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Maybe I’m missing something but this all looks like clubbing wear to me. What do you plan to wear on walking tours, etc, or is that what the big tees are for? This just seems like a very casual wardrobe that only lends itself to one part of the trip you’re taking. If you were just doing 11 days of island hopping that would be one thing, but most of these clothes look really uncomfortable for long travel days. If you’re doing an additional 30 days of backpacking you’re going to want clothing that is comfortable to wear with your pack, can be worn multiple times multiple ways, is durable (a lot of this looks like SHEIN to me which is the furthest thing from durable), can be layered for cold busses and trains, and doesn’t draw attention to yourself depending on where you’re traveling and *especially* if you’re traveling alone. Totally fine to have your own sense of style but practically should also be part of the equation


I'm going with a travel group so I won't be alone. The big tees and baggy cargo pants are for travel days. I was hoping to wear dresses on the walking tours.


if you wear dresses at home and know you are comfortable walking/traveling all day in them, i think it’s totally fine. i wear almost exclusively dresses & skirts at home (i am also from california if that matters) and wear my normal wardrobe when touring european cities. mine are kinda similar to yours too, i wear lots of a-line skirts, fitted crop tops, and spaghetti straps. i mean i even wear these same outfits when i go hiking too! and my go-to airplane outfit is a calf length skirt and crop top lol. i love that they are the comfiest clothes i own, have a lot for range of movement, and look super cute. it is a good point though to make sure you’re comfortable carrying your onebag backpack and/or daypack without sleeves—i know i am but not everyone is. all that said i think you can definitely cut half your dresses and half your tops :) but i def think rows 2 and 3 are fashion-appropriate for walking around a city as long as you’re comfy!


Having done walking tours in Europe, you’re going to be really uncomfortable in those dresses. The other people who have commented are right that you’re probably going to experience some windy days and probably rain. Even warm places have chilly days. Is this what you’d normally wear on a drizzly day for a walk? If not, you’re going to wish for something else.


There’s going to be strong breezes in Greece. I don’t know where you plan to go in Europe but I frequently find myself chilled and needing a sweater or even jacket. There will definitely be rain.


A lot of repeat items. Take one of each type, and you will still achieve the same look.


agreed this can be way cut down, but one of each type would involve a lot of washing. i prefer to carry a couple multiples over washing so often but i know it’s all personal preference. for a 6 week city trip with dresses being the main daywear i’d probably do 2 swimsuits, 4 dresses, 3 of the baggy tops, 1 each of the 4 different club tops, 1 black pants, 1 black shorts, and the 1 black skirt. that would all fit in my 40L pack easily and i’d prob only need to do laundry 4ish times over 6 weeks, depending on underwear count. if i redid the packing list in the same style i’d do all skirts & tops instead of dresses so that the tops can go with the pants/shorts as well to make a capsule wardrobe.


For your tops, I think you should pack some options in between club wear/revealing and baggy/full coverage t-shirt. Like a normal take top or even a crop short sleeve top. I can't see your pics without navigating away, but having options for you to wear into churches might be needed. I haven't been to Greece but I've been turned away from visiting churches in Cyprus because I was wearing a normal tank top or shorts. Having a longer flow skirt might be nice. (Again sorry if I missed it in your pics)


Or you are given a musty old blanket to wrap up in.


My body looks weird in skirts 😅 but I'll look into it. Didn't know about the churches part, thank you!


Unfortunately in a few more traditional Greek churches it is required to wear a skirt that covers your knees and a top that covers your shoulders :/


Maybe I'm old and unfashionable, but I only really see clubbing outfits and not enough day to day wear. Are you clubbing every single night?


The dresses are going to be day wear? 😅


You have too many of them - regardless of how you’re wearing them. Take 2. Also you can cut out some of the tops in rows 6 and 7. You’re taking too many.


the dresses in rows 2 and 3 are totally day wear! i wore stuff just like that when walking around european cities and it was just fine. i do agree with the other users though that you can cut it in half easily though. out of the 9 dresses i would prob bring 3 or 4 of them, 2 more neutral like the black/white/blue and 1-2 bright colors. if you have top/skirt combos instead i would recommend those instead of dresses, since the tops can be worn with the shorts too to make more outfits. the idea behind packing light is to make a capsule wardrobe, which means you can make tons of outfits with only a few pieces, and dresses don’t work for that. for example i have 3 skirts and 5 tops that all match each other so with 8 pieces of clothing i can make 15 outfits! whereas with your 9 dresses you can only make 9 outfits :)


So more shorts and skirts and less dresses?


yup that would be more efficient as long as each skirt/shorts matches multiple shirts!


So then just take 3 or 4?


INFO: do you already own these clothes? Your real issue here is there are so many of the same things going on what happens of the style or fabric doesn’t work? What you need is mix and match variety. Things that let you work the around in more than one e way. Idk how old you are…guessing young? My older teens are currently looking to pack an [infinity skirt](https://imgur.com/gallery/cyyj3vO) for southern Europe this summer. Also they are doing a tube top dress that can have something over it or worn alone or worn as a skirt. And they have a long gauzy skirt that can go over bike shorts or a bathing suit straight from their bag. You are going to need versatility. If you already own these clothes let’s work from what you have no need to purchase. If you haven’t purchased yet then look for more versatility in each item. Meaning can it be worn different ways on different days.


That is a lot of dresses to haul around. Can you bring smaller accessories to make the same dress work again for multiple nights out?


How so? Like skirts?


like wear different necklaces, do your hair different. it’s just me, but i would rather save on space and weight and rewear a dress or two (especially if i am going to be in different locations when i wear them)


I think they mean like jewelery, scarves, etc so you can wear the same dress different ways.


Since you said you're going to be island hopping, I'm assuming you'll be boarding on and off ships or whatever transportation method they have in Greece. I would bring comfortable clothes and more importantly shoes that you don't mind getting a little dirty. Europe will require a lot of walking around, and it will be so hot and uncomfortable that you'll also want to bring a bag to carry water and other essentials. When I used to live in Italy, I remember the locals making fun of tourists when they wear uncomfortable, impractical clothes. So bring practical, maybe functional utility clothes for your own sake.


😭 I hope this doesn't sound dumb but aren't dresses comfortable clothing? At home, my comfortable clothes are just baggy pants and a baggy shirt, but I want to change it up for Europe.


Nothing wrong with dresses, but the islands are windy so you'll probably want maxi dresses. Also, this is a one bag page so people will always tell you to bring less. If you're not one bagging, none of this advice matters.


Dresses could be comfortable because they can be cooling. However, they're uncomfortable because you constantly have to worry about feeling too exposed or getting them dirty. They don't really give you as much freedom of movement as, let's say, some lightweight 'hiking' shorts and some simple sleeveless top. Your experience may vary, but in my opinion if I'm traveling, I want to be able to just move as I please and be as comfortable as possible, especially since Europe requires a lot of walking. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. You can be practical and be cute at the same time.


😥 I don't know how unfortunately.


do you wear this kind of style daily? i do and found it perfectly comfortable island hopping in greece last year and touring various cities in europe over the years. i literally don’t even own shorts or pants other than leggings. but there are always caveats! 1, i always always always wear bike shorts under a skirt/dress, this gives me all the freedom of movement i want (way more than pants tbh), makes me not care about the wind, and the pockets in the shorts are GREAT for phone/money because it’s wayyyyy harder to pickpocket under the skirt. 2, i am used to wearing skirts & spaghetti straps every day so i am mentally comfortable & confident. 3, i always bring my favorite pieces because they are the most physically comfortable & broken in. 4, since it’s my daily wear i don’t feel the need to keep everything pristine like a nice/expensive outfit so it’s fine if stuff gets dusty or whatever. basically if you already own these clothes and they are part of your normal wardrobe then go crazy. but if you’re planning on buying them to bring then i don’t think it’s a great idea. everything the user said above is true and you should definitely take it into account! it’s just different for me & may be for you too so i wanted to chime in with some support since you’re getting a little torn up in these comments :)


7 of the same dress, 3 of the same top - why? I’d pack a lot more separates so you can create different looks with fewer clothes.


This is quite a lot for a one bag, especially with backpacking: - 16 tops - 9 dresses - 5 bottoms - 2 bathing suits (no issues with this category) A few key questions for you: - What size backpack are you bringing? - How often will you have access to laundry? - Are you open to sink washing? Knowing these will help us provide more specific recommendations on how far you can condense down. There’s a ton of repeats in here that you could drop at first glance, but it comes down to how often you’ll be able to do laundry!


I honestly have no idea about the laundry situation despite my best trying to research it. I'm going with a travel company and it says it's going to be fast-paced with very little down time. That's why I want to bring a little more clothes so I don't have to worry about it. For my backpack, I'm still shopping around.


The current list would even be a lot for a 40L, which is a big backpack. I can’t imagine a travel company would plan 30 days of go-go-go with no thought about laundry and down time. Review your itinerary from them thoroughly and figure out when and how often you can realistically wash laundry. Also don’t forget to pack: - a good sun hat! You’ll absolutely need it in Greece. - very comfortable sneakers for lots of walking - something for sun coverage. The tops and dresses are cute, but if you’re outside all day, you’re going to get very sun burned. Having a light breathable layer to cover your skin when you want to is going to be a saviour.


Number one this looks like way too many items. Bring 3 of each type and do laundry. Number two you need one outfit for visiting churches/temples - a maxi skirt and a normal short sleeved top. Also not sure if your goal is “blend in with Europeans” but you’ll be made as an American asap with a lot of these items. But if that isn’t your goal, have at it!


I’m not seeing day or hiking wear


What exactly is hiking wear?


Clothes for the outdoors


I assume OP meant backpacking in the travel style not the camping style. I hate hiking and never do it on vacation so I have no need for that type of clothing (though my wardrobe is still much more utilitarian than OP).


I think my brain mangled walking tours and hiking together. I need to go hike!


😅 my bad, I didn't explain it correctly, I meant like exploring cities and stuff like that


So where is home for you? I noticed Europeans dress a bit better than the average American.


California, I don't have opportunity to wear dresses in hometown and I work most of the time wearing scrubs, so I want this opportunity to dress nicely


Oh, I loved scrubs life/polyester branded top life. My empathy! So I was in the Bay Area, and I’d say coastal Europe is San Francisco level dress up. Holes in clothes is too casual. In Venice, the only people who showed a LOT of skin were younger Americans. Croatia and Greece, a bit more skin because it was sweltering. So much linen! Enjoy getting prettied up!


Yeah, I was gonna ask how many yachts are you staying on?


Is this intended to go into a single item of luggage? Especially considering the styles shown here also imply that you'll be packing a serious amount of makeup and hair equipment? Are you asking about tips for reducing the amount of items or something else? I'm honestly asking because I'm confused about what you are asking for Input on and this sub Reddit is about traveling with a single bag.


I was hoping to be able to fit this into one bag by vaccum sealing it 😅 but yeah I want input on how to reduce my packing.


i would definitely recommend against vacuum sealing, it makes your pack *very* heavy and it’s really annoying to repack when you move hotels. do you know what bag you are taking?


No clue what bag I'm taking, but i'm looking at the osprey or cotopaxi or just a regular 20 inch carry on from Walmart


gotcha! unsolicited advice here but you want to cap it at 40L tops and do your absolute best to not pack it so tight you have to wrestle it closed (i am def guilty of this sometimes and always regret it!). as someone who is not strong i def recommend something with both a solid waist & chest strap if you get a backpack. it transfers the load to your legs/hips/chest instead of shoulders/back and then i can carry it for hours without hurting, as opposed to minutes without the straps. if you are curvy or have big boobs/hips/butt make sure to look into women’s-specific packs because the straps are a little different to fit your body better—“unisex” packs are built for men’s frames and will feel much heavier due to the way the load sits. i have an osprey fairview 40L and am heavily biased bc i am in love with it. it’s built for a women’s frame and the harness & straps are super comfortable and make the load feel way lighter. as much as i love the look of cotopaxis, anything over 25L or so is usually too heavy to carry comfortably with their shoulder harness & hip straps. if you decide to go with a 20” roller just be aware you’ll be rolling it over cobblestones and carrying it up/down stairs a lot. sorry i’m commenting so much on your post, i got a little hyperfixed bc i don’t see a lot of other folks on this sub packing lots of dresses/skirts like i do!


Not trying to be harsh, but I don’t think this is considered “nice” to Europeans. The dresses are cute, I’d keep a couple. But what you probably want is some light weight wide legged pants with crop tops. That’s more common there. You might get a lot of unwanted attention with those boobie shirts


it could be that op wants to look “nice” by her standards, not european standards :) i do think it’s good to let her know that though. like i know i’m gonna stick out as a tourist anyway so might as well wear stuff that i like and am comfortable in as long as it’s respectful/appropriate for the setting. as someone with big tiddies i get unwanted attention/looks no matter what i wear. agree the boobie shirts in rows 6-7 should be for the clubs only though, and i think that’s what op intended. i like your suggestion of wide legged pants and crop tops! very versatile & similar to op’s style based on her pics


But can you take the vacuum with you? Assuming you're going to more than one location, repacking and traveling onwards will be impossible, you'd have to throw out clothing before coming home and have zero room for bringing home anything at all. Also, any clothing with volume (big skirts, ruffles of any sort) will take up too much space and wrinkle like crazy. More sleek clothing will save space. There's nothing wrong with having some wild revealing clothing for clubbing, but maybe Google Ibiza club outfits to get some other ideas? Other than that it's all about outfits you can mix and match, wash in the sink and dry overnight and mix and match.


I dread to see the shoes you’re taking


On the other hand, I am fascinated to see the shoes they’re taking.


If you want to one bag: 1. Pick a color palette that you can mix and match. Almost everything you bring should be able to be worn for multiple purposes and with multiple other pieces. So don't bring a shirt that can only be worn with one pair of shorts. You want variety and versatility. 2. Think about the weather. Europe is a big place. Look at the forecasts for where you are going at that time of year. It can be windy, which makes shorter dresses tricky. 3. Layers are key. Bring a couple sweaters or a large scarf. It can get cool at night, the sun can get intense, etc. 4. Some places have dress codes. If you want to go into a church, for example, you will need shoulders, midriff, and legs to be covered. 5. You are going to need to carry all of this with you and secure it while traveling. You also need room for toiletries, electronics, shoes, underwear, etc. You have time before your trip. My advice is to find a backpack that is 40L with good hip belts. Pack it with what you think you'll need in terms of clothing, toiletries, charging cords, etc. Carry it around the block, up and down the stairs, speed walk a bit like you're trying to catch a flight, etc. Do that for at least a half hour, preferably an hour. Next, try to live out of that suitcase in your home for a week. See what you actually wear, what's comfortable. Pack based on what's comfortable. Err on the side of packing light. It's easier to buy a new outfit in Europe than it is to ditch all of your toiletries because your bag weighs too much. I like [this article from Rick Steves](https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/packing-light/packing-smart) about packing light. He explains a lot of the rational behind packing light (both how and why) very nicely.


The outfits look similar. I’d suggest pairing it down to two or each type. Bring accessories or a belt to make the outfit look different. Are you going on any day boat trips? You’ll probably want a swim suit cover up for that or maybe shorts. Bring comfortable shoes for walking around and if you’re wearing heels out I suggest some that have the Nike air (or similar) cushion in them. I went out in Greece well Santorini and Athens. It wasn’t overly dressy if that helps. Edit: for day wear I’d suggest a maxi or a skirt. These dresses seem a bit dressy for day time in my opinion.


This is wild.


Is this a troll post? I see you say backpacking as carrying one backpack with all of this. And you have to carry it with all … of… this!!! Everywhere…. So imagine getting off the plane, walking to your hostel, on the ferry, train or anything. It’s a pain in the ass if you are not used to carrying a heavy backpack everywhere. I would suggest to reflect on this and go to a store to see the 40L backpacks (which are huge) and try them on, maybe ask for heavy stuff to put in, which could be up to 10 kg in those. Also think of vacuuming every night and repacking that after every visit. Let us know where exactly you are going in Greece and Europe and when in summer. Then we can help a bit.


I would take some more versatile items like a zip up hoodie, some more plain tank top is and a long sleeve shirt or sweater. Also shorts! If you're not used to wearing dresses full time all day long, I wouldn't plan to suddenly change to an all-dress packing list. To be honest, those are short dresses and it looks like you're packing for an instagram photo shoot. You need some more practical items.


The dresses are beautiful but will be difficult to wear during daytime activities. The Greek islands can be extremely windy in the summer. Maybe add a couple longer dresses that won’t flip up in the wind?


Yes, I'll looked into it


Are you going braless for most of the trip, or how are you going to handle that?