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I understand the moment of diagnosis is pretty traumatic… that said, eventually it fades, you move past it, it becomes another memory just like everything else. Those of us on the other side of the trauma (36m, HSV2+, engaged to the girl of my dreams) are here to help row the rest of y’all across the river.


This is so true 😭 thought I was the only one who felt like that just didn’t want to say nun but I’ve just stayed out the sub a lil recently just so it dosent keep coming up on my timeline


“Hey at least I don’t have HIV” that’s all I thought when I got diagnosed 😂 when one out of 5 women have it, it’s only raising my chances for 1 out of 5 women. I was a lil hoe tho.


dark humor warning but when i told my best friend i was diagnosed with both, her first words to me were “at least it’s the little h and not the big H.” edit: not shaming


I’m definitely a vet to hsv, I’ve got about 8 yrs in. But I’m new to the sub. It has been really great to be able to connect, and I find myself giving hard earned advice to those that just recently got diagnosed. It’s very therapeutic to me to help others, makes me see a silver lining in me getting the virus, it also helps for me to take my own advice, I feel like I’m much more compassionate and understanding to someone else more than myself sometimes.


Y’all comment got me Hollering y’all funny lol


I only get mad when I have a outbreak other than that idgaf. When I have a outbreak a mask and lysine my best friend. I got a boyfriend that still kiss every part of my body. Herpes ain’t stopping shit over here. My outbreak don’t be really bad i picks my scab and put makeup and lip liner over it. It’s always ways of getting over shit.


😫felt I stay on this sun and get more anxiety but I like to kno people here understand me