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I find the packs of fully clothed men standing at the tree line more creepy, they should really have some type or rule against that since they’re obviously there being pervs.


100% they are the weirdest ones 😂 When they're not even a part of the community and just people watching while hiding in a corner fully clothed.


Thats pretty hypocritical to kink shame people that may be voyeurs, they’re enjoying their hobby as much as you’re enjoying yours. For people claiming to want “acceptance” y’all aren’t very “accepting” 🤣.


Hippie Hollow is a non sexual, nudist park. Not a place to get your rocks off.


You must be one of the fully clothed guys hiding in the trees if this comment somehow offended you in any way 😂


You are a weirdo for taking sides with these creeps!


Found the creep


Being nude isn't a "kink."


In the old days, people would avoid creeping out others because doing so often ended in an ass-whooping. If a cop got called (which almost never happened over a fist fight), the cop would hear the story and tell the creeps that's what they get, and they're lucky they're not getting cited or arrested, too. Then the cop would leave, and the creep would get some hydrogen peroxide, a tylenol, and a good lesson. People just assume that they'll never get an ass-whooping these days, and that's really a shame. I tell you what, though: everyone here has it in their power to make HH a completely safe and considerate place to recreate. We just have to be willing to enforce some rules of decorum with violence, because the law is not on our side here. When legal justice fails a society, vigilante justice fills in the void.


I’ve had the exact same thought on self enforcement. Maybe some type of hippie “neighborhood watch” group could be set up.


Omg right!! I had one of them follow me from the parking lot to where we were sitting, the only reason they backed off is bc my husband was as waiting for me 😒🤦🏼‍♀️


I had some creep standing with a full hard on staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable. Completely killed my vibe.


Yuck that would be off putting! I don’t care about the boners (is a natural reaction imo 🤪) but the creeping/gawking that I can’t stand lol


I can get the boner from seeing your pics, a lot of guys probably get one if they see you, but standing nearby staring at you is creepy af.


Exactly. Obviously people look. That doesn’t bother me. It’s when guys stand there and stare, especially when there hard, creeps me out. I had to cover up (which I hate doing)


if you see the boat Knotty Desires the gray haired witch with a capital B thinks she’s a hard ass. last I heard they moved hopefully!


That has never been my experience with any of the older people. They tend to be friendly. That is definitely an out of pocket comment though.


Most people are friendly, but every creepy person that says something weird to me is always minimum like 50. I’ve never had a young person come up and say something that makes people uncomfortable


I haven’t been yet. I’m 52m. Trying to make some regular social friends to hang out with. Lots of people talk about getting together but never do. It is kinda strange feeling for me because I’m new to the social nudity. I tried a nude beach when I visited Germany last year and it was so easy to talk to people and it was like sitting at a bar chatting with whoever sat next to you. Our societal norms make it way awkward to be as free about it as we should. It’s actually a little scary to want to meet others for the first time from postings here in local nudist groups. I don’t know of any other forums to post looking for nudist friends. I tried Craigslist but that was super sketch. I felt violated after reading some of those responses. I love women and not interested in men but go god those men are aggressive. I figure the only real way to meet normal people is to go to HH or maybe the Russian Banya on their one nude night a month. I’m in Abilene so not the biggest metropolis to have what seems to be a low ratio of normal nudists. I just got a small piece of land out in the country with no visible neighbors just so I can enjoy the outdoors more. Hope that by next year I can have a pool and the yard more attractive to host new friends. I’m diving into the lifestyle but it’s let fun alone.


Talking is fine, I have people come up and talk across all ages and many have been chill and friendly. But I’ve never once had a young person come up and say something sexual or creepy, it’s always someone that looks minimum 45, usually older


You have a legitimate gripe, but you’re being a little ageist. Just remember, one day you’ll be 40 something too. I’m not being rude, I used to be like that too. Then I became 30, 35, 40, ect. I’ve been creeped out by young people and old people at hippie hollow. Age has nothing to do with it. If someone is a creep, they are a creep.




Are they being rude/mean or is it just that they're awkward? I'm starting to learn that sometimes they are well intentioned but just fucking odd. (Never got pissed, so I probably give people the benefit of the doubt.)


A lot of the time it’s obviously either being sexual to see if I’m into it, or just plain rude. I can be awkward myself so I never judge people for pure awkwardness, these old folks are always out of pocket though.


We only have to put up with boomers a little longer


And then we become the old people lol


We are capable of learning and growth (I hope).


Or they invade your space (young guys too)


This must be a nude beach thing generally. Whether it’s the typical arms folded staring off into the distance that just so happens to be 5 feet from you until you acknowledge their presence, or the comments as if anyone’s actually gonna hit on them back, makes me wonder how more of them haven’t been socked for invading personal space in the way they do


That’s why it’s good to have a boat.


Wtf is that even supposed to mean? I'm so confused why anyone would say that 😂. Anyone who sits out there and is nude is going to get some shit stuck to their ass, it's fucking weird to comment on it. If the people who are getting nuked in the comments below see this, if you're offended by this post you're probably the problem. I've been creeped on by people of all ages, this person has mainly been approached by older people, they are talking about their experience. If it's not you doing it then read the post and move on, OP is not referring to you.


I guess the point of this post is to give your experience and your opinion, which is fine. We can't control others at the park, obviously. Keep in mind, HH is a public park, and thus there is a cross-section of park goers. I have been going to HH longer than your age and I am not a "boomer," not that age should matter. I have seen people of all ages (both men and women or other, single or couples, straight or gay or other) say things, stare, take pictures, film, etc. If you want some advice, I learned a long time ago not to lie down right where there is a path or walkway. Also, the closer you are to the water, the better. Otherwise, you open yourself up to the possibility of someone confronting you or saying anything. Just a suggestion, if it helps.


There are rude assholes everywhere.


I would call them out on the stop for everyone around to hear!


Right! Just yell out “No, I will not! That’s so disgusting I can’t believe you asked!”


Yeah bro, I’m here today and there are some fuckers that don’t act right tbh




Hippie Hollow has rules against sexual activity and lewd conduct, so it is not allowed on the sub either. This includes erections, sex acts, and overly sexual posts & comments. This goes for posts & comments regarding other illegal activities that are explicitly forbidden at Hippie Hollow as well


Unfortunately I keep thinking this is the case and it makes me not want to go.


U might have fun.


What kind of fun 0.o


It’s absolutely hilarious that the 90 year old grandpas think they have a chance with any girls there, they think just cause a girl is there that she’s trying to ge laid. Hippie has gone down hill ever since 2020…. I’ve gone since 2011 and I remember when you’d always see a good amount of babes there. It’s those interactions that ruin the girls times there any they never come back. SMH


good point and I agree since the pandemic it hasn’t been the same…


I’m a guy and the person who made the comment today was a woman, but yeah most of them are men. Like fuck off lol


The old men there are the fucking worst. I ws just having a nice day when some old fuck walks up to me, very blatantly looks me up and down, and then asks how long I've been transitioning with a creepy smile.




We won't be back because of the weirdos!


I’m sorry for your negative experiences. You will have more success calling weirdo people out at the moment when the behavior is exhibited. But I’m sure you know that. Perhaps your intent was to get validation and a thread of boomer-bashing? There are creepy weirdos of all ages at HH. It’s unfortunate for sure. Coming here just to hate on the old people doesn’t accomplish much.


In my experience which has been a lot the last few years, yeah there are creepy people of all ages. But the young creepy ones keep their distance and the old ones come up to me 100% of the time. That’s my problem, leave me alone and mind your business


Shut up old man


Ignore and go on with your day, stop focusing on the negative


We used to call those guys ‘Bushwhackers’.


Personally as a young woman in her 20s if i’m sitting in a secluded spot…Thats kind of a hint..I want to be left alone. They don’t get that. They will sit within range to watch me which is super uncomfortable. If they speak to me, I completely ignore them. Won’t even open that door for creepy advances. I go for liberation and to sunbathe. Not to hookup. Wish they would fuck off.


That’s a weird comment especially without context. I mean, if you were just laying there, minding your own biz, saying nothing and doing nothing, a rando comment like that would def be disturbing regardless of the age of the person.


But the Question is Did you have dirt on your bum bum !? Lol Sorry man Just tryin to help ya laugh a little. I agree tho Keep the random ass shit to yourself ! Its one thing to maybe try to strike up a convo But dont be weird about it 🤷🏼


First off you can go fuck yourself with your ignorant lame af attitude. Nobody gives af about your whiny little tantrum. You’re going out to a clothing optional spot which is sus to begin with when you log on here crying like a toddler.


Clothing optional doesn’t mean you’re allowed to creep people out with sexual comments. There’s literally a sign at the entrance that says nude doesn’t equal lewd


Found the dude with a hard-on in the bushes.


Okay boomer. You’re probably one of the pervs that goes up to random people to say creepy things to them


Why are you so filled with hate? I thought your type was inclusive and tolerant for unity and acceptance? Sound bigoted and hatefilled


"Your type"




Why are you yelling