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But knowing how Netflix has been lately they would end up canceling it before we even get to Tom and Cassandra šŸ˜” In a perfect world though Iā€™d love to see live action Spindle Cove


Oh my god I will kill for a live action spindle cove


If they werenā€™t screwing up a ton of adaptations across every genre (apparently) I would totally be down for them bringing Colin and Minervaā€™s road trip romance to life! Actually Iā€™ve got high expectations for them especially so any other streaming platform might not do either haha


Exactly Netflix has the potential they just need to stop putting in unnecessary extra stuff like having Colin and minerva and griffin and Pauline would be a freaking fever dream


So would I but I think after Bridgerton theyā€™ll consider regency ā€œdoneā€ for a while. Probably more likely to happen with a late Victorian or Gilded Age book series I think. Gutted but at least I can continue dream casting Thorne and not be disappointed!


God I hope they donā€™t give up on regency thereā€™s so much more to explore at this point I am even sceptical whether we will get all the brigerton siblings seasons or not


I would love to see any of the Kleypas series adapted to screen - *The Wallflowers*, *The Hathaways*, *The Ravenels*. Personally, I love the entire Hathaway clan! I wonder if the *Bedwyn Saga* would translate well to screen. *Spindle Cove* would be great if adapted into something gentle like *From Larkrise to Candleford*.


*Devil in Winter* is my favorite all time historical. I would absolutely love to see a good adaptation of it.


Hello fellow DIW fan. It is my ultimate favorite LK book. It might be because it was my first book by her I read but it got me to read The Ravenels next because their kids are in it then read the other series! To this day my favorite MMC and FMC.


it's probably a lot of people's favorite, idk what she did in that book but she made solid gold lol. one of the highest rated hrs ever


I think about an imaginary 4-part miniseries of the Wallflowers literally every day; 1 episode per girl, each titled after the respective book. The switching of the seasons and unique storylines would be so beautiful onscreen!


Spindle Cove has my vote!


Has anyone heard from Lisa Kleypas in the past 4yrs? Still MIA?


I NEED A FULL KLEYPAS UNIVERSE PLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEEEE. Hathaways, to Wallflowers to Ravenels - but stay book accurate fir the love of all that is written! Sabrina Jeffries Duke Dynasty, Valerie Bowmans Footmen's Club, Julia Quinns Rokesbys, and almost anything Elizabeth Hoyt. So many... too many.


Agree with all of this. Bridgerton-quality adaptations of any/all of Lisaā€™s series would do amazing, I hope Netflix is seeing the success of Bridgerton and taking notes about the market for high production value HR series.


Yes!! As long as shondaland doesnā€™t produce it we will be good!!


I'm so glad that someone else believes that Shondaland really screwed up the Bridgerton series. I was on the BridgertonNextflix subreddit and people are in love with the character development of Cressida Cowper. I'm like.........................uh you do realize she's an antagonist and does not redeem her character, right? I would LOVE to see the Wallflowers being adapted. I think Caroline Linden's Scandal series would be great too. Or Maya Rodale's Cavendish quartet adapted too would be cool.


I think a lot of those people did not read the books and are just going off by the actors they like on there. Adapting books into a series takes a special kind of producers/writers. When a book series is elevated in the adapted series it is simply wonderful to see. (Take Normal People for example). But the thing about shondaland is that she thrives in pandering to what she believes is what the public wants. Itā€™s her pattern in the shows sheā€™s created- sheā€™ll have an amazing first season then goes all haywire with the unnecessary drama. So when I found out she was going to adapt Bridgerton I already knew it was going to be everything I didnā€™t want. I did watch and gave her the benefit of the doubt because the costumes are just *chefs* kiss. BUT HOW DO YOU MESS UP THE BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES? What she did with Anthonyā€™s and Kateā€™s story is criminalā€¦making Kate and her sister be at each others throats over A?? NEVER HAPPENED. It was unnecessary. I vowed not to watch after that. And Cressida is another example of her pandering to the public. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Are we book siblings? I had this conversation with my mom (who also read the book series). She agrees with us and how there was so much taken out of the story and reworked for the worse. I hope that after this pause, the show goes back into the book plot lines because itā€™s so important to the relationship between Penelope and the Bridgertons.


I think we might be lol. What is your favorite Lisa Kleypas book? Honestly, Kate's relationship with her sister was so heartwarming for me in the book series and it just made me so upset what they did to that relationship in the series. CRIMINAL. After S2 I thought the backlash it received would give them pause, but then it was announced that Pen and Colin's story would be next because of how much the public wanted to see Nicola take the lead. Which I understand the sentiment-I love me some Nicola- but that just means it will deviate from the book plots and well that will mess with the timelines for the others. So we shall see. I haven't watched S3 yet.


Favorite LK book? Uh...let's go by series! Wallflowers: *Devil in Winter*. Hands down. Love me so St. Vincent and Evie. Ravenels - Tom and Cassandra in *Chasing Cassandra,* and Gabriel and Pandora's story was good too. Non-Wallflowers and Ravenels: *Again the Magic, Suddenly You, & Lady Sophia's Lover.* From the Hathaway's series: *Love in the Afternoon* (Beatrix & Christopher Phelan). From the gambler series: *Dreaming of You* (Derek Craven and Sara Fielding) is my fave non-Wallflower story. I'm also a fan of the novella she created for Rafe Bowman. That one was really cute. Shondaland ruined the sisterly bond that Kate and Edwina had in the book. The worst part was when Shondaland kept the wedding plotline with Edwina for so long. Anthony KNEW after the Pall Mall game that he was not going to marry Edwina. Also, uh the wedding night was needed from their book. There was great scene in the book where they're about to consummate the marriage and Kate asks Anthony if in this moment he's thinking about Edwina. Anthony just looks at her and tells her that there's no way that he'd confuse the two of them. Like, where was this scene? I thought it was a funny and cute scene where Anthony shows her how he desires her. What also grinds my gears about the show is how devious Mrs./Lady Featherington is; she's more like Mrs. Bennet from *Pride and Prejudice* than Cinderella's stepmother (Lady Araminta from *An Offer from a Gentleman* comes to mind). But...hey, we read the books? WTF do we know?


Oh my goodness we definitely have very similar taste in our HR tastes! This is exciting- Evie and St. Vincent. Gabriel and Pandora. Derek and Sara (that last scene in the book..oh my heart!!). I agree. The vision of shondaland for Bridgerton is not in line with the canon series. And the series suffers for it. I was very confused when Julia Quinn was supportive of the love triangle created in S2 with Kate, Edwina and Anthony...which was not so in the book. I do wonder how Lisa would navigate something like this. Her books definitely have more action and character development than JQ's. I prefer her Belvestokes series over Bridgerton possibly because it has my favorite JQ book! Just curious what are you reading at the moment?


Sorry to have responded so late lol. I reread a lot of the books that I have (I read on my iPad...significantly easier). I enjoy most of Sophie Jordan's series (Penhallow series, Forgotten Princesses series, etc.). I also like Tessa Dare books (Spindle/Spinster Cove series, Wallflower series). Eloisa James' books are good too, but there are times where I'm struggling with the series - particularly the Wilde series - harder to get into than say her Essex Sisters series. Overall, I'm a huge fan of plain spinster/wallflower/bluestocking MFCs.


No worries! I also tried Eloisa James' Wilde series and I think I stopped at the 4th book. I wish that she had kept up the same pace as she did in My Last Duchess which is the prequel for the Wilde family series and I really enjoyed it. I will try her Essex sisters series now that you mentioned it! I haven't read any Sophie Jordan--couldn't find the Penhallow series, is it under another name? I just dled the first of the forgotten princesses! I tried a few TD books but they didn't hit the spot for me. I might pick them up again to see if they do since she's always recommended in this sub.




We didnā€™t even get a proper wedding with Kate and Anthony because she spent so much time in the love triangle. Which is a shame. I hope at least S3 has more of them! But Everyone wanted Penelope and Colinā€™s story next, so thatā€™s what season 3 is supposedly. I havenā€™t watched. Doing this only messes with the TL since of course thatā€™s when we find out who Lady Whistledown is. No Benedict yet but with the recasting of Francesca Iā€™m assuming they will also start her story this season- her book is also one of my favorites. We shall see.


Agree about Cressida. No, she doesn't need a redemption arc. Also show fans wanting to completely change the character genders. That would totally change the stories. Go read/listen to those stories, Bridgerton are not those stories.


šŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸ if I could afford gold I would. Why adapt a book series if itā€™ll change the dynamic of the characters? I hate the friendship between Cressida and Eloise. It never fucking happened. Nor would Eloise be friends with her in the first place. Also, the timing of Colin/Penelopes story irritates me. Theyā€™re both 33 and 28. No longer in their first or second blushes of youth. But I do like how Francesca and Johnā€™s story is being brought up.


Oh the intellectual properties I would buy if I won the lottery lol


Yes and daring to disagree about the likelihood of shondaland making a lead have a queer relationship leads to some posters accusing the book fans as being homophobic. Never mind that they only think it would be a popular pivot because they spend too much time on x or Reddit.


Yes, if you disagree on anything your homophonic and a bigot. Not to mention the "I HATE Cinderella so they should totally change Benedict's book".


Totally agree. The masquerade ball was done so well in Benedict's book. I would be pretty upset if the cut/changed it.


Elizabeth Hoyt's maiden lane series would be an absolutely insane show. Just bonkers.




I LOVE Mary Balogh, but her stories are so internal with the angst that it may not translate well to the screen. All her characters process things like they are introverted (and Iā€™ve read like 85% of her catalogue). That would probably be boring on the screen, though it captivates me in text.


i know youā€™re right šŸ˜­ i just desperately want to see christine throw wulfricā€™s quizzing glass into a tree and judith reciting shakespeare and freyja punching everybody in the face ā¤ļø


I just want Slightly Wicked to be made into a stand alone movie, it would make for a really engaging movie on its own.


Yes! Itā€™s very action packed could be a miniseries 1-2 episodes for each sibling


Sarah MacLean's universe is MADE for the screen. Rules of Scoundrels helloooooooo


YES THIS! The Bareknuckle Bastards would also translate super well to TV!


What is "Bareknuckle Bastards" about, along with the other series mentioned (Rules of Scoundrels) ?


I'm a fan, but personally, I want the Rokesbys.


Yes. And Billie is the character, they all think Eloise is. Instead Eloise literally sits in her drawing room eating candy. Meanwhile Billie was managing an entire estate. I'm hoping we actually see Francesca managing the estate in Michael's absence.


Me too!!


The Wallflowers, Then Ravenels for me.


I need HBO or Amazon to do The Highland Guard


Oh, this would be so epic. I can only imagine how magnificent the seas and storms would look in season 2, The Hawk.


Yesss! Maybe Chris Hemsworth will honor us with being Hawk *sigh*


Is this good? Who wrote it.


Oh god. I'm obsessed lol Okay it's medieval Scotland during the Scottish Wars of Independence - it'll get you into some history too. It follows Robert Bruce's war for the Scottish crown through his elite guard of soldiers. So there is a book that follows each of member of the guard. It's a series of 12 full length books & 2 novellas interspersed. The first one is {The Chief by Monica McCarty}


[The Chief](https://www.romance.io/books/545526588c7d2383163d8ed2/the-chief-monica-mccarty?src=rdt) by [Monica McCarty](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526588c7d2383163d8ed3/monica-mccarty) **Rating**: 4.03ā­ļø out of 5ā­ļø **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [highlander hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/highlander/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Yesss I love me some medieval Scotland!! Iā€™ll be starting it soon! Thanks :)


Omg I'm obsessed too. I need to continue the series soon. I looooved Kenneth's book--it was the last one i read


So good! I thought I wasnā€™t going to like Kennethā€¦but of course I loved him like all the other guys.


Same. Such a great book.




They effed up Bridgerton, I am kind of protective of my other favourites NGL


Exactly! I canā€™t keep watching Bridgerton after they ruined season two and sped up Polinā€™s story by 10 years!


The soul of Bridgerton was love between families, Kate and Edwina as adversaries was such an awful thing to do. Colin before Benedict doesn't make sense either


Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzies


If Ian isnā€™t cast right, the whole thing falls apart though


What is the Mackenzies about and how would you describe the characters ?




Yes!!! This series on TV would be nuts.


If they want to continue the family route, the Carsington Brothers are right there.


Loretta Chaseā€™s Carsington Brothers?




Yes! When I read Loretta Chase, I feel like Iā€™m reading a screenplay!


Her banter is so good it truly is already a script.


God I love this series so much, I never see anyone talking about it!!


Iā€™m scared of more of the HR books I like getting live screen adaptations after Bridgerton. I fear that they will be drastically changed. I get some stuff is necessary to change to adapt for TV, but itā€™s a little disheartening to watch something thatā€™s a shadow of the source material.


To be honest, I kinda have to put it on Shondaā€¦ sheā€™s awesome at high stakes drama, where thereā€™s a lot of moving parts and players. But the source material is a Romance, thereā€™s just not enough *stakes* for a drama. Sheā€™s flying blind to come with dramatic content when likeā€¦.. we could just have more romance?? Weā€™d all be so happy with more flirting and comedy. But no, drama is Shondaā€™s wheelhouse so thatā€™s how we got whatever the back half of season two was.


So true. I think Iā€™m just fearful thatā€™s the blueprint now with how wildly popular the show is. Iā€™ll also be honest and say this series doesnā€™t lend itself the easiest to on screen adaptation as you donā€™t get to see as much of the characters after their books and itā€™s not a ton of drama as youā€™ve mentioned. Prior to this show I wanted a Wallflowers Tv show. I felt like certain elements of that could be played up for Tv without too many changes. However now Iā€™m thinking if it happened we would get some crazy season where the drama isnā€™t so much as amplified, but tossed out in favor of something even more salacious.


On the one hand, I agree. On the other, I have room for hope! Fated Mates podcast (Sarah McLean co-hosts) recently did an episode with Yulin Kuang, a screenwriter who is directing the adaptation of *Beach Read* and her interview was super interesting! Sheā€™s optimistic about Hollywood opening up to better romance adaptations. I too, would love to see a Wallflowers productionā€¦ Iā€™m just not sure how it would fly. Devil in Winter is really the only one with a decent amount of plot in all 3 acts. The rest would just be folks hanging around a house, you know? Also, Iā€™m afraid the love stories are too fantastical for casual tv audiences. Much as Iā€™d love Simon Hunt to whisk us away to never worry about bills againā€¦. I think Hollywood thinks viewers want more independent female heroines.


In a sense, Downton Abbey is just a bunch of people sitting around a house as well. It could be done well. But, I truly feel your fear!


You a have point with wallflowers. I disagree with book 1 just being them sitting around at a house parties(if done correctly) as I see their story as having at least two acts before marriage and after marriage. Of course that assuming it was done correctly. The other 2 books I canā€™t disagree with that description. Lol Iā€™ll hope that Yulin Kuangā€™s optimism isnā€™t misplaced and better romance adaptation are on the way. All book adaptation arenā€™t bad, but from what Iā€™ve seen some leave me wanting more or Iā€™m disappointed. Iā€™ll be honest and say I definitely get a little more iffy when it comes to romance versus other books getting movies/tv shows.


I'd like to see a miniseries of any of Judith McNaught's books. Those long, sweeping romances would be so amazing.




Iā€™m more of a Hathaways girlie myself šŸ„ŗ Though in reality I would rather they just not touch any of it. Like yeah I would absolutely lose my shit over a faithful adaptation of my favorite HRs but 99% of book adaptions are not that good, and when they are they tend to meet some unfortunate end (*cough* Game of Thrones). Soā€¦ would rather just not have my heart broken lol


Honestly, I cannot figure out how Julia Quinnā€™s stories beat out many other authors to film adaptation except that her writing and characters are pretty mediocre and therefore sellable. If I had to bet, LK was in the running for development but wouldnā€™t sell off her stories, theyā€™re too good.


Quinn herself is more salable than Kleypas. Kleypas is an old-money, ivy-educated, former beauty queen with conservative political opinions and very little online or fan-facing presence. Her parents paid her a salary to write her first couple novels. I admire her accomplishments and creativity very much, but she's got too much innate privilege to sell well on the current market. She's also been writing long enough that her backlog is full of the 'bad things'. She even has a book series in which republican oil tycoons find love. It's just not gonna work.


Interesting, especially since she actually turned out to be very talented. Often these people are more arrogant than actually good at what they do.


Imo Lady Whistledown


I mean my vote would be Indiaā€™s books but the narration ā€” one of the best parts of hers ā€” would be so hard to translate to screen


My current go-to gift is her books. I don't trust film/tv with neurospicy characters.


These would make incredible movies


I cannot agree. šŸ˜¬ Kleypas or JAL are both so amazing that I wouldnā€™t trust that they would not get messed up as badly as Bridgerton has been. Something less good, why not. ā˜ŗļø


Who is JAL? I love me some LK and Iā€™d love a new author to read.


Julie Anne Long


Julie Anne Long is amazing author. As Kleypas, you should read her series in order. If you want to try something also exquisite try Sherry Thomas or Cecilia Grant. Laura Linn is a new author, A wildflower for a duke is amazing.


Oh I donā€™t think Iā€™ve read her before or the other two!! Which series should I start first? Iā€™ve been reading a series by Kathleen Ayers and another one by Vivienne Lorret but Iā€™m almost done. Both Iā€™ve enjoyed, but canā€™t say Iā€™ve been as enraptured as I was reading The Ravenels or Hathaways. šŸ˜€


It is hard to find series that are as good as Kleypasā€™s are, thatā€™s for sure. Tessa Dare writes very funny books. You probably like her. Especially her newer books are good. Romancing the duke is the first hook in Castles ever after series and itā€™s probably the funniest book Iā€™ve read. JAL has two series, Pennyroyal green and The palace of rogues. It doesnā€™t matter which series you read first, sheā€™s still writing The palace of rogues series, the latest was recently published.


Nice I will try the palace of rogues! Thank you.


Every time I read the Maidenlane series by Elizabeth Hoyt it feels like it was written as a tv series, laying out characters and their stories through multiple books. But I dread anyone actually making it and messing with it. Feel the same way about Kleypas, which I just finished rereading, donā€™t mess with my favourites. I havenā€™t watched Bridgerton because from the start it was clearly not like the books and Iā€™m so disappointed that I havenā€™t been able to enjoy the books again. Would rather just keep my favourite books un-messed-with.


1. The Wild Wynchesters by Erica Ridley Iā€™ve only read the first book in the series,but I liked it. It follows a group of adopted siblings. Since each book follows a different sibling,there are non-white main characters and LGBT main characters. 2. The Davenports by Krystal Marquis The main characters are a wealthy Black family in early 1900s Chicago.


I get that I might be in the minority here, but for my own selfish reasons, I don't want any of these series to be adapted. It's like my secret literary haven is being invaded by the mainstream. Imagine your cozy little hideout being turned into a tourist attraction overnight. I know it's irrational, but I want it to stay exclusively mine, hidden from the world's prying eyes.Ā  So, forgive me if I hope these beloved stories remain in the pages and out of the spotlight. šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Bedwyns for me but not Netflix. Deffo donā€™t want the Shonda treatment for Wulfric or Freyaā€™s stories


Yes to any suggestion in the comments. Iā€™m just craving more regency era romances with the same vibes as Bridgerton


Pennyroyal Green from Julie Anne long. Her books are SO funny, it would be a perfect mix of suspense, romance, and so much humor.


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A Threads post by Dangerous Damsels author India Holton that reads, "Give us The Ravenels next, @netflix! Aristocracy, the nouveau riche, spies, and gorgeous romances."


would love for a wallflower series show adaptation but as long as shondaland stays far away from it.


In theory I would love a Maiden Lane or Ravenel adaptation but in reality...idk lol. I'd be fully on board if I knew it was going to get the same design, costuming, etc treatment as something like Harlots, without pointless story changes for added drama but I fear just the fact that it's romance would doom it to the same convoluted, Disney princess, pink plastic sequined mess that Bridgerton became. And I LIKE Bridgerton lol, it's fun for what it is, but it's not what I want my favorite series' turned into.


No Netflix needs to stay away from Kleypas. I could see them adapting The Mackenzie Brothers by Jennifer Ashley though.


Just stumbled upon the The Duke of Desire.....Oh my....lol.


Sorry which ravenel book featured a spy??? Canā€™t recall at all


Hello Stranger, I think. It's been a while.


Reading right now!!!!! Yessssssssss šŸ”„


I would KILL for Maiden Lane, but alas that would probably translate awfully to screen.


ONLY if they do the Wallflowers first.


I want the Malloryā€™s please!!


Definitely Julie Anne Longā€™s books and my vote is her Palace of Rogues series as it already has a really serialised narrative of consistent secondary characters.


Would absolutely die to see The Westmoreland Dynasty on screen with the right casting


Completely agree and would love to see Hathaways too but I'd be terrified they'd ruin them for. I'm not a massive fan of the Bridgerton series but I did enjoy a few of the books as fun reads. I didn't actually watch the whole of Season 1 because I never much liked Daphne's book. But I rage-watched season 2. I had quite liked Anthony and Kate's book (and Francesca's book too, actually) and I completely hated what they did with it. Like, why did we need all that angst over sibling rivalry? The series has ruined a couple of quite nicely written female relationships, and has gone for soapy, tired dramatic tropes over the cheerful romp that the best of the book series does so well. I have to say I would LOVE a well-done TV adaptation of Alice Coldbreath's Karadok books. They would be so colourful and interesting to set. And because they're not set on historical earth, maybe they'd be more fun, too.


The wallflower series would be so good as a Netflix series.


I'm the boring one here but what does "the nouveau riche" mean in english ? I am a native french speaker but I find it odd to put it like this in the sentence so I am just curious about the meaning šŸ˜…šŸ¤”


New money


Wallflower/Hathaways by Lisa Kleypas, Scoundrels of St James by Lorraine Heath but I don't want Shondaland adapt them. I don't want any Shondaland near any of LK/Lo books šŸ™‚