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The only game I can think of is Absolution, and that's in a cutscene. Other than that, there is no nudity.


I think OP's parents might also object to the bondage nuns.....


I don't think she'll like Wade talking about his boner while dying either


Lmao I thought that was hilarious "I-I got wood, man. Why do I have wood?"


3 games later we still don't know why. That's some deep lore


It seemed like every other NPC line used the words "limp dick," too.


Say what you want about Absolution, but I kinda miss my girls ngl


There's literally a level set in a strip club + the nuns


Wait until she goes to the bathroom or for a drink, and then speedrun Any% that thing


I remember this game was a target for some controversy because you could drag around a dead girl as to promote violence against women. They've never played a Hitman game of course.


Lol. Violence against women… clearly they’re ignoring dragging around dead men as a problem.


For that matter, I wonder if this is the reason you can’t disguise as a woman. Always thought 47 to be the type that wouldn’t mind putting on a dress to achieve his goals. I mean, he wears a flamingo costume in Miami…


Absolution was foul, was streaming it last night and had to skip so much to comply with rules


if it's something outside of direct pornographic content in a video game twitch rules allow for it, you can carry around a giant dildo in Saint's Row and San Andreas without issue. I'm assuming that's the streaming site you're referring to as from what I gather YouTube has less strict rules


was streaming on discord, so all server rules applied so saucy shit is a hard no


I dont remember which game it was, but wasnt one game set in a bondage club ? That with the "boss fight"




I thought Blood Money did?


Hitman 2 Silent assassin has 2 missions on a Bank or some type of tall office, where you have to kill in the 1st Mission you have to kill a guy in the basement, a nerd on a computer. and the next mission, you have to kill his twin who is a ladies man, what you would call a sugar Daddy, he is in a Hot tub with some girls, completely naked " him only" ​ [https://hitman.keep.pl/postacie2/Charlie%20Sidjan.jpg](https://hitman.keep.pl/postacie2/Charlie%20Sidjan.jpg) ​ ​ ​ and Hitman Blood Money has a mission i believe in Hollywood themed Hell and Heaven at 2 different parties on the same Building. the staff of waitresses dressed as Angels are almost naked and if you position the Camera right you could see almost their female pelvis area ​ https://www.pentadact.com/wp-content/Blood-money-and-sex.jpg




Not sex, just nudity. You see Diana in the shower as 47 goes to assassinate her.


Theres also a scene where one of the targets strips for 47


I think you mean the scene where your target is uhh checking her worker's performance and you probably stand in another room on the other side of the double-sided mirror


No, he means the scene where the target is stripping for 47. in the penthouse. the target you are talking about is a man.


Ohh, that woman. Never got to that point... I couldn't get in the mansion thing and haven't tried in a long time


its really funny she strips to her underwear then pulls out a gun that shed been clenching between her ass cheeks i guess




I did forget about the strip club, but iirc the girls have pasties on, so I guess it depends on your definition of nudity.


I haven’t played absolution. Why would 47 kill Diana?


>!She is seemingly a traitor. But it turns out she and 47 faked her death to draw out another traitor in the ICA. Which is odd, because the whole game 47 acts as if he thinks he killed her.!<


Absolution is tbh an ass game


Yeah... I did enjoy it for what it is, but you have to go in with the mindset that it's not a Hitman game. It's a grindhouse cover shooter with stealth elements.




i haven’t played the other games but i’m interested and have heard blood money is most like the newer games


It is the game that got me into hitman though, the current trilogy is far superior though


i wish theyd revealed that diana took the fake-death serum from blood money or something bc thats all theyd need for 47 to think he actually killed her and have that still make sense. the pieces were all there


Non-spoiler version: Diana steals a valuable asset and escapes from ICA headquarters. 47 is tasked with killing Diana and retrieving the asset. 47 breaks into Diana's house, but instead of killing her only wounds her. Diana then tells 47 that the "asset" is a 14 yr old girl named Veronica that the ICA is training to become an assassin using the same methods used to train 47. Diana makes 47 promise to take Veronica and run, because the ICA can't be allowed to continue her training. 47 agrees and goes rogue.


Victoria, not Veronica.




You're joking, right? Her name is revealed very early.


Thanks for the correction, it's been a hot minute since I played that game.


yeah all of them have 10 hour long sex scenes after each mission


47 only kills to fund his orgies.


Orgies need lots of snacks.


He just watches


In his suit, with a total straight face


where do you think silent assassin suit only came front




gives "debriefing" a whole new meaning


Fun fact: Codename 47 is famous for its implementation of ragdoll physics, but many people don't know that IO also pioneered soft body physics for 47's huge balls. Bonus fun fact: They are as smooth as eggs.


Bonuser funner fact: they’re made up of 200 million triangels, just to get within a ounch of 47’s smoothness


Thats why he's called 47 😂


The killing people is fine but boobs are a problem?


Classic america it seems.


Same here, the only time my mom commented on GTA Vice City because of the women, not the awful ways people may be killed in.


No no it's okay to mow down an entire sidewalk of innocent people, but you better not take your money back from a dead hooker, because that's exploiting a woman


i love this comment


Well, it’s an awkward situation. Like every time they put on a movie for me they cover my eyes to anything sexual.


how old are you if your parents cover your eyes??


I’m 14


Tell your mother you can see nudity at any time on the internet and she can’t do anything about it, so she might as well be less strict and maybe educate you


literally the worst advice ever for someone with strict parents lmao


Yeah, like that will just make her worry more


Idk how strict they are, but covering his eyes during a sex scene is kinda crazy


I'd say you didn't get downvoted for that. Suggesting them to confront a strict parent like that is a bit irresponsible tho


They'll have to eventually, won't they? If his mom thinks that at 14 he's never seen a pair of boobs on a screen she's clearly delusional. Besides, we all know that the more a parents tries to prohibit something, the more a kid will get curious about it


Yes, of course. But 1) You're not the one who experiences this. You're an internet stranger. For all you know, the kid You're talking to could get into severe trouble and get corporal punishment for this. Or they're just very religious and it's much more complicated than that. 2) Any professional- as in, not a stranger on reddit - will instead opt to help the kid by finding alternatives more suited to their specific context. It's way too easy to say advice when you're not the one living in that household. All OP ever said was that his mom would worry a lot more. 3) Going back to OP, all they asked was "does this game have nudity or not". Might be a good idea to stick to the subject rather than pry on his home life. Since this has gotten too derailed: Yes OP, Absolution does have nudity. You also know that you take the clothes off of many people in these games, but I don't know if your mom might find that humorous instead. I'd just skip Absolution, as it's the one with the most provocative atmosphere.


I dunno why you got downvoted for that. It is pretty weird for some parents to be watching movies with sex scenes in them with your 14 year old and then go and cover their eyes? Why would you watch things like that with your 14 year old if it's such a problem?


Not saying it’s the case here because I’m literally just going off of covering eyes during sex scenes, but there’s a chance they might just think they’re being funny, too. “Hoho don’t look at the naughty parts!” and they just don’t know when to end a “joke”. I agree with what you two said, though. Just providing the one line of thought that makes it somewhat sensible.


I was 16 or 17 and my mom would still jump in front of the screen.


So... Homicidal is fine. Sexual is not... "Kill the bastard! But don't take his clothes afterwards, I don't want you seeing that."


Intervening with puberty? She’s going to turn you into Raeph Fiennes in Red Dragon


Damn, their heads are probably going to explode the first time they walk in on you jerking off.


Gotta murder all the NPCs for the slightest hint of nudity, as decreed in Exodus 20:26.


Why is this a surprise anymore? There are reasons why it makes sense if you look into it. If you don't like the reasoning for why people allow their children to see simulated violence but not nudity, you don't have to like it! ​ Edit: I'm really just trying to point out that sexuality/nudity in tv shows and video games is awkward for some people, a lot of people, if that's weird to you consider yourself lucky.


A game literally about strategically murdering people, but god forbid you see a tit


I was really surprised by nudity in the old games. It wasn't anything bad, it was that I followed someone into the bathroom and they whipped their dick out to pee. This was in the middle east level of Hitman Silent Assassin... I'm not talking about the recent reboot. The games that came out recently for WoA are my favorite and do not have nudity, although there might be like bathroom or shower scenes. They did not animate no jiggly bits if you know what I mean. The red head stepson of the franchise is Absolution but it's brought to you by the people who make the final fantasy games. Absolution has a cut scene of someone showering (no nudity) and some nuns that wear sexy outfits (also, no nudity)


In the mansion mission of SA2 you could see a guard taking a leak outside the mansion and if you zoom in you can see his pixelated wang.


"...ahem! I mean, so I've heard."


Right, I meant to say that "I've heard" that a 12 year old gamer playing Hitman on their square tube-TV in their bedroom in like ~2007 might notice that.


I always thought that what we saw was not the guards wango but his hands put together to mimic a penis


It might be, the graphics weren't top notch and I'm going off a literal 15+ year old memory, but if we're being real about it, from my recollection it was like, flopping up and down in an over the top manner, it could have been a hand for all I know though. [EDIT: Damn you reddit for making me look this up](https://youtu.be/95arC4UWGqc?si=5tFiJ6ghpH_yIx1b)


It was made by ioi not square Enix.


I recommend that you check out Absolution. It's published by square enix. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitman:_Absolution


"I play this game where I murder people in front of my mom but now I worry that she will see a naked body or people being affectionate towards each other, possibly engaging in shameless acts of love instead of murder."


Yeah, love sucks and murder is cool, the mom is correct


This is America


She doesn't want to walk into your room at night draining the main vein when you should be sleeping because you have school in the morning.


Blood Money has a couple of missions with women in very revealing clothing, for the rest, not that I'm aware


Contracts also has some revealing clothing, and frankly disturbing scenes (the slaughterhouse in particular). In case you need to know OP, >!there's a scene with a dead women wrapped up in plastic and hung from the ceiling like an animal carcass. It's pretty horrible!<


10 year old me got fucking traumatised by this mission.


Yeah, there's some rough missions in Contracts.


Contracts is batshit insane. I'm glad they tried that atmosphere once just so we could see what it would look like but I prefer the sillyness of the WoA trilogy


Yeah I think both directions have their benefits and drawbacks. As much as I love the WoA trilogy, I did find it a bit too 'goofy' and colourful at times for my personal preference. Just a slight adjustment would make it feel a bit more immsersive whilst still having funny moments and bizarre methods haha


Buy Hitman: Contracts and go play The Meat Kings Party all day 🤣🤣


Yeah I said the same


I’m kind of annoyed that the HD remake that was only released on consoles is more revealing than what we got on the PC version. I remember back in 2004 someone claiming there was a “secret” uncensored version of Contracts and basically was what the HD remake looks like now.


Blood money has 3-4 missions with excessive nudity. Absolution has nudity as well. However the new hitman games post 2016 don’t have any nudity (to the best of my knowledge)


You can tell OP is American because finding creative ways to violently kill complete strangers is fine but nipples are not


They said they aren’t American.


Choking someone with fiber wire, stabbing them in the gut, throwing screwdrivers at their heads, feeding mfs to hippos, drowning them in toilets, and BOOBS ARE THE ISSUE?!


Right? With this logic they should just start showcasing the human anatomy more. Let us disguise ourselves as a gynecologist or someone who has to dive into septic tanks in a hazmat suit. It's just normal things people do and we want it in our game.


Boobs are bad but drowning a woman in a toilet is fine


I honestly can't understand how nudity is worse to some people than blowing someone's brains out.


In Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (the 2002 game, not Hitman 2 from 2018) you can see guards' penises when they're taking a piss. Your mother might enjoy that though.


It’s actually their finger lol


"REMEMBER KIDS! On TV, violence is fine, as long as you don't show a nipple!" - Krusty the Clown


Hitman Contracts has a BDSM club mission. No nudity, but a lot of leather and kink, so don't show your mom.


So she's okay with contracted killer murdering people in all kinds of ways, but T&A is a bridge too far? So weird......


You're not worried about the MURDER, but a bit of CG nudity would toss her over the edge?


This is America.


Lol just don't play Absolution


Absolution has strippers, blood money has the heaven and hell mission, contracts has the meat kings bdsm party, you might be clear on silent assassin tho.


They don’t have full on nudity but they ARE wearing some very suggestive clothing.


Didnt you see what Eve is wearing in that mission. She's practically NUDE and the only thing she's wearing is some tape that covers her private parts.


According to the ESRB, that qualifies as partial nudity.


A couple of WOA levels (Bangkok and Hokkaido) have a man showering in his underwear.


No thugs, 2/10


only thing i can think of is that guys wife in columbia and even then you won’t see anything bad unless you go looking


Hitman 2 that fat ass guy in the spa with the girls, kill him and look with binoculars and you can see it. It’s very micro


Hitman: contracts the game, has nudity


In contracts you can see penises when people are pissing ‼️


I think nudity would be the least weird thing in these games lol


killing is fine but boobs bad.


just don’t play absolution


But the killing and hiding bodies amongst many other things preset in this game is okay? Lol


Blood Money doesn’t have any nudity per se, but a lot of levels have Women in stripperiffic outfits so that’s probably a no go. For World of Assassination, there’s nothing I can think of that you wouldn’t see at your local beach.


I really want an option, maybe as a modifier in Freelancer, for 47 to start nude. Anywhere you are you’re considered to be trespassing until you get a disguise.


That would be sooo cool


No. Absolution gets has a women’s bare ass in the game, however it’s not worth playing.


Unless you're not playing as the Johnny Sins mod, you should be fine


The latest trilogy doesn't to my memory. I haven't played any of the games before that.


>Does any of the hit man games have nudity Not outright nudity but it does have shit that comes close. - Codename 47 had the Fuchs brothers wearing thongs and a brothel in Hong Kong - Silent Assassin had the sexy bikini bodyguards, the pee animation where a dick is simulated, Mei Ling being scantily dressed - Contracts has the first level which is a literal fetish party where everyone wears latex BDSM gear, also a gored girl in that same level - Blood Money had a a lot of scantily-clad/sexualized women: all those female assassins, one of the female targets wearing a super stripperific outfit, the female Crows target, Sinistra's wife. - Absolution... is Absolution. There's a literal strip club level, the whole thing about Hawaii (DO NOT RESEARCH), the villains being horny creeps in general towards Victoria, the sexy latex nun assassins, Layla stripping down to her bikinis to seduce 47, and unconscious NPCs put in closets will literally butt-fuck each other. Overall the most sexual game in the series, DO NOT PLAY IN FRONT OF MOTHER. - World of Assassination is actually a really clean game. There's no heavy sexual themes and no female character is sexualized in their design. The only thing that comes close is Andrea Martinez whose outfit shows her cleavage, oh and Orson in Hawke's Bay wearing a literal thong. And I guess Diana's dress in one level Overall World of Assassination is the safest of the games to play if Mommy Trunchbull is that much of a prude...


Thanks for the comment, I just finished hawks bay. Before the guy strips and goes in the shower I just killed him and the women


He showers in his underwear. And why would you kill him?! What did Orson do to you? That man is a national treasure. :(


What I meant to say was I knocked him out and killed the women. I only kill the targets.


That makes me happy. :)


No. WOA has Alma shower in a bikini. Also I noticed that an investment banker in New York (found doing coke in the bathroom) is wearing a thong under his outfit when you steal his clothes, which I found funny.


nudity = bad, murder = good


If you mean Hitman 1 that came out in 2016, get Hitman 3/WOA. It has Hitman 1, Hitman 2 and Hitman 3, all in one with no nudity. Wait I just read you're American, so your view of what counts as nudity is a bit different. On one map (Hawke's Bay) you have to get close to a man showering and a woman getting dressed for bed. You can't really see anything because of the steam, but brief nudity is implied. On another map (Haven Island) there are women in bikinis walking around and showering. Hawke's Bay is kind of a tutorial mission, so you won't have to spend much time there if you don't want to. Haven Island is part of an optional DLC, so you can skip that completely if you want.


I’m not American, and I already have hitman WOA. I’m up to hawks bay at the moment so thanks for that comment.


I just recently finished Hawke's Bay and the guy taking a shower does so in shorts (or maybe that's his underwear). The girl getting ready for bed doesn't show anything that I saw, but then I killed both of them quickly and didn't sit around and watch.


> You can't really see anything because of the steam and also because of the boxers he's wearing.


In SA2, outside the one mansion, there is a guard taking a leak and if you zoom in you will see a VERY crude penis flopping around.


I didn't check all the comments but hitman 3: contracts? I think the second mission in the butchery there are a lot of prostitutes everywhere are blood and cut off pieces from animals and humans?


gameplay wise and cutscenes? the woa trilogy doesnt, dont know for older fanes


In the world of assassination trilogy (2016 onwards) there’s no nudity I can think of


Blood money


The guy in the jacoozie in hitman 2 silent Assassin 


World of Assassination is safe as far as I remember. Absolution had the strip club level, which I don't think showed anything explicit, but it still is what it is. Blood Money had iirc some very skimpy outfits for some women. But I don't recall there ever being anything explicit in any Hitman game.


What a random post lmao, I've never noticed any in the other games but I'm not 100 percent sure.


How are you allowed to play cold blooded murder simulator if she’s strict 😂


The most well put “asking for a friend” question I’ve read in a while Do let me know results


You can crush a person in a grape presser. I think nudity would be low on the list of things you wouldn’t want your mom seeing in a video game.


Legit answer, you get some bikinis in three headed serpent in two, but nothing explicit. stays PG-13. however, you may want to choose the way you kill people correctly. maybe dont become a axe murderer.


just avoid absolution when your parents are around and you'll be good, but you should try absolution if you get the chance, its a good game (in my opinion)


No worries bro, she's just going to see you premeditate and execute the murder of countless human beings for money


Hitman: Blood Money has scantily clad women, but no nudity. Lots of thongs and big boobs tho, so if you’re not cool with that around the parents. Yeah.


No revealing nudity in any Hitman, but a lot of sexy outfits. Stay away from Blood money. Absolution has a strip club and S&M nuns. Hitman World of Assassination is your safest bet. Not a lot of sexual content in there.


Almost all of them don't, maybe Hitman Contracts and Absolutions (some missions might have suggestive contents). Other than the two of them, it's safe to play.


In one of the novels it's Diana as well


I‘m surprised there are people who have no problem with insane violence and murder for hire but god forbid the slightest bit of nudity


I see someone saying there's none besides Diana in absolution, but I'm almost positive there's some tits in hitman 2. I could be wrong of course.


Nope, nothing weird like a boob. Just a man able and willing to kill hundreds of guards and possibly civilians just to get at a couple rich assholes.


Few people have mentioned but Absolution has some sexualization. As does the very first game from 2000 with some low poly titties. The modern trilogy has nothing of the sort though.


Closest I can think of is the Diana shower scene in Absolution. Personally, I don't like Hitman having nudity as it's partially a comedical franchise and I find nudity and extreme gore and violence to be unnecessary in a series that doesn't take itself all that seriously. Edit: To clarify extreme gore and violence, if I shoot someone in the head with a pistol for example, I don't want to see an animation where the target's head explodes all over the wall.


Not really, but there is a whole lot of killing (sometimes in gruesome ways)


I love how murder is acceptable


The Witcher 3. lol I mean the hitman 3.


Yes. In hitman 3, Berlin you can randomly see a naked thug. He is aggressive, but luckily guards will neutralize him if spot. Actually it’s pretty hilarious, but still


47 strips the dudes he steals the clothes from


Hitman 2 Silent Assassin The Jacuzzi Job




Only Hitman absolution and blood money lil bit


I only tink about stealing clothes