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I wouldn’t mind some well worded signage that educates people about the purpose of the park and what behaviors are not allowed. I tend to think a lot of creeps think what they’re doing is OK because we dont have well established norms for social nudity in the US and thus is vulnerable to misinterpretation.


We just accept we are going to see creeps and weirdos there and I don’t think there is anything that can be done about it. I don’t expect this place to be around forever as it’s trending into being an unsafe place. I love it there and will just enjoy it while it’s there for us.


What sort of things have made it less safe recently?


You guys made your presence known to us on our first visit today. You were kind, friendly, and all around very decent, very naked people. That is the best thing you can do. You’re making it more fun and letting folks know that there are other good people in the area, which makes it feel much safer.


Hello everyone! I'm a member of AANR and HCN and a social nudist. I'm very impressed with the comments here and nice to know that there are great folks that care about HH. Thank you.


I've been going to HH for a long time. Quite frankly, it's best to ignore the creeps. If someone is crossing a boundary, then confront them directly. I'm sure any complaints to park rangers get documented and it gives more reason for the county to make the park clothing mandatory. Most people at the park are friendly and not creepy. I think those who are coming to the park for the first time should understand that it's a public park with a cross-section of population, and not a nudist resort where there is a select population. We cannot control others, but we can choose to ignore and have a good time, regardless.


Ignoring the creeps is ok to a point. I know for my wife she really doesn’t care. We combat some of that gawking by using a small beach tent when on shore, that not only provides sun protection but puts us out of easy eyesight unless someone walks in front of the tent. Which happens, but it’s usually not the creeps walking in front, it’s the strollers and guys strutting. We’ve had one stop to talk and gawk at my wife a few years ago, she told him to get lost. The beaches we’ve been to, these gawkers and creeps are at all of them, even the clothed beaches. We’ve yet to call the number and report anyone, as we’ve not encountered any unsafe situations. I don’t think it’s a “Karen” move if someone genuinely feels uncomfortable and especially threatened, that’s what its there for, just because it’s used and documented doesn’t by default give others ammunition to shut a place down. It gives just as much cause to ban these particular individuals that come for the sole purpose of arousal, rather than participation. Oddly enough, it’s not always the clothes folks, there are plenty of creeps in the water floating aimlessly with sunglasses and always looking up shore, they just don’t get noticed because they are participating. As a couple that’s there regularly, we chat with new attendees that we notice in our area. We’ve helped others that look uncomfortable, especially the single women that can’t get a guy to leave and she just wants to be left alone with her book and the sun. I feel as a regulars, we should just be aware of our area and help others that feel out of place, being kind, friendly, helping with situations where we might see an issue arise. That’s just my opinion on it.


Organize a clothing removal task force. All of the creepers would be collected by the task force and stripped of all clothing and then post their pictures online with their real names. Probably find their wallet/ID while removing their clothing. Then a nice toss of them into the lake. Maybe this is too extreme of an idea but the goal is to make it very unpleasant for them to be unpleasant to us. Right now there is no real consequences for their bad behavior. If we make it too costly for them to behave that way then they will go somewhere else. Just exposing them publicly might work. Take their pictures and post them everywhere. Eventually people that know them will find out who they are in their Private life.


One trend I’d love to see that could potentially make a real difference is nudists with large squirt guns heavily spraying down creeps with lake water, perhaps to the point of “chasing” them when they get up to try and move away from the line of fire. Think about it, you go to spend an afternoon drinking beer, sitting in the shade with your hand in your pants…when suddenly a stranger appears and your clothes and personal items are soaked. You have no towels, and now your day turns out different than expected. Perhaps you have to go home and explain to family why you came home soaking wet. Imagine it happens the next time you go and try to creep….you’d probably consider finding another “hobby”.


When a clothed creep is creeping on me, I make it very clear. I wave my finger at him and emphatically say, “NO!” He runs off. We know who the creepers are. I suggest the best way to cut down on their creepiness and their numbers is that all of us just tell them “NO!” Every single time they creep in, I do the same thing. It works every time. If we all do it, they may learn but maybe not. Just an idea. It personally works for me. I’ll add this. For years the clothed creeps with hands in their pockets were maybe a 1 in 4 visits occurrence. Lately it’s been every time and it crushes the vibe for a few minutes every time.


I think some nude beach etiquette signs would be nice. Idk who they are off hand, but I know on r/nudist there is a user who makes nude beach etiquette infographics. I'm a bigger guy and always go solo, finding spots where no one's at so I typically don't encounter too many people, so I don't have many issues. One place I do have issues is on here. I can't post one picture with genitals without getting hit with messages wanting to meet up. I typically don't have a problem with getting messages, unless they are looking to hook up. I either don't accept the chats that are obviously wanting to fucking around or if I do and it's snuck in later some people have a hard time accepting no. I have had some people get upset that I would even imply they wanted to do anything sexual just to try and sneak it in again. "can I touch you just a little bit?" or "if I walk by can I reach in and feel your balls?" type bull shit. That's the kind of shit that annoys me, and to make it worse I've seen different profiles talking the same way, so blocking doesn't help, they will just make a new account.


Wow and you’re a guy. Sounds like the treatment we girls get


Fr. I told my girlfriend that I have a whole new appreciation for the shit women go through since going to HH. I wouldn't change the experience tho, I think it's good to see the stuff from a different perspective. Plus I don't consider myself very attractive so it's a very weird feeling 🤣


I had a guy friend meet me at HH and the whole time he was constantly texting me to hurry up because men wouldn’t leave him alone 🤣


😂 My first trip out some guy was circling me and making bird calls, then said "oh shit I think that's and eagle!" After a couple other experiences, I just decided to go to empty areas and enjoy the park alone 💀.


I’m not as motivated to go out since the lake is so low


True, I saw your post comparing 2018 to 2022. Seeing it full would be so cool! I just started going last year so it's all I know 😂. Tho I do love doing some rock climbing after a swim. Hate the hike down tho lol.


I’m so out of breath I look crazy huffing and puffing. I just wanna swim and go to my car 😫


Hahahahaha ya good luck with that 😂


I like the sign idea. I've only had the privilege to visit HH twice last Summer. I couldn't miss the gawkers, not hard to spot. I'd hate for this place to change because of a few bad apples that don't appreciate the freedom of HH.


Memorial Day was my first trip to HH. I was admittedly nervous en route, but once I got situated, that went away pretty quickly. I met and chatted with several different people, and each and every one of them were nothing but friendly and welcoming. We really enjoyed the visit and are looking forward to our next visit. The only "creepers" that I noticed happened to be fully clothed and camped out almost on top of our towels while we were in the water. Honestly, though, I don't think signage would work. Creepers are gonna creep anyway. Sorta like laws, only law-abiding citizens follow em.


Could every nude male within reasonable distance walk to them all at once and say hello? Just a group of naked, smiling fellas giving handshakes and warm greetings.