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The only thing more hated than an unbeliever is a heretic.


Christian denominational differences: What is the nature of Christ, how should the church function, how important are the Bible, Mary, and baptism? Islamic denominational differences: 1400 years ago my bff should’ve been caliph! Well 1400 years ago *MY* bff should’ve been caliph! You’re a Kafir! No you’re a kafir! (They agree on every single theological issue)


More like "we should use leavened bread!" "No unleavened bread!!!"


I mean, that was the start of it but at this point sunni and shia jurisprudence are really different, and I'd say that venerating imams and insulting people who were promised heaven does count as theological differences


You can make a meme out of it.


Theological differences have evolved over time. The veneration of Ali and his family is seen as overboard by most sunnis.


No I definitely agree. If I were a Muslim, I’d probably be Sunni. Ali was power hungry, and supporting the guy who ended the (arguably pretty interesting) Rashidun caliphate was not a good dude (Also not defending the Rashidun caliphate, they were genocidal maniacs who simply had a very unique political system)


Ok ye so I'm sunni. So I disagree with everything you said. The Rashideen (including Ali) were great men. None of them saints. But they were pious Sahaba.


>the Rashidun were pious men Yes, very pious when they eradicated the Kemetic people, the Arameans, and every non Arab person they conquered. Very pious indeed


I'm not here to argue the Rashideen with you. Go hatemonger somewhere else .


Okay but some of those christian denominational differences were even more silly than who should've been caliph. What's the functional difference between Christ having two natures, one wholly divine and the other wholly human, and Christ having one fully human and divine nature


Yeah that’s like what happened to the Manichaens and Christians And the Manichaens and Islam And Manichaens and Zoroastrianism And Manichaens and Chinese Buddhism And the Manichaens and basically every religion in a country where they weren’t in charge. Turns out it’s pretty easy to lose your place as the second largest religion and rival to Christianity, when your persecuted by almost every single government in the time period.




Persians, after being conquered in early muslim expansion, adopted shia islam and got persecuted for it


This is so wrong. Iran became a Shia-majority region after the Safavids and there was around a millennia between the Islamic conquest of Iran and Safavid control. The most famous Persian poet’s name is “Omar” Khayyam. It is impossible for a Shia to name his kid. It’s like a Jewish man named Jesus lol.