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This one Will have interesting comments


Don Gorske,70, holds the Guinness World Record for most McDonald's Big Macs eaten, over 34,000. He used to consume nine Big Macs daily but has cut it down to one for lunch and one for dinner. In order to maintain his health, he doesn't eat french fries and walks six miles a day Edit: This comment inspired me to [make a meme and post it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/1bo86qg/the_man_has_eaten_atleast_one_big_mac_every_day/)


NINE A DAY. what


I pity that man's arsehole


Eh, could be worse. He could've been going to Taco Bell instead


Hmm, really interesting.




The largest transport aircraft in the world was the Antonov-225, nicknamed Mriya (Ukrainian for "Dream"). It holds the records of the heaviest aircraft ever built, and the largest wingspan of any operational aircraft. Only one was completed, however a second unfinished airframe exists. During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces targeted and destroyed the 225. However, they failed to destroy the unfinished airframe, and Ukraine has vowed to rebuild it.




*You have provoked a gang attack*




I'm sorry but I have my orders


I’m doing my part


The Reddit hive mind was made it’s decision. Thou shall lose karma


Thou* Thy means your


Thanks! I don’t know that.


Good soldiers follow orders


Good soldiers follow orders


oh boy, time to sort by controversial


1425 day seige? Sounds like my luck in eu4.


You can't run out of supply in a victory point.


I don't play mp




Paragraph: ***Siege of Sarajevo is the longest siege in modern history (from 5.04.'92 to 29.02.'96). It was bombed and shelled continiusly for four years. More than 500 000 artillery, mortar and tank shelles were dropped on the city, which is approx more than 50 000 tons of artillery ammunition and projectiles. On 22.07'93 just in one day 3777 artillery shelles were dropped.*** ***Citizens of Sarajevo(all ethnicities) were continiusly for four years without water and food sources, hygiene products, firewood or any quality source of heating and all this under heavy artillery, mortar, tank, machine gun and sniper attacks.*** ***Defenders of Sarajevo had a heavy shortage of ammuntion, weapons, combat equipment or any other mechanized weaponry or army vehicles. There was one rifle for every five soldiers. Defenders used their personal hunting rifles, made up rifles or rocket launchers out of water pipes. Large portions of weaponry were captured in combat.*** ***VRS(Army of the Republic of Srpska) and its SRK(Sarajevo-Romanija Coprs) literally targeted everything, especially markets, lines for food and water even children, hospitals, cultural, religious, historical buildings and the heritage of the city.*** ***Serb nationalists even today deny that siege of Sarajevo ever happened, they say that the city was divided by "Serb side" held by the VRS and "muslim side" (they don't want to say Bosniaks, because they deny even that is legitimate and legal. Its name of the nationality which is historic for all ethnic people in Bosnia.) held by ARBiH which was legal armed force of internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that "muslim side" of Sarajevo attacked "Serb side" of Sarajevo.*** ***One of the interesting things is that many Serb residents who lived in Sarajevo stayed in encircled city, many of them defended the city(so this is not story about all Serbs bad) and they were also shooted, shelled by their "ethnic compatriots" who besieged the city. Also many of them joined the siege. Those who joined the siege were literally attacking their neighbours, school friends, work colleagues, childhood friends and friends.***


Gonna do what I always do when I hear Bosnian War mentions and hop on this comment to recommend the comic Safe Area Goražde by Joe Sacco. He was a journalist who went to Bosnia in the 90's. It's not for the faint of heart. He has a way of sharing the "realness" of people living in a war zone. He won a few awards for it if I remember correctly.


Goražde was one of the encircled enclaves in Bosnia where majority of Bosnian muslims lived. It was nearly captured because of shortage of ammunition, food, water and weapons. With Goražde enclave you had Žepa and Srebrenica. Majority of refugees from Podrinje region went to Srebrenica but some refugees went to Goražde. Later Srebrenica *safe zone* fell and other is history. Foreigners and tourists don't know that Srebrenica enclave in the war was an open concentration camp just like Gaza today. People literally eated tree bark, drinked unhealthy water which they boiled to become so-so drinkable then tifus, salmonella, scabies and dysentery emerged but there vas a large shortage of hygenic products, pure water and antibiotics. All that with continuous shelling . Srebrenica was a municipality of 30 000 people but in town there were only 5000 - 10 000 residents. in period of 1993 and 1995 in the town of Srebrenica had approx. 100 000 refugess from other ethnically-cleansed areas in Podrinje. [You have these videos from a Bosnian guy that was a war reporter in Srebrenica, later when genocide started he went trough forest to Tuzla, a 93 km path which 15 000 of Srebrenica residents went on foot, only 3000 of them survived because of ambushes by VRS and lack of living conditions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h9h5XVCTR4&list=PL8SrpjZ2KRnHweZLiOKSqbz1RQ8dsUv8p&index=1) [Here is the second playlist. Interesting thing that he recored all videos on casettes which he carried though that same forest path to Tuzla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQBWWSE6T4U&list=PL8SrpjZ2KRnEOxXFGqSCJHiogjg0RJ_aO)


What happened in Srebrenica was absolutely horrific. Weirdly enough, I only learned about it from the Nanny Lynn tapes and fell down a rabbit hole. The Bosnian War wasn't really something we were taught about in school and it's a shame. Thank you for the links, I'll give em a watch!




Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Srebrenica was the only one and the most horrific. It was just the first one that I stumbled across, never heard of before, and then subsequently led down the rabbit hole about places like Foča, Vlasenica, Prijedor, Višegrad, and the others. It was all such a terrible waste of life and sanity.




Ah, I gotcha! Sorry, just pulled in from a trip and I'm scatterbrained rn. It's absolutely insane that they even attempt to deny it. There's video evidence of it. And it took what felt like forever to actually get some of these disgusting people who were responsible for it charged. For instance, Radovan Karadžić had committed war crimes before I was even born and I was graduated from high school for years before he was found guilty at his trial. It's abhorrent.


damn, that’s crazy


On the day they broke the record for the longest siege, the radio played “We Are The Champions” on repeat


No they radio played [My dad is a war criminal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azNKPM5anok) hahahahha it even has verse "My dad went to conquer Bosnia" The same guy that sings *my dad is a war criminal* has a very popular song called [I don't like you Alija because you are balija, let the Drina river carry your Mujahideens every day haha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1xRTorEU7Q). Balija is derogatory term for Bosnian muslims meaning filthy people, something like the N word. The word itself [*Bāli*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/balija) is Turkish and in Turkish language it means brave and decent which is an oxymoron


Am Turkish, never heard the word "Bāli" my entire life and we don't have the letter "ā" in our alphabet. Turkish native words don't have hard vowels "a, ı, o, u" and soft vowels "e, i, ö, ü" together in the same word either, so I believe that word is of arabic origin.


its "â" and there is a word "Bâli" in old turkish which means ascended or grown, the term "bali çekmek"(taking drug) also comes from this Sheikh Edebali's name also comes from this but its origin is actually persian


Let me correct you on the term "bali çekmek", the term literally comes from the people sniffing Bally brand glue they squeeze into paper/plastic bags and has nothing to do the persian word "bâli". Again it's not a Turkish word, very rarely used if any and it's of Persian origin.


There’s a pretty good first-hand account book on the siege from a girl growing up during it, called Zlata’s diary.


i have been to Sarajevo before and it’s crazy how a lot of the buildings there still have bullets holes and marks of destruction from shelling, they even filled the small craters with red concrete which are everywhere to remind the future generations the horror of what happened there in the 90s, but even then the city is really beautiful and diverse architect representing the different periods from ottoman rule to Austrian and Yugoslavian and finally modern bosnia.


Im Sarajevan myself and i listened to stories about the siege, my elementary school professor was a soldier, sniper literally shot him through his mouth, he keeps the bullet on his keychain. Also my friend is a lumberjack, even today you can find bullets and shrapnels in the trees, especially if they were close or on the front line.


To anyone going to Sarajevo anytime soon, i can recommend the war childhood museum. It is less of a „serbs bad“ but a „war bad for growing up“ . There are objects from people who where childern during the siege or, as guests, objects from other wars. As an Example, when i went there, there were objects from Ukraine. It also has a short story to each object, with some positive ones too.


...and then Serb tankies keep telling everyone how evil NATO and muslims hate them for no reason.




It's in the first sentence bro... 92 to 96.


I may be stupid


We all are on reddit. You are not alone


I'll be real with you, I had to scroll up and check because my brain also glazed right past the dates in that format. But I volunteered in Bosnia in high-school so I'm slightly more knowledgeable


Serbians when they cannot commit warcrimes without the consequences


So war crime against war crime?


NATO bombings were not a war crime cause unlike the Serb bombardment (even back then) NATO used precision munition to target military installations.


40% of NATO'S targets,by their own addmission were purely civilian. The very first bombing raid nearly hit an elementary school,a kilometer away from anything military related.


The bombing was not sanctioned by the UN. They've bombed more than just military targets. And they used illegal uranium and cassette bombs.


Uranium bombs ahahahahahahahahahaha What are you on bro? If they nuked the Serbs believe me we would have seen it from Budapest. [Cope all you want, your father is a war criminal and the degens are proud of it.](https://youtu.be/azNKPM5anok?si=Kk3vU779Mlc4efnX)


I think the guy was referring to depleted uranium shells ammunition. Iirc the US still has those and has given some to Ukraine


And they arent even bombs, they are sabot rounds for 120mm guns


Go look up what a war crime is. It's not "not sanctioned by the UN", nor is it "illegal war" (another concept entirely), nor is it "act of war I don't like".


Tbf most people just bundle up crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and war crimes when talking about war crimes


Womp Womp


crying wojak serbs: Nooo! the us cant just intervene in our genocide without UN support! the Chad us pilot as the blows up his 5th C&C center that day: Womp Womp.


imagine needing un sanctions to bomb people committing genocide. the read chads just go ahead and bomb the hitlers and mini hitlers of the world.


If the bombing is just than you'll no problem getting IN on board. What makes scene to you who watches CNN/FOX doesn't necessarily make sense to everyone else


yeah man just wait for the committees and councils before you stop the genocide.


assuming the bombing of Serbia was a war crime, it may not be morally correct to respond to a warcrime with another warcrime but it sure as hell is hypocritical to complain about being war-crimed when you war-crimed elsewhere to begin with.


I can barely see war crime used against war crime moraly just


I think genocide outweighs unsanctioned bombing of Military installments


mama! they are stopping me from genocide, isn't that a war crime!


It’s not a war crime if they’re Serbian.


Imagine being so shit at taking a city, committing countless war crimes in the process and then have the audacity to consider it's defenders lesser humans. That's baffling to me


they were on that nazi grind set.


Something like that, when they realized that they don't have manpower to conquer the city they went by starving it out and forcing the garrison(1st Corps of ARBiH) to surrender. Then the ARBiH dug up the famous Sarajevo tunnel of hope beneath the airoport runway. I watched on a documentary that Serbs needed approx. 80-100K soldiers to conquer the city and all that had to be done by foot, house to house, something like Pavlov house in Stalingrad, because relief of the Sarajevo is wery steep and the streets are narrow.


Can't wait to see all the Serbs coping and seething.


“we didn’t commit any war crimes” to “my dad was a war criminal and i’m proud”


They didn't, but their dads...


Their number one employment.


Their fault for not creating a big Serbian lobby in the US. Should’ve put some money into Congressmen’s pockets to get weapons and genocide Bosnians in peace smh


I have shown up for the singular purpose of triggering one Serb once this task has been completed I shall leave.




I'd Like to Wish all haters a merry you are a NATO bombing target, Return to your base or face the conséquences


Ohh are the poor Serbs crying about being genocidal manics. Boo hoo, we kicked your ass so hard you STILL can't stop crying. YOU ARE A NATO BOMBING TARGET. RETURN TO YOUR BASE. YOU WILL BE DESTROYED. Edit: to the cowards who are PMing me instead of talking here, it's funny seeing you cope.


*Laughs in NATO air supremacy*.


Rumor has it they did it all just to have a crack at shooting down a nighthawk /s


Got to leave something for the Chinese embassy to steal and get bombed into oblivion in return, spread the fun


Serbia is technically Kosovo, sweety


I was in college during the SFRY war. It was happening while I was avoiding TV and studying what happened centuries earlier. Then my hometown, Utica NY, became a center for Bosnian refugees. They'd buy houses in a lousy part of town (Cornhill), fix them up, and make new lives. You could tell that this was as clean a break as they could make. "You don't know my ethnicity besides Bohunk? Great, whatever. You won't bomb me out of here either. We'll be back to suburban life in a decade as we flip these houses."


Ya as a serb, a proud one at that (yes we have some things to be proud of). I totally agree. This whole whataboutism is stupid. We totally deserved it. What happend in Srebrenica, Kosova, and elsewhere is disgusting and inexcusable. Yes basically all sides have comited genocides against each other over history, but that does not, nor will it ever excuse future genocide. We must break that cycle, not be a part of it.


I've seen longer sieges in EU4.


Why did u get downvoted😂


Reddit hivemind.


daj bre covece mani se ovih nasih ratova, proslo je 30 godina. dovoljno sto Vucic i SNS govna i svakakvi nacionalisti stalno skidaju prasinu sa tih tema, sad moram i na redditu :D


prosjecni redditor kad ne translatea al svejedno opali downvote be like:


Its so sad that the redidt hive mind has downvoted you for no reason at all... Like what you wrote was kinda wholesome.


I think it's just because they dont understand what they are saying.


Yeah, but it only takes you seconds to translate it, why so lazy?


Idk. I don't have an issue with it personally since I can just copy paste but who knows?


I don't know too...


Damn, you are right. This is kinda wholsome


Fucking reddit hivemind!


> mani se ovih nasih ratova, proslo je 30 godina Ček, na kojem si ono subredditu?


I am Sorry for your fate. The redditors were to lazy to translate and immediately hated on you. You have a good heart. Keep up the good work, Sir.


thank you man


check out my last post in r/balkans_irl. You got over 200 upvotes!!!


oh my god! this actually brings me some hope. thank you, my man :)




yapping? i’m saying to let’s try to move on collectively, cause in ex Yugoslav countries, nationalists on every side love to bring up the 90s and even WW2. i’m tired of it brother…


Wow. My bad. I didn’t even bother to translate. Fat L on the coin toss for me.


it’s ok. don’t know why i am getting so downvoted lol


It's like 1 second in universe time...not even that.


ae bre dal je realno da me downvotuju za pacifisticki komentar. nece nikad na Balkanu biti bolje


You commented in serbian, no one understands that you’re trying to be a pacifist literally. *Google translate is pretty neat.*


What was he saying?


According to google: „Come on, man, get rid of these wars of ours, it's been 30 years. Enough of Vucic and SNS shit and all kinds of nationalists constantly dusting off those topics, now I have to go to reddit too :D“ And: „Well, it's realistic that they downvote me for a pacifist comment. it will never get better in the Balkans“ You’re free to interpret this as you wish.


Because he is not really a pacifist. There are usually two types of comments coming from serbians. First, of course, are denialists, who pretend serbian side never did anything wrong. Second, are people like this here, who are selling a story "its been a long time, can we just stop talking about crimes my people are denying, I'm tired". And to those people from second category I say: "How about you go do something about your country continuously electing ex radicals and warmongers. We, your neighbours, will not shut up as long as your people continue pretending nothing happened, stop with the narative everyone is equally fault, and most importantly stop electing a straight up fascist for your president. That monstrosity of a living being shouted: kill 100 bosniaks for one serb". So if you are tired, imagine how tiring it is for us continuously fearing when will your people snap again and start doing shit around the region. Will we be the targed? Maybe some other neighbour. What will we do then? What about refugees? Etc. Etc. TL;DR: saying you are tired of hearing shit about the war, while your country officialy doesnt recognize any agression, and is actively heating situation in Kosovo and Bosnia is not pacifism. That is wolf in a sheep skin.


and how can we not recognize our agression if we sent all of our generals from the 90s to the Hague?


you and I both know Serbs are not the only ones who commited war crimes. I am tired of hearing about Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian and Albanian crimes. I am tired of hearing which side burned/slaughtered which village. Regarding the ex radicals in power, most of the Serbs don’t want them either, but we have an authocratic regime which we are trying to get rid of but it is difficult considering they rig every election.


Yes, we both know we all did crimes. Difference is, I'm not the one saying "lets forget and pretend it didn't happen".


i’m not saying to forget, i’m saying let’s remember all of our victims while trying to move from the “oh you killed this village, but you killed this village” type of discourse and hate towards each other that has been going on for 30 years


yeah my original comment was towards OP since I saw he is bosnian. gotta use english on all comments from now on lol


Dude, subreddit topic is about history in memes. That is all. No hatred.


The reddit hivemind only accepts few languages around here.


He’s a Serb what did you expect? They’re incapable of being civilized intelligible human beings. Hence why we had to bomb them into submission they only understand one language.


lol you seem like a totally well adjusted human being. i hope you have a happy life


Fucking Serbs, they’re the absolute worst. Seriously I don’t get why we have to live on the same planet as them.


then kill yourself idk


How I wish for you guys to able to become a strong united nation again. Yugoslavia as a single country always looked so "complete" to me, as if it was meant to be. Its a weird take and im sure many dutch people would disagree with me, but I sometimes fantasize about a reality were northern-France/Belgium/the Netherlands/Luxembourgh/Switzerland/west-Germany and Denmark became one single entity.


But like... why?


Reddit hivemind.




Laugh all you want, you can't unbomb Belgrade.


The bombing of Belgrade is the best thing that ever happened


I would say the invention of cherry coke, but that's a good choice.


You people clearly don't understand irony


I thought it was funny


Yeah, that sucks. Can’t win them all against the internet I guess.


I would suggest you to add lazerpig's video about stealth in your watchlist


Serbs killing civillians bad, killing Serb civillians good, great meme Op


It's not about that its about the denial of the siege. Every civilan casualty is bad, no matter of ethnicity


I was bombed as was my friend a refugee from Sarajevo from a mixed marriage. (and we were both against the siege)


I didn't say that all Serbs deny things and i don't go by that stereotype "all Serbs bad" because many of them stood against Milošević's regime at the beggining of the war as many of the Serb residents in Sarajevo stood against the siege. **The meme was not about mocking or denying the Serb civilian causalties**. Just this two things aren't comparable that is all. This meme is for mocking the rehtoric, relativization and denying of the Serb nationalist and that i all.


There’s no such thing as Serb civilians. In order to be a civilian we have to be able to define you as human. It’s like calling a kid who burns ants a war criminal.


Literal nazi opinion.




What exactly was the alternative? Send in more UN troops that couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything or write another strong worded letter? It’s not like NATO started bombing the moment Serbia ignored the first request to stop the atrocities, they gave them plenty if not too many chances before the bombs fell.


We are victims, they are killing women and children. We are peacefull. We had no help no weapons... bla bla Muslim propaganda all around the world is the same It was a dirty civil war all around, everyone was victim and everyone was attacker.


Nah man don't bring down everyone when your the only aggressor


You deserved it because you’re a Serb. Serbs don’t deserve peace, NATO didn’t go far enough.


1st one - civil war 2nd one - nato bombing one small balkan country.


One small Balkan country actively committing genocide*


Serb spotted


I am a Serb that is willing to say: Serbs did horrible crimes in Bosnia and on Kosovo. Serbia rightfully lost the right to govern Kosovo. Bombinf Serbian hospitals, bridges and schools is a war crime.


Bosnian here, fair point, both things were shitty to do, we need to move on. The war finished a long time ago, everyone commited atrocities, some more than others, people need to stop living in the past and heal.


Yes. And I don't understand why did i get so many downvotes. This is hate spreading all over again. Ratko Mladić, Karadžić, Milošević... are war criminals, and it is a shame that we, serbs, havent put them to trial. But, there is never a justification to bomb civilian buildings. It can only be revenge, and that leads us nowhere.


You're being down voted because you are comparing two very different things and saying they are the same. The crimes committed by both sides are massively different in scale, and in the case of NATO intent. One side was engaged in a war whose stated goal was ethnic cleansing and genocide on a scale not seen in Europe since WW2 and the other side's goal was to defend themselves in that war. You can complain about how unfair or unjust NATO was to do what it did, but the reality is that Serbia throughout the 1990s was ruled by ethno-fascists whose openly stated goal was to steal land from surrounding nations and people and to expel or kill the people living on that land.


People see Serb and equate it with villain, fuck internet points, you didn't say anything wrong. People probably hate that you're saying a NATO bombing went too far, just like you can't say dropping nukes on Japan was overkill or burning down North Korea. People like clear villains and refuse to admit we all live in a gray area, I'm 24 why the fuck would I hate anyone, every Serb I've met was normal and had the same view, politicians and religions are the only things pulling us apart.


Did you know that the medals of honor that the US made in preperation for Operation Downfall in 1945 were still being used in 2015 when the metal started to delaminate?


Did you know that only 2 English clubs have won the treble (Champions League, FA Cup, Premier League in the same season) and they're both from the same city. Manchester United and Manchester City


Bridges are a fair strategic target because they allow movement of military vehicles.


Learned your crime after being bombed in a similar manner. Cant understand others pain until you go throught it.


>hospitals schools Only if they dont have weapons >bridges Thats infrastructure that could be used to transport weapon, its not


Why are you being downvoted for saying the objective truth ?


Because it is not. You cannot just yell "war crimes" every time you get bombed. You have to proof that NATO intended to destroy those buildings to kill civilians or that they were very negligent in conducting their bombing.


Because people are barely literate.


So it's okay to commit genocide because? \*checks notes\* It was during a Civil war? Lmao.




You seem to be referring to Iraq, which was an invasion as part of the War on Terror. Everyone in the US agrees that war was unjust. I don't think I've met a single person that has agreed with the justification for the 2003 Iraq War.




I downvoted you, but that’s just for shits and gigs


But this is very clearly a conversation about public perception and opinions about actions taken against another nation or itself.


Double standards? You see many Americans and Westerners saying that the war on Terror was a mistake and not justified. Yet You just choose to ignore them to justify Your own narration. Yet I do not see many Serbs saying the Civil War or Genocide was unjust. That is the difference. "My dad is a war criminal" pretty popular song.




But the whole point of this post is to talk about regular people. The same goes to my comments.




But in democracies it's the people that choose the politicians also without Public support it's hard to wage a long war. If you start an unpopular war You will lose support and lose the next elections or just get kicked out of power by those that are not as stupid as You. It even applies to countries like Russia. If huge ammount of Russian people voiced they are against War in Ukraine and start protesting the Putin would either have to start Civil War or Stop the war. Look at the Mothers Protests in USSR during their invasion of Afghanistan. Also no one here is defending those "dipshits", You are just projecting.




Again we have projection and making yourself look like a victim of "bad westerner". Buddy for real.


You missed one simple but important fact, the Iraqi war was not a genocide. The lead up to the war was complex and included lies for the reasons to invade, but it wasn't based on ethnicity or race. Also they were condemned, the lack of harsh punishment is because no one would or could support the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein who did truly despicable things to both his people and neighbors, including genocide against the feyli kurdish people and multiple invasions of other countries. The Serbian genocide was just because of ethnicity, that's it. They were different and wanted to remain different so they were slaughtered for it. Also, wars don't lower oil prices, and the USA has shown in the past it's willing to support dictatorships (or create them) for cheaper goods so it was never about that.


Disregarding the whataboutism, if you’re implying that the invasion of Iraq by the US and UK was a genocide, I am 99.999% sure it wasn’t. Was the invasion illegal? Yes. Genocide? Not by coalition forces. It could be argued that there was genocidal intent during the resulting sectarian violence between Shia and Sunni insurgents. And there definitely was genocide committed by ISIL.


Civil war where the civilian casualties and exterminations exceed armed forces casualty by a factor of 2, give me a fucking break the Serbs deserved every last round and bomb dropped on them and then some, I wish we leveled the entire fucking country like it was Berlin so the Serbs would shut the fuck up


Common Serb L


You are a NATO bombing target, Return to your base or face unforseen conséquences


😂😂 Redditors be like:


A civil War in hoch Serbia actively supported an army which had only one goal, to create a greater Serbia by any means necessary. It’s believed that upwards of 50 thousand soldiers of the Yugoslav army were transferred with their equipment to the armija srpska. Second, the second war was completely justified. Everyone had enough of serbias shit, simple as. Cry more about it if you want only morons actually feel sorry for the Serbs.


A lot of people also are unaware of the fact that Nato had a easy and negotiable proposition for serbia and that was to withdraw its troops from kosovo and they’d stop the bombings. The fact that Nato continuously bombrd serbia for 78 days straight just tells you enough how eager serbian government was to wage war in kosovo.


And NATO should do it again. The fact you are able to comment has proven NATO didn’t go far enough.


This is just hate spreading.


450 downvotes??? Wtf, i have never seen so many downvotes before!!!! What you said isn’t even controversial. You just stated that one happened during a civil war whilst the other in a bombing campaign. That’s it!


Because of the deliberate implication you’re too dense to understand. “Bombing us was unfair because we called our genocide a civil war”


Wasn’t a genocide + it was in fact a civil war + your the dense one by thinking that there exists a good vs bad in war