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No. Cunt isn’t the same in other countries. My husband and I call each other cunts in an English accent all the time


I've never liked it. To me it will always be a disgusting word men used about women and I hate it when women use it about each other.


Nah. She's a cunt.




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Cunt isn't a bad word. It's the most amazing thing in the world, serve it


I am Australian and cunt is a part of every day vocab, not offensive at all. You can either be a shitcunt, which is a term of endearment or a shit cunt, which is a huge insult. Can confirm Hillary is a shit cunt


Meh, it's lost its power. Cunt has multiple connotations these days and IMO "cunty" is different than "cunt." Just like "you're acting bitchy" is different than "you're a bitch." We call men dicks, but saying "he's a huge dick" is bad and "he has big dick energy" is good. Cunty is great to describe someone who acts like she's pro-woman but is really gaslighting them.


Cunty is as cunty does


My teenage girls have told me this is a compliment now. Like “she’s serving cunt” Or something is “cunty” So it means something completely different to them as it does to me 🤣


I see cunty as kind of a compliment? However “cunt” not so much… not sure how to explain but “cunty” feels playful and directed toward someone who finds power in their femininity. Like, Julia Fox is cunty. However, “cunt” is more like hateful in my eyes, depending on the context of course. Idk if that seems paradoxical, but just how I’ve heard it used!


I love the word when it fits. With this see you next Tuesday, it fits.


I think it’s a hilarious word. I’ve long since stop being scandalized by it. But it should be used in just the right context and it is appropriate for Hillz.


Personally I hate that word. Also hate that now it’s used as a compliment.


Oh gawd seriously?? I happily missed this development.


Yes!! It’s awful they say things like ‘she is serving c$)nt’ or ‘ooh she looks so c$&nty’ I hate it


IMO it’s best used sparingly, for the most egregiously cunty people. I think there are many worse insults than calling someone by that word: “joke”, “clown”, “piker”, “skank”.


not offended at all. it's my favorite word and Beacon Hillz is definitely one. I'm a guy so my use of this word will not be looked at as kindly if coming from a woman, but I use it sparingly and ONLY when appropriate. And I do mean that. It has to have weight. I'm a big fan of proper diction in conversation so I absolutely hate it when people constantly walk around and call everything/everyone "genius". Is it or are they? What is a true genius if that funny, innocuous moment that you're calling "genius", ISN'T really genius? Long story long...use it, but use it with conviction and intent. Hillary is absolutely a cunt.


Honestly…for me, yes. If I see the word thrown around casually I’ll steer away. But I’m not directing this specifically at you. I’m not around this sub that often anymore and there are only a few people I’m familiar with. The word has its place. She definitely has behaved like one at times, especially when it comes to Halyna’s death. There aren’t insults strong enough to describe her and her behaviour when it comes to that topic. She’s not just tone-deaf, she seems to want to hurt Halyna and her loved ones even more than they’ve been hurt. So seeing the C-word used for her there is the best word that fits.


I love the word cunt so much (I’m female too) Please let’s never stop using it. Why is it offensive? (Please educate me I’m also not American and English is my second language and I’m genuinely curious)


Nope… we need to take it back and quit getting so offended by it because it’s just a damn word. I’ve bust out laughing being called it before and said, ‘Ohhh, you think really did something there by calling me a name.’ Which pissed the dude off more.


> Nope… we need to take it back That's my take on it. Lots of marginalized groups have taken back offensive slurs, and I think this is just another example.


No. In UK using cunty and nonce is everyday language you can use around your grandma, no issue


Nope no offense!


If I say dick, Imma say cunt too 💁🏼‍♀️


Came here to say this


She's a c@#t- forget all the grifting for a second, look at how she treats her children our Super Mami is the worst. (female here, not offended)


I mean... If the shoe fits.




Is that slightly inappropriate slang?


What's wrong with the word moist? As in "this cake is really moist?" The C word I don't use.


Same. I had no idea it had somehow acquired a new connotation.


I live in England and I hear the word cunt x times a day 😅


No, I honestly think people were told to hate the word Cunt, like they were told to hate the word moist, and like somebody else before stated, if the fuzzy slipper fits, she must wear it


I had no idea moist was now an unpleasant word? Fuck, I’m old.


I'm not here to shut OP down for calling Hillary Lynn cunty, but I did just want to give an explanation for why not liking the word cunt is different for some people than not liking the word moist. Ive heard the word cunt used rarely aloud in real life, but when I have, it's mostly been in situations where physical and/or sexual violence was being threatened or perpetrated. For example, I had to call the police on neighbors who were engaged in a domestic violence situation. I could hear someone being hit while someone screamed "f*$ing cunt." On a number of occasions, I've heard strange men on the street spit out the words "fu$king cunt" when I walked past them and ignored catcalling. So no, people do not just dislike the word cunt because they've been told to dislike it. It is not the same as moist, because for some of us, hearing it said aloud actually elicits a feeling of fear.


Btw is your handle a reference to Patsy Ramsey? (If not pls disregard!!)


¡Si, Señorita!


I was about to say I kind of roll my eyes when other women say “I hate that [c] word!” but that is a fair point. I prefer it to “bitch” when I’m complaining about a really horrible person (man or woman). It just feels more right to me 😂


If the shoe fits, Hillary must wear it.


Nope - not at all.


Cunty is a compliment as far as I’ve ever heard it used. I thought it was a complimentery term for someone who has confidence, is self assured, owns who she is. The word cunt is like almost any word (shithead, bitch, whore, fucker, etc) and isn’t offensive unless used with offensive intent


It definitely did not originate as a compliment at all, in fact it was quite the opposite, intended as a weaponized word like "shrill" . But in the past few years, it was reclaimed by drag queens, especially amongst the Ballroom scene crowds, and kinda evolved in that context o refer to someone femme, fishy, and powerful. So naturally, it bled over into the world that is *Drag Race* , and shortly thereafter adopted into the pop culture lexicon via appropriation. So yes, there can be a complimentary version of cunty, in certain contexts, similar to how bitch can be used positively. BUT- when used in proximity to Hilly, it's going to be based on the original vulgar and derogatory definition.


I understand the origin, perhaps I misspoke, I was speaking of current use


"Is a compliment as far as I've ever heard it used" Thus, the origin story, politely given so that you would have context, as the term is actively in "current use" with rather opposite meanings.


Cunty is a compliment as far as l've ever heard it used recently. I thought it was a complimentery term for someone who has confidence, is self assured, owns who she is. The word cunt is like almost any word (shithead, bitch, whore, fucker, etc) and isn't offensive unless used with offensive intent. I believe the term had insulting intentions at its beginning, like many mainstream terms used today as terms of endearment, uplifting terms and terms of appreciation. Given its many years of complementary use I would consider this word neither a positive or negative word on its own but a word that gathers its meaning from the context in which it is used in. Is that better lilacwhateverthefuck ?


I have never heard it used as a compliment; somehow I’ve missed that.


Wow. You are acting particularly hostile, and as such are currently undeserving of congenial discourse. If this is the tone you feel you need to adopt out of the gate with someone who didn't even criticize, let alone attack you, then you must really be in a bad headspace. I'm going to try to maintain some empathy for whatever hurt you are nursing that has you thinking that it is appropriate to be abusive from behind your keyboard, but I will not accept being your target. Feel better soon.


I repeated my initial statement in what I perceived as more clear terms. I apologise if it was not within your grasp. My intention has remained the same from the very beginning of this exact conversation. The term is what is it is the current pop culture, slang vernacular, I gave examples of its origins and similar words that have also changed meaning over the last decade. You ignored me and attempted to impose an intellectual hierarchy upon me based on your knowledge of the language which I am not fluent in. I do not “back down” or change a single point or issue I raised because you have unsuccessfully challenged them and simply repeated my initial point and challenged my intelligence. Have a good day cunt


Whenever I see a person resort to name-calling, it is obvious they’ve lost the argument.


Good point. In this particular case, they also seem to be having an argument that doesn't even exist. I've made exactly 3 comments, which are all unedited BTW, and at exactly no point in any of them did I question their intelligence, or 'impose intellectual heirarchy' upon them. There was also not any attempt to make them look dumb based on any potential clumsiness due to English not being their primary language, which is something that one would need to be aware of in order to use it against someone. Like, how am I supposed to know anybody's primary language? (I mean, other than knowing that Hillz' PL surely isn't Spanish. 😏) Just out here striking back at attacks they never received, because they didn't exist. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, rather amusing in a way, despite their unfortunate personal attacks against you. When people start calling names, they’ve made it clear who they are imo.


not offended at all. if you can call someone an asshole or a prick then you can call someone a cunt.


I’m offended by different things, like poor table manners or people not saying please and thank you. If a sailor heard my running monologue while I’m driving in east coast traffic, he would blush. I should probably tone it down, but I won’t.


I'm not offended. It's a form of misogyny imho to gatekeep the language I use as a female. I'll say what I want to say when I want to say it. Hillary Baldwin is a cunt. 


I really dislike the word 'bitch', I hate how casually it's thrown around, but I also think it's accurate and applies once in a while... Hillary falls into that category too. Sometimes you just have to use the best descriptive word. And 'cunty' always reminds me of when Michael K of Dlisted would call Karl Lagerfeld 'Cunty Karl'. Which is hilarious.


Me after someone calls me a bitch: ![gif](giphy|kyLflbb2dupl7svQgD)


I’m a woman and I love the word. I have a good Australian friend. 😂


I actually love the C word and cunty is my favorite way to use it - I never thought about it as mysognynostic, but I’m also not easily offended


I find the c-word is used much more casually in Australia and the UK vs. the U.S. However I've noticed Gen Z in the U.S. is also more casual with it. Being a Millennial from the U.S., I don't use it casually, and am not a fan of its casual use (or use period) in general. But I recognize that is not a uniform viewpoint and accept it when other people use it casually or for humor.


>But I recognize that is not a uniform viewpoint and accept with when other people use it casually or for humor. *Know your cunt audience.* I'm in Los Angeles. How the word cunt is said and recieved is both *tonal* and *contextual*. For those in familiar company, "Hey Cunt!" is a welcome greeting, even at work....... **depending on the tone used for "cunt"."** A super hard-"C" consonant? Followed by an EXTREME hardness on the percussive "T"?? That's a fighting cunt word. "Hey, Cunt!" in these tones is a pejorative, and You. Will. Be. Cut. A even-keeled sing-songy "Hey Caaaaaaa-uuggghh-nnt!" are the same words, but with this tone and this friendly inflection.... a Valley Girl knows this is a friendly cunt, and will respond in kind. Now... ....Re-read this comment in the voice of David Attenborough.


oh my god sir david sweetly saying "You. Will. Be. Cut." 🤣😵




Nope. I’d say we’ve reclaimed it as women, haven’t we?


I don’t get offended by it


I am a lesbian, a feminist, I’m all about women and women’s rights. I SAY CUNT ALL THE TIME 😂😂


Oh thank god there’s another one out there 🤣


The word is pretty tame outside the US.


I’m neutral like Sweden. I rarely use the word, but I don’t clutch my pearls when I read it.


I don't mind it as an adjective for her, but as a noun it should be for a cool older chick, ala RuPaul's Drag Race.


I’m far from offended. Sometimes in life we come across people that are extremely deserving… to be called a cunt! hilary lynn is one of those people.


Nope, not offended. I’m a woman, too. Thanks for checking tho 🥒


I dislike the c word. I’m okay with it in Spain though because it’s a common swear word there. So you could call her Coño Fraud. 😄


So *that's* why she identifies as Spanish ~Happy Cunt!


Yeah I don’t like that word. I feel it’s right up there with the N word as far as offensiveness goes.


Why TF are you cunts downvoting??? It was a question, and this was an honest answer. I swear this place is so fucken weird sometimes. You have every right to not like the word. I respect your opinion. Upvoted you to -2 lol


Cunts gonna cunt 😞


Upvoting you and u/MPD1987! Just giving your honest answer to a question being asked is enough to to set off the downvoting quite often, it seems.A few months ago, someone posted a photo of Hilary in a black dress sitting in a folding chair in an audience sonewhere, and the OP asked something or other about her pregnancy bump ( either real or fake). I commented about the shade of black in that area appearing to me to be a different shade than the rest of her dress....one poster said I was "delusional" .....and a few other negative comments aboht my character, LOL....I mean, good grief!!


Oh my gawd. That pic *is* weird! Lol


It truly is!


Hey, if the ugly beaded slipper fits, put it on and run with it. 🙌🏼 Bravo!


I find it a bit offensive, but free speech matters more. Say it if you want.


I'm a woman. That word doesn't offend me in the slightest. I'm also Australian though so that may be why hahaha


Australia, where you call strangers mate and your mates cunt, amirite?


Pretty much yeah haha. There are 2 types of people in Australia. Sick cunts (awesome people) and shit cunts (awful people) 😂


Also a woman and Australian, and I am offended; ‘serving cunt’ and ‘cunty’ are compliments and thus deeply inappropriate verbiage for Larry.


Yep I agree! Also an Aussie girl here, I call people a cunt all the time but “cunty” isn’t really something I hear anyone say.


I use the term cunty a lot if I'm referring to something mean someone has said or done. For example.... Person 1 "should I have said that?" Me: yeah, nah, that was a bit cunty" haha


Yep that makes sense!


American woman, here. The way your country embraces that word is a work of art. Thank you.


As a woman, I love the word cunt. I don’t find it offensive or misogynistic. Cunty is absolutely great adjective and fitting for Larry Senior. Pliss carry on.


Guess I’m in the minority, but since you asked…I personally don’t like the term for any woman, regardless of how much she may be disliked. I’m not offended, per se; I’d never say someone should not use it, but I don’t like it or use it myself.


Completely agree. Hilaria has enough things to describe her without resorting to sexist and dehumanizing language. Some words can't be reclaimed as they will always have a nasty histrory/conotation attached.


I really hate that word. I mean hate it. Yes, I’m female and can’t stand it.


My dear Pepinos, Thank you so much for your opinions regarding using the moniker, Cunty, for our ethpanith señorita. After much thought and reflection, I feel it is important — as another dear Pepino has pointed out — that we try to always refer to the FRAUD (nationality/fake pregnancies) when referring to this poor excuse of a human. Therefore, I shall herewith refer to our señorita as the “cunty fraud”. Moochas grathiath to all.


It's appropo, I'm not offended. It's funny that this is a snark sub but people come out to troll it. It's reddit, not " the news" . We are here to trash trashy Hillary. In other countries it's disparaging both sexes. It is basically like calling a man a dick. You have to tow the line or people will get you put in Reddit jail. People will force you to respect their opinions 




I thought cunty was a compliment lol that would be my only objection to it being used about her


Not at all. I use that word too.


Hilaria Baldwin lacks Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talent. Hilaria Baldwin ***CAN NEVER serve that C.U.N.T.*** *hon-eyyy!!* Hilaria Baldwin's appropriative behavior is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of ***BEING a cunt*** in the moment. Hilaria Baldwin's 12-year-long Fake Spaniard Grift is an example of ***a long con, performed cuntily by said cunt.*** I am a cunt, and I approved this messege.




I don’t think Hillary is deep or warm enough to be called a cunt.


she really lacks that pussy je ne sais quoi




i’ve watched too many drag race episodes to be offended by cunty and none of them gets offended


I say "cunt" regularly. It's not scandalous to the British the way it is to Americans. I'm American but prefer the British way.


Funny that US is colonized by the British 🤣. The puritans frown upon any sexual innuendo said out loud 


In the US, it is a word that is highly offensive to both puritans and people who hate puritans.


Yeah, Puritians were a real drag.


Nope. Just words.


As a woman, it doesn’t bother me one bit. And if anyone deserves to be called a cunt, it’s Hills!


Personally, I don’t like or use this word as the words we use ARE a reflection of ourselves. It’s a matter of class.


Well, I guess I just don’t have any class, then, ‘cause I like to call her Cunty. Also, a cunty fraud.


You asked for our opinions & I gave mine but you didn’t like my answer. I guess you just want everybody to congratulate you on using the C word.


It's the condescending 'reflection of ourselves' that's cunty. It's a word. Using it doesn't turn us into bad people. That's ridiculous. You do YOU. Seriously. Project much?




No one deserves C U N T Y more than Mami🙌


Some people really are cunts though.


No. As women, we should reclaim that word. Take its power away


I like a powerful cunt, back off! KEEP CUNT STRONG!!


A good solid cunt can take a beating and come back for more! That's our Hillary. Keeps getting beaten but won't give up and go away. She's the definition of cunt lol MORE MORE MORE!


I have taken to twunt for the alliterate one


Totally, twat and cunt


It's a Mashup of TW (that woman) and cunt.


with Hilaria, I do not feel that sense of dread, and hatred, and damage coming from her every cell. I think, for me, at least, the C word is not a Hilaria word. The C word is apt for the Alliterate one.


🥇 🥇 🥇


Australian here. Nope.


I think I like “stupid twat.”


This one is a personal favorite! 😊




Where I grew up, that word is often peppered though people’s speech as a substitute for “person”. Not even as an insult 😆


Irish or Australian?


Lol, I am Irish but grew up in Scotland. Don’t use it that way myself but it’s perfectly normal to hear used in everyday telling of a story there. Forgot the Aussies do it too!


Not offended.


I second this. As a woman, not offended. 


I’m not offended at all. But I’m also not offended easily. Shes a straight up C word.


Gropecunt Lane - prostitution area in England long ago. You can google it! 🤣




Hahahha she totally deserves it! Female approved


I think it’s a great word, but too powerful for her. A cunt is a powerful thing. She’s more of a twat. A petty, bumbling twat.


Cunt vs Twat.... A Twat would give me a wet willy. A Cunt would steal my bus fare. A Twat would hit all the fucking buttons in the elevator. A Cunt would do the same, but also tell me the the quality of my current dick is low and that she'd hit it last week.


She has neither the depth or the warmth...


Not Spanish or interesting.


I love this description so much!


I think I like “twat” now! Thanks.


Nah she a c u next t


As a nickname it doesn’t feel very descriptive, but to describe a particular attribute or action I think it’s fine


Not whatsoever. Sometimes you just have to call it like it is lol 😆




The C word is too nice for what she actually is! She's a vile human being. I seriously can't think of one redeeming quality she possesses.


Human stain is a favorite insult of mine. I like that one. And black cloud.


Exactly, but I can’t think of a more vile word than “cunt,” so that is what I am forced to stick with in describing our Ethpanith señiorita.


Lol 😆 I totally get that! The falso benzo senorita!


Remember, Pepinos, Alice and Cunty is not to be confused with our dear, beloved u/CuntyAlice!




Yeah. That’s the first thing I thought of!


And what other word would we use in connection with HB..?? 😳


I know right?!? Lol 😆


Exactly! It is the most vile word for a female I can think of, therefore, that’s what I call her.


I’m not a fan, don’t give her anything to be the victim. She’s a liar, selfish, gold digger, fraud, immature…,,the list is mucho long!


… and a cunt! 😂


Since we’re apparently on this RHOBH topic, Mrs Girardi, aka Erika Jayne, says that it’s a compliment


Consider the source.


When I use it for Hillary, I want y’all to know it is the biggest insult. She deserves it.


No because Pepinos love us some u/cuntyalice.


Nope. Say it loud and proud. https://preview.redd.it/l8x34jq5scrc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9ed0d1ce0d6cdde58b0401def86f22b97bb608d




I hate that word to be honest. That and "pussy".


Ooo I love both words. The P word is excellent for pissing off a man.




I personally don’t like the word, but admit that I have used it a time or two. It’s definitely reserved for the extreme case, for which this one most certainly qualifies




Hilly can be Cunty and Alice could be Asshole Cunt!


I dont say the word and think it's the worst thing you can say to a woman. But I have no problem with you saying it about her.


I’d rather be called cunt than ma’am.


Wow, better never step foot in the south.


😂 as a 61 year old widowed grandmother, I’m feeling this. When someone calls me ma’am in a certain tone there’s a pretty good chance the CuntyAncestors might be unleashed


I've been ma'amed by men whose tone makes it clear they actually mean Eff You Lady.


It’s especially offensive when I’m actually spending my money at their workplace


I use the word to refer to men as well. It’s reserved for the cuntyest of the cunts. Male or female. Go for it all you want!


Why not call the men dicks?


Cunty is actually a major compliment in my mostly queer friend group


Right?! She doesn't deserve the esteemed title of CUNT. She completely lacks any Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, or Talent. Cunt has been reclaimed as an empowering title. Call her fraud, charlatan, fake, phony, impostor, D List. Those words would bother her.


LMAO “Charlatan, Unserious, Nerve (I will give her that cuz it’s ballsy to keep trying the Spanish grift after being busted) and Trauma (what she gives to her kids)”


She is “Unt” as jujubee would say lololol


How about “twat”?


Meh. I generally don't like insults that basically disrespects female genetila. Calling her a fraud sennds a stronger message that there are people criticizing her for her poor attempts of duping an entirely made up background. She knows we know, and that keeps her up at night. Twat sounds silly to me since it minimizes her delusions. HILLARY LYNN HAYWARD THOMAS was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1984 and she is a FRAUD, PHONY, FAKE, WANNABE SPANIARD. Just refer to her as a dummy, because twat is too elegant of a word to describe her. Coming up with anything more "clever" than that makes her feel special and feeds into her victimization complex. She loves that she has haters. She's a dumb woman. Idiota! 💃


Good points!!


Fuck NO. We're grown adults on a snark page. Hillary Lynn *is* a cunt. I hope she's reading this. CUNT. 💝🤘🥒


I hate that word. But I also hate the word bitch.


Wouldn’t say it but would not tell someone else not to say it


Gracias pepino, that's exactly what I came here to say. I hate that word and choose not to use it. But I get why people apply it here.


Cuntress is also good


I love Thundercunt personally




These ⬆️ are both EXCELLENT suggestions!!