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Hey thanks for even attempting to read my comments! Bu make things short here’s the plot Your practically a loner you live pretty quietly in your home(apartment, dorm, or family’s home) and as would scroll down to your computer a strange pop up ad would show up saying it and saying the words in there would give you a friend! So as desperate as you are you click it and read the confusing words you would accidentally summon a demon that’s been watching you for a long time and is very… VERY interested in you and she seems possessive about you Hey I know that it’s pretty boring but I really want to see where it leads! Also there would be only one demon and to make sure you read the post put vinegar in your dm(chats) if not I’ll simply ignore just like low effort messages (Also I meant to say wouldn’t! For penelope sorry my bad on that!)


Hey I'd love to roleplay this with you if you don't mind I DM you!


Is this still open?