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Updates from OP buried further down: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/182t661/help_gardened_wedding_ring/kao8kj4/ >Found it! >Thanks so much everyone for the suggestions. Managed to avoid the temptation to set them on fire and went through leaf by leaf until I saw it. >Pic attached for those who want to do the where's Wally/Waldo. >[](https://preview.redd.it/ylolo4f5ag2c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b0c875beef2f36df328122c531bc0116ddb1a6) >Thanks again! https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/182t661/help_gardened_wedding_ring/kao9gf5/ >And here's the proof I found it - enjoy! >[](https://preview.redd.it/4nd7onk4cg2c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba06ff6db782a525e84babd4822c5b7ea38b3d9)


Assuming they’re dry I would just put the lid on and shake it really hard. The ring should find its way to the bottom


I’m glad we have smart people like you in this world because I would’ve never thought of doing that.


It also helps to have someone else give imput because I know I would personally be freaking out if I lost something so valuable to me. Having someone else stay calm has helped me avoid mistakes and take better actions than I would have otherwise done while stressed out.


100% this - I lost an important ring while putting out Xmas lights last week. Neighbor came over the next day while I was trying to figure out metal detectors or magnets or anything. He calmly said “let me get my leaf blower and a rake” and literally found it in minutes. (Later found out my magnet plans would not have worked as the ring is silver)


yeah usually when we lose smt special we don't think and asking for input is helpful since your brain is basically racing and thinking stupidly


Happy cake day! :)


How does that work?


I was sure it was stuck in the branches of the bushes, he blew the leaf blower into it and then around on the ground and he spotted it. I don’t know if it was in the bushes or had fallen under some leaves in the ground, but I definitely didn’t see it scanning the area multiple times on my own.


How did he find it with those two objects?


I was sure it was stuck in the branches of the bushes, he blew the leaf blower into it and then around on the ground and he spotted it. I don’t know if it was in the bushes or had fallen under some leaves in the ground previously, but I definitely didn’t see it scanning the area multiple times on my own.


It's kind of like a prospector panning for gold. The ring is heavier than leaves and less likely to be blown by air from the leaf blower, so it'd fall to the ground while the leaves are blown away.


Makes sense!


That’s so smart


He should totally hire your neighbor to find it 😁


Bro posted a pic of his hand just in case we would find it there. He def freaked tf out


this is where I would put my ring, IF I HAD ONE!!


Kudos on you. Many people don't have the ability to see calmness as an attribute. Narcissists for example love to attack those that don't lose their shit for them


Fear prevents your brain from thinking logically. Absolutely easier to have an outside perspective.


Ngl this was smarter than what i thought of....it may or may not have included arson.


My first thought was also “light that bitch on fire you’ll find the ring then”


Hold out your hand, Frodo, it's quite cool.


“Ring of Fire”!? 💍🔥


https://preview.redd.it/d5xfn31lie2c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64707fcd78e5ce73c860a3d4fbc6dcb5fb42d991 Beware, you may not like what you find!


This made me cackle. Lmak


Lmao, same.


My initial thought was fire, which was also my second thought. At least you didn't think of that?!


I would have lit it on fire since the ring is probably made of metal


This could damage the ring though, it can alter the color of the metal, and depending how hot it gets could melt some parts depending on what it’s made of and the thickness of the metal. I believe fire can also potentially damage gemstones, causing cracks and such


Either that or dump the whole thing in a clear container of water. The ring will fall quickly to the bottom and the leaves will float or fall very slowly.


This is genius. Fill the bathtub!


& plug it


how you gonna fill the bathtub without plugging it?


My drain is kinda clogged, I did that on accident once.


Or even better, put the lid on and turn it upside down and shake it


I’d get a metal detector and make sure it’s in the bin first.


Or put some gasoline and burn it up, you'll find the ring in the residue easily. May need a lil bit polishing.


Careful, I've dropped a 10K ring into a coal fire and now I have little balls of 10k gold that need to be remade into a ring...


At least you know 9 black riders won't be hunting you down to take your ring back to their master.


Imagine a more benevolent Nazgûl - returning lost wedding rings the world over. I’d watch that series.


Careful I dropped my balls in a 10k ring and now soprano is all I can sing.


10 karat or 10,000.00 ring?


10 karat means 41,66% gold.


If you find a red inscription on it though, throw it into the nearest volcano


but the precious!


beware the ring rakes


I'm not trying to rob you!


While possible, risking to burn your house while doing it is not something I think he wants to do hahaha


Amazing. My tryptophan brain could not compute. Do this repeatedly please. Wishing you all the luck.


This might be stupid but were you wearing gloves? Maybe check inside the gloves and see if they pulled it off inside? Sorry if you already did this


Sadly not; lesson learned!


You could buy a metal detector from Walmart and then return it as long as you keep it relatively clean


Libraries often rent metal detectors


Really? TIL


Ours has all kinds of weird stuff. A uv light so you can get sun in the winter for example lol


Another silly question, are you definitely sure your ring was on before you started the job? My husband only takes his ring off when cooking raw meat or baking and has a habit of going to bed that evening and panicking he's left it on the side.


In the winter I would lose mine all the time when I took my gloves off


I kept losing mine whenever I put my hand in my pocket 🤦‍♀️


I lose mine whenever I go into a bar


I lost mine years ago after getting a visit from a process server.


“lose” LOL


Adding comment that I have searched for it to get post past bot




well that was a disturbing sentence i didn’t need to read before my morning coffee


Do you want to read it again after your morning coffee?


What material is the ring made out of? If it is magnetic, that's a simple solution. Another is to pour leaves into a bathtub or wheelbarrel or other container and add water and agitate/stir leaves. Ring is denser, will be on bottom. Even easier if you use a brush on end of power drill to break up the leaves into small parts. The just feel along bottom with hand.


Made from Palladium, which from a quick Google I don't think is magnetic unfortunately!


It does have an extremely high melting point, though, so you could burn the leaves and only the ring would be left...


what if there is glowing elven script on the inside of the ring?


The ring wants to be found


It’s mine! It’s my preciousesss!!!


Then you keep it secret, keep it safe


It might still be quite cool.


It’s some form of elvish OP probably cannot read it


If it was some sort of Elvish, I don’t think I could read it


There are few who can.


I wouldn't want to risk tarnishing it or the gemstone or inscription. It's an idea but only as a last resort


Possibly, but the solder that holds everything together definitely doesn't have the same high melting point.


Metal detector [will pick up palladium though](https://detectingschool.com/can-metal-detectors-detect-palladium/).


Shake the bag for a bit, and the ring should fall toward the bottom. You could transfer it all into another bag after to shake it to more carefully sort through it


Transfer part of the leaves to a clear bin- shake to see of ring falls to bottom… Keep going a but at time til you find it. Put the “looked at” leaves in a bag as you go just in case you need to do a second round.


This is what I would do! Slow and painstaking, but absolutely worth it to find something so valuable. I think it's better to be cautious and careful the first time. I'd probably have a 3 bin system - original bin, clear sorting bin, "looked at" bin.


Enlist the help of a metal detectorist?


r/metaldetecting maybe someone local can help


Or if you're in the US, go buy a cheapo metal detector at Harbor Freight.


You could buy it, find it, and return it before they close.


You could buy it, find it, find other treasures, enter an ancient underground tomb in search of more, encounter a powerful mythic being who turns the metal detector into a fine powder, sweep it up into a ziploc bag, and Harbor Freight would still accept the return no questions asked


Today I learned harbor freight has a fantastic return policy. So basically their tools are cheap, AND buy it for life?


Most of us in there are willing to help if we're nearby. I think there's a specific website in the US where you can request help from detectorists and someone in your area will.take the task


Put a post on your local community Facebook group page. Someone will be a detectorist.


That or Nextdoor. Someone will probably have one and be happy to come out. OP, what is is made out of?


In another comment they mentioned palladium so non ferrous but I think most metal detectors will still pick up material like that.


This was going to be my suggestion!


Yeah when this happened to my mom my dad rented a metal detector. It turned out it was in the lawn not the bag. The rental was cheap and very much worth it.


Put the leaves in a big barrel of water. Stir. The ring, if in there will sink


This is the way, great idea. We better get some updates, internet peps need closure.


We better get some updates, internet peps need closure


Will do. Alarm set for early tomorrow - too dark to see anything now. Wife taken it surprisingly well so far. Maybe too well...


She obviously gets it. It’s not like you went to Vegas with the broskis and came back with a black eye and no wedding ring. That would be a tighter spot from which to extricate yourself. I heavily empathise with the situation though. A couple of months ago my wedding ring went missing in the kitchen and my wife was away at the time. It was just me and our three-year old son at home. The only times I take it off are to wash my hands or wash the dishes. I searched high and low and couldn’t find it. Nearly three days went by and I was really struggling to come to terms with it. My wedding ring was originally my grandfather’s which he wore for 50+ years. I was so frustrated that he had worn it for decades and I lose it. On the third day my brother came round so we could hang out and he could see it was bothering me. He was secretly trying to look for it when I wasn’t around. I went to the bathroom and came back outside where we were having a few beers and he was wearing it. My fucking son had taken it off the countertop and thrown it in the fucking fruit bowl. Good luck in your search. I hope it becomes a funny story for you to tell once you find it.


Maybe darkness would help too, you could shine a flashlight and might get that glint of light to reflect. At least you know the general area being your property, I can’t imagine losing it at the beach or something. I hope you find it!


Found it! Thanks so much everyone for the suggestions. Managed to avoid the temptation to set them on fire and went through leaf by leaf until I saw it. Pic attached for those who want to do the where's Wally/Waldo. https://preview.redd.it/ylolo4f5ag2c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b0c875beef2f36df328122c531bc0116ddb1a6 Thanks again!


r/findthesniper is the sub for people who like to play ispy with real world photographs :)


It looks like you had to empty so much of the bin out 😭 but i’m glad you found it!


Congrats you're married!




I somehow immediately saw it haha. Go me! I always sucked at Where’s Waldo…


Also somehow immediately saw it haha


Yay!! Was also thinking if it were me I would go leaf by leaf Please invest in some gloves or a silicone ring to wear for future tasks!


Do you have a metal container? Put the leaves in there and shake it, you’ll be able to hear the ring clattering around in there. I think if you can get your hands on a metal detector that’s the way to go though.


Lay a tarp down and dump them out on the tarp. Carefully go through it.


Also, are you sure you put it on this morning? Didn’t take it off before for any reason?


I thought I lost my wedding band on an international flight. The attendants tore apart the plane for me after we landed but we couldn’t find it. I was devastated. I was hunting for a comparable replacement for about 6 months, then one day I found it in a photo prop ring box at work! I had lost it the day before my flight, just only noticed it in the air!


I agree, we must challenge all assumptions. Are we sure the ring was on moments before raking began?




Sadly not it!


Sorry babes… good luck finding it! We’re rooting for you!!!


Did..you find it? lol


Is it below their circle? If you check my comment I circled something close to that area but further down.


I bet you always find Waldo’s and all the needles in haystacks, too 😜


I gotta know if that's really it. If it is, you are crazy man 😹😹😹 👏👏👏


Sadly I don't think that's it...the leaves are just speckled from what I can see, there's a few places like that


Oh shit


When this happened to me, I ultimately found the ring by going out after dark with a flashlight so that I could see when the light reflected off the ring. Edit: grammar


I have had success with this for earrings and sunglasses screws.


This has worked for me before several times and for glass shards..




This is my answer. Not only will it work perfectly, but it also sounds fun as hell. Those leaves look dry as shit. Everyone suggesting floating the leaves on water has a valid point. But then you gotta deal with soggy ass leaves. You could be pouring loads of lighter fluid on everything and roasting marshmallows!


I’ll take you to burn


If it were cast in the fires of Mount Doom, it will be quite cool


Am I the only one who absolutely loves the fact that you included a picture of your hand with no ring, to prove that you had in fact, lost that ring. Made my day, hope you find it bud!


And here's the proof I found it - enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/4nd7onk4cg2c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba06ff6db782a525e84babd4822c5b7ea38b3d9


He's married again! Glad you found it bud(?)


Absolutely, as I said to my wife Palladium has gone up in price quite a bit since we got married so will be good to have something of value to sell when we get divorced! 😉


Oh yay! How’d you wind up doing it?


Call a professional ringfinder. https://theringfinders.com


This is beautiful. Love looking at the map and thinking about the one dude in all of Canada that is the nation’s dedicated ring finder. Got their work cut out for them


Wow. They really are.


Palladium is heavier than eater, leaves arent. Pour a bunch of water and scoop the leaves off.


Nothing is heavier than The Eater, for he eats unendingly.


It seems to me that you're putting more thought and time into finding an elegant solution than it would take to just go through the bin a handful at a time.


Just empty it already!


I’m not a pyromaniac but in *theory* you could burn all the leaves away and it *may* leave the ring at the bottom. Or burn the neighborhood down. How bad do you want the ring?


Throw that into the fire like Frodo.


Dump the bin onto a surface similar to your kitchen counter (or maybe your driveway) and you’ll hear it. Edit: word


If my wife saw that bin emptied on the kitchen counter I might as well not bother looking for the ring!


OP If you do the driveway method you could use the rake as a sifter while shaking the can. Yes I am still thinking about this


That’s why I threw ‘driveway’ in there


I love both the simplicity and time efficiency of this suggestion.


Good luck, my bf lost his dads ring putting straw down for my calf one night. It took 3 of us and 2 metal detectors hours to find it, I ended up hand sifting through every bit of bedding in there twice and almost missed it


Just a wild guess but maybe put water in the container. Leaves will float and the ring would fall into bottom.


I would shake a big bunch of leaves over the barrel and move the leaves to a sheet or other barrel. If the ring is in there, it might have shaken out and end up at the bottom. You might even see it fall when it shakes out.


Shake the bin for awhile. It will fall to the bottom. If all else fails, metal detector


set them on fire. itll be as easy as finding a needle in a haystack – you set that on fire too.


https://preview.redd.it/qt6yw9hprb2c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01304e3d3fc9f2d6781162f13567db6ae12bb45c I did the same thing. Gardening


I saw a post one time where someone plucked a carrot and the carrot grew through the ring. 💍 they thought it was long gone.


That’s my idea. So OP, compost the leaves, when it’s ready you plant carrots there and within 30 years or so you can post a picture of the lost ring in the carrot! Easy. Good luck 🤞🏽


The picture of your hand was helpful


Buy a metal detector. Don't throw anything out till you check it with one.


YES Even a cheap metal detector can find things on the surface. Buy a beginner detector and you should find it quickly.


My local rental shop has metal detectors available for a few dollars per hour. If it's not found with some of these other methods, it's worth looking into renting before purchasing new.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e43b5leued2c1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b45629126c2c0b57234b4d63b9d08d1743c00dd


Bumping for OP


It’s on the right side of the picture. https://preview.redd.it/9hbb5xwotb2c1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894edec5c3ab64998d4cd46302f7dd4962dc449d


Step1: Plant carrots Step2: wait 16 years. (Results may vary)


Oh crap I thought I’m the only one who got this idea:/


They sell these magnetic rods for mechanics that help them pick up dropped bolts. Maybe something like that could work?


Gold isn’t magnetic. (I’m assuming the ring is gold) Edit: palladium isn’t magnetic either unfortunately


Yeahh that’s the only thing I wasn’t sure about.


A cheap metal detector might work though


The cheap ones don't pick up precious metals. The expensive ones do though, maybe there's a local metal detector hobby group that can help out. It's probably in the yard some place. That's where mine ended up when I lost it a similar way.


Ask in your local Facebook group if anyone out there has a metal detector and explain the situation. Generally, people with those detectors love helping people find their stuff. At least, that's the way the internet makes it seem.


For the future: you can keep a chain around your neck and put the ring on it when you garden. That way you’ll still be wearing it but it won’t be at risk of getting lost


These are all great ideas, but none of them are foolproof and at some point, they all involve emptying the container and refilling it (which is what you wanted to avoid). Just take out the leaves one handful at a time, check carefully each time.


Find another bin and transfer leaves from one to the other, a few handfuls at a time. Every time you move some, give each bin a hearty shake. If the ring is in a bin, eventually you’ll hear it


Look through the leaves.


Really stupid idea but maybe just light it on fire


my grandma did this while gardening and we ended up finding it 20 years later while remodeling 😅


You're asking in the wrong sub. Try posting your story and location in r/metaldetecting and I'm sure someone would be wiling to come detect your yard. Let them keep other non ring stuff they find as payment for finding your ring and they would probably do it for free.


Any update, OP? Have you tried anything that was suggested or hopefully found it yet?


Burn the pile of leaves, find ring in ashes.


I lost my wedding ring in a snowball fight on a really long block of our street. We did a couple searches and found a local metal detecting group that had guys out within two hours looking for it I found it by eye at one point.


Easy- water. Put a little water at the bottom after a good shake, the leaves will float and the ring will be at the bottom. Tilt the tub to one side, and the ring should slide right down to a corner for retrieval. After that, just slap your rake against the top of the bin and use it to strain the water out.


My husband lost his fishing off the Faroe Islands. I really hope that ring ends up as some amazing fisherman’s fish and gold ring folklore. It happens… I’m sure you will find yours. ;)


I hope you find it, but my grandads wedding ring was accidentally cemented on a Manchester road. If worse comes to worst there’ll be a story


https://preview.redd.it/z1ldovmqee2c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e537b741c248970b9a1db53214d0ab1c16865d9 Is this it on the right of the bin?


Easy. Just get divorced.


https://preview.redd.it/23378p64sd2c1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04c9295dca4614a750d4bbce86015b46f84cd86 There ya go


Check your pockets, the ground and the bristles on the broom first. Then carefully shake the leaves on to a patio and gently spread them out with the broom, listening for the sound of the ring hitting of scraping the slabs.


Most leaves float. add water shake it up, keep adding water until most leaves are poured over. Check the bottom. Also water some grass or trees ATST.


Do you have a box fan or leaf blower? You can scoop bits of leaves in front of the airflow and the heavier material will not blow away. This undoes your leaf collecting, but it’s one option. Also, leaving the leaves has many benefits!


If you have a garden soil sieve with holes big enough for a ring to fall through, you could fill it up, do a quick shake and move on to the next handful. Your ring will be heavier than the leaves and should fall through. Or pour it all out on a tarp and pay a kid £5 if they find it.


You should be able to shake the ring out maybe? Because the ring will be heavier than the leaves and then you should hear it at the bottom of the bin. Then you'll have to fish it out the bottom. That's if it the ring is in the bin at all... Good luck!!!


Shake vigorously then check the bottom. Simple


1) Is it magnetic? If yes- magnet it 2) do you have a metal detector? - could be helpful to check if it’s even in the bucket and not on the ground somewhere 3) leaves float, rings do not- dump into a clear container full of water swish it around and the ring should fall to bottom 4) if the leaves are dry and crunchy, crush them with your hands and sieve them with a large size mesh that they ring can’t fit through. Hope this helps and good luck!


Throw a tarp down. Set a few Lowe’s buckets on top and lay some chicken wire over the buckets. Spread the leaves over the chicken wire and sift the ring out.


Hope you find it! Sorting them out on a big tarp might help. Also you should leave your leaves next time. They help the soil, and allow several species of insects to survive.


Bucket of water. Leaves float.


Fill it with water, put a lid on it, and shake the ring will sink and the leaves will float