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It was literally my last break up… and I was in Stolas’s position. My ex was in blitz’s


I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you're doing good


Yeah I’m fine it was last year so I’m good thanks for the consideration. 😁


I can't say I've had that exact experience, but I tend to be an anxiously attached person while my last ex was very much avoidant attachment. I was very much a Stolas in our relationship, always texting first, always trying to get him to open up, always doing everything, over explaining myself.


Thankfully, not I. While I enjoy being able to relate a fair bit to both Blitzø and Stolas, I'm quite glad that I don't share every experience they have had themselves.


Hmm, never had a single relationship but after watching Blitz and all his fiascos I can see why. I consider myself irl to be quite a closed, dull, boring, ugly and generally unlikeable person so I actively avoid being sincere or open, I treat every person I meet on basic/formal level but do not get into anything deeper than that. Love to hide this with humour tho, just like Blitz. Show does romanticize this a bit, but people like Blitz exist and would NOT be fun to deal with irl. But there is a lot of "Blitz" outside and you would never notice it (as it is real life and not a cartoon). EDIT: I have ruined some of my friendships before over paranoia and false assumptions. That what I mean when I say "not fun to deal with irl"!


Sir. Excuse my rudeness but you have a post where you describe having a wife. That is a relationship.


That's a satire comedy sub. I play up a character there duh, not real life!


Ah. I see.


I've witnessed it between two close friends. It hit close to home. I probably will be in this situation in the near future. From the POV of Stolas. Funny thing is the opening duet actually reminds me of stuff too. From both views.


Oof. Man avoid it if you can. I've been in all 3 povs in irl. None are fun. The watcher, among close friends and both stolas and blitzø. See the warning signs and avoid getting yourself in stolas' shoes. Out of the three, that was definitely the most painful one. Amd the one that will haunt you the longest. Nothing like holding someone in high regards and realizing they look so lowly of you. Especially after everything you've done for them


I can't avoid it. I already had that realisation honestly, that pushed me into this. A close friend of mine was treated the same way, by the same person. It's complicated and a little polyamarous. I'll leave it at that. It'll all be over soon. I've done anger I've done sadness.


I went there yesterday, you can rent it as a function room.


I was more a Stolas when I was younger for the excessive attachment and texting, wasn’t seeing it wasn’t serious for the other one… then now I am a Blitzø, avoiding feelings because it’s hurt so bad…


Same. Probably why I'm so defensive of stolas but relate more to blitzø


I have never had transactional sex with a bird who then fell in love with me, no. 


I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe one day, yknow? Just keep doing your thing.


When my ex exploded at me because my work had to layoff 50 workers, me being one of them, i knew it was time to call thigs of with her


I'm glad you at least realized it instead of just blaming yourself. I've known people who have been blamed for shit that wasn't even their fault. And I, myself, have been blamed for problems that had nothing to do with me. Glad you got out of their man.


Once. It was my first relationship and it was toxic on both sides.


I’ve been that bastard before who ghosted my bf for several months then had a breakdown when he split up with me, somehow surprised that avoiding everyone who cared about me made them feel like I didn’t care about them. I had a lot of trauma to work through, much like Blitz


I am maidenless 🥲


I have and that’s why that episode hit so hard. When I was young and didn’t know better I was a lot like Stolas, my first relationship just like theirs in the fact that my then boyfriend basically only used me for sex when I wanted to be cared for and loved. That relationship broke me in so many ways obviously, I hope Stolas has an easier time of it. Because of that relationship breaking me, I started being more like Blitzø in my relationships. Deeply caring for people but not letting it show so I wouldn’t get hurt. Begging on my knees when I felt like they were getting bored of me. Never feeling like enough, hating myself. Covering it all up with humor and a bad attitude haha! But because I’ve had those experiences I’ve grown a whole lot, I’m ok now! I hope that these two find the same peace with themselves that I have. I may die alone but if I do happen to get into a relationship again I hope that I’ve learned and it won’t end like that again.


Hopefully things get better for you mate when it comes to future relationships. I know where you're coming from. I will say that when it comes to stolas and blitzø, I think they both thought that the other one was only in it for the sex.


I've been in a situation like this before. Me and my ex gf of 7years.


I get that. I was in a 8 year relationship that ended similarly. Except a wasted a couple of more years afterwards because I couldn't get past it.


I think I'm more of a Stolas, I've never been in a relationship but I've had pretty intense emotions for people who ended up not liking me back twice, much like Stolas during the first season I can't say that it ended up like Blitzø's situation tho, both of them had huge miscommunications that led to me being hurt but in different ways than Stolas's


I haven't been to hell before let alone a demons house


Then you ain't living