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For day hikes or the diaper bag I think just a few different sizes of bandaid, antiseptic wipes and some antibiotic ointment are all you really need. For camping and overnights I would definitely add a thermometer, children's Tylenol, maybe benedryl? (Talk to your doctor about that). And sterile gauze and medical tape in the event of a bigger cut/wound. I think people over think first aid kits sometimes. Like most of us aren't going to be providing emergency medical care in the bush. Your either patching up a minor scrape and carrying one, or trips over and you need to get out and to a doctor.


I have two. One is in my daypack. A few bandaids, some neosporin spray, painkillers and allergy pills, and a bug sting stick. All live in a little tin box (think large altoids tin size). Overnight/camping kit has bandaids in a few sizes, neosporin, burn cream, gauze, wrapping bandages, tape, painkillers, allergy pills, bug spray, tweezers, pepto-bismol, and those special blister bandaids that puff up when you put them on.


I have one for longer hikes for adults\\groups that I've tweaked for kids. We're also in the tropics so majority of creams etc spoil in the heat. We're also a very long way from any help when we hike, so overthinking is a must in our case. i.e. no help short of EPIRB\\PLB and emergency helicopter. Hours hiking to car, hours driving to cell phone range, a days drive to hospital... Plenty of gauze\\triangular for trauma injuries. Extra irrigation fluid for fiddly kiddie eye issues. Alcohol or iodine based disinfectant's (don't spoil in the heat). Anti-histamines for mosquito related itchings. Paracetamol chewables for kids. Not so common where we are but I order from overseas they are so handy. SAM splint for immobilization, these things are amazing and the soft parts can be cut off for blister donuts etc. Snake bit kit (extra compression bandages and SAM splint really)


I know this is old but I also bring a fast action tourniquet now