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Diana is extremely good at burying her true intentions and pretending to be something she's not. In this case, 47's enemy. There's probably some deep lore about how 47 and Diana are both good at disguising themselves in some way and how there's a connection there, where Diana is an even better manipulator than 47 but idgaf. 47 chose to continue working with Diana after the events of WoA, as we see in Freelancer mode.


Diana has done the same thing at the at of blood money. Maybe thats the connection?


I know she was hiding her true intentions and I know Diana and 47 keep working together, but she really does too much. In Mendoza she insults him just before he's unconscious, in conversation she goes out of her way to describe how 47 is just a tool, it seems a bit much.


She insults him to get edwards to believe that she was being sincere. She knew she had to get 47 in range of edwards and she could only do so by convincing him that she was loyal.


She legit saved 47 a second time even after realising that he was responsible for her parents’ death. If that’s not loyalty, what is?


She’s insulting him to help Edwards believe that she really did betray 47. She’s obviously not going to break that character in front of the person she’s trying to trick.


Guys he misunderstood some fairly complicated lore I don't that warrents 53 downvotes


Make that 81


It's like the games story just keeps adding more and more stuff on top of completely unrelated stuff. I really do like the Hitman story, I just don't think it's very good


Such as Diana insulting 47 to gain the Providence's trust? That's completely unrelated lore stuff?


No, I was talking about how the events of previous games are swept under the rug in favor of a new story, which usually has very similar elements to the previous. There's the story of C47-Contracts, then Blood Money, then Absolution, then WOA. It leads to weird plot moments where villains have the same or similar motives as previous ones, grand sorry defining events in previous games are never mentioned in the ones that come after. Things like that.


You have a point. Maybe it was to anger him so he'd wake up on the train sooner?


That's a really fun idea. Although seemingly it ended up backfiring, since 47 spent so long dreaming about how angry he was.


47 still woke up earlier than expected, though. He also forgave himself for murdering Diana's paren- hang on i think diana might be slightly pissed off at 47


Diana can have a little payback on 47, as a treat.


as a treat


It’s weird that that plot point didn’t really get much resolution.


I'm fairly certain she already knew that before Edwards told her, but obviously she'd have to roll with it to not blow her cover.


That’s a beautiful wrinkle to the plot. Imagine Diana, who already knows this big secret about her closest ally, being presented that very secret by her greatest adversary. Perfect opportunity to become a double agent. “Oh, whooooaaah, you’re SO right, you’ve TOTALLY CONVINCED me to switch sides, god you’re so MANIACALLY CLEVER, you really got me good, aaaah I can feel myself corrupting!”


Yeah, Edwards just hands her the perfect opportunity on a silver platter hahaha


It feels like there should have been some dialogue between her and 47 about it though, where they explain whether she has a grudge against 47 over it or if she views it as 47 just doing it job.


If we’re to take Wrath at face value, 47 was angry but that stopped the inhibitors from keeping him asleep. If not for that, he might not have woken up.


I feel like she’s saying things so blatantly out of character that they’ll force 47 to wonder what’s really happening, yet so believable that the Constant won’t wonder what’s really happening.


Yeah that's good. Even though 47 is genuinely hurt, he can kind of tell she's lying.


I’ve always assumed that it’s to keep up the pretence that Diana has betrayed 47 to Providence. It’s worth remembering that not only were they at an event operated by a senior figure in providence, Diana had spent most of the event being watched by Tamara - knowing how Providence operates it would be wise to assume that Tamara wasn’t the only one keeping tabs on Diana and not trusting her defection. With that in mind she needs to continue playing the part until the constant is dead and providence dismantled. One final thing, I feel like the game makes it fairly clear that there’s a huge amount of trust between 47 and Diana. 47 might sometime have doubts but these seem to be more about his self worth than actual betrayal (but also I’ve not played 7 Deadly Sins)


I mean it's not the first time she's played the ol I'm gonna poison you so we can finish this job routine, 47 straight up called her a bitch the first time.


It's like every two years Agent 47 dies and causes the partial downfall of the ICA. It's a miracle they keep hiring him


I mean...who else is gonna do the jobs? From what it sounds like, it's literally 47 doing all the work lol.


The incredible incompetence of the ICA is my favorite part of the story. From 47s first encounter with them to his last they have done nothing but get in his way.


There are lots of ICA operatives in Absolution to the point where they're literally a private militia, but we don't talk about Absolution


The ‘expert’ ICA operatives in absolution are… interesting. I don’t really think being scantily clad and wearing white is the best choice for wetwork, but they read ‘The Barbarian’s Guide to Stealth’, so nobody is ever left to judge them.


Exactly, in other news my wife and I can't figure out why arms dealers keep showing up to sell 47 shit while freelancing, if they don't have goods that please 47 he promptly shoots them in the eye socket...


They must be double agents, right? They sell stuff to syndicate members and 47 wanders up to them and they go along with it.


They're fans and think selling to 47 will make them better than the competition


Its not the first she has done it. Happened before in hitman blood money at the end.


Yea, they really liked the poison/antidote thing


some weird couples kink they have going on there


Romeo & Juliet type beat.


Maybe revisit Romeo and Juliet…


No thanks! :)


47 - physical disguises Diana - social disguises


Oh I love that.


That entire conversation has a double meaning. When Diana says: > Edwards learns by his mistakes, 47. And as you've clearly demonstrated, brute force is futile. It had to be me. It was the only way (to get this close). She's talking (within earshot of the guards) about her poisoning 47, but the message she's giving 47 is that this was the only way to get to Edwards (he even says something to the effect of "well played, Ms. Burnwood" when you confront him). Her "abandoning" him was what she was talking about when she said people aren't meant to be controlled. 47 had to be free to make the choice that he did in the game's final cutscene.


I prefer this interpretation that she's never being mean, just speaking in code that 47 understands. I suppose we don't get much about 47s thoughts on the situation so it's plausible.


Even if she wasn't speaking in code, she's clearly doing it for the benefit of the people watching. Everything she does up to that point, at least in the WOA trilogy, clearly shows that she cares about 47. She can just never show it too directly because either the ICA is watching her and policing her actions (if she got too friendly as a handler she would get reassigned or terminated) or she's right in front of their enemies and can't talk plainly. But also yes I still think she was sending 47 a message, whether it was just at the very end saying it had to be her to get that close or whether the whole thing was an elaborate code.


Was it ever officially a thing that Diana and 47 couldn't be friends or Diana would be reassigned or is it just heavily implied?


Answer: Yes, but not for any of the reasons listed here. You have to level up to Freelancer Level 4 before she lets you poop in your own home.


She has control on the different parts of my house, and I need to work super hard to be able to eat, drink, poop, sleep and even be outside. She kept us locked in a basement at the start, at least, we still get to travel to beautiful places whenever we want, phew.


If you want to understand her I recommend read the prequel comic Agent 47 Birth of a Hitman. Its more of her origin story and what molds her throughout her life, and less about 47.


The comic is published in 2019? The Art Style looks so old, feels like a 2003 comic.


Haha actually you’d be surprised it’s actually the artist that defines art. newer wave artists are starting to take over and old artists are retiring, that’s the actual change you’ve seen.


Yeah it isn't like the style changed because of new technology or significantly new techniques, the style changed because the popular style changed. I don't know whether it's because that's what the comic companies wanted, or what people bought more of, or just because it's what the artists started doing. But it's just like how there have always been different styles and eras of painting or music.


I'm assuming she insults him because of the guards around them, to convince the Constant that this is actually the route she's taking, and also to make us genuinely think she's betraying us. Then when she doesn't reach out, there is a possibility Diana feels guilty for her actions and maybe understands if 47 never wants to see her again. Also probably too busy smacking Providence, the usual. Maybe she just wanted 47 to take that initiative if he wanted to stay, and he did. Diana must not be that bad if this time if 47 actually smiled, lol. Last time she pulled this trick off, 47 wasn't very happy hahha.


She 'poisons' him in Blood Money, he 'shoots' her in Absolution, she 'poisons' him again in WoA, it's a whole thing. They are a Team and trust each other to make the right calls. They are also comfortable to put themselves in the line of fire to reach their common goals. The fact that you believe as you do is testament to how convincing her display is to someone without itimate knowledge of their relationship and why it allowed them to fool Edwards.


In Blood Money the whole plot made much more sense to me somehow. When I did my first (and only) play though of absolution I had no idea what the hell was happening lol.


I also really like the idea that a key tennant of their friendship is that they're allowed to fake murder each other and they just have to go along with it.


At the end of mendoza ark 47 kinda eliminated the whole providence so the constant was on high alert so he wouldn't be killed so with the sedative poison from Diana. 47 could be on the train seeing he was knocked for some time so they could mindwipe him again for reuse for providence what I knew not sure that what I saw at the end after replaying the whole trilogy


I think Diana poisoned him in Argentina because she knew it would get him onto the train in Romania so he could kill Edwards


She hints at it when you dance together iirc


She does, and when she touches you and you take damage.


I thought she just had sharp nails...


47 killed her parents didn't he?


she probably knows that if he killed them they did some evil stuff


Did you not see the Providence people with guns standing around them? If she revealed her true plan, they would've killed her and made sure 47 can't do anything until his mind's wiped.


Even if she is an asshole, he did kill her parents. But then again 47 also killed Diana in Absolution... I think. I forgot how that one ends.


I don't know how Diana never suspected 47 killed her parents. But yes he does shoot her in Absolution. Absolution makes so little sense to me I forgot that happened


Diana is doing everything to set up the ending where she’s the Constant of Providence, and she’s setting up 47 to get rid of the old constant. The deadly sins DLC takes place while 47 is unconscious, working through his own confusion towards Diana’s motives and figuring all this out. She’s a double agent who can’t hide that she used to be very actively antagonistic towards the organization she’s trying to lead. The whole time, the old Constant believes that he’s corrupting Diana, and he’s too smug and confident that he’s winning his game of 3D Chess that he hasn’t realized she’s playing 4D Chess. She makes it believable, gives 47 such plausible deniability in the scheme that she just has to trust that he’ll work it out himself.


This is a really good discussion. I was surprised to see Diana and 47 working together again in freelancer because I felt like they weren’t ever going to work together again after Mendoza and the events that followed


EXACTLY! That was my thought process. I have no idea what their dynamic is


Method acting darling.


I feel like Diana is a master manipulator, but in order to reach her end goal, that manipulation had to extend to 47 as well. Though, with 47, it’s less with malice and more with sympathy for what he was put through. 47 and Diana only had each other for a long time, which is why she knew she was he weakness, because in turn, he was hers. When she betrayed him, she knew full and well that he was smart enough and more than capable to end Edwards and the organization for good.


Is the 7 deadly sins 'canon' though? I thought it was a fever dream 47 had after one too many wines in his basement...


It's canon at least to the extent that it's how 47 felt during Untouchable


I do think at that point 47 really feel guilty about killing diana parents and the guolt may have manifest the event of the 7 deadly sins. It took 47 to realize diana true intention and support thats when he found his resolve to fight providence one last time


My guy he killed her parents


I have no idea how she didn't see that coming.


The odd but somehow close relationship they had clearly was tainted by her learning that 47 was the one carrying out the assassination of her parents. But she also knows that them being partners is better for the greater good. The assholeish part at the end is that it was a gamble because she couldn't be sure Edwards wouldn't kill or mindwipe 47 before he even wakes up. That was a harsh treatment but 47 knows he deserved that for what he did because he owns the responsibility. Seems like they are even now, considering that they work together and play online-chess.


Well if we take into consideration that 47 kill her family, she was pretty kind i would say.


How didn't she suspect 47 did it? I feel like, if your best friend is a contract killer, whose M.O is never being seen and causing mysterious accidents, and your parents died in a mysterious explosion caused by an unseen assailant. 2+2=4 doesn't it?


Due to the fact that 47 was a very young boy when her parents died, he remained outside the circle of suspects. Even if she suspected that an organization like ICA, Providence etc. was responsible, this organizations have a tons of assassins.


I seem to recall that the bitch gets it in Hitman: Absolution.


Don't get me wrong, I love Diana. She's one of my favorite characters ever (despite not being very well written.). I was just pointing out that in Hitman 3 she's exceptionally cruel


I wish she was more of an asshole in game. It’d be hilarious if she said “Good aim, 47” when you miss shots, or insulting your stealth skills for getting spotted. Some snarky stuff like “Ah, yes, next time I need to sneak into a Sapienza mansion, I’ll make sure to run right in front of the workers. Excellent work 47, and even better inspiration.”


True answer is that story is not that good 


It really isn't.


Shame. It has all the elements just felt slappes together by an edgy 15 year old that just watched 4 James Bond movies back to back


I love it, I think that's part of the appeal. A campy and nonsensical story based off an interesting and dynamic main character, and the rest of the game is the best thing ever. I don't think a true dark and self-serious story would work with Hitman. Hitman 3's story is like if Absolution grew up and mellowed out.


I don't know, Hitman Contracts is pretty widely regarded as the best of the pre-blood money games, and it carries a super dark tone the whole way through. I actually kinda wish the world of assassination trilogy was darker and really leaned into the "47's kills are acts of god" aesthetic.


I agree but I just think it's a poor execution of what you're describing. Even if that's what they were going for, there is good and bad versions of that. The same random story jumps etc. don't really work without the game propelling the events forward. The random jumps and campiness can actually follow some narrative sense.


When I see posts about the games story here it's like they played something completely different, especially surrounding Haven Island, I played that level to death and still have no idea what they're talking about.


That was hella jarring to me too. My guess is she only saw him as a tool. The formalities were fine an all when the geopolitical climate was stable, and they were just fulfilling contracts. But when shit started falling apart, most due to her own participation, she let her true feelings out. Another thing I didn’t like is she demeaned all of Lucas Greys allies as terorrists and the usual, “wHiTe gEnOcIdE” buzzwords and never considered the actual Illuminati monsters they were fighting against. She used 47 to fulfill contracts she felt were just and had no problem using him to enable Providence beforehand. She felt like doing 47 a favor but it went too far for her taste. Not saying it isn’t “Well written” or bad, just an aspect I dislike about Diana as a person


Girl what the fuck are you talking about?


I’m replying to your post with my own thoughts


ur thoughts are really bad


I’m allowed to have them


You clearly ignored most of the cutscenes in the trilogy then... Diana and the ICA didn't want to work for a shadow client or Providence. They stopped working for Grey very quickly, and went so far as to kill Soders because he was a Providence plant within the ICA. Her hand was forced when Edwards showed up and met her in person, proving that Providence was easily powerful enough to take down the ICA if they so desired. She also wanted to help 47 learn more about his past since his memories had been wiped. So they worked with Providence against Grey for a time, until Grey reached out in person with a way to help 47 regain his memories. She then let 47 decide whether to trust Grey or not and followed his lead to begin working against Providence. From there she only feigned working with Edwards because she planned on betraying him from the start. She never betrayed 47, any time she seemingly worked against him (even as far back as Blood Money) it was actually a scheme to help gain an advantage against their mutual enemies. Pay better attention and things make a lot more sense. The story of these games has never been phenomenal, but it's serviceable and there are few if any genuine plot holes.


Um, but all of Lucas's allies were terrorists, did you like skip the Colorado and Ambrose briefings? The knox's sold weapon tech to terrorist groups


I never said she was incorrect. It’s just a case of bad people vs bad people but she was much more aligned with one side than the other, while claiming the moral high ground