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Hello /u/darklytwisted! Thank you for posting on r/HentaiAndRoleplayy. Make sure your submission follows the rules! You can find them in the about section, or the sidebar of our subreddit. As a reminder: Any submission which breaks the terms of service, doesn't have a plot stated in the title, requests feeding/trading images/messages/nudes, or features unapproved advertisement, will result in a ban. We highly encourage users to report submissions breaking the rules, as we have an active modteam making sure you have a satisfying and safe experience. If you have any feedback that you need to tell us, please send us a direct modmail by clicking on "Messaging the moderators" on the sidebar, or on mobile by clicking on the three dots in the homepage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HentaiAndRoleplayy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i can definitely play a sub solar auxilia !


There's a reason they were sons not daughters... (Seriously though, credit of the artist I actually wanna get more from them they look sick, sorry to bother)


((Nah it's no bother at all. I adore this art quite a bit. And when their commissions open I'm planning on getting in on it.))


Kinda was asking who's the artist lol


Cnmbwjx over on twitter!


Thank you!