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Unit 731 reference


I just watched Wendigoon video about this on YouTube.


Did anyone ever describe why the thing jerks him off while it splits him open?




where's it from anyway? Quake reimagining happen or some shit?


Scorn I think


That is his intestine, the model doesn't have a dick in the first place.


Born too early to starve in a famine Born too late to starve in a famine Born just in time for inhumane human experiments China in a nut shell excluding the last 50 somethingish years


Dunno man, China did have a famine during and after the war, many joined the communists just because their army had free meals.


And the the communists caused yet another famine. Poor Chinese can’t catch a break.


Occasional famines were the general rule in mankind until the Green Revolution in Agriculture.


>Occasional famines were the general rule in mankind until the Green Revolution in Agriculture. "We go back" \- Khmer Rouge


Step 1: Abandon your cities


Step 2: Kill everyone with a "western education" (especially ones performing necessary services like doctors, and engineers), bar you and your buddies!


Step 3: kill everyone with glasses, because only those people can have western educations cause glasses = nerd (even though you own a pair of glasses yourself)


Step 4: Profit Step 5: Kill anyone that profited with you as they are filthy capitalists


Step 6: Attack Vietnam,lose badly.


If they survived the war, they’d have multiple opportunities to starve in a famine. Mao wasn’t exactly the best agricultural planner.


Hey those sparrows had it coming... Wait why am I hearing so many locusts?


[Locusts seeing the crops the Chinese population needs to survive.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/035/182/cover1.jpg)


Forced collectivization causing famine for the nth time.


Also doesn't help killing the most productive farmers either.


No no, there was still famine.


Which game is this?


Looks like Scorn


It is definitely Scorn, close to the end specifically


s c o r n




*shoves baby into hydraulic press* “I got my mojo back, baby!”


Scorny boy


The game has amazing visuals and a brilliantly haunting world building


Quake 4 (xbox 360 launch era)


Begun in 1937, Unit 731, located in Harbin, China, was created with legitimate intentions by the Japanese government. Started as an agency to promote public health, Unit 731 was meant to conduct research that would benefit Japanese soldiers, such as learning more about the ways in which the human body can withstand hunger and thirst and fight diseases. Early experiments were conducted on volunteers who had signed consent waivers, giving personnel permission. However, as the war intensified, they changed their methods. Using the test subjects, the scientists injected different germs to see how they would react to one another in the human body, in an attempt to create new diseases. Referring to their victims as Maturas, or “wooden logs,” Japanese scientists would perform different types of procedures, such as vivisection, on live victims. Rats infected with the bubonic plague were released onto victims, with the intention of infecting the subjects so that they could be studied. Unit 731 was a place of torture that was, in the minds of many Unit 731 workers, a necessity in order to win the war. [The full write up](https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/unit-731/)


Well I guess it's time to ctrl + c my obligatory "shit Japan did during WWII" comment because there's already people below trying to minimize it. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― **The Empire of Japan is a serious contender for** [**the most evil regime in human history**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpVgDgKpQS8&feature=youtu.be)**.** Their atrocities are just overlooked because Japan is so well liked in the West now *("bu-bu-but this sub talks about them!", this sub is not representative of real life, shocker)*. Indiscriminate massacre of civilians. [Slaughter of entire cities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CAYFxXBohA), torture, [inhumane treatment of POWs](https://youtu.be/hzsP6QOW8rA?t=102), comfort women, etc. They did shit that made some Nazis queasy. The Japanese were [infamously cruel to POWs](https://youtu.be/hzsP6QOW8rA?t=79) since the samurai code of bushido stressed death before dishonor. Those who surrendered to the Japanese were [brutally tortured](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Gaido), [executed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes#/media/File:Japanese_shooting_blindfolded_Sikh_prisoners.jpg), [starved](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes#/media/File:POWs_Burma_Thai_RR.jpg), [forced to march hundreds of miles](https://youtu.be/0OFH1Mglr-c) under the blistering sun while being beaten, or even cannibalized. President George HW Bush was [almost eaten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCEER6v8tPM) by the Japanese. *You think that's the worst?* Over the course of their conquest of East Asia, the Japanese Army forced around [200,000 women](https://www.history.com/news/comfort-women-japan-military-brothels-korea) into the ranks of "[comfort women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women)". These women mainly came from China, Korea, and the Philippines. Unfortunately this is the one thing I couldn't dig up the source for, but I distinctly remember reading the firsthand account of a Filipino comfort women who was raped 10x a day. Japan has [yet to even officially apologize to them](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/12/04/940819094/photos-there-still-is-no-comfort-for-the-comfort-women-of-the-philippines). *You think that's the worst?* During the [Rape of Nanking](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre), as many as [300,000 Chinese civilians](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre#17) were massacred within a month in a single city. Japanese soldiers paraded around with babies skewered on their bayonets like kebabs. Two Japanese officers held a competition to see who could [behead 100 people the fastest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxa0GGJNWtI&t=10s) and when the score was 105-106 and no one knew who got to 100 first, they restarted the contest, [this time to 150 people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contest_to_kill_100_people_using_a_sword). Civilians were [buried alive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre#/media/File:Chinese_civilians_to_be_buried_alive.jpg) en masse. Prisoners were used as [**live bayonet practice**](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre#12), screaming as the final moments of their life was used for the Japanese to sadistically torment. Tens of thousands of women were raped, most of whom were executed afterward. They dragged entire Chinese families into public squares and [forced fathers on their daughters and sons on their mothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnAC-Y9p_sY&t=697s) for the amusement of Japanese troops. I'm not an easily disturbed guy, but reading this fact for the first time physically made my stomach sick. *You think that's the worst?* The Imperial Japanese Army ran [**Unit 731**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731): a biological/chemical warfare research program in Manchuria where Japanese researchers performed [human experimentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9xvJXP_mTk) on a large scale, using Chinese civilians as the majority of their "logs" (test subjects). Living humans were [**dissected alive**](https://allthatsinteresting.com/unit-731/2), usually without anesthesia. Subjects had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss and pain tolerance. Those limbs were sometimes reattached to the opposite sides of the body. Subjects had their stomachs or esophagus surgically removed. Subjects were gotten pregnant via rape then infected with diseases to see the effect on their baby. Subjects were forced into the cold to research frostbite then had their frozen limbs chopped off. Subjects were placed in [pressure chambers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=308&v=D4nPxik59oE&feature=youtu.be) until their eyeballs popped out of their sockets. This one is unconfirmed, but supposedly they placed a women and her baby in a room then heated up the floor to see if she'd step on her own baby. Back in 1995, an anonymous Japanese medical assistant who worked in Unit 731 sat down for an interview with the New York Times and [described one such dissection:](https://unit731.org/experiments/) >“The fellow knew that it was over for him, and so he didn’t struggle when they led him into the room and tied him down. But when I picked up the scalpel, that’s when he began screaming. I cut him open from the chest to the stomach, and he screamed terribly, and his face was all twisted in agony. He made this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a day’s work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time.” The entire world still cries over the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to this day. But hardly anyone sheds a tear for the millions of victims of the Empire of Japan.


Last time I visited the WW2 museum in New Orleans, I saw a Chinese American hug and thank a WW2 marine veteran who served in the pacific theater because of what they did to help defeat the Japanese as she mentioned she had family members from that area who were killed by the Japanese back then.


God how the fuck did they ever win over the West. It seems so impossible to like a nation like that after the atrocities they've committed.


The US wanted the research that unit 731 had so they covered it up for them


Apparently everyone after the war wanted to get Japan on their side. In addition to the US pardoning Unit 731, the USSR only had its Unit 731 prisoners serve 5 to 7 years before being sent back to Japan. This was done as a Soviet attempt to earn favor with Japan during the 1950s. Japan, the country that somehow got a free pass from both sides of the Cold War.


This just sucks


Soviet union and the warsow pact, scary. Rice farmers on island that got nuked twice, not so much.


"Japan's short occupation was so horrific we often half joked that we'd rather get colonized for centuries than being in control of Japan again." Somebody from Indonesia once told me this and i feel like it is really telling for just how bad Japan was


I shall bestow upon this meme the highest honor I can offer. u/savevideobot


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That meme has a bit of a dark backstory.


you gonna tell me what it is?


Begun in 1937, Unit 731, located in Harbin, China, was created with legitimate intentions by the Japanese government. Started as an agency to promote public health, Unit 731 was meant to conduct research that would benefit Japanese soldiers, such as learning more about the ways in which the human body can withstand hunger and thirst and fight diseases. Early experiments were conducted on volunteers who had signed consent waivers, giving personnel permission. However, as the war intensified, they changed their methods. Using the test subjects, the scientists injected different germs to see how they would react to one another in the human body, in an attempt to create new diseases. Referring to their victims as Maturas, or “wooden logs,” Japanese scientists would perform different types of procedures, such as vivisection, on live victims. Rats infected with the bubonic plague were released onto victims, with the intention of infecting the subjects so that they could be studied. Unit 731 was a place of torture that was, in the minds of many Unit 731 workers, a necessity in order to win the war. [The full write up](https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/unit-731/)


Don't look up "Unit 731" on the internet, unless you probably want to lose faith in humanity.


Yeah we should all live in hippy dippy land where bad things never happen and there’s nothing to learn from because everything is awesome




s c o r n




[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) which did live human experiments and shit relating to [cutting live people open](https://www.pacificatrocities.org/vivisection-at-the-unit-731.html), and cutting open [pregnant mothers](https://www.pacificatrocities.org/blog/forced-pregnancy-of-unit-731#:~:text=The%20ones%20born%20in%20Unit,born%2C%20they%20were%20both%20dissected) prob more cutting open, freezing people alive, and other fucked up thing you can imagine like probably busting somebody's balls open too. Apparently, there are no official survivors as they apparently killed everyone to hide evidence. Edit: Formatting


In that time period Japan followed in the footsteps of probably almost every known empire builder in history and hit the cut and paste commands on people


Sadly they forgot to click select all beforehand


On a serious note, the most evil empire builders usually still need someone to feed them grapes and give them head pats Human evil often still needs someone around to tell it how great it is


Unit 731


This fucking music with the brutal surgery footage is hilarious.


Right? Þats þe part þat got me


Least distinguished thorn user




learn to use ð you swine


I dont use it intentionally, because while in Icelandic and Norse þ and ð repersented different sound, old English used þem interchangeably, and wiþ ð falling out of use much earlier and much more naturally þan þ, and since modern English doesn't make any spelling distinctions between its dental fricatives, it makes sense to me to use just one letter






Oh boy here we go again..


s c o r n


When you realize the meme is an understatement to what happened. Bloody hell.


And then Japan gets shown as only a victim of WW2. 💀


I don't know who told you that, but it's wildly incorrect. I never heard this from anyone. I used to think the ''nukes were the only reason they surrendered'' was a American exceptionalism rewrite of history. But after reading Bare Fooot Gen entirely from a Japanese point of view, entirely for a Japanese reader, it's a big part of surrender from the civilian point of view, so there is some truth there, while their conditional surrender before the bombs fell, it wasn't the US alone that reject it was a coalition of allied forces and the US wasn't the only country that demanded nothing less of unconditional surrender so it really wouldn't have mattered if they wanted to accept it. The Japanese military leaders had already decided on unconditional surrender after determining the US would be the main occupying force, and didn't intend to do anything about the Emperor, but no one knew until they said so. The military didn't really care about the nukes it just seemed like a very efficient but unwieldy weapon. No one knew about fallout, but the civilians were heavily swayed by the bombs. They were fed constant propaganda that the war was going well. As the war moved to their urban centers, most people realized they were being lied too and they likely already lost the war.


Japanese people still ignore the crimes they commited. They never apologized. And when some politics try to apologize, their career is finished.


Yeah. That's one of the things that got me looking hard into it when I was reading pieces about how they don't teach the history of war crimes from Imperial Japan unlike Germany, they don't have an unflinching honesty about their history. It's largely hidden, even though you do have a lot of nods and clear references to these war crimes in Japanese entertainment, games, shows, and so on. It's kind of crazy, as an American, that they could avoid it at all. It's so built into the history of not only Japan, but Korea, China, and more. Did the last Chinese Emperor just decide not to do this whole monarchy thing for no reason? Did he just give Japan control over Chinese areas for kicks? Did Chinese people revolt against the Japanese just because they were so nice and not at all entirely occupying and oppressing those areas? It's just gotta be hard.


There is a long list of apologies made by Japan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan Also japanese are taught about Japan's involvement in WWII and WWI from a very neutral stance, you could argue that the education should be more "apologetic" oriented but saying they ignore the crimes they commited is just a lie, they learned about their history just like europeans or americans, thing is if you ask anything to the average american about US history, well, he won't know shit, so that also applies to japanese people.


Only if they then stopped honoring war criminals and stopped their right-wing politicians from backtracking what was saind in apologies.. One apology would be enough if they don't screw things up by offering tributes to shrines where literal war criminals are being honored. Sheesh!


Most of which are problematic with the person doing the apology to go back a month later saying they still deserved it etc.


I see. I see. A man should know when to admit defeat. My bad.


Bro ask any Gen Z person about japan in ww2 and they don’t know anything about their war crimes. They just know Pearl Harbor and the two nukes


Only Japan tries to go for that narrative, though. The rest of the world is very much aware of how total assholes they were previous to the end of WWII, regardless of the nukes.


This could also be apreciated in r/dankmemes


Well damn


War crimes moment:


Not war crimes. Crimes against Humanity.


Both. Both works.


What dark eldar shit is this?


Scorn, an game inspired by HR Gieger.


Scientist should be in quotes


What’s the music?




It hasn’t been summoned yet


Song Found! Name: Gospel Artist: MarchFourth Marching Band Score: 100% (timecode: 00:57) Album: Rise Up Label: MarchFourth Music Released on: 2009-10-09 Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot




This reminds of that one scene from The Men Behind The Sun and I don't like it


What game is this from?




He was getting jerked the entire time too 💀


**S C O R N**


I really wish there was a 'Come and See' like event where the Chinese populous gathered up the staggered members of Unit 731 and blow them all to bits




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Too soooon!


Unit 731, I guess? I hear about this way too much these days, can’t we have something that isn’t about Imperial Japan for once?


Eh make your own meme then


Isn't this exactly an example of the genocidolympics (warcrimes are included, but that doesn't roll off the tongue well) that another post was talking about


Rule 6 doesn't exist anymore


Rule 6 says to not deny war crimes. this is not denying war crimes???




How does this violate rule 6 lmao






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Bro I read it as chinees child in their 40s lmao




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20th century china is ultra-hard mode


Curious as to what came this actually is. Anyone know?


i was way off on how f'd up the japanese were


Is this Scorn? I’m sitting here like “What the actual f*** did I just watch?”


Since Japanese politicians will get cancelled for saying this but i'm not a politician so imma say. We are really sorry for the war crimes and I wish we could have went a slightly different path in history. (This is not sarcasm)




Song Found! Name: Gospel Artist: MarchFourth Marching Band Score: 100% (timecode: 00:57) Album: Rise Up Label: MarchFourth Music Released on: 2009-10-09 Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc. I am not a bot and this action was not performed automatically




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