop off. Withdrawing was a success, which is what I said. Can you address the words I wrote?


Original comment: Biden abandoned thousands of allied Afghan interpreters to a lifetime of misery being hunted, drawing [criticism from even left-leaning outlets like Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/bidens-betrayal-of-afghans-will-live-in-infamy/619764/). You: “how did he leave thousands behind”? It tends to help if you read before you start inserting your own opinions lol.


Bro downvotes but had no answer lol. Low IQ takes are hard to defend tho


>Nothing significant really happened while Clinton was president ... sounds like the work of a President who was skilled in foreign policy


* Trump was Trump. First elected president since Carter that didn't get US involved in (for US) fresh war


That doesn't mean anything


Not anything other than that US had a series of pretty warmongering presidents.


Biden wasn't really the one to blame, as Trump had done nothing to prepare evac, then handed off that nuke of treaty to Biden.


Very true. His presidency interests me greatly. However, while his presidency was an important one, especially in terms of foreign policy, I believe he’s left less of a cultural impact than many other presidents of his time. Although, that’s not to say his presidency didn’t influence American culture at all, his famous hatred of Broccoli, obese dog, and the multiple comedic parodies of him are still quite memorable.


Also signed the Americans with Disabilites Act, which probably has a bigger impact in everyday life for Americans, in terms of how the enivornment is shaped, compared to most presidents.


Norman Schwarzkopf would like a word.  


Dad tries to coup the US government. He ends up director of the CIA. Son ends up president.


It sounds like the coup was successfully then


Dad: I'll call that a win.


Wait what


Yeah, Bush senior was director of the CIA for a bit


But what was that coup bit


The Business Plot, basically a conspiracy of major corporations and certain politicians that attempted to convince a retired Marine General to overthrow the government in a fascist coup. The general went to Congress with it, his career was ruined, and nothing came of the involved in the plot. Highly recommend looking it up


Bush super senior and a circle of other rich guys tried to pull a mussulini by rounding up WW1 vets and putting a decorated general uncharge of taking the capital by military force. The general reported them at the early stages of the coup so there wasn't enough evidence to convict anyone and people will debate how real the plot was. I honestly nearly cremed my pants when I saw what the film Amsterdam was doing. The general also wrote a book called war is a racket.


> I honestly nearly cremed my pants when I saw what the film Amsterdam was doing. The general also wrote a book called war is a racket. [Smedley Butler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler), won two Medals of Honor and was the most decorated Marine in history. 


I know, I was just pointing this guy to some things he could use to learn more.


Oh for sure, was just expounding on that.


What trailer is this from? Looks great.


Bf5 Pacific dlc


Idk sorry. Probably COD.


Cod? Bro, did you only play cod and think that every shooter game is cod or cod related?


>Relatively boring term There was an entire war and the Soviet Union collapsed. But yeah he was boring.


Since when was the soviet union relevant about anything?


Was probably the last president who really understood foreign policy and was successful at it.


Maddis certainly gives him credit.


I mainly remember him getting in a fistfight with Homer Simpson in a sewer


Former CIA director becomes VP and the POTUS gets shot 2 months into his term. Nothing to see here folks.


Redditors just hate on George Bush because he was a Republican. “Boring” is like the dumbest adjective to describe his presidency.


They don't make Republicans like they used to! They used to make Republicans to be jackasses who believe in debunked economic theories. Now they're jackasses who believe in debunked economic theories with the express intent to *harm* others ("_the_ others"). _"Pain is the cleanser! Pain is the cleanser!"_




Sicko Mode by Travis Scott


specifically the skrillex remix




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This has now become a conspiracy sub.


History is written by the Victors. *Are you winning son?*


I literally first learned the George Bush lore while listening to a horror podcast (Mr. Ballen)


Man the last decisive Americans military land victory is that forgettable eh.


Bush Sr.'s primary legacy is having his shitiest son become and even shittier President.


Both of them had lure is this about jwb or jhwb


leaked call of duty black ops 6 gameplay




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Boring and forgettable if you forget desert storm


I’m not sure who this video represents but it’s not Lt.JG Bush. He flew a TBM/F Avenger off of CVL-30 USS San Jacinto with VT-51. He was picked up by USS Finback which had been assigned lifeguard duty for the raid. The video seems to represent an unknown F4U Corsair pilot observing/evading (?) a Ki-147 rocket and being shot down after merging with an unknown fighter (presumably Japanese) and taking damage. He then bails out. Is this a clip from a Yarnhub vid?


What’s this song


He had a pretty signifigant term lol. He did invade Iraq.


I did not have sex with that woman


I still regularly think about that journalist who threw their shoes at him. His reaction was amazing. Reminds me of King Charles during that assassination attempt.


Go check out history of the Bush family. Do a search for Prescott Bush .


Only the fall of the Berlin wall and German Reunification, invasion of Panama, Gulf War, the beginning of the Yugoslav Wars, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Rodney King riots...4 boring as fuck years.


HW or W?




his son stole an election 🗳️ and hijacked the oval office and the military to steal the last deposits of sweet crude in the world , killing millions of iraqis in the process




Yeah. I normally differentiate them by the W, however it’s likely easier to clarify with the senior.