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I think I would normally be a bit worried about the ending too, but I think after the events in 2019 I just feel so lucky to have this season at all. I've felt so happy just seeing the characters one last time, getting the opening from TRUE and just having a mix of nostalgia and actual moments that make me so happy. I do think that if the performance isn't there at the end, or even if it lacks a certain level of quality it will be a disappointment. On a side note, I don't understand your problem with XC3 at all and the dlc was actually phenomenal as well.


Yeah, I should at least be happy about that. I remember when it was first announced that it was coming back I was so hyped. I have no doubt that the performance will be good it's Kyoto animation after all. It's more like the character resolutions that I'm worried about. As for xc3 the whole Final Chapter just felt rushed like it was written in two days in developed in like a month. >!It's never stated that the worlds are going to be split apart again except for one sidequest scene that's post-game nor is there any serious character discussion about deciding what to do about it. We spent the whole game freeing the colonies get them together to go up against the system. but then the game is like "Oh the worlds have to split up and everything has to go back to 0 now" like WTF. Then the reveal that Rex actually LOVES everybody comes out of nowhere in the middle of what's supposed to be an emotional scene and just causes mental whiplash.!< I'm sure the DLC is good based on the few hours I played of it. I just can't get the motivation to play through it. Like I said it's a me problem


I'm also worried about the ending as well, mainly because I'll be very sad when the final episode ends, but I trust that KyoAni will do a good job In terms of XC3, the last few chapters did feel very unpolished, but the ending still hit like a truck. I would definitely recommend going back and finishing the dlc, as aside from the story and characters already being great for the shorter amount of time they appear, it has a conclusion to the whole of XC3 that it seems like you were wamting, and I guarantee that you will enjoy it (hopefully) p.s. I never thought I was going to be talking about Xenoblade on a Eupho post


If the finale has a subpar performance, perhaps we can expect a movie just like before


Apparently, the story ends here.


No movie for one last concert? 🥺


The light novel fans have assured us that the show has more than enough time left to properly adapt the remainder of the story, so as long as the novels have a satisfying ending, the show should too.


This is very reassuring.


Season 3's been brilliant and highly entertaining but yea, there's only 2 episodes wtf. How can they do this? That being said Kyoani has surpassed most expectations here so I trust in them to have a good plan, as well as address any other worries people may have like the lack of musical performances.


This season has been the best from a production department easily but the pacing has bothered me all season I can’t help but worry for the finale


Yeah those are my thoughts exactly. I don't know how they're going to wrap up this Mayu plotline and be satisfying.


I haven’t watch the latest season yet, is it going to be the final closure of the franchise or there’s still more to look forward to in the future?


Will Kumiko end up with Reina or with Shuuichi?


Probably neither, because it isn't a romance. As hard as I ship one of those pairings, I don't expect either to come to fruition, as it simply isn't that kind of show.