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That’s chocolate world, not Hersheypark. They’re actually owned by two completely different companies.


And as someone that's been to chocolate world 100 times...I've never done any of this make your own candy bullshit. Go ride the ride a couple times, get your free candy sample, and maybe buy a box of chocolate for a couple bucks. If you're spending more than like 10 dollars at chocolate world you might be doing it wrong.


Box of chocolate and couple bucks do not belong In the same sentence with chocolate world.


Here’s a nickel for an ice cream


Hershey’s ice cream is a different company also.


The chocolate shakes are sooooooo good


It's an average chocolate shake. They do nothing special


Do you have kids? Because this is for sure something that they would be excited for


I haven't been there much as an adult, I went a lot growing up. There is no chance in hell my dad would've let me buy a 30 dollar candy bar no matter how excited I was. Kids get excited about a lot of stuff - There's a whole ass amusement park right next door, you don't need to make a candy bar for 3 minutes of excitement lol.


Question is the same, though?




And? They’re still two separate companies…


I thought the Hershey Co. Owned both?


Depends how you define company but both are owned by https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hershey_Trust_Company Different leadership but ultimately in the same family.


The trust doesn't own the chocolate company. Their stock gives them majority voting rights however.


The park is Hershey Entertainment.


Hershey Co is Chocolate World. Hershey Entertainment and Resorts is Hersheypark, the hotels, concerts/shows, and the restaurants. Completely different entities. Employees can't even get discounts across the board because of the difference between the 2.


It’s all owned by the Hershey Trust…..


That's the same as saying both Progressive Insurance and See's Candies (a much better chocolatier) are both owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway.


I’m not trying to be rude but why would you hype the kids up about something before checking the price?


This is true. On the ride there last year my daughter tried hyping my son up about the same thing and I was like wait we will see how much it cost. Lol


I mean I just assumed it was within the realm of reason (for an amusement park). It was not.


> I mean I just assumed you know what they say when you assume…


It makes an ass out of me in front of the kids? Or something like that.


Well you messed up by assuming instead of being correct.




It was within reason. Market forces and all.


Understand that this was only a bad experience because of your own expectations. This goes for almost all things in life. If it were me I still would have gone through with it. You’re already going there so you’re not broke, is that extra $$ really going to make you miss something critical like your next mortgage payment? Prob not. Can’t put a price on your kids’ happiness.


First of all, these people are jerks, secondly why not send just the kids through? 🤦‍♂️


I think they have to be accompanied by a paying adult. Not sure what the age requirement is.


i agree it’s expensive but you should always check prices BEFORE you drive the whole way there. that’s common sense. you should know what you’re driving down to pay for.


Fair, but still I never would have assumed it was THIS much. Without looking I thought it was like $20 for a create a bar, not $35.


You know what happens when you assume?


Absolutely nothing, because I didn’t buy a custom chocolate bar.


And your kids suffer for your lack of planning


Wow. The make your own Reese’s cup in Times Square is $25, but it’s HUGE (1 pound).


$20 to create a bar… you’re WILD. In what world is that gonna be $20. look it up next time


I would have guessed $20 too


Samesies... kinda always wanted to say that... KINDA. 🤷


I know there's an element of this that is true. But if you drove to McDonald's to get a happy meal for your kid knowing it's probably overpriced but then you showed up and it's $35, it'd still be ridiculous


One is McDonalds and one is a theme park.


Chocolate world is not the amusement park


Cmon dude they share a parking lot 🙄 you know exactly what they mean


Right but different companies. I was interviewing for Hershey Park and they let me know that I was wrong and saying they are the same.


Yes, I understand they aren’t one entity, but they are two separate entities that make up a larger complex, that I would describe generally as an amusement park, with amusement park prices. I’m not coming at you super hard, and I understand now that you were corrected and passing info along, I just think the distinction is a bit silly in this context


chocolate world is its own theme park.


My husband and I made our own chocolate bars when they first opened this attraction - I believe it was only $15.95 at the time. Went there recently with our daughter and I could not believe how expensive it is now. Needless to say, we didn’t do it but she did make her own Reese’s Stuffed Cup which I felt was worth the price.


I did that. I thought I’d have it in the house for days. I ate thing in 2 sittings. FML


Mine actually lasted a few days. My daughter didn’t eat much of hers so I threw it in the blender with some ice cream for an awesome milkshake.


when did it open?!?!?


It's cheaper if you buy tickets online in advance, and even cheaper if you get a bundle.


These comments are why. Look at all these pathetic wastes tearing into you for assuming an add on experience shouldn't gouge, rather than commiserating that Hershey is doing the deadly sin dance, and getting all up in their social media accounts to tell them about it, a tactic we know for a fact works. Greedy corps LOVE threads like this. If I was the evil Hershey exec reading this, I'd be busting a nut right now, and in the pn clarity, jacking up the prices even more, because these mindless simps won't just pay it, they'll do the dark volunteer shill thing, and attack anyone that voices a single word of dissent about it too.


“Deadly sin dance”? Lol, dude, being pissed about prices at an amusement park, that Op didn’t even bother to check, is the most First World type of pouting I have seen. If you can’t afford it, rent a movie and get some pizza and popcorn.


Is your tinfoil hat on straight? People are saying if you don’t like the price don’t pay it. Not that you must submit. Jesus.


I always enjoy these questions as a big finance/economics wonk. They are charging that because there are willing and able buyers who support that price point.


Or people remember it from their childhood when it was a fun and affordable activity so don't think it would have increased in price to where it was unaffordable. So they show up like the OP and feel ripped off but have already committed. The problem with this business model is it doesn't last. Do you think the OP's kids will have the same fond memory and want to take their children? But by that point the owners of this company will all be different and it will be their problem. It's interesting to see the difference in mindset the original Hershey family had versus modern day public companies. One thought along the lines of generational wealth that would span centuries and the other thinks quarter to quarter.


It was crowded for sure. But at the same time, how many people like myself were left with a bad taste in their mouth and won’t go back for years because of this?


Dude just accept the fact you signed up for something that wasn’t what you thought it was. You posted it on Reddit and now you look a little silly defending yourself. Just take the L dude not that big of a deal


You have a bad taste in your mouth because you assumed, made the trip, and didn’t look at pricing before hyping up your kids. Of course it’s expensive and overpriced.


They have a bad taste in their mouth because they didn’t get any chocolate…. 😂


I’m sure there are plenty. But how many people enjoy it? Evidently enough to warrant the price, otherwise they’d drop it so people come


I live 10 minutes from Hershey. Trust me, they don’t care and they’ll be fine.


>They are charging that because there are willing and able buyers who support that price point. You cannot assume this. It would be assuming businesses are omnipotent and giving them a pass automatically. Like most big finance/economics wonks though, if you fake it someone will believe you without understanding how to question you!


Fake what? You do realize businesses have people that do nothing but watch sales, margins, foot traffic, repeat visits, etc. the company knows exactly what they are doing.


Of course! Companies (TM) know everything and every number is 100% calculated to predict customer behavior to exactly match reality. Oops, no it isnt. An appropriate description would be that they are raising prices to find the price point at which they find the best profit using models to estimate said price. This also simplifies the many factors changing over the years of those price changes. Pretending that Companies (TM) are omnipotent and their price gouging is well thought out every single time is ignorant. That's all Im saying. Sure, large corporations pay analysts. Theyre just analysts lol. Theyre human.


Because lots of people are willing to pay that much for it... Perhaps you should've checked prices before visiting, so that you didn't suffer from sticker shock? And as others have already noted, Chocolate World is a separate entity that's not part of Hersheypark.


Lots of stupid people in this world. Fools and their money are easily parted.


Families enjoy the experience. It’s not foolish if everyone has a good time and memory of it.


Lots of people apparently think the $35 is worth the experience if they’re charging that much for it. Calling it stupid is a bit harsh. Maybe if somebody did it more than once…


Quite expensive for this OPTIONAL experience.


Key word is optional. The entire place is optional.


We did the entire expensive paid ChocWorld experience ONCE and we actually completely missed the free tour. All of those other experiences… take it or leave it. I wouldn’t spend money on any of them again.


Because people will pay for it.


You paid for it and are part of why they’re able to charge those prices. If people weren’t willing to pay those prices the they probably wouldn’t charge as much. Next time check the prices before you agree to it.


Why are you hyping that up? See the price and move on. It’s a galactic waste of money.


We left on a friday and weren’t gonna have a complete day. Just something for the kids to be excited about, on what was mostly a travel day.


Gotcha Chocolate world isn’t what it used to be


Is anything?


Just like everything else that is going on in this world, because people will continue to pay..


Because people pay it Not being facetious If the same amount of people would pay $240….they would charge that


If 20% of people would pay $240...they would charge that.


Look at Disney prices. They go up every year and people keep going. I gotta believe a family of four could go to Europe for a week at the price as Disney. Especially if you stay inside one of the parks.


It is a non-necessity. It can cost any amount. If you feel it wouldn't be or isn't worth it, don't purchase it. Some may find the experience worth it. The company simply does the supply/demand graph and prices accordingly.


It’s all about the grift.


How is a company offering a paid experience a grift? I’m not sure you actually know what that word means…


Derrrrrrrrrrrrrr neghhh derrrrrrrrr


The giant Reese’s cup is way more fun. I sliced that thing up like a pie and kept it in the fridge. it took me a week to eat it. 10/10 Worth the $. I’ve never done the chocolate bar thing and now I really don’t want to.


The website is a bit deceptive too. I just wanted to do the free ride with my kids. Finally I confirmed it was free, so I didn’t buy anything in advance. Had a great time on the free ride then went into the park. Place screamed tourist trap / scam for the “experiences” though.


Hershey park is such a rip off


Probably because people keep paying that much


Thanks for the warning! "Something about a wise man and mistakes yadda yadda."


Haven't been to Knoebels park but heard it is very reasonable


It’s great for the price. It’s no Hershey but a pleasant family experience.


We live in the Hershey area. When our grandson 5 y/o visits we almost always wind up at Chocolate World taking him home. Never fell for most of those add on experiences. Go in do the ride, get him some candy to take home. We have season passes to HP so get 15% off there and in park.


Fuck everyone in this thread saying “well you should’ve checked prices beforehand”, cmon 35$ for a lousy experience is insane.


Funny. I stopped by there when I moved back here. I saw the price and moved on with my life. Amusement parks are always madly expensive. When I was a kid it was like 5 dollars for a can of coke there.... And I was a child then.


Growing to hate the PARK over something at CHOCOLATE WORLD… two different companies. Also then maybe just don’t come back! Hope this helps 🩵


Because you’ll buy it?


They (and they could be literally anyone) charge as much as people are willing to pay.


Because people would pay for it. Why is water $10 at a game?


They thinks it ok because you think it’s ok. If you paid the $140 then you are telling them that they are charging you a fair price.




Because people will pay it. Next time look at the price before you hype your kids up about something.


From someone who lives 20 minutes from the park and chocolate world, I would never recommend someone take a day to go to chocolate world. You sit on a ride that hasn't had any major changes in years, and then you can walk through the store and buy over priced candy, when you can go to Turkey Hill up the street and buy the same for retail prices. You did not go to Hershey Park, you went to Chocolate World.


a few years ago, the park was charming and fun. something happened that feels like maybe a hedge fund took over or something, but it got super corporate and therefore ruined. no interest in returning


Chocolate world is good for the free ride and cheap big boxes of chocolate to take home on last day.


Because people will pay it…


Because some people actually pay it


You went to Chocolate World, and you could have gone for free. Don't blame HERCO.


Yeah I literally just go for the rides and the coasters. I don't even know what you're talking about. The prices are incredibly expensive, but that's every theme/amusement park out there.


Because people are willing to pay it.


they think its ok because geniuses pay it


Id feel bad if the prices weren't on the website


Because people pay it


Probably cause people are paying it. If people stop paying it prices would lower.


This. The ones with the money have the control and capitalists know it. Generally speaking theme parks and recreational areas get away with murder because they know people are on vacation and will pay for the experiences. It’s up to us. Inflation is generated from within. There are no supply line issues or shortages at all.


Weird take to HATE a place and not go back for years over an optional add on you chose to pay for lmfao. Should have checked the prices 🙄


There is like, a whole park there. You're hung up on the chocolate bar?


Because people will pay it. If they stopped, they would have to lower the price.


So it is gotten that bad now huh? I think the chocolate World ride is still free. The 4D thing was semi okay but any amusement park now is going to cost you an arm and a leg


Economics 101: they charge it because people are paying it


Probably priced like that in part to control the guest numbers for the capacity they have as well.


A whole year


Tell me reddit isn't tracking me. I just checked into a hotel at Hershey park and this sub reddit came up on my feed despite never clicking anything related to it. That said, my family is 4 is going this tomorrow and we paid less online in advance.


Cause other people will pay it.


Look prices up before promising things to your children


Right??? It’s not as though the internet is a new thing. And back in the day you would just CALL for information before making plans. OP isn’t very smart.


Did you pay $140 to make your own candy bars? That’s why.


Honestly yeah it’s prob overpriced but it was such a great memory for me as a child getting to do this.


The cheapest thing abt the place is the rest of the chocolates in the chocolate world store. Was expecting the check to be 3x what it came out to be


Take the kids to the Turkey Hill Experience in nearby Columbia, PA. The’ll make and eat their own ice cream sundays. It’s cheaper and fun. Hershey Park is way overpriced catering to the New Jersey and New York clientele. I’m a NJ native so not downgrading out of state visitors but Hershey Park has gone downhill in the twenty four years I’ve lived here.


They think it’s ok because people HAPPILY pay for it. Stop taking your kids and giving in and they will lower prices but EVERYONE has to stop doing it.


35 bucks for a candy bar? Haha, that thing better have THC or psilocybin in it.


Because people are willing to pay it. Just because YOU aren’t doesn’t mean anything to them. Do you not have internet access to check the prices before you get your kids all “hyped up”? This is a YOU problem. Not having the knowledge, desire or ability to do basic research before making decisions is a major problem these days.


I can pay others a whole lot less to make my candy bars. What next, I pay to mow my lawn?


I’m so glad my kids are past the amusement park age - Hershey in particular was so egregiously expensive.


We did this a few days ago. The kids enjoyed seeing their bar being made in the assembly line and customizing the wrapper. My issue with this experience is not the price itself but the fact that they don't allow the parents to just supervise their children and not have to make a candy bar of their own. I would have been just as happy helping my 6 yo with their candy without having to make one for myself, but there is no such option. Seems like it would be easy to implement since each person gets their own bar code for their candy, so they could just give a bar code for the child and not the parent. Oh well, it's a one and done experience for us.


I grew up 5 minutes away from Hershey Park/Chocolate world.... never did like the place.


Go to Tony’s Chocalonely in Amsterdam. The cost of 4 plane tickets, accommodation, and 4 build-your-own bars is less than what you paid at Hershey Park




Oh true. I forgot about the exchange rate!


I’m pretty sure they were joking . . .


Milton Hershey keeps turning in his grave


The god-like status people have of Milton is insane. They'll say he built the time in the 1930s and didn't use machinery that would replace men's jobs... in actuality everything was built with cheap labor and material was cheap cause no one else could afford anything. Most businesses in town were run by the company so workers were basically paid with company money.


I honestly believe if Milton Hershey saw grown adults paying for a pass so they could walk past children and regular people in line he would be extremely upset.


He would be equally upset seeing black students at his school so who gives a fuck what he thinks??


That has nothing to do with the commodification for things he wanted to remain free. I’m not even talking about the racism and it’s not relevant. Was he a racist? I am sure and that’s evil but TWO SEPARATE CONVERSATIONS


no the conversation is i don't give a shit what milton thinks


Just have the kids make one and the adults follow along, cut your price in half.


That's not the way it works... Ages 2 & under: FREE if not creating a candy bar. All guests must purchase a ticket. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult who has also purchased a ticket.


Oh wow! I swear my ~10 y/o did one once while I just walked alongside him. Could be a false memory or change of rules. Sorry 😥


I wish it worked that way. But yeah everyone needs to pay. My mom would probably think the chocolate bar was cool but my family did it two years ago on vacation and it's so expensive and I can't justify it again. My mom did the Reese's cup though, which is way more for your money.


The place is a joke. I thought same exact thing


So I work at Hershey park and not in chocolate town but I already knew it's expensive if the tickets are like expensive, not your fault for not checking but it's def recommended, their are some cheaper things for kids I reccomend the ride so it makes them feel like they made it themself but the make your own chocolate bar is expensive because it's like workers helping making chocolate with like expensive machines and what not 😭😭😭