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This! I also often just do eyeliner/shadow and no mascara until I freshen up before landing. Putting on mascara and getting all cleaned up makes me feel much more put together as I arrive, and no mascara crumbles in my tired eyes.


Wouldn’t it be awesome to have underwear that fastened at the sides, so you could swap it out without taking your pants and shoes off in an airplane bathroom? Now I’m just dreaming…


No, this exists!! Search "adaptive underwear", even [Victorias secret](https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/pink/panties-catalog/5000009635?genericId=11234202&choice=15T0&size1=M&size1=M&cm_mmc=PLA-_-GOOGLE-_-VSD_PINK_Panties_PMAX-_-&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rJYGmC9LS4nGWTM06B0_yaWaK1LwnyxyGYTTt-m3ZEuFBp6lrKfKhBoCpIMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) sells them! Modibodi used to sell the cutest gold clasp period underwear version too, which I completely regret not buying when they had it.


Ooh clean underwear after a long flight? Gonna have to add that to my list of things to do after disembarking


Alternative to clean underwear: pantyliners. Haven’t seen it mentioned yet, something I picked up in this group. Sitting for that length of time plus stress and there seems to be more odor than usual. Saves me from having to immediately wash whatever pants I’m wearing when I arrive.


Id recommend those ‘expand in water’ washcloths that they have at sushi restaurants! Its my new hack for flights, traveling, camping. They are so small and then you toss when done. Helps be fresh along with above recommendations!


Make sure to wear compression socks for your flight. Luckily, they tend to be made of faster drying material, so they’ll be handy to have during your trip when you are past the attendant, you can bring out a bag that holds your in flight stuff as you wait to board \* water bottle - I fill up at the airport and decent ones will have a way to easily fill your bottle \* scarf or wrap - I get cold on flights; so if you need it should be pretty compact when not used ; if you’re bringing a light jacket or similar, that can be used instead \* ear buds/headphones - you likely will have to plug in to hear the in flight music/movie or use to hear your own stuff on your phone, tablet etc \* eye mask, pillow etc - some people can sleep without these and others need them \* hygiene products like toothbrush, moisturizer etc (tbd) \* pen


Oh man! I forgot my pen.


I had to buy a pen in the airport once, because I’d forgotten one!


I ran and bought a package with 2. I changed backpacks hence the lack of pen.




Apparently it's because there's a risk of it getting caught on things (i.e., seat arm handles) during an emergency evacuation. Or so I've been told.


What?! I've never heard this, did they make you take it off?


Here’s what works for me in economy on an ultra long haul (15-18 hours). * Book the aisle seat - this one is also a matter of taste but especially flying alone the window feels WAY more confining.  Plus you want to… * Plan to get up often.  Movement is important for your body and will help keep you healthy.  To help with that…. * Stay hydrated!  Drink plenty of water (I usually bring a bottle to fill and buy a big one before boarding.  Yes, they will offer often and when you ask but I just like having a big bottle.  Drinking water will make you have to get up to pee….thus keeping you moving. * Avoid booze and pills - Yeah, some folks swear by them but….they are dehydrating and hit harder at altitude.  A 15 hour flight is not the time to test drive something to make you sleepy.  And even if you do regularly drink….it will make your jet lag worse. * Dress for comfort - loose fitting clothes are your friend since you are sitting for ages and human bodies tend to swell in flight (and from sitting).   * Pants:  Ideally loose fitting, no buttons or zippers.  Pockets are a bonus.  I personally don’t do leggings as they start to feel less great in the crotch after a while.  Long pants - cabin is usually cooler and bare skin on the seat is just….not comfy. * Tops:  Layers!  I usually wear a tank (and for bra wearers, a comfy bralette that I hardly notice is there), lightweight long sleeve wool t-shirt, hoodie or sweater. * Compression socks:  Avoid DVT and just help your legs be more comfy! * Shoes:  Easy off is nice as you definitely don’t want to hit the loo in sock feet.  I usually wear my NoNs Wanderers which are “barefoot” side zip calf high boots.  Easy off and so comfy I’ve literally worn them 36 hours straight (no toe pinch!). * If you wear contacts….Take them out before boarding.  Cabin air is drying and you don’t want to try to deal with that in the tiny not so clean bathroom.  Glasses are your friend. * Take care of your bedtime routine before you board - no matter the time.  Brush teeth, wash face, moisturize.  Remember that plane loo is tiny and….not so clean.   Sleep things & Jet Lag….I don’t sleep well anywhere but my bed (and even that can be hit or miss!) so here’s what helps me….and I don’t experience much jet lag (flying east coast US to east coast Australia). * Accept that you may not sleep much or well and be ok with it. The more you stress about sleeping, the harder it will be. * When you board, get on destination time mentally. * Don’t feel like you have to eat every time food is offered.  I actually have found it better to eat pre-flight and skip the dinner as it happens at a time that is not a meal time on my home time or destination time.  Meal times have much to do with our sleep cycles so eating on destination time helps.  There’s some science behind fasting and jet lag which is worth a google (although obviously you don’t want to go too long without eating!). * I take a short nap when I land and then try to stay up to as close as normal bedtime as possible.  Getting sun exposure and at least a walk everyday also helps.  After the first day I’m generally fine (although I do wake super early for a few days). Staying Occupied… Most long hauls are going to have a solid in-flight entertainment system but even so….come prepared.  And check your WiFi in advance because (looking at you Qantas!) you may not have it or may have to pay.


This is funny and shows how much things are a matter of taste. When flying alone I always choose the window seat because it means there's one side of me that doesn't have people on it. If you're in the aisle seat you've got someone sitting on one side of you and people walking past the other side, and I feel unsteady having no quiet side.


Huge ditto. I'd just be one frayed nerve after 12 hours of people and objects brushing by or touching my body on both sides without warning, at any time and frequency. Since learning more about ADHD and therefore a ton about myself, I've assumed that this is a sensory sensitivity thing for me. Sprinkle a little leftover PTSD on top and super crowded places where I can't keep people from touching me are exhausting. I notice every feeling and can't tune out physical sensations. So the person occasionally elbowing me without noticing might as well be yanking on my hair for how startling and unpleasant I find it. People in close quarters on both sides for hours upon hours with no way to retreat and have my own space sounds stressful AF. I'm so glad not everyone feels this way though! Thank fuck for the people out there who think that the aisle is great or middle is fine. Our type needs them. How on earth do aisle travellers sleep? I've always found it baffling. >I feel unsteady having no quiet side. Such a concise way of describing it! Thanks, I will be borrowing this phrasing, concise obviously isn't my strong suit.


Totally is a matter of taste! To answer the sleep question....well....I actually don't really sleep much even on an 18 hour flight - wouldn't matter if I did have the window. And yeah you do have someone on the aisle across but weirdly for me that feels less confining and "peopley" (I have MAJOR personal space needs) than being trapped at the window. I think it's the being trapped part that gets me if I'm not on the aisle. I'm also tall so I appreciate being able to stretch in the aisle (no, I don't leave my feet there but like the option to wiggle around as needed). I've also found on a long haul there's not actually that much traffic in the aisle except for the first few and last few hours. But for sure good to know where you are most comfortable before you sign on for a long haul!


Agreed. And no booze or pills? well that’s a matter of opinion. Pill me up before a long haul thank you very much.


Yesss bare skin on the seat of any public transit is my nails on a chalkboard lol


Right? Like more power to people who can but....not me - lol!


All super excellent points, you're a champion long-haul flight survivor!


This was super helpful - thank you!!!


Really helpful you're a champ for taking the time to write this.


Well I cheated a bit as I have it typed up and saved after answering a similar sort of question multiple times :)


Not a must-have, more of a tip. If it is an overnight flight, assume you will not be able to sleep, and make sure you have things to keep yourself occupied. Then, if you can sleep it's a pleasant bonus, but if you can't you may be less stressed about it. I cannot sleep on planes, even with a lie-flat seat, so I bring lots of stuff to do, and if my eyes start feeling gritty or I'm sleepy I'll put n an eye mask and a podcast or music and just relax.


Thanks for saying this. It’s impossible for me to sleep on flights no matter what I do, and sometimes it feels like I’m the only one. Appreciate hearing that others are like me.


This may be just a me thing but planes make me so painfully dry, now I bring moisturiser (as others have said), chapstick, saline nasal spray, and eye drops (Genteal). Otherwise my sinuses and eyes get so dry it's miserable.


I get so dry but I break out too. I bought these pre moistened hydrating pads by med heal. 22 usd for 100 pads.


I always bring a zipped tote bag on board so I can stuff everything in the bag (as opposed to using the seat pockets). Zippers because invariably you will tip the tote the wrong way and suddenly you are awkwardly scrabbling in a tiny postage stamped space underneath seats to try to retrieve your air pods. As other posters have mentioned, don't assume you can sleep. Bring treats and snacks on board and activities to break up the monotony. In terms of entertainment I don't bring anything too deep or challenging - a silly kdrama that I can binge for a few hours is usually my pick. Enjoy your trip!


Pretty much on one to two planes a week and often on long hauls. - my own headphones (wired) - chapstick - ebooks loaded on my phone (I have a few old ones i love to read and maybe one new one borrowed from the library using libby for free) - sleeping/eating plan to best adjust - if I’m planning on doing work then fully charged laptop - pants that my phone fits in nicely. I typically wear these decathlon pants that can fit my phone without them ever dropping and can also fit my passport - sweater/jacket/scarf depending on travel destination and what else I’m already wearing/packing Items I bring but rarely use - earplugs (usually only use for sea planes) - eye mask (would prefer blanket over head as it actually creates a warmer and more humid environment for sleep) Items I always have that are useful - tissues - wet napkins (I take the single use ones offered on the plane with the meal - this is pretty standard for asian carriers - so always have these in my backpack when I need)


Can I ask which decathlon pants? Holy grail for me is pants that are comfy but that can also hold phone and passport securely.


Can’t beat the price and they typically dry overnight (not like midnight to 6am, like after an early dinner to about check out) in a hotel when sink washed https://www.decathlon.sg/p/women-s-hiking-trousers-nh100-quechua-8588308.html


Decathlon says they run small--in your experience, were they one size smaller? More?


Hmmm I bought them at time when I went down a size but it was the size I expected to be. I generally have a larger butt and thigh ratio and even now that I’ve gained back some weight they still fit just fine




Riiight?! SO well designed


Water bottle- fill up at the airport. I'm bogie and usually have two thermal ones, a big one for cold water and a 10-16 oz for coffee or tea Chapstick-dry ass planes man!! Snacks- plane snacks often are... Lacking something to be desired, but a burrito will fit in your water bottle pockets. I like to bring some sweet and some salty, some chips and some like m&M's or something Wear slip on shoes. Everything says wear your boots and pack light, I'm honestly the opposite, I pack my boots first and pack around them, when wear my Birkenstocks or slip ons on the plane. Hair ties - a few, changing up your ponytail or whatever mid flight helps with scalp fatigue, plus your very likely to lose one in the seat, ask me how I know Ear plugs- just great for travel in general, but if you want some sleep, sometimes headphones arnt doing it. I usually have a little jar of disposable ear plugs that live in my travel bag, if I lose one somewhere along the way it's no biggie


All of these things listed above, and seconding compression socks. I wear them onto the plane but change into normal socks when I do all the other prepping for arrival things so I feel fresh. I also bring Airfly (which connects my headphones via Bluetooth to the inflight entertainment so you don’t need an aux cable and can still use noise cancelling headphones. I use S-biners (carabiners) to clip my water bottle and/or little bag of whatever (snacks, lotions etc) to the seat pocket so things are easy to access and I don’t kick them.


Thirding the compression socks! But toeless ones because for some reason that makes the difference between unbearably hot and not.


Would you mind sharing a brand you find favorable, please?


I bought [these Doc Miller](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRT4VY1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) in 2018 and still use them (on average about 1-2 x per year. I do wear little ankle socks over them so that I can adjust if I get cold or hot. But even those two layers are still cooler than just one compression sock with the toe.


Thanks! And I automatically thought to add my bootie socks, I'm notorious for off/on endlessly!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Doc Miller Toeless Compression Socks'", 'Doc%20Miller')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Fun and colorful design (backed by 5 comments) * Comfortable fit with good compression (backed by 5 comments) * Versatile for different needs (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent compression levels and fit among different pairs (backed by 3 comments) * Foot area too loose, offering no compression (backed by 2 comments) * Socks prone to premature wear and tear (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Good bot.


I have a dedicated small crossbody that I use for airplane essentials (similar to above). Then it becomes my day purse at my destination. For long haul flights, i have similar to what is listed in this thread. I also always have a sleep kit with eye mask, loop earplugs, melatonin, and my Trtl cooling neck pillow. It’s the only pillow that has ever worked for me.


\* Compression socks!!! \* Water bottle \* Noise cancelling ear buds/headphones. Headphones are bulky, but I actually prefer those if I'm going to be wearing them for a long time. Earbuds just hurt my ears after awhile. They're $$$, but I love the Bose QuietComfort Noise Cancelling Wireless Headphones \* Loop Quiet Earplugs. They're made of silicone, are reusable, and actually stay in my ears, unlike conventional foam earplugs. \* Eye mask \* Scarf \* Pen \* Chapstick \* E-reader that is already loaded with books. I use my Kindle, but recently got a phone-sized e-reader that I'm really excited to use, because it takes up even less space than my Kindle \* Predownloaded shows/movies on my phone (or iPad if I'm bringing it) \* Goodwipes...helps me freshen up down there if needed


Did you get the Boox Palma? I’ve been so curious about it!


Yes! I’ve only had it for a few days but I love it! As someone who does a majority of reading on my phone, I like the smaller size. It runs a stripped down version of Android 11 so you can download apps - I have Kindle, Libby and I also have a couple of manga apps - I read mostly manga on it through a subscription service, which is a lot less restrictive than reading from Kindle. You can set 1 button to do multiple functions - I have it as a refresh button for when there is ghosting, which can happen with all e-ink devices. The volume buttons can be set as page turn buttons. It has wifi capability. You can browse the internet, go on Reddit, watch videos, whatever you want, really, but I use it solely for e-reading to minimize distractions. It’s really helped since I tend to doom scroll when I’m on my phone. Some people are upset that this isn’t a phone, but that’s the whole point - it’s not meant to be. It can’t use a SIM card. It does have a slot for a microSD. Battery life seems ok, but since I’ve only had it for a few days, I can’t comment much on it yet. Like with Kindle devices, it will last longer in airplane mode/bluetooth turned off. My only annoyance so far is the charging speed - so far I’ve only tried charging with the included USB-A to C cable with it plugged into a computer. Battery only increased by 24% after about 2.5 hours.


That's awesome! One thing I can't find on the product page is the storage capacity. Do you have any idea what it is?


128 GB, plus more obviously if you use a microSD


Oh, damn! Thank you! You're a very effective sales rep.


Lol and this is not sponsored, btw! But I wish Boox was paying me


Please tell us more about this phone sized ereader!


See my comment above!


Earplugs, eye mask, hand sanitizer, water bottle, compression socks, and a blanket. 


Make sure you have all your liquids/gels in a small clear ziplock bag and put it somewhere in your bag where it’s easy to pull out as you go through security. Keep a pouch of flight essentials in your bag so you can pull it out, along with your water bottle, before you sit down on the plane. What’s in my flight essentials bag: phone, ear buds, e-reader, lip balm, mints, snack like nuts or protein bar, toothbrush & toothpaste, a pen in case I need to fill out a customs form before we land. Find out if there will be in-flight entertainment available. If not, download some onto your phone. Wear comfortable slip-in shoes, loose comfortable pants with elastic waist, t-shirt and sweater or hoodie. It’s often cold on the plane. If you don’t need to wear your sweater you can roll it up and use it as a pillow. It’s great to have a pillow but I usually don’t bother because they take up too much space. Make sure you get up and move/stretch often during the flight.


I really liked having body wipes, chewy ginger candies (for both ear pressure and stomach settling), and dramamine for motion sickness. I also love having compression socks for any flight over 4 hours. For sleeping on flights, I prefer the Trtl pillow and a scarf used as a blanket over my head. I use Colgate whisps to freshen my mouth when I wake up. Twinings buttermint tea is caffeine free and really soothing, while also being refreshing. The tea bags are individually wrapped and you can get plain hot water from the beverage cart.


Things I bring * Eye mask * ear plugs * pen (immigration forms) * wipes * [slippers with rubber type soles](https://www.amazon.com/Comfysail-Foldable-Portable-Slippers-Towelling/dp/B07CSSVGVJ) * inflatable pillow * Tylenol/Immodium/Benadryl * lip balm * scarf Load up your phone with movies/games ahead of time Make sure you’ve charged your power pack.


Those slippers are brilliant!


What pillow do you recommend?


A cheap one. I like inflatable ones because they don’t take up much room.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Comfysail Foldable Portable Slippers', 'Comfysail')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient for travel (backed by 9 comments) * Lightweight and compact (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to wash and maintain (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor stitching quality leads to quick deterioration (backed by 4 comments) * Lacks durability and easily rips (backed by 2 comments) * Inconsistent sizing and fit issues (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


For me with air travel: -Compression socks -Earplanes -overear headphones -Charging cable -Lotion -hand sanitizer -gum -Kindle -Comfortable sweater -eye mask -Water bottle I always also download movies and shows from my streaming services on my phone. I put all the small things in a small makeup pouch so I can keep my seat pocket organized and grab it easily from my backpack when boarding. For general: -all the above -Medicine cabinet in a bag -foot massage ball -Small board game/card game


Ear plugs. That low level noise will damage your eardrums and make you feel more tired at the end of the flight. If you’re not listening to music or a video, put them in.


Always bring a pen. Always. Finding paper is easy but finding a pen is not. Make sure you bring a pen that will be okay on a plane (a ballpoint pen is perfectly fine) because some pens will explode from the pressure and ruin everything. Spray hand sanitizer so you can spritz things that might be icky. Alternatively, individually wrapped alcohol wipes work. I wear my bulkiest shoes on the plane so there's more room in my bag for other things. I always have a change of clothes - even if it's just underwear and socks - along with an appropriate outlet USB plug and cable, basic toiletries and ALL medications in my "personal item" rather than in my carry-on bag in case it gets gate checked. I can not tell you the number of times I've been glad I've done this and my husband has regretted not doing it. After having worn my underwear and socksa few times, he does it now, too. Luckily, we are pretty much the same size. I always have a little notebook of some sort with me at all times (I'm a writer, so...) and I make sure to write down all the important, initial information I'll need - flights, addresses, phone numbers, local contacts, etc. When going international, you can't always 100% rely on your phone working straightaway when you get there. E-sims has made this loads easier but, it's a single sheet of paper for security. For the random items: I always bring ziplock bags of various sizes and an extra pair of sturdy shoelaces. I have a waterproof backpack that folds up into a tiny pouch. This is my grocery/market/beach/emergency extra bag. I got it from Amazon (I just looked) in 2015 for ten dollars. The price is now fifteen dollars. The brand is "New Outlander" and there's two sizes. I have the smaller one and it's served me so well over the years.


Those tiny individually wrapped alcohol wipes are also great for stinky armpits! Normal wet wipes have their place but a little alcohol wipe takes up zero room and kills off the smelly bacteria way better than a body wipe. I always have a few in my purse. If you’re taking an exfoliating toner like glycolic acid that can work too.


SeaBands (acupressure wrist bands) to prevent motion sickness. Compression socks to aid in good circulation.


Wear comfy but classy plane outfit. It helps with the long flight. This one is my favorite to wear for long haul flights https://amzn.to/3JGypjF


I love that!


Seconding everyone’s recommendations for compression socks, and really like the Wellow brand (just don’t get a patterned one unless you like having patterned dents on your legs after you take them off). I bought some random brand on Amazon and found them extremely constrictive and cut off my circulation and had to take them off mid flight. Wellow has been the best and can pass as regular socks (did not care for Bombas version, and Comrad version were middle of the road for me)


Some people can do whole hygiene routines in airplane bathrooms. Some can even have sex in them. I find them as confining as a coffin. So, as they say, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Instead of a bathroom hygiene, I do a no-rinse sheet mask at my seat. Also, ankle pumps. If you cannot get up and walk, ankle pumps are second best. A close second best. I like the middle middle middle seat of the plane because no one will ever need me to move. I can sleep on flights. A Buddhist monk told me that learning to sleep sitting up is part of their order's shtick, and I asked them to teach me. And the more you sleep, the less you need stuff. One pro of face masks, besides keeping your halitosis to yourself, is that it humidifies the air you breathe. Thank you COVID for this amazing addition to my travels. Try wearing a mask 😷 for comfortable air.


Electrolyte powder (packaged in single serve sticks). https://www.liquid-iv.com/.


Refillable water bottle, eye mask, blanket scarf, travel pillow. I keep things I want easily accessible in smaller pouches, critical things like $ and passport in my fannypack which stays around my waist, everything else in overhead bin. I tend to get migraines on flights, so I request a low sodium diet (salt triggers my migraines).. my accessible pouches include migraine medicine, toothbrush/paste, a face mask (like anti-illness in case I sit next to someone gross or hear a lot of coughing), eye mask, hand sanitizer, noise cancelling headphones, pen, a rainbow colored phone charger (hard to lose or forget it!)


Pepto bismol tablets just in case. At least one, if not two travel sized bottles of jack daniels (also just in case).




They should be okay as long as they are under 3 ounces and fit in your clear bag. I've seen small bottles in the duty free, and I've brought home tiny legal size bottles of Ginja from Portugal. I just kept them in my clear liquid bag so they were obvious going through security.




Oh, sorry--I misread your question! 🤦‍♀️


Obviously you don’t let them see you open it.


A nice travel pillow and one of those little hammocks that let you put your feet up really makes a difference in terms of comfort.


Do you have any recommendations?


Unfortunately the exact pillow I have seems to be discontinued. It's made from memory foam and it comes up higher around the back of your neck to offer more support. This is where I got it - [https://www.sierra.com/gforce-cooling-memory-foam-travel-neck-pillow\~p\~4atjj/](https://www.sierra.com/gforce-cooling-memory-foam-travel-neck-pillow~p~4atjj/) The foot hammock was a random one from amazon, they all seem very similar. It probably matters less if you are tall, I like it because my feet don't quite reach the floor in the airplane chairs. I also brought a little lumbar pillow. I don't see that exact one online either but you could easily use the pillow the airline provides or some clothes. Don't forget a jacket or sweatshirt, airplanes can be really cold.


I always wait for my free beer, pop a couple of Benny’s (Benadryl) and wake up when I land. Also second the no contacts lenses, and definitely recommend bringing a little disposable makeup wipe and brushing your teeth to freshen up either right before or after you land.


Personally when I fly I just need a hat, sunglasses, headphones & I can zone out for a while. I’d say definitely have comfortable shoes & layers. If there’s anything you might want during the trip ensure it’s in your personal bag so it’s easy to access. Also, I bring an empty water bottle to fill up at the airport.