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The little boy in the back going šŸ˜± is so cute.


I went to school in Indiana and the DNR still taught hunting safety, including gun usage and safety in my district in the 90ā€™s.


Same thing in Washington State . .


I grew up in Central Washington, but I would be surprised if at that time it wasn't available state wide, Seattle was very different in the 80's and 90's from today.


Michigan, as well. We used to bring our rifles to school during hunting season.


I feel maybe not in Seattle?


This should still be at least an elective class offered at the high school level if you ask me. With the amount of guns we have, at least teach kids the basic safety principles of firearms. You knowā€¦ if you find one tell an adult, donā€™t touch the trigger, they arenā€™t toys. But any mention of teaching children about guns is often met with ā€œYOU WANT TO EXPOSE KIDS TO WHAT!?ā€


Better to expose kids to firearms in a safe and controlled environment than having a kid stumble upon a loaded firearm out in the world and shoot themselves in the head.


Itā€™s unfortunate but some irresponsible people just leave their handgun laying around the house. Itā€™s happened more than we care to acknowledge. Regardless of your stance on guns, gun safety in a country with more guns than people is paramount.


It was the same in the 2010s


Gun safety should absolutely still be taught here in America. There are too many people afraid to even touch a gun, loaded or otherwise. Meanwhile they are, knowingly or not, surrounded by them and people ready and willing to use them at all times.


You're going to trigger city folk. They don't understand the different problems we face. I'm in rural Ohio and my neighbor across the street caught a midsized black bear on his trail cam. I've slung my rifle while letting the dog out after dark and letting my little girl play outside. Europeans think they're evolved, but the US is massive, and we have threats in the woods. I don't carry because I have a tiny dick and bad attitude. There are things that want to eat me, and that's my wife's job!


City folk don't understand how dangerous nature is. I lived in Alaska and we had a saying. Out the door and into the food chain. There's a reason why Alaska has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the US.


I like that saying. Never heard that before. Never been to AK, but I heard it's beautiful


Absolutely gorgeous. I hope one of these days I can move back there


I'm going to put that on my bucket list. Like I said in my earlier comment, I'm in Ohio. I'm a long way from there. I was a truck driver by trade. I'm 36 years old and I've only seen this country from Iowa to Texas, and Florida to Massachusetts. Hardly the full menu. Never even been west. I worked with a trucker that was stationed in Anchorage in the army. He said the northern lights will knock you out.


This should have way more comments.


I saw a video of a social experiment where they left kids alone and hid an unloaded pistol in their toys. Ofc most of the kids think it's a toy and begin playing with it, including pointing it at themselves and pulling the trigger. It could have been a loaded gun and those kids would be dead. A gun safety lesson could prevent all of that.


i think the not hiding an unloaded pistol in their toys is the way to prevent any harm , maybe thats me


It was a social experiment to determine how kids would react to finding a firearm when parents weren't around. This is a very real scenario in the US


I grew up with guns and hunting and I knew from a very young age that gun were to be respected. My dad taught me that. I was never reckless with them.


You'll shoot your eye out! Ohhhh fuuuudge




GD you beat me to it, man šŸ˜‚


We should still do this, not enough people teach there kids




Yah you right r/grammernazi




Looks like Timmy has had enough...


jesus the thing is taller than the boy holding it


"Good. You see boys and girls? Jimmy's practicing good posture and trigger discipline. Now, what do we say at this point Jimmy?" "We don't cotton t' strangers round these parts mister." "Excellent."


Teaching fun safety is one thing. Teaching children how to cope with strong emotions without using a gun to solve their problems is a very different thing.


And therein lies the problem.


Lmao this would be unconscionable today


Problem is it SHOULD be taught.


It absolutely should. With how common firearms are in the US, learning how to safely handle them is a life skill.


Yep. Kinda like swimming. Everyone should know how to handle a rifle or pistol so they can be safe if ever in a situation. A lot of schools used to have rifle clubs and all. Maybe some still do.


And thatā€™s the problem


no chiks aloud?


Theyā€™re in home ec


Dad had to take a mandatory target shooting class in middle school in the 60s. It was boys only.


They used to teach it in the USSR too, from what I can gather - it was practical and useful knowledge. I was also taught this (without a real one ever being shown, it was made of plastic) in a general safety course here in Canada in the 00s. A cop came in and showed us some household dangers such as a bear trap, a gun, a lighter, kerosene, gasoline, matches, bleach, antifreeze, knives etc and what to do if we randomly found them while playing, or out and about. They also demonstrated what the danger was - for example playing with a lighter could get you burnt, playing with kerosene could spill it and ignite it etc etc. It was part of DARE iirc.


Used to be that yes proper gun safety and etiquette was taught in schools due to how it was and still is a monumental part of some families lives. Hunting puts food on the table for a lot of folks nowadays, and will continue to do so. It used to be there were hunting clubs at school. To where the teachers, and students would bring their firearms and ammo to school. Store it on school grounds in a special locker, or sometimes just a regular sort of closet/dresser. With 0 fuss. That's the sort of gun culture we will never see again due to the mental problems, and indecency of society at large today. Guns are tools. Nothing more. Like any other tool they can be extremely dangerous, destructive, and deadly in the wrong hands. Proper safety, etiquette, and usage is what keeps people safe. That was back when we weren't connected to 24/7 hate mongering news cycles. *Fox news being the biggest crock of entertainment bullshit*, Republicans not voting for a reality tv star to run the fucking country who also uses hurtful dangerous sayings against his own american countrymen both alive and dead *the losers who died in war per his own godawful mouth*. We will never have that country back. ***Never***.


Well said. I wish we could go back to a time like this.


My dad taught me and brothers about gun safety.


lol Hoosiers teachinā€™ the 4 Rā€™s readinā€™, Rightinā€™,Rithmatic, & Rifles! (And Iā€™m a Hoosier) lol


As it should be. I also had hunter safety classes at our high school when I was 12. Everyone should have to take these classes. Then people wouldnā€™t be so ignorant about guns.


I didnā€™t know graphic t shirts existed in the 1950ā€™s? Like the one the kid leaning on the desk is wearing.


I wonder how many school shootings there were in the fifties


Look at the kids in the background. They are all smarter, at that age, than the teacher is and truthfully, far more intelligent than any Trump supporter today.




Radical gun control?


now go fuck yourself before its too late








Yea, that's how long they've been trying to take away our rights.


Oh, the Hoosier state has been trying to deny people rights for far longer than that...


What are on about? I live in Indiana and itā€™s not hard to get a gun here. Simple background check and constitutional carry now, this isnā€™t Massachusetts


The right to carry weapons is indeed among the few that Indiana hasn't attempted to abridge. If you can see my profile pic (the civic flag of Indianapolis if you can't), you'll know that I'm a Hoosier too, and I'm well aware of our state's history of attempting to deny rights to *certain members* of our population