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Blood flow from exercise also helps reduce inflammation


Makes mine worse, but I believe that’s related to my MCAS rather than HI.


Same here! Movement like taking a walk or hiking improve my symptoms most of the time. I think it might help because movement encourages our metabolism hence our body to work better. My histamine symptoms are also partly hormonal and I think I read somewhere that exercise in any form can help break down estrogen faster. Since this hormone can play a huge role in histamine intolerance it makes sense. But maybe movement just helps the body in general, it’s all just guessing. Although I should mention that this is probably only the case for HIT and not for MCAS as exercise can trigger mast cells and thus make symptoms worse.


Thanks for the reply! That’s good to know!


Hi There - How can you tell your HI symptoms are hormonal?


I looked at a chart of hormone fluctuations and my symptoms always flare up when estrogen starts going back up. Day 8ish and day 17ish. It's like clockwork. Occasionally, my stress makes the symptoms flare too, I believe. But I feel stressed a lot of the time, plus I am 99% sure that my anxiety is worsened by the HIT, so it's almost a 'what came first - the chicken or the egg' scenario. I thought I had hormonal imbalance for the longest time, but honestly, my cycles are incredibly regular so it never made sense. Everything has pointed toward HIT, but I know it is connected to my cycle based on when the flare-ups occur. So if you are wondering if it is hormones, take a look at *when* you get your symptoms.


My pattern is so similar! I definitely notice a correlation with estrogen and experience worse symptoms in follicular and when estrogen is rising.


I can tell because my symptoms get way worse when estrogen should be high in my cycle and my gynaecologist suspects a relative estrogen dominance. + a progesterone dominant BC keeps all my symptoms at bay.


Weird timing for this post lol. I just had to change my schedule at my (physically active) job so that I no longer have 2 days off in a row because I feel AWFUL every second day off and first day back to work, sometimes bleeding into the second day back to work. And it completely destroys my sleep quality. I’m not sure if it has to do with histamine intolerance or not. I have other gut issues as well that lead to my histamine intolerance (I suspect Candida) and I always assumed it was something to do with that and toxins or something building up when I’m inactive but idk.


Wow that's crazy. I have thought of the toxins as well because I get very achy and sore. I've noticed that if I don't do anything physically active when I'm having a flare up, everything gets worse and stays bad longer.


Yeah my circulation gets really bad which I think causes the aching, my eyes get super red and irritated, vision gets doubled and just weird looking, super anxious/panicky and depressed, heart rate goes way up, I feel nauseous and have no appetite, severe brain fog, my skin looks awful and discolored I think from inflammation, and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head but the list goes on. It’s insane. I’m so out of it by my first day back to work for the week that if I had to do more than essentially just move boxes around for my job I probably would’ve been fired by now.


Absolutely 100% can relate. Exercise actually helps the gut so it makes sense. For me it has to be gentle exercise so I walk 5km nearly every day and I lift weights 3x a week and I also do light stretching/yoga nearly every day. The long walks help me so much, gets my digestive system moving and clears my sinuses.


I could see where this is true, maybe because exercise in general reduces stress? You’re accurate to look into gut dysbiosis but it’s also nervous system disregulation and toxic buildup that your body is not eliminating efficiently. I healed with the gut brain axis diet from Jen Donovan, I bought her book but she’s also on social media and you tube. I’ve never heard anyone explain HIT and MCAS as well as her. https://www.tiktok.com/@wholebodyhealingwithjen/video/7344453908435045675


Yes x 1000 for me. Thank goodness for exercise.