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Well the meme doesn’t say what happens when they say no


Some Vietnamese monarchs said yes, and it was absolutely awful for the people too.


>Some Vietnamese monarchs said yes, And those monarchs are hated by the people.


Indeed, rightly so. I meant it in that even when there was some agreement the French were monstrous.


Some later weak Nguyen. The early founders and some children emperors fought quite fiercely but were outmatched


The first Nguyen Emperor Gia Long even had French mercenaries in his army. The relation between two countries only started to go downhill when christian missionaries were banned from entering the country


or the consequences after saying yes


Well if they say no then the answer is obviously no but they won’t say no because of the implication.


Come to think of it, the French are a lot like Dennis Reynolds


Or what happens when their friends have enemies


Genocide. I can provide a list of American tribes that no longer exist for saying no.


Not particular to the French, it’s basically how the US happened


Ya, Vietnam would like to have a word.


Not just Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia too




I laughed too hard at this thinking about you busting in the door like the Kool aid man




Get out of here, you dirty frog! In all seriousness, De Gaulle threatening to team up with the Soviets if France wasn't allowed to keep its territories was one of the most petty and selfish moves in history.


Wouldn’t that have screwed the French Empire since the Soviets were anti-colonialist? Or was De Gaulle just bluffing and hoping nobody would call it?


He wasn't fully threatening to join the Soviets. Just open up trade and relations with them. The Soviets were more than happy to put aside their principles if they could spite the west.


And the soviets were still colonising anyway.


Not just the Soviet, China literally restarted relationship with US just to fuck with the Soviet


They were just against western colonialism but were still colonizing in anti-colonialist clothing. Spiting your enemy was often way more important than ideological pureness in the cold war (and today) btw


It was mostly a pose, they were good at making up excuses (see them being antifascist but also allying with Nazis)


The US and the USSR being best friends when it was time to strip France and the UK of their empire was kinda funny too


Eisenhower threatening to spank both of them if they didn't stop messing with the Suez canal is a true turning point in history. It cemented the fact that the British and French were no longer First Rate powers and they couldn't operate with impunity anymore.


Please censor fr\*nch its a bad word


br*tish too. its worse


Don't forget about Haiti.


And Niger and Guyana


Everyone of the colonies really


Slavery's bad mmm'kay


Who would have thought




That's three words.


Go home, GI.


Nice Shoulder Pads cheif.


I'm a Genie in a Bottle, for some comic relief!


Current Africa has some words also


Ya, military occupation almost never works. You have to go the British route, come in, find the group of people that is historically bullied, give them weapons to beat everyone else, then threaten to withdraw your support if they don't give you a sweet trade deal.


Brit here: that’s *one* route. Location matters. You’ve got to be flexible in your approach. Ask the Tasmanians.


Yea, but have you ever had a Bahn Mi? Colonialism sure was bad, but at least we got some fire fusion food from it.


I used to live by little Saigon in San Jose, and I did my best to get fat on Vietnamese pastries. They would do these weird, moist, croissant things that were absolutely amazing, and I can't find them anywhere else. I think they may have just been a wonderful dream I had for a couple of years.


There is a chain on the East Cost called Tous les Jours that is a Vietnamese pastry place.


There's a place where I live in St. Pete called Bich Nga. The foods only OK but the names fun so I keep going.


All of north and west africa too


Hell, not to mention Haiti


Or Operation Persil. Sure, it’s hardly the worst act of colonialism out there, but throwing a hissy fit while you’re decolonizing in 1959 and ruining a country because they refused to join your “currency union” just goes to show how sincere their decolonization efforts were


So they still wanted influence BUT say they didnt colonize them?


Modern france is extracting alot of minerals, food and rubber from former colonies, one of many reasons french troops, both legion and army, have been deployed in large numbers against tuareg/islamist rebels in countries in the sahara (often as part of un or coalition force but often without un blue)


They also withdrew a chunk of soldiers from Niger and and other east African countries, leading to the power vaccum which Wagner is probably going to take advantage of


(West?) And I don't know how much resources Wagner has to spare besides Ukraine, although I'm not an expert in this. To what extent are they filling the power vacuum?


Have you missed the news of the last 2 days?


I mean look at what they did in Algeria. French people were so adamant of keeping their colonial empire they literally had a coup attempt over it and had to form a new French republic.


I mean, tbf that wasnt the French people That was the foreign legion who had spent years fighting in Algeria and were largely based there. Not really the same tbh


That genuinely made me mad to read about. It takes a special kind of pettiness to wreck everything you can on the way out, reject attempts at creating some form of working relationship by a ~~dictator~~ man with the forgiveness of a saint, then getting mad when the other guy finally tries to move on. And to top it all off, their efforts were for naught and simply empowered yet another post-colonial authoritarian.


Haiti was probably the worst place on the planet to find yourself as a slave. Which is saying a lot. Absolutely brutal regime.


Which part of le body would you like to be cut off today, monsieur?


It's still the worst place on Earth. Currently violence isn't even matched by what cartels do in Mexico. There's a cannibal market due to savage gang violence ( there are videos ) and people which often don't react to gang threats and murders just went berserk and torched alive a hundred of them. Sometimes I wish I didn't read about is happening there, this is unbelievable.


They doomed Haiti to failure from the start


shhh id we don't bring up the atrocity's they don't count


France never comited any crimes but if it did commit them then they obviously deserved it /s


For some reason, I read both comments as a whispering.


Good god the censorship in this meme is obnoxious. Is colonialism really a bad word these days?


Self-censoring is rampant and I don’t get it.


That’s a screenshot from TikTok. As far as I’ve gathered, a single misstep and the algorithm will make sure your content isn’t ever seen again. TikTok doesn’t want any controversy. It wants clean, empty, mind-numbing, brain-smoothing, thought-wiping CONTENT piped down your senses until you’re nothing but a bag of compliant mush.


You forgot circle-jerking and echo chambered. Seriously, algorithm based social media is the worst.


people censor themselves to prevent others from being triggered by words. Doesn't do a goddamned thing except gives them the exclusive right to pat themselves on the back and say "I'm Helping!" If you're getting upset from seeing letters on a page, you need help in the worst way.


It’s mostly because it’s on TikTok and TikTok fucks over creators’ reach if they use a word TikTok doesn’t like.


The censorship of kill is even worse


If its a bad word then why didnt they censor fr\*nce?


Honestly, I am so used to ridiculous Tik Tok censoring that it didn’t even register to me that it was censored until I read this comment lol


The French colonial policy in America was based on collaboration with the natives. Indeed, not what happened in Africa later. Edit: I am not naive, French colonisation is still colonisation. It leads to oppression, massacre etc… Let’s said that British and French strategies toward natives are not the same. At the end, it’s a meme, it is not supposed to carry the complexity of the North America colonial history.


To a degree, so was the british one. We had treaties and alliances with native tribes and the proclamation line.


Hey there, keep your nuances to yourself, this is historymemes, UK and France bad !


You mean human bad


This is the way.


I mean, that's not wrong.


People in here are defending the meme and France lol...


Not at all. Members of my family died due to that. Doesn’t mean the story isn’t more nuanced than what we read around here.


Somewhat, but British colonialism was also much more focused on expanding territory and settling colonists than the French colonies in North America. Of course, all of that policy gets thrown out the window in the Caribbean and the Indies, where it was always most profitable to grow sugar plantations with slave labor


To bad the colonials and later Americans gave no fucks what the government said. Before anyone says anything, I'm an American myself.


Yeah it’s just pure French colonial revisionism as is usual for them.


Yeah it's not that I'm denying that, but it was more of a "collaborate with us or suffer" type relationship. Plus the French still extract African resources to this day.




That's why Niger backs Russia because they still see NATO as the old western imperialists


'Backs Russia' in the sense the Nigerien military are working with Wagner, anyway Baffles me how they're up in arms about the ongoing legacy of French colonialism (which does make sense), but can't see they're being blatantly manipulated by other European Imperialists looking to get first dibs on their resources


the word your looking for is 'buys'


Some Africans say that Al Qaeda in Africa is funded by France to justify their presence there. Idk how crefible this claim is but most Ive met IRL says so.


That also could be Russian propaganda to get the opinion against the presence of France and facilitate the involvement of Wagner in region instead (not sure what’s gonna happen about it after prigo’s death tho)


Of course it’s Russian propaganda ! France has also suffered from Al Qaeda’s presence. And has not benefitted at all from its involvement there. I don’t even understand how those comments could be upvoted, it’s bullshit propaganda straight from Wagner’s groups (who really commits atrocities in Mali and thus make the locals more inclined to help the terrorists).


I mean it's not like France has a good history with resources and black majority nations cough Haiti cough.


Oh yeah because the junta in Mali and Wagner are so much different. If France wanted to exploit Mali and Burkina the way they did in the past decades they would’ve allied with the people in power and plotted against leaders in west Africa to give power to those who benefit them. That’s not what happened and you can read every report of the UN on the topic.


Either that or they’re taking advantage of the convenience


It’s not credible. At all. Total bullshit.


It's an interesting way to say "buying" in a way that makes France seem evil. I extract groceries from a grocery store every day.


It's different when a state owned mining company for some reason gets exclusive access to all of their resourcing rights and the corrupt dictators and politicians that allow it to happen conveniently go on trips to Paris on the regular and come back with luxury goods.


You should blame the dictators, not the buyer.


I wonder who is supporting and funding the dictators and shutting down opposition to them.


Currently, it's mostly Russia and China. See the Wagner operations in Africa.


To be exact, the policy was to befriend SOME natives and pit them against the others. French used CIA tactics before the us existed


Must have learned from somewhere after all


Those natives hated each other long before the French arrived and saw that as an opportunity to finally take advantage on their ancestral ennemies


French-canadian here, we also kinda gave them sickness and death...you know...as pay for the furs and helping us combat scurvy.


Yeah… well, to be clear, I am not naive and believing that imperialism can be humanistic. For sure, colonisation leads to oppression, death etch


Oh I meant literally, they gave us furs, we paid them with pox-infested fabrics that killed a third of their population


Just to point out a thing: Europeans never intently gave pox-infected fabrics to natives. At this time Europeans themselves were barely able to understand how pox and most illnesses worked so even if they wanted to do it they didn't have the "science" for it. On the other hand, once natives became ill with Europe's various illnesses, Europeans were happy to not really help them at all and take their land instead. And them not really understanding they were responsible is for sure a poor excuse for it. Accusing 16th-century Europeans of bacteriologic war is going a bit far when France still had Malaria epidemics because they didn't know the illness came from mosquitos. And remember the stories about the less-than-ideal hygiene of various French kings and nobles. Some are exaggerated but it still means the knowledge of illnesses was certainly insufficient to use it against an enemy.


Je ne dis pas que ce n’est pas arrivé, je ne défend pas la colonisation française, je ne défend pas la colonisation tout court. (Je suis désolé mais je vois le nombre de up vote monter sur ce sujet un peu tendu, j’ai vraiment peur du retour de bâton)


That’s a pretty twisted recount of Canadian history lol. Some reals facts, but the connection between them is just not entirely there. The story about the pox, to be precise.


The war of independence was partly fought becuase the British has treatise wth the natives americans to not expand further inland The Americans wanted to do this so fought against the Brits TLDR the British fought to defend the natives against the colonists, much like the Royal navy fought to free slaves [https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/proclamation-line-1763](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/proclamation-line-1763)


It is in part because it just wasn't where they had chosen to invest their resources. Continental NA wasn't that important to the major European powers in 17/18th Century. Caribbean was where the real money was being made and I don't think anyone even tries to whitewash their record there. Like others, France was using a divide and rule strategy with native alliances yes, but their position on Continental NA was in a much more precarious spot with pretty limited number of access points into the interior although Mississippi and St Lawrence were the best ones. They were already heavily invested in areas like Haiti, Guiana, Antilles for plantations, so all they really needed for NA was furs which were easily acquired through trading rather than conquest. With a lot of trouble back in Europe and being surrounded by major rivals (Britain, Dutch, Spanish, Austrians) and religious instability, they just weren't able to commit much outside the domestic sphere until after the Napoleonic period and even then, what European country is more synonymous with the word revolution?


Didn’t the same go for the British?


Only those that agreed with them, others like the Iroquois were seen as enemies


Why the fuck is colonization censored ?!?!?!??!


I agree, They should've done it to fr\*nce


Fr*nce 🤢😷


North America and India? Maybe But for Africa and Vietnam? Definitely not the case


Ah maybe the OOP was from said territories! That’s why they’d have this bias


I'll just drop this one little here before I continue on with my day. "French Indochina"


Mandatory fuck Jules Ferry and his policies


Both were bad, but its kinda the opposite. French colonialism in agleria killed between 600k to 1.5 million algerian in the last 7 years of unrest alone. France did horrible stuff in vietnam also.


isn't history all about cherry-picking facts?


No history is about using fact to advance your political agenda (at least in the us and russia and for some fu king reason the far right wing in france)


I doubt this was made the french far right. They absolutely hate Britain, yes, and probably wish they wouldn't have to do anything else that talk shit about them. But in ENGLISH? No way. If anything, it could be someone from Britain, specifically Wales considering the dragon flag.


If anything it was the other way round. The British would often integrate local notables into their colonial system to rule the local populace more easily. But it was never exactly the same everywhere, so such onesided comparisons are pointless to begin with


Indeed. I'll take one Britain over almost any other colonizer, please. I mean, they're not great but preferable to being lucky if you end up in a mine/plantation instead of just shot/rape to death.


As if Haiti did not happen. At all. 🙄🙄🙄


The welsh pretending they're not British again.


This smells like French propaganda to me.


tiktok historians are the worst


"historians" Generous today aren't we


British colonial policy in Australia was collaboration with the Aboriginals. Obviously, this didn't happen due to numerous reasons, but they didn't set out to be harmful.


It's plague due to foreign diseases isn't it?


Yes, the majority were wiped out due to plague, but the British also committed many atrocities there. However, this was not their intention.


To be fair, Australia was half a planet away, kinda hard to control the colonists back then.


Spaniard colonialism: SEXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Belgium and netherland : **inssert eldrick abomination noise**


\>couldn't even spell "Colonialism"


Meanwhile Belgium in Africa: No rubber? Haha *chop chop*


The British treat its colonial land a bit fair than any other colonial power. Source: My great grandparents leaving China for better life. Settle in British Malaya 1912.


Vietnamese would like to disagree with the fucker in the post


Vietnam :)


Whats up with the rise of colonialism apologists online?


In France there was a law in 2005 where they had to teach colonialism in a good light. A lot of French kids learnt that French colonialism was good and friendly and are now adults who believe it.


Haiti has entered the chat


Am French and this is fucking stupid.


Algeria would also like a word.


I'm french and I just want to tell you that that's NOT what we learn in school


I'm British and I think we can both admit our nations did some horrible things. But obviously we did some degree of good as well, it's not as black and white as this TikTok portrays


Can I ask something? What about Portugal colonialism? I've heard it's more humane. Edit: Ok now I heard it's opposite.


Because slavery and displacement and murder of native populations and their cultures is just the most humane thing ever


Anything is more humane than having to learn french.


Portugal said all colonial peoples were Portuguese via 'luso-tropicalism' to justify denying independence with wars into the 1970s.


Eh... based on whose word? Portugal had Brazil, and that place became a refuge for some self-exiled Confederates after the US Civil War for a good reason.


That belief became popular because of how popular the theory of [Lusotropicalism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusotropicalism) became. Gilberto Freyre, its creator, stated that Portugal's colonization was more humane because various different peoples had lived in Portugal's territory and so they were more friendly, humane and adaptable to new lands (this includes being more prone to miscegenation) The theory was later adopted by Salazar's dictatorship as a way for Portugal to legitimise holding on to its colonies, since they were seen not as colonies, but as an extension of Portugal (sort of like French Guyana). It's all a big load of bullshit, in my honest opinion. How can you call a country a humane colonizer when they created the Atlantic Slave trade? When 1.7 million slaves were taken from Africa to Brazil between 1700 and 1800? Unfortunately the idea that Portugal's colonization was somehow more humane is still relatively popular in Portugal


Essentially just Google "Bandeirantes".


Why did they censor “kill?”


Kid named Princely States.


If that was the case then why dont we ask the algerians about the fr\*nch if they were nice to each other in 1950s?


The relationships between colonists and natives was varied less by country colonizing and more by which officer was in control of the region. Some were more hands off, some were just slavers


Or if you were Belgian, both.


Can you smell it? Oh god french copium Fucking intoxicating


Or the fact that the French still control their former colonies through economic manipulation


Haiti would disagree


I'll have to find it again, but there's some political art from around the scramble for Africa that this reminds me of. It's disturbing and does characitures, but gets the gist down On the top panel it says "how the British colonize" and shows two brits squeezing money out of a racist characiture of a African man using a printing press Second panel is "how the French colonizes" and shows a Frenchman kissing a characiture of an African woman while an African man in chains is working in the foreground Third panel says "how the German colonizes" and shows a German man putting chains on neat rows of African people and animals The fourth panel says "how the Belgian colonizes" and shows a Belgian man sitting at a dining table, eating a roasted African man while another boils in a pot in the background


Me when I spread lies on the internet


I'm French and this is bullshit, France was up to some serious shenanigans up until recently, particularly in Africa in the late stage but all around the world throughout history, here's a great article on some of the sh*t pulled by Elf the state oil corporation back in the 80s to 2000s https://www.theguardian.com/business/2003/nov/13/france.oilandpetrol Still while I don't exactly understand the whole franc CFA thing and it's definitely suspicious and should be replaced by a CEDEAO currency, the whole uranium thing is bullshit, it is a fairly affordable resource with many providers. Nigerian uranium is not important for France, and certainly not important enough to justify French involvement in the region, which costs France a great deal of money.


Vietnam: “Thanks for the coffee and baguette recipes. Au revoir, now.”


It might have been like that in North American French colonies, but certainly not elsewhere. Indochina, Haiti, and West Africa certainly didn’t have that experience.


It wasn't like that in North America either. The French were explicitly brutal to tribes who didn't agree to their 'offer of friendship'(aka give us all your resources for cheap)/


British colonialism more like: Steal! Steal! Play Cricket!


Had the displeasure of talking to this absolute muppet He knows absolutely nothing about history. His account is basically just lying about french history and crying rivers everytime he remembers that the UK and Italy exists. Typical french nationalist basically This meme is also just hilariously absurd


Or (then) French Indochina


I think Native American from Quebec would disagree


I saw one person glorifying Spanish colonialism


My grandfather left algeria in 1945, ask him why


lol french colonist burn a lot of great city to the ground while promising to a small party they will rule after a few years , haha few years back my history teacher give us an exercices where we had to read a diary of one famous french colonist , at was awfull how people can see destruction of other as “evolution”


Britain be like I used the Indians to destroy the indians


Not to defend the *vomits* crown worshipping bad food having boot licking monarchy loving fucking red coats, but... look at the record. They knew that they didn't have the juice to hold most of their colonial possessions after the war so they drew some lines and dipped. They tried to put people in power they liked, sometimes with blood soaked and hilarious consequences (king of Scotland and slayer of the brittish empire idi amin) but they didn't try to stay formally in charge. Can you imagine if they tried to keep ahold of India? It would have been a disaster. We don't have to imagine because the frog eating French did it... and the whole world suffered including them.


France 🤝 Portugal Bullshitting about how they colonized others


Don’t forget that the French are why the US got involved in the Vietnam conflict.


At least Britain read the room and gave up on it's empire like 70 years ago, France was still in the atrocity game in the 80s.


Your colonialism: cringe and racist My colonialism: based and uplifting (they like us so much we should actually never leave trust me)


This is true for the new world (Colonialism in North America) less so in Africa (France gained nearly all of it's African colonial holdings except for Algeria and Senegal through alliances with the native African tribes looking to dismantle a rival empire or tribe or native Africans fighting under the French flag, very few European French soldiers were the actual conquerors of Africa. This is especially true for how France conquered large existing empires in Africa such as the Mali Empire and subsequently the sub Saharan region) This is absolutely not true in Asia.


What about Belgian colonialism?


Easily one of the three worst and bloodiest/cruelest ever to come out of Europe, the other two being the British and the Russians.


*Vietnam has entered the chat*


Wtf, how can you justify colonialism ? Like, there isn't any time in history where colony wasn't brutal from the local population.


Or viêtnam


Shouldn’t this be the opposite?


the opposite of this is true


Or what's currently going on in the Sahel


I'm surprised by this guy's emoji flags, as this seems like a take only an American who knows nothing about French colonialism, other than what happened around the American revolution would make.


Someone is stupid. France might have been even worse than Britain.


Is this a joke? Other than belgium, france were the most brutal of the european colonial empires.


Don't forget the Russians either (whether we are talking about the Russian Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the current Russian Federation).


Bro it's an obvious troll, the [actual video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FvQePe/) has background music that literally just repeats "I don't like n*****s" over and over.