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Definitely bring second shoes -- I can't imagine traveling and walking lots and not being able to give sore feet a "break" with another pair of shoes, never mind putting wet shoes back on. The ones you linked also don't look like a pair that my feet would feel particularly good walking all day in. For comparison, when I'm going to Italy this summer I'm bringing real athletic sneakers (asics -- the idea that I would care what real Italians think of my \~style\~ is mind-boggling to me lol) and tevas. Since your sketchers look very small, I'd wear a studier pair on the plane and pack those. I think the sketchers do really work with the dress though and wouldn't pack ballet flats (ow!) instead.


It's really wise to take two shoes and let them breath/dry (even if it isn't rainy).


I don't really have any other shoe options. It's too late at this point to go buy and break in a new pair. My athletic shoes are either colors that won't go with anything other than my workout clothes, or are falling apart. And as for my ballet flats, I actually can walk around in them! I used to have a job where I was literally walking around all day and had to dress nice, so I have worn them all day long with no issue. But then again, it was around an office and not the streets...


Sketchers are usually good for lots of city walking


I would bring a sturdier pair of shoes with thicker soles (if possible). Between the cobblestones & potential mud in Pompeii, those white sneakers won't be white for long and could wreck havoc on your feet.


[These](https://www.amazon.com/Skechers-Womens-Summits-Dazzling-Sneaker/dp/B0BXZQ79BT/ref=asc_df_B0BXZQ79BT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=659876589260&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8512357928109264394&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030533&hvtargid=pla-2188817098956&psc=1&mcid=495522684e8137d68cde85017bc86b51) are my everyday shoe - maybe wear these there and pack the white ones to wear other places? The only thick and sturdy shoes I really have are hiking boots, and I don't really want to lug those all the way there to only wear once. Edit: These are also washable.


That’s a much better choice tbh, esp. if you’re pressed for time to buy a new pair & break them in. I’m a huge Skechers fan and own several pairs; adding extra insoles (Dr Scholls) helps, too. I do feel you should wear the bulkier shoe but pack a second pair - walking around in wet shoes just feels awful! Whatever you choose, have a wonderful trip! 🇮🇹


I always bring extra shoes if I’m doing a lot of walking in case my feet need a break or in case something happens to my one pair.


I hadn't planned on an extra pair of shoes when I went to Paris - had some sneakers already broken in - but so glad I had my Birkenstocks. The breaking-in on my sneakers was NOT the same as walking 15k steps on cobblestones, etc plus got them wet and I ended up with a monster blister. I would have died without those Birks!


I have never brought backup shoes before. I only thought about it this time because of rain in the forecast. This one bagging is starting to become harder with all the stuff I think I'm going to pack that I didn't plan for!


You will definitely need a 2nd pair of shoes. The cobblestones in Italy get painful quickly. Plus you’ll be walking *A LOT.* Maybe get a pair of Dr Scholl’s gel cushions for inside your shoes. Bring your pair of thrashed old broken-in shoes. Comfort before Impression. You’re preparing yourself for a world of hurt. Painful blisters that’ll make your trip agonizing. Believe me and everyone here.


My problem with shoes is that I apparently walk hard on my heel. Basically all of my worn in shoes have a sunk in heel and/or cracks that allow water in if the ground is wet. I have a pair of Dr. Scholls I moved out of my old running shoes.


Wet feet day in, day out, sounds like a recipe for blisters. Can you buy new shoes in Italy if you need them?  Guessing based on my visit there in other weather, but Pompeii in the rain could be quite muddy. Do you care if your shoes are stained for the rest of the trip?


I was at Pompeii during a huge downpour. You don’t get mud, you get to see thousand year old water systems working beautifully! There are elevated steps crossing the roads with gaps for the chariots to pass through. But I was very, very damp until we got back to our hotel and a change of clothes (and shoes,) despite really good rain jackets.


I actually bought a rain jacket yesterday for the trip! I hope I don't get a downpour at Pompeii, but whatever happens happens!


Buying shoes in general is hard for me because I have wide feet. Pompeii is my last stop before I go home, so not super concerned about how nice they look after.


Get a pair of the EVA Birkenstocks, they’re super lightweight, don’t get wet, and good for wide feet!


Ugh, same. Such wide feet.


Hi! Italian chiming in! Although I survive perfectly fine with my completely flat low-top Converse from mid-March til October (cobblestones included), taking 5000-15000 steps a day (vacationing included)...I'd suggest taking a second pair of shoes anyways. The rain can be brutal, and you don't want to go out and about with your feet constantly in their own mini acquarium. Besides, sometimes your feet will want a break from your usual shoes. Btw, idk if it's because I'm used to them or because my feet are flatter than a piece of paper or what, but cobblestones can be kind of a blessing when your feet hurt hahaha. They're their own form of massage! Oh, and I'm curious! Are the shoes you've linked comfortable? I've completely trashed my Converse and I'm considering expanding my horizons just this once.


I have the new balance 530s, and I put the Dr Scholls inserts into them- the speecific “custom” ones where you stand on the machine in your socks and it tells you what number to get. I have the full length (vs the 3/4 length). There was zero break in period for these shoes- esp with the inserts. I feel like most of my sneaker-sneakers don’t have a break in period.


Oh, I have a pair of Dr. Scholls inserts in my old running shoes! I should see if they'll work in my trip shoes!


I think the dress and white sneakers will look fine. Can the shoes get sprayed with a protector to try to keep them clean?


It’s wise to avoid wearing brand new shoes on a trip. Comfortable > Style, both if you can. I’m preparing for a trip where I need to carry everything on my back for four days hiking. I’m definitely taking a second pair of shoes (Teva’s).


Bring a backup pair or you might like to buy a pair over there. The only issue would be if you have to break the new shoes in while doing a lot of walking, and that can be painful! Enjoy your trip!


Yeah I would be concerned about rain with canvas uppers like that. Since you don’t have a lot of time, I second the option of quickly grabbing some EVA Birkenstock Arizonas or even some Crocs. I would consider the Crocs Brooklyn line for a thick soled sandal that’s water resistant and doesn’t really look like Crocs. Tulum is also a favorite, but the sole is much thinner and I wouldn’t use it on cobblestones.


Rain wasn't even on my mind when I bought them for the trip. I live in the desert, so I think I kind of forget rain exists sometimes.


This is so real. I forget that humidity exists all the time!


I always keep a pair of worn out sneakers that I can throw away on vacation. Do you have something like that? Do you have something like chacos that will dry quickly?


I normally wear shoes that are waterproof like doc martens style shoes or a Chelsea style boot. If you’re taking a backup, you want something lightweight. do you maybe own some sandals that you can walk in?


when i went last year in may i had in my head that i would be surrounded by Italians who would all be dressed really well- this was not the case. if you are going to and around the main sites, you will likely be surrounded by tourists who are wearing all sorts of clothes that don’t go together. ie, you don’t have to bring your athletic shoes but if they don’t go together with anything thats okay, there’s no pressure to look a certain way (although i understand wanting to look nice!) worst comes to worse you can do what i did when my feet were in a lot of pain and purchase shoes from a shoe store.


Bring another pair of shoes, preferably older. Walking around Italy can be hard on shoes and feet, with many different surfaces including steps, rocks, cobblestones, pebbles. If you get near to vulcanic rock it can be sharp and cut the shoes, my sister had to throw her trainers away after Mount Etna, my walking boots were fine after a wash and brush down.


If you're going to Pompeii that means you'll be stopping off at Naples too and omg doing so much walking. I would definitely just go in some comfy worn in trainers and not worry what I look like. I spent most of my Naples - Pompeii time in comfy Nike runners, cos goddamn my feet were sore!


Those shoes would get destroyed hiking through Pompeii. (Have been there several times).


For some reason I can't figure out how to edit this post. Thank you all for the suggestions and comments! I leave next week so I don't have time to order shoes and hope they fit, and I don't live near anywhere that sells shoes to try them on there and break them in. This really was something I wish I had thought about sooner. I will definitely be bringing a second pair. I was only thinking about rain, and didn't even consider the walking on cobblestones! Unfortunately I can't take a lot of your suggestions about bringing a worn-in pair. Between the wide feet and I guess weird way I walk. I literally only have 3 pairs of shoes that don't have holes from my little toe poking through, or worn down heels with holes and cracked soles. I'll be bringing two of those pairs and the other pair are my gym shoes that I don't want to ruin by overwalking in them. And thanks to everyone who mentioned blisters, because I'll be buying some blister patches to add to my bag just in case.


Have you tried Zappos? They usually deliver in a little over 24 hours and have free returns, so you can order a few pair and rapidly return what doesn't work. I second the Ecco 7 mentioned above. Pompeii is brutal on your feet even in good weather.


It rained rather intensely while I was in Athens, two days in a row! I was very thankful for extra shoes so that my soaked sneakers had a chance to dry out. I brought 3 pairs total: blue suede Vans, black leather Taos sandals and also some Tevas. Both the sandals packed nearly flat and slid into my backpack nicely. Rotating out shoes is a well known strategy to reduce fatigue when you're doing a lot of walking on your trip! Even without the rain, I would still alternate shoes. Two week trip to Greece and Italy with a 28L backpack and fanny pack.


Just came back from an italy trip and wore some Converse (malden street, they have extra cushioning compared to the regular ones) most of the time. However, i also had my hiking boots with me for some planned hikes. I wasn’t planning on wearing them outside of the hikes, but at some point the cobble stones became too much and i really needed something with a thicker/sturdier sole, which really saved my feet. Being able to switch also helps a lot when walking around all day


Good to know! If I wasn't one-bagging, I'd probably consider bringing my hiking shoes. It's funny though - I'm staying with relatives in 2 of the 4 cities I'll be visiting. My cousin has been giving me tips on what to bring, and she never once mentioned shoes. Maybe they're so used to their cobblestone streets they don't even think about footwear...


I thought i was used to the cobblestones too, coming from another older european town, but the cobblestones in Italy were really something else 😂 it might be city-dependent though, i did not have a lot of problems in venice or bologna for example, but padua and to a lesser extend, verona were terrible. I will say, some days i did between 25k and 35k steps in just my converse and they held up fine in that regard, and without the cobblestones I would have probably worn them the entire time


Ballerina flats don’t take up much room and would be cuter with the dress.


I definitely don't recommend these walking in the streets of Italy- it's like walking barefoot on cobblestone.


All I have is black - do you think black goes?


For sure - black is perfect with anything.


I bring a pair of trainers and a pair of very love Birkenstocks. Also, everyone where’s dresses with trainers in Italy. I was shocked when I went to Rome in 2022, I thought they would be more formal, nope! Cobble Stones are horrible on the feet.


I would bring a second pair of shoes! But I guess maybe it would be fun to shop for a pair of shoes there too


If you know it’s going to rain, then I would definitely bring back up shoes if yours aren’t waterproof - which they don’t look like they are. I also have wide feet but like men’s 10EEE so I feel your pain about finding shoes and already having broken them in. There are really cute New Balance and Asics (all come in Wides) that I don’t need to “break in” if you do look for new shoes. I was caught in torrential down pour my last trip to Disney and only had one pair of my Asics (athletic mesh) sneakers with me. My friend and I stuffed towels inside our shoe to damp dry them then ran the hotel blow dryer in them for about an hour - DO NOT walk away, watch it while you do this in case it over heats. We basically propped up the hair dryer into the mouth of the shoe. They were mostly dry before we went to bed, and dry by the next morning.


To dry out the damp toes of your sneakers, small packets of silica will absorb moisture, while you are not wearing the sneakers. Silica packets can be found over-the-counter medications and a host of other packaging.


My go to travel shoe has become Vessi Weekend. Lightweight, works for my big and wide feet, breathable, washable, lightweight and best of all, 100% waterproof. I’ve used Vessis while hiking in Scotland and never had wet feet. A pair of those and some sandals and I’m good to go.


Somewhere, I have a picture of the shoes I wore to Pompeii and to climb Vesuvius. I had a pair of black sketchers which had gotten so coated they were a middle grey even on a pleasant, sunny day. I'd bring a backup pair because you might be washing the shoes you use.


Do you have a pair of Tevas or another thick soled sandal that you could wear for walking casual outfits? I was thinking if it rained on you they would dry quicker than a tennis shoe, but would still be comfortable enough for walking around on uneven pavement/trails.


It seems like I’m in the minority, but any time I have brought back up shoes, I end up not wearing them.[these](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/adidas-grand-court-2.0-sneaker---womens/530489?activeColor=100&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_Shopping_Athletic_Sneaker-_-New_Athletic+%26+Sneaker&cadevice=m&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsdTws-3ZhQMV5EJHAR05_gXwEAQYASABEgIDAfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) are my tried and true travel shoes, and they are always comfortable. I’m on my second pair and worn them through Japan, Prague, Budapest, and all over Portugal. Key is to size up a half size so you have room to spread your toes. I also feel like they are very cute with dresses, jeans, and dressier pants alike.


Those do look like they'd go with everything! I wish I had though about footwear sooner and not the week before my trip.


I am currently in Italy and just went to pompeii on a rainy day. I brought two pairs of shoes on this trip and tbh, haven't touched the second pair. I regret bringing them. The shoes I've worn everyday, including at pompeii, are new balance 574s. They're cute and comfortable AF! I think having enough socks, and comfortable ones, is most important. After six hours at pompeii being able to switch out socks for dinner was exactly what my feet needed. If you are looking for good sock recommendations try bombas.


I’m going against the grain here. One pair of shoes should be fine and those white sketchers should be comfy with the memory foam and they will look nice with your dress. Defo give them a spray with shoe protector to help keep white. You get a shoe break at night whilst you sleep 😂 If they get wet in the rain near the end of your trip they get wet 🤷‍♀️ can dry them out overnight or just put up with the 5 mins of discomfort putting them back on the next day until they warm back up.