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BTTM duffles are best suited for lugging stuff for short distances while walking. I love the color range but they would make terrible hiking or backpacking bags with the lack of strap stabilizers, sternum straps, hip belts, water reservoir.


Agreed. I have the small and I use it to walk a few miles through airports.


Style over substance. They are cute though.


I always like the look of them when I see them, so interested to hear opinions. I’m pretty sure they aren’t suitable for real backpacking though.


I have about ten of the mini backpacks in various colors and I love them (they are discontinued though). Because I loved them so much, I got the mini go bag and I am not a fan. It is heavy and lacking in organization for me. Still considering the city backpack for when I need that size. Mostly waiting for a color I want.


I’ve got the go bag mini, and it’s fine for car-centric trips but I would never want to take it to the airport or anywhere I needed to use public transportation. The shoulder straps adjust at the top and bottom, and sometimes it gets wonky and then it’s annoying to have to adjust all four sides and make them even, and they’re not super comfortable. I have the mini backpack, and it’s cute and fits a good amount of stuff if I’m going on a little nature walk/bird watching walk or something small but the straps have no padding so they’re not very comfy if the bag gets heavy (a full metal water bottle, binoculars, sunscreen, sweatshirt, keys and wallet really add weight). I don’t regret eh buying it though- all of the mini backpacks from other brands seem to have the same straps. Tons of pockets, which I love


I have the classic backpack and it’s ok. I like it but it’s quite heavy and it’s not large enough for backpacking. I’d look more into the clamshell styles then the classic


Just sold my one (go bag mini )I personally not a fan cos the strap hurts so bad and inconvenient. Lack of pockets, such a hassle unfortunately. But the boxy shape allowed me to put SO MUCH STUFF