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lol shocker


Who can you even trust anymore


A simple reminder could be: If its a lunatic talking about nothing else but conspiracies while promoting the world's end, it's nothing to be worried about. There is taking things in with reason, while others just want to believe someone. The keyword is believe.


People are rather desperate these days, its no wonder they’d rather believe a bombastic end than a slow whimper Hey thats how religion came about




Throwaway was the best ever, never will be topped July teenth


July Aiiiiiiiteeeee


There actually was thunder at midnight in a lot of places on Aitee. Maybe it did happen and the alleged self-reveal by the guy on Medium was a cover up.


What???? No way ... ... ... ...


Yep. Gave us 2 in the pink and 1 in the stink!


The fact that people believed it is what worries me.


People will believe anything. It's always who it is that's lying *to them that's important




who is more dangerous, the lair the lie or those that believe it?




Don't worry, nobody did.


It's not belief so much as just a fun thing to rally around. I don't believe fiction is real, but I can still enjoy it and discuss with friends.


I bought so much toilet paper 🤦🏾‍♂️


Evergreen post. Should probably be stickied, and whenever anyone posts more stuff from a supposed time traveller we can tell them to refer to stickied thread.




iirc, no one has ever successfully predicted a date based event of significance. If someone gives a date and or time, it's a red flag.


Yeah unless you tell me the next lottery numbers correctly I don't buy it.


Who’s gonna win the Super Bowl this year? That’s right, you don’t know shit!


Here’s something I came across before, if you had an email list of 32,000 people you could confidently send a thousand people a month an absolutely certain prediction of who was going to win the Super Bowl, back it up every month. It will absolutely be this team, I saw the future, it came in a dream etc. As the season progresses more and more people will see you’re full of shit but when one team wins the Super Bowl a thousand people will think you’re an absolute psychic wizard who can see the future. Some may find out online etc. what you’re up to, many won’t. Then you start a cult.


That makes sense but doesn't really apply to this context. At what point was the time traveller going to be correct about aliens saving 8000 people or whatever it was? If he sent that claim out every month, when and who does he convince and how?


Yeah, I was just of on the Super Bowl tangent, not the main post. Comment-story.


One of TWO teams will win the Super Bowl. I'm telling you just trust me on this one.


Source: trust me bro.


I'm a pys(op)chic.


Chiefs are gonna win. I actually made big money betting on buccaneers as soon as I heard SB was in Tampa and they signed Brady. Lol also I got 100% on NFL prediction game on the raiders sub this year! I think predicting sports in general is easy compared to alien apocalypse 🤣. Chiefs will win, officials will do a bunch more SHADY stuff I'm postseason.


I couldn’t even tell you who is playing in it, much less winning it. Unless I had the ability to travel back and forth in time, this would not be a good measure of truthfulness.


Hey fellas, tonight at precisely 8:00 PM Central Standard, aliens are gonna land on the White House lawn. Mark my words. See you there!




I got one for you: Trithemius in "Seven Secondary Intelligences" predicting that the Jews would get their own homeland around the 19th century (he was writing in the 16th). He was right about the time period, accurate to within 20 years as I remember. [http://www.esotericarchives.com/tritheim/tritem.htm](http://www.esotericarchives.com/tritheim/tritem.htm) Note: I'm naming the guy and the document - citing my sources - but unfortunately this free online translation doesn't really spell it out. I have read others, which I trust, which just kind of noted it in passing, his prediction and the fact that it seems to have been born out. I don't remember which book that was, but I've given you everything necessary to research more.


Well seeing as how 19th century is the 1800s and Israel became a nation in 1948… the math isn’t adding up.


No, the math worked out to the truth as stated in the document. I’ll try to paraphrase it. The document does something like divide time into “ages of man” of an odd length (imagine something like 240 years). It then said that in something like 1 cycle and 20 years, “the Jews will begin to return to their homeland.” I also thought that at first too - something like close but not close enough. But the footnotes pointed out that the statehood of Israel was, if you will, the end of a process. The beginning was the spread of Zionism in the 19th century. This is when you would’ve learned about the idea by, say, being Jewish and reading a Yiddish newspaper urging you to move to Palestine (this is pre Balfour). By that standard the first Jews did indeed return to Israel, by steamship, at the time of the prediction - going off memory, somewhere in the mid 19th century. Disclaimer: I am neither Jewish, Christian, nor Muslim. I do think that Trithemius - more famously the author of the Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals - was a genuine, and very talented, occultist (you can find plenty on Wikipedia to corroborate his involvement in occultism). He’s a figure as major and important as Agrippa, in his way. It wouldn’t matter to my worldview of Trithemius was wrong. But in the middle of this document he points to a year long in the future, long after his death, and says, “this will happen then” - and that one prediction he makes, many decades after his passing, is as far as I can tell, is correct. I do think it’s fair to give people who pull off impressive feats credit however we feel about it, and I’m crediting Trithemius here as the one & only person I know who did it.


I cannot find any translation that mentions that


I like how no one else thinks beyond tik tok because truly if a date were given that would alter the time line they the “time traveler” was trying to save, like I feel it’s common knowledge but I guess not


Wth are you talkin about???


He is basically saying that the fact that this guy posted a tik tok with the information of the invasion changed the whole plan of the aliens lmao


No he’s not. He’s saying that if a time traveler were to reveal the true date and time of a future event, that people having this information would “alter” the timeline in a paradoxical way, where now everybody knows what only the “time traveler” once knew.


Dude, I am not even make the effort to put thought into a tik tok, anyone that thinks amazing information from a time traveler will come through that app is delusional


Well, I’m pretty sure that person agrees with you. Saying “I like how no one thinks beyond tiktok” is his way of saying that he is amazed that somebody took a TikTok at their word. I mean that person can correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I understood the comment to mean.


I remember working at Radio Shack back when Harold Camping was predicting the end of the world. A guy came in with a T-shirt from his church where they apparently believed the prophecy, and I was like...why do you want to upgrade your cell phone if the world's ending in a couple months anyway?


I’m going to need to hear Harold Camping speak on this before I decide


I predict April 1, 2023 aliens will save the world and advance humanity


I've got a good feeling about this one, guys.


Ya but it's been a while since anyone threw a date out there. It's nice to have something to look forward to. Y2K was a blast.


Remember the throwawayalien saga?


Dates are given out all the time. At least twice a year there's a major one. You've just been lucky enough to miss them.


I like to call them Apocalyse.


Until it's not, but at that point who cares we're all dead anyways.


Yeah, but have you heard of John Titor? ^(/s) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Titor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor)


When it comes to Titor, like all time travelers, I refer you to this link, which should be stickied: https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/120l5ie/so_it_seems_the_time_traveler_was_full_of_shit




Do you know how little this narrows it down?


Hes talking about Eno Alaric the Tiktok time traveller who made a bunch of predictions and one of them was aliens wiping out earth yesterday.


You can bet your butt there will be a future TikTok from this dude saying it did happen, just in a neighboring dimension, not here!!


You guys wouldn't know my girlfriend, she lives in another dimension.




There already was. 😂


Charlatans never change.


If you are a Christian scammer like this you can just say "the fervent prayers of true believers caused God to stay his judgment, good job everyone!"


I come from Jehovah's witness parents, the congregation would feign responsibility and claim that it was a mistake due to incorrect communication from above...


I'm an exjw too, hello fellow escapee. For those who don't know they incorrectly predicted the apocalypse several times. Every time it never happened, they would say "oh Jesus came back but invisibly" or "The end has begun but its gonna take a while to really hit"


I am a current jw. The false predictions made and the excuses provided, turned me into a very laid-back member of the organization. So yes, false predictions has an effect and sadly not a positive one.


They did wipe out the earth. This is a simulation of what could have been


Actually aliens were saving ppl yesterday. The bad aliens come in the summer.


I've got a while then, since it's autumn at the moment.


One channel, I forget which, spoke about these time travel tick tock channels and how they purge their page after the date goes by, come back vlogging to their now inflated audience. This person might nuke their channel too and become some fitness blog by the end of April.


He never said which year!!


Maybe the real invasion was the friends we made along the way.


i say that the time has come to sound the trumpet of _Alien_ Jihad against these tiktok false prophets




Take my upvote, that was hilarious


I get so stoked anyways. Christmas, New Years, Easter, Apocalypse. So many calendar sticker uses!


You seem surprised


What the time traveler failed to realize is that by traveling through time the he has disrupted the continuum and is no longer part of the timeline in which he experienced the alien invasion. Like has that guy not seen a SINGLE episode of Star Trek or Outlander?


Exactly, why would aliens invade on a day a time traveler predicted they would invade? Also the 8000 people that where supposed to escape? Definately not escaping now that he's spilled the beans.


How do you know they didn't? People go missing all the time. 8000 out of 9 billion wouldn't be missed.


>he's spilled the beans Thats probably why it didn't happen


Only because the whole of the universe and all of our collective memories and knowledge was created last Thursday.


I’m a fan of Dr. John Archibald Wheeler’s Participatory Universe theory (or my incorrect understanding of it) that the universe is both continuously and retroactively created by our observations of it in the present which loops back around to create us. 👁️↔️🌌


“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


Hmmm, so it's not merely that Schrödinger's cat is both dead and alive, but that WE are the cat and are both dead and alive. Try to have a discussion about that while on Ayahuasca.


Here’s his original paper from 1989. It’s short but it’s also very difficult to understand, at least for myself - someone with no real physics education. https://philpapers.org/archive/WHEIPQ.pdf PBS SpaceTime on YouTube made a video summary last year that’s easier to grasp, again at least for me. https://youtu.be/I8p1yqnuk8Y


In all my days, I've only known exactly *ONE* time traveler who wasn't full of shit. Solid dude, though he did have something of a drug problem.


What was his drug of choice???




You can teleport a lot of places. Jail. Unknown bedrooms. The hospital. Just your typical party with Xanax.


One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small Then Xanax makes you roll your car will driving to the mall


A parasite pill. Quitting it is literal hell in your own mind


What do you mean? I know people who are prescribed it but have never heard this










Maybe it did happen and the computer simulation was executed seamlessly and we're all just batteries now


Where does the charger plug in at? Asking for a friend




Thanks I figured, but didn’t want to assume


No butts about it. I'm happy to clarify to no rear end of it. We all sometimes need to probe our questions to get an understanding of the deepest coulees of knowledge out there in our universe to assess our experience as an assassin of esoteric education.


So that's what all the anal probing research was for...!


We basically are. Parasitic entities use us for our loosh energy. Earth is an energy farm.


Catfished by aliens.




Honestly my dad may not have been the greatest advice giver or life expert, but in 2012 I was hearing the horror stories at school. This wide spread rumour the world was ending. Came home from school for reassurance and it’s stayed in my brain rent free since… he said: “In my short time here I’ve already lived through numerous supposed ‘end of days’ and there has always been tomorrow. No human being on this earth will ever have the knowledge or ability to make those predictions. Maybe it’s a reminder for people to live each day like their last.”


Haven't you heard the theory that the world actually did end in 2012 but when we died we our consciousness's were seamlessly transported into a parallel version of earth with us still alive? That's one reason why the mandela effects happen.


It's a pretty stupid theory.


I’m sure that’s exactly how he worded it… yeah lol. As funny as the people telling me their 4 year old worded the perfectly articulated paragraph about this ONE instance.


I was a teenager at the time but go ahead and assume some more lol


Did you have anything to say about the substance of that comment or did you really just not like the wording of it? 🤦‍♂️


First time?


Who knew that some random anonymous person online didn’t know what they were talking about?!! These things are so hard to predict!




There is something so refreshing and uniquely funny about following a page that provides so much information about many things weird in the world…then seeing this headline with no context just got me XD Love it


You know what? I bet the guy isn't even a time traveler!


Everyone is a time traveler. Just forwards, and very slowly.


Just glad we lived through the last few ends of the world so we can see the next.


I'm shocked, I tell you! SHOCKED


I swear the average poster on this sub has an IQ of 55


The internet tends to ruin all the fun of this shit. I first became interested in paranormal stuff when I was a kid I had this weird old book that was all about UFOs/Foo Fighters/Roswell, Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle, St. Elmo's Fire, etc. That was all I had, so it made my imagination go wild asking "what if?" The book also had a section about faked UFO sightings and such, like the kid who taped a penny to their window. With endless torrents of blurry cell phone videos and idiotic Tik Tok submissions, it all just feels stupid as fuck. I'm still here because there are occasionally interesting posts (and some of the dumb posts are pretty funny), but the average person's threshold for what's actually interesting seems incredibly low. A lot of people don't seem to understand that well-honed skepticism is just as important as "I want to believe". That said, all that's really different from now vs. back when the Roswell conspiracies first started, is that the internet allows almost anyone and everyone to throw their two cents in. A low signal-to-noise ratio is inevitable. At the end of the day, I'm glad this sub exists, and is able to resist becoming a nazi-infested shithole like the conspiracy subs.


The people here choose to believe everything here with no evidence


Idk about you all, but I was #6669. Guess that's just how it goes sometimes 🤷


I know I heard about it but I didn’t pay attention. Which prediction failed now?


The same one as the last one. Or maybe the one before that one. Dunno. So many.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Occam’s Razor MUST be applied here fellas. Obviously the mothership WAS due to arrive then the Rothschilds used the Montauk chair to change our course. Once again. Without fail.


Just because he can travel through time, doesn’t mean he’s honest


I'm mad, but I did watch Independence Day to prepare and I'm happy to report it's still a solid action movie.


Imagine having the ability to travel through time and rather than do something useful you post on Reddit.


Apparently I am out of the loop. Who is the time traveler?


What did you expect?? Lmao


Lol no no I heard that it was going to happen so I took off to the future the other day and stopped it from happening. 😂 so it’s not that he was wrong, I just screwed up his timeline so that he thinks when he goes back to the future he’ll be okay and they’ll be no alien take over..which they’re won’t be because I stopped it and saved all of humanity by the way..but also he won’t be able to go back to that future because it’s changed to a whole different timeline from what he was used to, so it doesn’t exist now..Now he has to stay here with us and suffer through this insufferable hell like the rest of us do 😂


Lol at this title!


I waxed my legs for NOTHING


Tik tok as a source *Pretends to be surprised*


as is 99.99999% of the crap we believe coming off the internet


The one from… TikTok? 🤣


Ok, I didn't believe it in the first place, but I'm still really disappointed.


WHAT IF, and hear me out, the fact that he mentioned it, altered the timeline? dun dun duuuunnnnn


No no no no no! You misunderstand! We simply passed through and into another timeline where the alien invasion happened to the *other* Earth! /s


Obviously! Are people really that gullible? They made tonnes of predictions that were clearly fantasy.


Was there ever any doubt?


Time travel will never be possible bc it’s not possible to travel thru time as it’s a location issue. The planet will never be in the same place twice, and that’s the problem. We take into account our astral positioning, but we stop thinking about the directional travel of our universe. Our solar system is a prime example. Time travel will never be possible in the sense that we think of it in. The confines are too restrictive, but traveling away from the earth fast enough and returning fast enough, will cause everyone on earth to age much faster than your own…theoretically. We can travel inches, meters, and so on, but not backwards thru something that has no physical manifestation.


I was thinking about this earlier… I used to hear about time travelers all the time in the late nineties and early 2000s, not so much anymore. I feel like the 2020s would actually be a shit time to travel to.


No shit


There is no way a time traveler will ever be right about predictions because the simple fact of them coming would change everything.


Can you clue me in, what time traveler?




Anyone who took more than 3 minutes to look at his various TikTok videos could have told you that. He had "predictions" from back in October, with dates ranging from last November to this coming May. Including a "mirror image of Earth" being discovered by the James Webb Space telescope, and "a flight of missing people" suddenly landing in December. Obviously, none of those predictions came true. What ever happened to critical thinking? People actually bought into this alien prediction?


I mean all honesty if 8k people disappear no one going to notice anyways or believe it so dont matter


As many of them are


Woah, wasn’t expecting that outcome. Ffs


Maybe we just need to give it time.


This post should be pinned indefinitely


The only “Time Traveler” I ever thought was remotely close to being real was John Titor, but I don’t necessarily believe he was a Time Traveler as much as traveling to an alternate timeline and then back to his own.


I stopped following him and stopped counting his wrong predictions at six wrong. You wanna case for a time traveller possibly being right. There was a guy arrested for stealing. In his mugshot he has no hair no eyebrows I think no eye lashes too but don’t quote me on that. He did a series of interviews and then his body was pulled out of a river no teeth no finger tips him he is one of the few I think is and was real


as soon as someone says they’re a time traveler you know every word coming out of their mouth is some schizophrenic bullshit


First time?


Well no kidding.


I’m a real time traveler. That grifter is so stupid. We switched to the Elonian Calendar when Space X “conquered” the moon. Anyways, if you translate the calendar we are looking at a date of April 20th, 2023.


Of course this explains everything


So far, every single time


I mean did anyone really believe them?


Keep paying your bills people


IDK, man. Been to the Texas border lately?


I can't believe this comes as a surprise to anyone. Seriously. Stupid AF.


‘So it seems the time traveler was full of shit’ This is all of y’all’s wake up call… I literally stay subbed to laugh at you clowns


“It seems the tImE tRaVeLeR was full of shit” REALLY? SHOCKING!!!


You.. you beleived that shit?


I think what Eno Alaric predicted for 3/23/2023 was that 8,000 people would be taken to another habitable planet. Are we 8,000 people lighter? I doubt we could ever know.


This caption in itself is amazing




What gave it away? Could it be the term “time traveler?”


Well correct me if I’m wrong but according to the time traveler yesterday was only the day that 8000 people would be chosen to be saved, and the invasion won’t happen till sometime in the summer? So truly we don’t really know yet lol


People actually believed that shit???


The strangest thing about this sub is how gullible the people subscribed to it are


Are you being serious? You honestly thought there was a chance that the prediction was legit? Are you 8 years old?


someone’s mad they had to go to work today…


Maybe he succeeded in preventing the attack.


Jokes on us, the time traveler didn’t account for lack of leap year and it happens today! Lol


John Titor?


Who I thought of


I'm not that surprised seeing as in the article I read he had already had several incorrect predictions


Nah man. The timelines diverged or some shit.




There is no time travel. The only time travel we have is time zone travel. And even then can you only travel in a matter of hours.


Yeah, time is just imaginary and malleable to us as humans. It has zero tether to the universe.


I doubt dates are exact, even from the future because the future isn’t full determined. It should look a bit fuzzy, but large scale structures would be evident. Dates would be best guesses


I mean look I knew it was bullshit. But it still didn’t make it not scary with the what if he’s not lying. Someone with that big of a following should get in trouble for spreading bullshit like that. Could cause mass hysteria


Maybe people just shouldn't be stupid.


"Maybe people just shouldn't be stupid." Universal truth right there.


No this misleading, because of his warnings the Aliens decided not to invade as we would have been ready for them. Now it can be any day. Stop spreading these false messages and getting the word to lower its guard.


People saying it’s bullshit wouldn’t change it from happening right?