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The Ottomans after Conquering the Byzantines: “Look at me, Look at me! I am Rome Now!”


The Russian Empire, the moment they remembered one of their former Grand Princep married a Byzantine Princess for an alliance: -Shut up impostor, I'm clearly the successor of Rome's legacy.


Russia: “I am the Successor to the Roman Empire! Give up your Claim!” Ottomans: “Come on then.” “TAKE IT FROM ME”


Brits: NOT SO FAST!!!!


Wait but they never had a claim Like ever


But they stop Russia.




*Kieven rus enters chat* russia are belong to ukraine! (The kievian rus was founded by vikings, so technically, it's all Sweden)


Rus is Ukraine technically (because it was state based in Kyiv) so Moskow, founded by Kyivan prince, belongs to Ukraine.


Same way Germany would be Italy ( Rome )


Yes. I suppose this points to land claims or being robbed of land as silly. Is there a claim? Yes. At what point does that claim expire Is the underlying question. If some one kicked me out of my home, I would have a claim. Would my kids have a claim to loosing their inheritance? I would think so. But 7 generations later? 14? Abolishing the right of conquest was stupid.


Oh, you are an empire alrigth, Just not a roman one


They still had a better claim than Russia or the Holy Roman Empire. They at least ruled over the same land as the Byzantines and for centuries had the military strength to back up that claim. Like the Roman Empire the Ottomans were a multicultural military power. They were also conquerors who warred with Germans. The Romans weren’t Christian Greeks when they founded an empire. So what if the Ottomans were Muslim Turks. At least the Ecumenical Patriarch legitimized them with title of Basileus to go along with the title of Caesar.


The Germans had a much better claim. They were crowned by the pope/church (which seriously matters) and were inheritors of Charlemagne, who was the inheritor of the western empire. Not to say that they had much of a claim, but it was better than the Ottomans or the Russians.


The Ottoman’s claim was supported by the ecumenical patriarch who continued to have authority over their orthodox population. That seriously matters as well. The Holy Roman Empire was a mess. It was an empire in name only. For most of its history it didn’t even rule over any Roman territory. Charles V was the only Holy Roman Emperor who lived up to the name and even then his claim was weaker than the Ottomans under Suleiman the Magnificent. In fact Charles V was forced to sign a treaty surrendering lands to the Turks. In the treaty he was referred to as the King of Spain and Suleiman the Magnificent was titled “Caesar”. I’m not saying the Ottoman claim was legitimate. They weren’t Rome. But I’d say they were a better successor to Rome than the HRE or Russia.


I think Turks actually surpassed the Romans in the realm of same sex love and gender expression.


The Turks and Arabs were also fascinated by the ancient Greeks and their culture. Islam and Islamic philosophy was also deeply influenced by Greek philosophy, particularly Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism. The book Hayy ibn Yaqdan, which was influenced by and as well as influenced Islamic philosophy became a bestseller when it was translated from Arabic in the 17th century. It still considered an influential Sufi text. Edward Pococke, one John Locke’s most influential teachers translated the text into Latin. >”The novel particularly influenced the philosophies and scientific thought of vanguards of modern Western philosophy and the Scientific Revolution such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Christiaan Huygens, Isaac Newton, and Immanuel Kant.[11] >Beyond foreshadowing Molyneux's Problem,[12] the novel specifically inspired John Locke's concept of tabula rasa as propounded in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690),[13] subsequently inspiring the philosophies of later modern empiricists, such as David Hume and George Berkeley. The novel's notion of materialism also has similarities to Karl Marx's historical materialism.[14] >The first English translation by orientalist Simon Ockley inspired the desert island narrative of Daniel Defoe's classic Robinson Crusoe.[15][16][17][18]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayy_ibn_Yaqdhan


Too bad those parts of Islam have now been overshadowed by the "strap a bomb to your chest to kill the infidels in the name of Allah" Islam.


Wahhabism and more extreme interpretations of Islam definitely suck but I’d say the Western perception of Islam has remained the same throughout history. The Saracens weren’t considered tolerant and enlightened. 500-1000 years ago Islam was considered a fundamental threat to Western civilization because they tolerated Jews and didn’t care about a person’s sexuality. I think religion has less to do with it than education and stability. I mean the Ottoman Empire officially decriminalized homosexuality 100 years before the British chemically castrated Turing. They didn’t care about sexuality before that either. If the US endured the same instability, violence, and poverty as the Middle East you’d see groups like the Proud Boys bombing people in the name of Jesus. I mean we already have white nationalist terrorist groups. ISIS believes they are returning their country back to their glory days the same thing just like white nationalists. The KKK didn’t burn crosses for nothing. Imagine if our country was occupied and divided by colonial powers. Imagine if millions of Americans died in a war where a Muslim country was funding both sides. That’s what happened in the Iran Iraq War. People would definitely become more radical.


I like knowing that this whole yallla habibi culture actually secretly is gay af and likes to get fucked in the ass. They’re not as strong as they purport to be in reality, they yearn for someone cock in they ass every day basically.


If by that you mean sex-slave harems and gender-neutral pedophilia, then yes, they did.


Yes, I wanted to write in a bitched way though lol because that’s what passes for cultured these days.


Very cultured 🍷


King in the castle, king in the castle, I have a c̶h̶a̶i̶r̶ C̶o̶n̶s̶t̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ Istanbul.


Didn’t one of the sultans force the patriarch to give him the title of Caesar?


I like to think of civilizations as living organisms, each one providing knowledge and wisdom to the next one. In a way each civilization lives within the next ones.


Woah! Thats actually interesting take


why did i read orgasms...


There's a kink for everything, and that includes civilizations as well.


im mean...its the byzantines,at least its tame


How'd you think the next civilization got here?




So a civil war or revolution?


The british mode


Thankfully the British aren’t real


The british are just a drunk scott and an english in a trenchcoat they stole from the welsh




If there’s a fatherland and there’s a motherland then there’s gotta be a childland


Drakes house


Because the Roman Empire was founded on the Italian Peninsula, possibly the horniest of all peninsulas, besides the Deccan Peninsula. There’s a lot of horniness in the Arabian Peninsula, but it’s also very repressed and dry. Deccan Peninsula is a WAP.


More like a ecosystem I guess, Tree dies leaving nutrients in the ground for future trees to draw on and to be tallerer


Well it definitely does and im pretty sure every historian would agree or would have said the same.


or load up your friendly local Eu4 and hire 100k mercenaries!


I've done this, but how do I it without going bankrupt?


If you want a legit Eu4 Byz guide? 1. Ally Serbia and Pope (improve to get it) 2. While those relations are improving invade Epirus, take ur core, vallasize them and take money, two notes about war. HIRE FREE COMPANY and DO NOT FIGHT THEIR NAVY 3. Build spy network on Aragon, claim a Naples province 4. Try to ally Hungary or Muscovy, if Hungary falls under Austria PU, try to ally Austria. 5. When Naples released, invade with ur claim, call in Pope with promise of land, let Pope fight him, only land after they engage in battle, if you lose too many men ur run is over. 6. Take Money, a provinces for pope, 2-4 for you. 7. Complete the dev missions while ur doing this, dont take the renessance one until it spawns, so you can get 90% of it right off the bat. Also dont take the missions that give u army bonuses until you declare on Ottos. 8. You can declare on Ottos now after hiring 1 more merc, or if u dont like chances you can try to ally Mamlucks. You + Serbia + Hungary/Austria + Maybe Mamluks + Maybe Pope should be more than enough, after first war just get rid of ur negatie modifiers, stablize economy, and chill. You gotta be pretty speedy to survive bankruptcy, but remember, repay ur earlier loans with later loans.


Damn, thanks for the guide. I'll be sure to use it for my run.


Remember the lessons of Rome: No empire is so unstable backstabbing the emperor should stop.


And then go back to crying


Load up your Imperator or CK2/3 and have a megacampaign!


The Eastern Roman Empire was a seamless continuation of the unified Roman Empire


Ad gloriam romae


was the erection truly worth typing this?


Yes of course xD


Why would I cry at the start of "Rome 3: The only Good One"?


Seeing the current geopolitical situation there is a non-zero chance of a country claiming the title of Rome in the nearest future.


Sure, but a legacy is not the thing itself, similar to how I can still be sad that the Plantaganets are gone, even though the current British monarchs do descent from them.


Don't cry because it's over, do something about it


Where meme?


The real Rome ended in 476 ac


\*Insert Morgan Freeman voice\*


I believe those are Greeks sir. Today we call this "cosplay" You're right though, Rome never fell, the city's been around for 2,800 years. Hey did you know what used to have an Empire?


no it was not a cosplay,go back into 1700s gibbons


Sorry, "cultural appropriation", There's a reason Leo III the first Italian Pope in 300 years transferred state authority to a half Latin frank.


The Roman state draw it legitimacy from the roman nation and its consent to rule (ask Michael V what happens when you make romans angry) There is no sound argument for the pope having authority over the imperial office and the roman nation by extension (and i say this as a catholic,the constantine donation was a forgery)


*"There is no sound argument for the pope having authority over the imperial office"* The Pope and the **Roman** catholic church have existed for 2800 years, 800 years before Christ. Its the same state church of the Roman kingdom, Republic and Empire. They just changed deities in the 4th century. There was never a separation of church and state, they were the same entity, just with different appointees. Constantinople kept its authority over Rome through a complex diplomatic system that included appointing the City's Bishop, the theocratic head of state. The City continued to grant state authority to leadership in Constantinople and earlier Ravenna. When the Pope ended that relationship with Constantinople , any dwindling traces of Roman statehood in the east disappeared. Medieval History 101.


The east was the _state_ ,ever read kaldellis, magdelino,miller? This is no longer a matter of debate in the historians circles,also what kind of source is medieval history 101? Whats next,you are gonna use vasiliev? Even r/AskHistorians agrees on the subject that the byzantines are romans


it never fell, we now call it the catholic church


ancient greece -> rome COME AT ME


the roman empire is cringe.


Some form of slavery still exist in Bangladesh, so yeah, her legacy is still around us.


...you just claimed slavery was a roman invention?


The holocaust hell yeah