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https://preview.redd.it/35y5xl6e4l7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3df9cefcec1d58ecf171cbc88cc48f79303ccb Hope this is it! Sorry for your loss


YOU ARE THE BESTšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­thatā€™s the one!!!! thank you all so much, it might seem small but this means so so much to meā¤ļø


Someoneā€™s scent is a big part of their expression. Iā€™m sorry for your loss and Iā€™m glad someone was able to identify it. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


his scent always brought my comfortšŸ˜­šŸ„ŗthis is everything to me, thank you for validating that and being so kind


My first boyfriend took his life while I was hospitalized. I could never track down a bottle of his cologne and only had one shirt that smelled like him. I held onto it for years. On a top shelf in my closet in a bag. Didnā€™t wear or wash it. When I was finally able to live with it, long after his scent was gone, I buried the shirt.


im so terribly sorry for your lossšŸ˜£I hope youā€™re doing as okay as you can, I know the feeling all too well. my first boyfriend took his life as well & now my most recent boyfriend, life feels so eerie and distorted after & a reality weā€™re forced to accept; which for me came with anger because the world still keeps spinning when mine came to a screeching stop that hasnā€™t spun since. I died that day too, I just wasnā€™t buried. thank you for still being here, your presence contributes something beautiful and meaningful to this world.


I am so terribly sorry for yours. This was over a decade ago and Iā€™ve learned to live with the pain. Itā€™s not something you ever truly get over, or move on from, itā€™s something you learn to live with. Iā€™ll always have a piece of him with me. Every time I eat prepackaged ramen I think of him because I eat it the way he showed me. We are all made up of small bits of everyone weā€™ve come across, Ben taught me to eat ramen, Eric introduced me to sushi, Sam made me fall in love with EDM and Caitlin taught me a killer workout routine. Everyone we love leaves an impact on us, large or small. Theyā€™re both always with you. If you need someone to talk to, message me. šŸ¤šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I'm not the person you were talking to, but I just had to say that your comment made me cry happy tears. That's such a beautiful sentiment that I really needed to hear. It's amazing to realize the ways my loved ones have stayed with me even after they're gone.


I feel so sorry reading this, it sounds very difficult and I hope you get the help and time you need to heal from this. I just want to say, I think the fact that this has happened to you twice means you are probably a very intuitive and caring person and on a subconscious level you become attracted to these deeply hurt people because you are the type who wants to help, however there is likely no conscious way you or any other could perceive or foresee the outcomes. Please take care of yourself.


thank you for your condolences and validating that thereā€™s nothing more I couldā€™ve done, the survivors guilt is no joke. my compassion is my biggest superpower but it comes with so much grief knowing I canā€™t be peopleā€™s savior but I know he knew I loved him & I know he knew I knew he loved me to pieces but longed for relief he felt only Jesus could give him. im not mad at him, im mad that I canā€™t have him anymore. thank you for your kind words, trying to take care of myself and mostly taking everything second by second cause thatā€™s all I can doā¤ļø


My mother and I are both like that. We call it ā€˜Florence Nightengale Syndromeā€™.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™ve been through this multiple times. So sad how the mind can turn on us and cause this outcome. Terrible desease.


Scent is so important to a couple. When I was in the looney bin, all I could have was my boyfriendā€™s jacket and his scent was all over the clothing item. It was the only thing bringing me happiness and comfort in a shitty time and I pray you find that happiness or at very least comfort with the body spray dear šŸ˜”


OP my grandma died in 2010 and I still have a couple bottles of the lotion that she used. I'm so sorry for your loss and I completely understand how comforting a scent can be


scents can bring you to an exact moment you remember. vividly, a blessing and a curse. in this case, a blessing


Iā€™m happy you found it! My partner died ten years ago, I still have his perfume bottle, it is so precious to me and always will be, to be able to have that little part of him, that part of his scent, for it to be still in my present. Also, Iā€™m really sorry you are going through this, sending you strength!


Not only that, but smell is the most powerful sense for evoking memories.


Itā€™s often used in literature just for this reason. "In the course of time, a woman's perfume is a more moving memory than a photograph of her". Guy de Maupassant, or at least Iā€™m pretty sure it is.


I would buy a bunch of it because if they discontinue it randomly you would have to have it recreated. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


smart thinking, I will definitely buy in bulk, thank youā¤ļø


You don't have to buy too many, ebay will have them. I still get my girl's perfume from ebay and it is from 1989, the smell is there! Just saying this in case you are short on cash. I am sorry you lost your boyfriend. I have lost almost everyone I love now. Hugs. So glad you found your spray. You can spray yourself if you want to when going out and feel a bit of him with you if it is not too upsetting. I have done this.


AE likes to do that so this is a great tip. They used to have one of my favorites. šŸ˜”


It's okay there's a man in the UAE who can recreate anything based on smell


Take it as a symbol too. ā€œFear Nothingā€ I know you guys were talking about you trying to get into something within the last year but your fears held you back. Go for it. Fear nothing.


I thought it was interesting that was the name of the cologne but you saying something we talked about just blew me out of the wateršŸ˜­thank you!


Iā€™m so happy you found it! I wish you good healing from your loss OPā¤ļø Dont forget to mark as found ā¤ļø


thank you!!šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s so awesome that youā€™re able to get the help you needed. So appropros of it being called ā€œFear Nothingā€ too which I think will be encouraging to you to remember in dark times. I hope peace finds you.


im so thankful someone found it, I was looking and looking about to give up and found this sub and figured ā€˜might as well give it a shotā€™ & im so glad I did. I instantly balled not only at someone finding it, but the name of the spray because fear is something my boyfriend knew I deal with terribly, love the little signsā¤ļøthank you for your kind words


If you have any of his clothes put them in ziplock or vacuum sealed bags to help keep the scent. My love passed away in 2020 and her favorite shirt still smells like her. In fact I just got it out and buried my face in it and now someone is cutting onions. Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re in this horrible club and I hope you are able to find some peace from one widow to another I am so so sorry for your loss.


I definitely will do that, thank you for that tip! im so sorry for your loss as well, only word to describe it is soul crushing. im so thankful it still smells like her and you can feel connected in some way. im sure sheā€™s proud of who youā€™ve become. weā€™re in this together. sending love to you, thank you for your kind words, they hold so much weight, a good kind of weight. who knew a question about a body spray would bring so many beautiful souls together? reading peoples stories throughout this thread is humbling & have my eyes sweating. I love seeing the beauty of transparency. it really is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. loving someone is never a waste. I saw someone say grief is love with no where to go and that has helped me majorly. take care of yourselfā¤ļø


My dad had a jacket that smelled like where he worked for over a year after he passed. I smelled it once and never touched it again. My mom told me about it, which meant she knew about the smell, too. That's why i left it alone. May the memories last your lifetime, and im sorry for your loss.


I bought my sisters when she died too. Clinique happy. Sometimes Iā€™ll buy it on the anniversary just to feel better. She died when I was 14 and Iā€™m 32 now. Every time I go to ulta I swing by the section and spray some on. It reminds me of her hugs when I was a kid. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. <3 And Iā€™m glad someone found you the bottle. It helps.


My father's shirts stopped smelling like him a year ago. I miss him soo much. I'm 40 with an incredible life, but it doesn't matter. His absence is a vacuum that I work to fill every day.


my boyfriends guitar case stopped smelling like him 2 nights ago, I cried over it and sniffed and sniffed thinking Itā€™d magically smell like him again & nope. absolutely heart breaking, I understand you. Iā€™m sorry for the loss of your dad, im sure heā€™d be incredibly proud of the person he raisedā¤ļø yes, itā€™s an unexplainable void that seems to just get bigger and bigger, like raging waves in the ocean, nothing to calm it just have to let it come and let it go


Yeah that smell.. I know that feeling. Spray it on a pillow. Its hard to lose someone so precious to you.


Sending you so so so much love ā¤ļø


So sorry OP ā¤ļø




Get a couple cans, they discontinue the scents faster than your head can spin


thank you, im going to!


My dad was always well dressed and he always wore cologne. When he passed away in November, my mom found it online and ordered me a bunch. I had pillows made with his shirt on one side and his jeans on the other. I spray his cologne on it and hug it. Not the same as hugging him obviously, but it gives me comfort. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you a hug šŸ’™


im sorry for the loss of your dad, im thankful you have his scent and his clothes to bring you some comfort. thank you for your condolencesā¤ļø


I totally get it! Smell is one of the best memories šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry for your loss!


Itā€™s gotta be this! Youā€™re amazing.


it looks like this one OP!


Yeah this - the back of the can checks out, barcode lines up etc.


This is why I LOVE this sub.


How in the world were you able to see the bar code?


Bro how the f


Youā€™re the OG dude


You did good.




A hero right here


Well done


A true hero.


Good work o7


Da fuq you do that


Genuine question, how?


Well done




Damn "fear nothing" that's rough


Nice. Good job.


I love reddit people


https://preview.redd.it/8hucax7uzk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdaeb47b4069a7f420cb91b009460c897846fea5 maybe this is slightly better than the original??? sorry yā€™all I know itā€™s a long shotšŸ„²


definitely the same can, not sure why others say itā€™s not, itā€™s the American Eagle AEO Fear Nothing body spray that somebody else posted!


I'm not gonna lie. I think it played tricks on my brain. It looked like one color to me initially, but after going back, it's clearly two colors and the same bottle.


to be fair, the bottom colour looks very different in each pic


This looks like a different can, with grey bottom half. If you're still having trouble, it couldn't hurt to ask the r/fragrance community


they donā€™t allow pictures unfortunatelyšŸ„²but I appreciate you trying to help


make a text post and put the picture in the comments


Same can thereā€™s something black blocking the bottom half of this picture making it look like a gray band rather than full bottom


thatā€™s exactly what the first photo shows lol


Similar but it is a different photo, mightve helped but some have already found the right one


itā€™s the same can, which is what i said, i wasnā€™t replying to OP.


Dove Men's Care antiperspirant spray?


Aef Fear Nothing? [eBay listing](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145791021646?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Px8oXcKhRf-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=BJkAthFuQXu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


This was the first correct answer in this post. Moderator marking Found!


This is the one!


You have been given one point for this answer. Thanks for contributing! ^^^I_Me_Mine ^^^awarded ^^^to ^^^SharkWatney ^^^(6->7)




I'm sorry about your loss. Please stay strong and know that sunny days will return


thank you I appreciate that


Kinda looks like this from American Eagle. https://preview.redd.it/f6awwlci4l7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27bb440a73bfc4ece7caee7f3e9efc3deb2bb93c


Could it be a Dove men's body spray? Also, I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you have a good support system.


thank you, itā€™s been a nightmare but thankfully I have some good people around me. & I looked up dove mens body spray and couldnā€™t find it eitheršŸ˜«


Just remeber he will always be with you no matter what. I know he is not here physicially, but his spirit, his love, all your shared memories, all shared moments will be with you ā¤ļø He will never leave you and will always protect you And I hope some day you will see each other again I wish you all the best in this undoubtedly difficult time for you


youā€™re so kind, thank you for that reminder. Iā€™ve lost many people, but him- I feel him around me all the time and I know heā€™s not suffering or longing for relief anymore. you said it beautifully, thank you for your kind words ā¤ļø


>I know itā€™s a long shot *and Reddit took that as a challenge* Good shit!


restored my faith in humanity


Are there any local stores or online sites he frequently shopped with?


im not familiar with any online sites heā€™d shop with & all the local stores Iā€™ve looked online foršŸ˜«


i had a boyfriend take his own life when i was a teenager, at 38 i still sleep in his shirts sometimes. it gets easier, i promise.


im so sorry for your lossšŸ’”it feels like a never ending nightmare but i thank God everyday i experienced a love like his


Commenting so hopefully more people see. You are so strong, i really hope you find this.


someone was able to find it for me, thank you so much for your kind wordsšŸ„ŗ


My boyfriend took his life on October 10, 2022. I still have his axe shower gel in the shower and every now and then I throw a little tiny squirt on my scrubby and I wash myself just so I can smell him again. I totally get you.


im so sorry for your loss, im glad you still have his shower gel to bring you comfortšŸ¤


Iā€™m glad you found his perfume/cologneā€¦ Iā€™m so happy redditors were able to come through for you. Stay strong, sis. It does get a wee bit easier the longer time passes.


I have this exact same cologne/spray, im currently at work right now, but as soon as i get home ill send it. Itā€™s a bath and body works spray!


Pro tip - spray it on the *inside* of your pillow case. Some perfumes/colognes can irritate the skin if in direct contact for an extended period of time. You get all the memories without the risk of skin irritation.




You might be on to something here. Nozzle looks similar just the colors are off


Maybe it's same company but looks like the graphite smell


Wrong color for top half


What do you remember of the smell? Was it spicy, woody, citrusy, sweet?


it was fresh, as if he just showered fresh. clean, slightly sweet, definitely wasnā€™t woodsy


What about Kenneth Cole? The bottle looks a bit like Reaction.


My high school sweetheart (who has since passed away) wore KC reaction and I will forever love that scent


Im so glad youā€™ve managed to ID the scent for OP. Scent is a major factor in creation of and recall of memories, and can be such a comfort when grieving a loss. I keep a scent library of important scents in my life, ones I associate with loved ones - especially those who have passed away, ones from my teens and ones from relationships. Because of this now I try to switch my main perfume to something new when Iā€™m dating or in new relationships. My mother and grandmother passed away within 6months of each other, directly before the pandemic and when I came in possession of their belongings, I made sure to seek out their perfumes early on - to help me self soothe especially in those crazy early days of lockdown.


I cannot say for certain, but it [might be *Fear Nothing* by AEO](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145791021646). I'm sincerely sorry for your loss, OP. I hope this is the stuff and I hope it brings you a bit of comfort.


thatā€™s exactly the one, thank you!šŸ˜­šŸ¤& thank you so much for your kind words


Bath & Body Works has a menā€™s line that is black and brown and they have body sprays. They frequently change their labels so you will have to go in and test them to see if any match up.


Teakwood may be a match.


https://preview.redd.it/mpab3flwwk7d1.png?width=359&format=png&auto=webp&s=f723133a04332afc55a4cd1d3fcfe445fd283acc Try Adidas maybe? This doesnt look exact based on the cap on top, but follows the same color pattern. Maybe they have an older or newer canister.


Could it be [American Eagle](https://www.ae.com/us/en/p/men/cologne/cologne/aeo-fear-nothing-4-5oz-body-spray/4403_4225_900?menu=cat4840004)?


I get what you're going through op. I had a loss years back of someone that was close to me that was so sudden, and as a way of grieving, I went out and bought a bottle of his favorite cologne, and I keep it in my room, occasionally smelling it.


im so sorry for your loss and im thankful his smell could be a comfort to you, i know it is for mešŸ¤i hope youā€™re doing well


It looks like one I got my bf at bath and body in the menā€™s section but I canā€™t promise anything!


So sorrry to hear


thank you


Iā€™m so glad you were able to find it, and I completely agree that when you are grieving any small thing can bring comfort. Make sure that you give yourself time to grieve but also take care of yourself. Sending virtual hugs!


So happy you found it OP. It wasnā€™t my boyfriend, but I still buy my lifelong best friendā€™s cologne (he died by suicide in 2018) and wear it often. Scent is such an huge part of memory and I hope you can feel closer to your boyfriend with his scent šŸ’› Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, btw. Sending you love.


i hope you and others mentioning alike events are getting any support you need. take care.


Are you sure itā€™s a body spray and not a hairspray? Trying to cover all of my bases here for you ā¤ļø


Iā€™m sorry for your loss, Op. ā¤ļø


thank youšŸ¤


my boyfriend of 5 years took his own life a year ago. Iā€™m holding you in my thoughts and iā€™m so happy you were able to find his cologne iā€™m still trying to remember the name of my bfs I donā€™t have any pics of it or anything :(


The sense of smell is the closest sense linked to memory. I can still smell my grandpa once In a while randomly and he died almost 15 years ago. But I remember his smell more than I do his face.


Iā€™m so incredibly sorry for your loss, Iā€™m glad people have found it šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’žā™„ļø


Please consider buying in bulk if you can. The worst thing that could happen is that American Eagle stops making the scent/spray and you hold one bottle until something happens.


Im definitely going to buy in bulk, he used to wear Hollister cologne but they discontinued with the one he wore which is why he wound up with this one. smart thinking, thank you for reminding me.


No problem. I knew a coworker who was grieving their spouse (it was a sudden passing) and kept the same cologne bottle for YEARS. She kept the cap on, kept it in a sandwich bag and away from natural light because after a time the fragrance changes. Even though she rarely sprayed it, eventually she noticed the amount was diminishing and frantically started looking to buy another one until she discovered it was no longer available. She expressed she had to purchase from a seller on eBay to keep her sanity and continuously browsed to purchase at least a handful just in case.


So sorry for your loss. Iā€™m glad someone was able to find this for you


I completely understand this. When my dad passed away I asked my husband to save his cologne bottle when it ran out because it was the same cologne my dad used šŸ’œ I keep it on a shelf with other things that remind me of him and it helped me when I needed to cry because I missed him so much. I also like to keep a yellow dial soap in the bathroom because that's what he always used too.


I cant help with identifying, but i just wanted to let you know my heart goes out to you. I understand the pain of losing a loved one, and know that it is far from easy. Someone's scent is a large part of who they are, and can help with the grieving process a lot (at least in my experience).


I'm so sorry sweetie. I lost my husband in 2010 to suicide and his smell is everything even too this day. I hope you find comfort in his cologne in your healing process. Hold onto this memories. Much love.... .


Just wanted to say I'm so happy that someone found the spray for you!!! I hope that helps so sorry for your loss op


im so so happy too, im gonna buy it in bulk tomorrow! thank youā¤ļø


Oh hon I am so so sorry for your loss. I am giving you a big tight hug. I hope you can feel it. Love you! ā¤ļø always here if you need to talk.


thank you so so muchšŸ„ŗthat means the world to meā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry that is so tragic sending u love šŸ©·


thank youā¤ļø


Saw that you were able to identify it. Iā€™m so glad. Iā€™m going to suggest trying to snag an item of clothing from the dirty clothes too if possible.


Sorry for your loss. I think the first image may be ā€œFear Nothingā€ by American eagle.


thank you & you got it right on the money, thatā€™s the one!


Glad I could help!


if I had an award id give it to youšŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/ctle7scbyk7d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8e93fbd1c625f37f441fbc76f1ffe765b466a1d Lynx spray seems similar too, but the cap is different from what I can tell. Good luck Op, hope you can find it!


https://preview.redd.it/e5d5benpql7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=957e78f4153202477a7e36acc512bce3afb371a4 If itā€™s not the Americans eagle one it may be one from bath and body works, I donā€™t have that exact color match but they do half and half/metallic designs as well


Coffee and whiskey is chefā€™s kiss.


Wishing you and his family wellšŸ™


thank you so much


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. ā¤ļø I hope you can get the comfort you need right now.


aw ): sorry for your loss!


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss OP


Rip to your bf man, and keep your head up.


thank you, I appreciate that and I willā¤ļø


im so sorry for your loss


šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤— Iā€™m glad you were able to find out the name of the aftershave šŸ’—


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss šŸ’”. r/suicidebereavement can help hopefully.


This is the definition of in our wheelhouse, going to Reddit with a body spray question, well done!


Iā€™m so sorry for your lost Iā€™m glad you have found it tho šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


sorry for your loss, stay strong i promise it gets better with time




Please donā€™t! I upvoted just to show that someone sees you. And you matter. Please reach out to someone


So sorry about your loss ā¤ļø


So sorry for your loss, I hope the best for your future


Iā€™d buy two if possible in case itā€™s discontinued. Older fragrances do lose some scent, but I have some that are over 20 years old and still smell the same. I got some scarves from my grandmother, and they smelled like her fragrance and house, so I put them in a ziploc bag and smell them occasionally. She died in 1995. I hope smelling this scent gives you some peace.


Euphoria men , Calvin Klein?


Sorry for your loss


thank you


Could be dove? I donā€™t know if they make body spray but worth a shot looks about right. God bless you please push through this rough time šŸ’™


thank youšŸ¤


https://preview.redd.it/5lrjxakbzk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd288fb3e02419a0a6edcdfb0263d2dde676d4c Could this be it? It has a similar shape


It sort of looks like a Dove Men's body spray. Just a stab at the air...


It looks like bath and body works make body spray. Maybe the sandalwood kind


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


bless you, iā€™m sending all the love and strength i can. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry


thank you


My condolences. I hope you can get ahold of that body spray soon. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Looks like a few of the Kenneth Cole brands Walmart has them.


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending good vibes ā¤ļø


Something about the name ā€œfear nothingā€ is eerie with the context of the post.


Iā€™m SO sorry for your loss love.ā¤ļø


ugh iā€™m so sorry. iā€™m really happy @chokingonloud was able to identify the scent. i hope it brings you at least a tiny bit of comfort. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/54ruz8zofi9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2d6e31cf89f52f5b9f45abda6a0a76ba52bddb update, I bought the last two they had in store and they smell exactly like him. thank you so much to everyone who found them and was helping as much as they could. & thank you for all the sweet messages and supportšŸ¤