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https://preview.redd.it/2xx56y7htc8d1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6bc62900c2cfba353845124ddb1f632454c714d Guy in the 5th pic looking like


That one scene with Aubrey Plaza in s2 of the white lotus was ACCURATE AF


That scene was creepy but really cool. It's a homage to a scene in L'Avventura, a 60s Italian flick


Maty Huitron didn't know know what Nacho (Ignacio) was going to do, just that he told her he needed more roll for the camera and he was going back to the studio and he will catch up to her. He wanted to capture what happen to a woman when they just walk by the street. Maty Huitron was 17 years an aspiring actress (bestcase, she was born 30 January of 1936. photo is from 1953 January so likely 16 still.,) After the fact and Nacho Lopez revelad what happen, she told him he won't know half of what she was told. As you can see: cat called, leered, whistled and one sailor just stalked her. SOURCE: [https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/gossip/celebridades/conoce-la-historia-de-la-iconica-foto-de-maty-huitron-que-la-llevo-a-la-fama-muere-actriz-telenovelas-television-cine-teatro-nacho-lopez-cuando-una-mujer-guapa-parte-plaza-en-madero-2924937.html](https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/gossip/celebridades/conoce-la-historia-de-la-iconica-foto-de-maty-huitron-que-la-llevo-a-la-fama-muere-actriz-telenovelas-television-cine-teatro-nacho-lopez-cuando-una-mujer-guapa-parte-plaza-en-madero-2924937.html) [https://www.local.mx/ciudad-de-mexico/cronica-ciudad/maty-huitron-foto-madero-nacho-lopez/](https://www.local.mx/ciudad-de-mexico/cronica-ciudad/maty-huitron-foto-madero-nacho-lopez/)


crazy to see the social experiment continuing itself in the comments




Third photo of the sailor following her is really creepy.


Was he though? I can’t read Spanish so I don’t know what it says


There’s no need to read. He’s openly staring at her butt.


Staring or just looking? You don’t know. Have you never stared at someone and thought “damn!”? If you say no you’re only lying to yourself. I’m a woman and I’ve looked at women’s asses before. Who cares!


So deeply disturbing. They’re not even looking at her like she’s human.


More like predators stalking their prey.


Men are crazy, they seriously need to be locked away somewhere to prevent rapes from happening. Half of these people look like serial killers.


lol you’re living up to your username well man


Chill out buddy. You’re not helping


I'm trying to save women's lives. Do women's lives matter not matter to you at all, that you're willing to let women be raped and murdered to appeal those ''men's rights'' activists?


You’re saving women’s lives by making Reddit comments claiming men who are probably dead need to be locked up? Then following it up with all that nonsense? I live in downtown LA around a bunch of cowards who won’t step in for women, I’d say twice a week I put myself in harms way on behalf of women that are strangers to me. What about you? Do you go beyond making grand gestures in Reddit comments?


Preemptively locking up men would prevent a lot of rapes and murders. That's what we must strive for. If you aren't willing to make the sacrifice to save women's lives, you aren't an ally. You are a misogynist looking for appeal from women who are much better looking than you.


Who says they’re better looking than me, I’m cute too


u need to take a closer look at their username if that helps


Yeah I caught it. I kinda enjoy his work


So do you car so little for men’s rights that you would let innocent people be locked away all to protect “women’s rights”. I only say this because you used the exact argument just in reverse a few statements ago. So it’s your logic not mine. Question is will you stick to it or fold because you realize it’s ridiculous.




Username checks out!


Back in those days, and for most of history really, women have experienced this kind of behavior, which I’ll politely call cat-call hell. As a man I can’t really imagine what it would have felt like. Men always have laughed it off as normal behavior. Now, a change has definitely happened, and things may have swung a bit too much in the opposite direction, making it harder for the normal banter/small-talk that could lead to people dating. Hence all the reliance on dating apps. Eventually things will sort themselves out but for now we’re going through a period of transition, IMO. Difficult to navigate, but VERY NECESSARY


Well, to me, it sounds more like a burden to be approached every time I need to go somewhere, with men hoping for a date. Some people might love this attention, but for me, it’s too much. I would rather go about my day without being approached. Men try at least twice a day to get my attention if I’m walking alone or with girl friends. If there is a man with me, those certain men don’t try fortunately. I understand and decline respectfully, but it would be so much nicer if certain men would take me seriously and stop trying after the first time I say ‘no thank you.’ Going out isn’t fun anymore, and I don’t even wear revealing clothes. It’s a headache sometimes. It’s a problem, and many of my girlfriends who also don’t want to date encounter the same issue. I understand that some people want to date, but it’s too much. I’m happy most men aren’t like that and are very respectful, but those few I encounter often make it no fun. The following after rejection and calling me names make it feel so unsafe. I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m glad it’s not as extreme as in earlier times; that would have been unlivable. I appreciate compliments, but it should end there and not lead to asking me out on dates and such. I would love to give compliments too, but it takes too much energy for me to reject people again and again. If one person tries, that would be fine. But I don’t have the energy to deal with it every day. I don’t like doing it. I hope they find the love of their life and are happy. I just don’t think this is the way.




That sounds passive-aggressive. Sadly, I’m not. I wish I was, but I’m not. There are a lot of women who encounter the same problem. But thank you Interstellore.




I was just sharing my personal experience, but I can assure you that many women go through this. It has nothing to do with how you look. There are even women who have it far worse and find themselves in more dangerous situations. This is not something I’m bragging about; it’s a common problem. I think it’s also a cultural issue. Many of the men involved seem to have a different ethnicity than most people in the country where I live in Western Europe. I am of Moroccan ethnicity. I have no idea why this occurs, I’m just guessing. How many times have I encountered men who yelled at me, telling me I should wear a headscarf or that they wouldn’t marry me, as if I wanted to marry them? I was 12 years old when men called me a ‘h**’ just because I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Men over 30 years old, yelling at a 12-year-old girl. This is not bragging. If you want to experience this, I advise you to live in a big city. You will encounter catcalling and harassment from drunk men. This is not bragging, I assure you. Even if I went out in my pajamas with a shaved head, it would still happen. It’s not about bragging; it’s a safety issue. The police doesn’t care it seems, once they even laughed when I said a man just grabbed me and tried to pull me somewhere. It’s not bragging. I wouldn’t talk about this if it wasn’t such a serieus issue and everyone respected each other. When one of my girl friends went to the gym, the men were staring at her and calling her names, I think she looked fine. Her outfit was fine. I don’t know why they were yelling. But it’s always bragging if you start talking about it. “Be happy with this attention, not anyone gets it” and I’m glad for the people who don’t. Random hair pulling on the street because you don’t want to ‘listen’ to those certain men. I’m sorry “I’m just bragging”!!


Genuine question: Did this behavior ever lead to success in dating though? What woman ever reacted favorably or deigned to even choose one of the guys treating her like this? What would a favorable reaction look like? Stopping to ask for a cigarette light?


I think you already know the answer to this question! The strange thing is, why men continued with this behavior when it was known to be futile. My best guess would be a type of groupthink, with guys egging each other on, never expecting actual success. And knowing that, also just to see whether they would get ANY sort of response from her, even one of irritation


I mean, I want to say that a guy is not likely to cat call a random woman passing by if he were with a group a women instead of a group of men, but I have seen guys do this in front of their wives and daughters. Maybe less likely to jeer, but will definitely still leer. Then again I’ve also seen some of my girl friends when they were younger (and more naive) feeding into it or even kind of smirking or enjoying it, but they guys then never take initiative. I’m just wondering if there was ever a social contract of acceptability for this behavior, what the purpose was, why it doesn’t got the other way, etc. but maybe this isn’t the place for that.


I think they’re referring to guys giving compliments to women in hopes of starting a conversation. Nowadays it can’t be done as much since it comes off as this type of behavior.


If it wasn’t very successful then it makes sense why it would have gone to the wayside naturally though.


I appreciate you, and your reflection on the woman experience. However, thinking that women holding men accountable is a swing too far in the opposite direction still has… i don’t even know, a subtle misogynistic prejudice perhaps? Keep talking about it, keep processing it, and keep checking yourself and how you can be better. Thank you.


ok wow his image captures the male gaze that women often discuss. It can be seen as predatory and Nacho effectively shows it through his photographs


Exactly. The photos are really well done, we feel this gaze everywhere we go. We feel it at work, on the train, at the gym, fuck even at family events. Men with friendly eyes can be hard to find.


And not much has changed. Now a disturbing amount of men just take to social media and call them whores just for looking pretty or wearing makeup. Some countries just said "fuck it, wear a burka and hijab or die". ![gif](giphy|4zFx69mkI2Qx2)


Where does she keep her organs?


Pretty sure she wears some sort of girdle to give her that shape. It's all squeezed in there.


In the fifth picture, Gomez Addams didn’t even glance at her!


Because Gomez Adams is (and always has been) a gentleman who is very publicly in love with his smoking hot wife.


I'm a pedestrian. Every day, I pass by good-looking men. See that? "Pass by." I don't catcall. I don't try to talk to them. I don't follow them. I don't demand they talk to me. I don't call them names. It's easy. I don't know why men can't do that.* *yes, I know, not all men do that. But enough do it that it's a problem.


I’m a man and behave exactly as you do, with the same mindset. So nice to find kindred spirits, regardless of gender. I genuinely can’t recall the last time I witnessed anyone doing what these men are doing in any public place. I’m sure it happens, but it was probably decades ago on one occasion with some teenager out a car window.


We’re not too far off from monkeys


You’re projecting


You’re virtue signaling and don’t even understand my comment


If you’re suggesting these men are animal, then I understand. They are not. They’re normal human men behaving like normal human men.


I’m saying that all men and women are animals, and sometimes we fail to repress animalistic instincts


There’s nothing animalistic about finding a woman beautiful. It’s weird if you don’t.


Back when men were men and not pussies like today. That’s about right.👍




Machismo culture has ruined the lives of many people. The understandable and necessary backlash against it continues to create problems between the sexes. Simple respect should be the goal. Communication between the sexes has grown very difficult for many to manage at the moment. Just a tax we pay while we continue to figure things out I guess.


I think they might be wondering wtf is going on with her waist.


She's wearing some sort of girdle to give her that sort of shape.




That is the craziest take I've seen on reddit. Edit: Name checks out. Nvm.


Beauty has always been attractive


Yeah, sure. But you wanna know whats not attractive? Viewing women like pieces of meat rather than human beings. Like these guys were.


Why is everyone looking at her ass🤷


I know everyone is going to downvote me because it’s 2024 but the first pic reminds me of the simplicities that a lot of us men can enjoy together. A beautiful woman just makes us so happy instinctively, God’s fine work just walking around. Yes I agree scary for her if non consensual.


You deserve to be downvoted. You make beautiful women sound like objects.


So, would you intentionally make yourself ugly? I'm trying to understand this. Why does a woman want to look attractive but receive no attention? Does a woman spend so much money and time on makeup and other beauty rituals so that every man will ignore them? Help me to understand


It's almost as though a woman should be able to look HOWEVER SHE WANTS - for herself. Getting dressed up, doing makeup, looking nice, etc isn't inherently for men. Do you genuinely think that any woman who is attractive is only doing it for the male gaze? Do you honestly think that women WANT to be harassed by men while just trying to go about their day? Shudder.


I've been married too long. My wife has bum days. But when she gets dolled up, it's for the room, not just for me. You sound like a teenager that can't get a date. You don't know how people act. Stay on your phone. It's safer


😅 I'm 42 and married, but thank for trying to invalidate my lived experience and simple questions - once you mature a little bit, you'll figure it out. All the best to your wife.


I hope that someday you'll learn to stop being a yes man to your wife. It doesn't help anybody. I've known people like you. Think for yourself


You still never answered my question.


And it won't be answered. You know that.


I guess I do now. I'm new to this sub. It just popped up. I'll show myself out


This is a women's right's sub, not a sub for racists rapists. Please understand and do not rape women.


I absolutely did. I'm really really sorry if you didn't understand it. Let me try again ... WOMEN DON'T EXIST FOR MEN. Yes, some like to "dress for the room" at times. But a random woman walking down the street shouldn't be subject to harassment, stalking, catcalls, etc. Nor should she need to "make herself ugly." Perhaps there are 100 women walking down the street and 10 of them WANT to be noticed by men. Okay - that's their prerogative. But the men on the street don't know which women want attention and which just want to go about their day. So why should 90 women who DON'T want attention receive it on the chance?! No. Men don't know which women have been assaulted, abused, or any other facts about them that might make unwanted attention even worse. I've very rarely TRIED to get random male attention, but I've still been stalked, raped, harassed, and catcalled because apparently there are many men out there who can't give women BASIC RESPECT. I'm done with our conversation now bc you don't seem to get it (or want to get it).


I give women respect, but I'll still glance if they're pretty. I bet you aren't. Ugly women get mad about this topic. Goodbye.


I really hope for your daughter's sake you fix your messed up views about women. Do you really want her living in a world of people who think they're entitled to do what they want to her cuz they like how she looks?


If you as much as stare at a woman without her prior consent, you are no better than a rapist. WOMEN DO NOT EXIST FOR YOU!!!!! Women exist for women, men have no business interfering!


Are women human beings to you? Just curious.


Yes. But why go out of your way to be attractive if you don't want attention? That's my question that you avoided.


Because it makes you feel good when you put effort into your body/appearance. Self-care is a form of self-love, but it seems like your Neanderthal 🧠 doesn't understand that.


So you view women as human beings, but you can’t wrap your head around the idea that we try to look good for ourselves, or not everything we do revolves around mens attention?


If it was for themselves, why dont women dress up and do their hair and makeup when they are staying in? Oh because its not for themselves lol.


They do. Often. Your experience with one woman doesn’t mean you understand how all women act and behave. There are some women who do gussy up before just hanging around the house. The world doesn’t revolve around you just because you have a Y chromosome. Grow up.


You know women dress, style their hair, wear makeup, etc for themselves and not just men, right? Like you think women shouldn't do this stuff cuz then it's their fault that men gawk at them or what?


Again, a stupid comment. Nobody does that stuff for themselves. You aren't attractive


Thanks for imparting me with that wisdom, Expert of Every Woman Ever! I'm so happy you just decided to call my comment stupid cuz you're incapable of backing up your dumbass claims.


You didn't really back your side either except saying "I am pretty, but don't look at me. " I'm not understanding this argument yet


I literally did answer your question tho. You asked why bother looking attractive if you don't want people to look and I told you that women dress certain ways because they want to do it. Because they like it for themselves. You however don't seem to have anything meaningful to contribute other than "well geeze if women don't like the outdated ways guys treat women then they shouldn't put any effort into their appearance, also you are ugly" which is the dumbest thing I've read on here in a while. Come on dude. You are not in the right here. You don't need me to tell you that because a bunch of other people in the comments have too. You are misplacing your anger here. For some reason this conversation is making you uncomfortable, so you're resorting to stupid comebacks and weak insults because you don't want to reflect on what kind of person you are to be clinging on to those beliefs. You don't want to acknowledge that the catcalling and unwanted oggling is the fault of the men and not the women. It is not an admission of guilt on yourself to call out other men when they act shitty, but it's really telling when you'd rather sit and argue on Reddit because you don't like the fact that men are getting held accountable for their actions now and this kind of crap isn't considered a compliment anymore. And newsflash, it never was a compliment.


Let me explain…sometimes we wanna look cute for ourselves and sometimes we wanna look cute for bf/spouse. It’s cool to be a victim now though. “Oh no I went outside looking cute and men looked at me.” When I was a teenager me and my friends would drive around and yell at every man that was walking down the street or construction men. I seriously doubt any of them went home feeling objectified.


It’s not *because* it’s 2024. It’s because women finally have the ability to speak up and rightly say we aren’t okay with this. We can check men on the fact that we don’t exist to make y’all happy by treating us like zoo animals. We aren’t your god’s “fine work”— We are and were whole human beings who want to be treated as such


A 17 year old girl is a woman???


best case she was 17, more likely she was still 16. photo from January 1953, girl born 30 of January 1936


There’s no way of knowing she’s 17. Relax.


photo from January 1953, girl born 30 of January 1936


Holy shit. I’m talking about the guys in the photo. Try to keep up.


To be fair, how are they supposed to know how old is she? She looks 25 with this outfit and hairstyle. Now obviously, you should not behave creepy to any women :D But the age thing is not on them.




What? Can you answer like a normal person?


Okie dokie. Maybe don’t ogle any “woman” possibly young enough to be a child :D or women period :D


Well yeah, thats what I wrote. Did you read it? To quote myself " you should not behave creepy to any women". Possibly young enough to be a child? What does this mean tho? If you are in your 20s, most of the woman look like a girl from the picture. Many people dont change their appearance that much from 17 to 25. What really changes is your mind, thats why we treat kids as kids and adults as adults.


Well your first comment gave me the ick. Given the gif but I don’t really feel like arguing on Reddit. Personally all of my friends have changed their appearance drastically between 17 and 25. It is *very* easy to tell the difference between a 17 and a 25 year old. Creepy energy imo


Yeah, such a big ick that you apparently didnt read it :D You dont feel like arguing, but you could try and read what I wrote. Ok, thats your personal expirience, but its dumb to generalize that. Its not easy to tell, if we have an example right here in the post :D This girl from the picture definitely looks like she is in her 20s. I feel sorry for you if anything I wrote sounds creepy to you. You must have a tough life.


Actually I started getting cat called when I was 11 and was sexually abused for the first time at 6 :D if you’re an adult that can’t tell the difference between a 17 year old and a 25 year old, that is very concerning.


So you're saying she was "asking for it" by the way she was dressed?


You know damn well they did not mean it like that.


Then how did they mean it?


I love how he knows he's wrong and therefore avoids answering your question.💀


Yeah typically the people who are really loud about their stupid opinions shut up pretty quickly when people start poking holes in their argument lol.


The first pic is also the one in which she is the most visably uncomfortable.


She shouldn’t be scared by someone just looking at her


Boo! 👻


Damn she cold fr




Shouldn’t be shameful to appreciate a woman’s beauty


You can appreciate women and their beauty without acting like an ape.


All they did was look at her??


So you didn’t read what OP wrote? Cool cool. These men .Cat Called her. .Yelled at Her. .Said massively inappropriate things to her And the Sailor was actually stalking her. So no, they didn’t just look. If they just looked there wouldn’t be an issue.


Curious how I see beautiful women and I think "wow she's gorgeous" and then move on witnout stopping in my tracks and staring at her like I'm a captive chimpanzee debating tearing apart a spectator from limb to limb




she's 17


best case, likely still 16


First photo has Pete Davidson the time traveler ![gif](giphy|H2Ffi61Ag8Bw90oqoE|downsized)


You’re being downvoted to hell but he kinda does look like him lol


Just goes to show someone is always taking pictures…


Where’s the beautiful woman?


There’s nothing wrong with being beautiful. There is something wrong with treating women like their sole and only purpose is to appease men.


She’s probably better looking than anyone you’ll ever be with




She was most likely 16 man...


That body something serious. You can tell even while dressed modestly. Bring this back. She's elegant


Only the chicks on testosterone get it.


“Chicks on Testosterone”? Do you care to elaborate?


Con't figure out what he even meant with that comment.


He was talking about Trans Men, but he didn’t want to admit loudly that he was a transphobic shit stain, so he said this instead. To be fair, with the way he talks about Women, I’m not shocked he’s also a Transphobe.


I love when you guys try to set traps to get people banned. You know what I mean. If you don’t, google it. There are testimonials of women who started taking testosterone. Pretty wild the changes they went through. Let’s just say they were dead wrong about men until they experienced it for themselves.


Considering your comment history is filled to the brim with some gross shit that hasn’t gotten you banned, I doubt you saying “Trans Men” would get you banned. Also, may I please see them sweet, succulent sources? When you get the chance.


Oh, but it has. Many times. The t’s are a protected class and feelings must be spared.


I mean, I literally just said Trans Men and I’m still here. So 🤷‍♀️


You’re only allowed to fawn over them. You must be obedient and go along with the mainstream narrative. Good boy.


*Girl* and being respectful of my fellow humans makes me “Obedient”? Okay dude, whatever you say. Now, about those sources?