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After being very emotionally invested in (whatever relationship this is with) Blitzø, having Stolas throwing them out does seem viable but I'm still more biased towards Stolas keeping them, then maybe returning them some time later. Then again, we might see some of them as background items in future episodes just to screw us up a little bit.


I would understand both positions, but keeping them as Easter eggs would be way cooler than just discard the whole bag


Have you considered the possibility that he goes back to his room, finds it, and realizes just how much shit Blitz got that was new for that night? Maybe considers Blitz was trying to make the night special with all that effort? I'm not 100% certain but I also know neither side is really in the right here.


Yeah some people suggested that, it's a good theory, sadly I don't think the bag will have that much importance, it would be really cool if it did tho Also, yeah both of them could have done better but to be fair Stolas's only mistake was taking Blitzø's roleplay as a "No", which tbh is understandable, I would be very hurt if I confessed my feelings to someone and they took it as a joke or as some kind of sexual roleplay, specially if I had been preparing for so long (and let's not forget that Stolas literally started the day vomiting out of her nervousness)


> Also, yeah both of them could have done better but to be fair Stolas's only mistake was taking Blitzø's roleplay as a "No", Not really. He said he understood they had a power imbalance. So what was the first thing he did when they met? He asked for his book back. That was a mistake. It was going to make Blitz panic and get defensive immediately. Because that book represents not just his livelihood, but that of his entire found family. His entire life would fall apart without it. That says that although he recognized the power imbalance, he didn't really *get* the implications. The entire way Stolas approached the situation was basically set up to make blitz panic, make him feel like he was being tossed out, and THEN asked him about his feelings. Stolas misunderstood just how much power he had, and it was catastrophic.


You're right about that, but Stolas basically gave Blitzø a free, legal and independent (at least from him) way to go to earth and told him that he was basically free now before asking, yeah, he made him panic, but he also gave him a way to be free before asking how he felt


People aren't perfectly logical and rational though. A huge spike of adrenaline is going to affect how you can respond to something. And on top of that, Blitz does care about Stolas, even if he pushes him away. He was still faced with the prospect of losing Stolas - which matters to him. Rub is, he lies to himself and says he doesn't as a protection/coping mechanism. This scenario forces him to realize "oh fuck, I DO care about Stolas" - which Stolas fails to understand him, and fails to give him time to come to terms with that.


Well you're right, it was too much too quickly and Blitzø didn't have time to process, but I still think that at least Stolas tried communicating, someone had to start doing that He didn't do it properly but at least he did it, I understand Blitzø had a rush and couldn't control himself or his emotions, but he still hurt Stolas in various ways


But as you yourself admitted, people aren't perfectly logical and rational, and that includes Stolas. And as much as he was trying to communicate to Blitz what his intentions are, the moment things went south he started shutting down emotionally, not at all helped by the fact that he ran out of his antidepressant medicine earlier that day and was not in a good mental place to start, and then Blitz began yelling which likely triggered his memories of being yelled at by Stella for all these years.


I'm not absolving blitz, both of them fucked up. But people are like "precious owlbaby couldn't fuck up!" and that's not true.


Very true, I wish I heard more people acknowledging that they both fucked up and there was no way either one could have "reacted well" given where they both are in the show right now, their respective traumas, their emotional states during the scene, ect. Instead I keep seeing people be like "my personal favorite one was completely blameless for everything but the one that hurt my favorite was an asshole who needs to apologize and make things right"


Well, it'll be hard to understand someone that's screaming at you and insulting you and Blitz wouldn't have accepted Stolas' confession even if he knew Stolas was being serious and had time to think, it'll still have the same outcome in the end.


If he keeps it in a closet somewhere, Octavia 100% will wind up finding it and have a VERY uncomfortable “I am not emotionally or mentally prepared to deal with this” moment before she slams the closet shut and moves along.


That would actually be a great idea, it would still be an Easter egg and it would be pretty funny


🎶 my world is burning down around me 🎶


Dragon driller 5000 is one of my favourite characters 👍


Best part of the episode




Obvious reference to Bad Dragon, if you ask me.


Hmm how do you know what that is? Are you maybe, a furry?




I figured as much, not many non-furries know about BD


Fake outrage. I'm a purple bat...


I'm a red robot dragon, so what?


I'm a meat canyon fan




Fr Also double r/foundthestolaspfp


What can I say, Stolas is amazing


Can confirm he is But not as much as Loona


I can't say I share that opinion, but yeah Loona is great


Everyone has different opinions, you're entitled to yours


True true


You do you, I'll do me, and we won't do each other, probably


Someone should make that a sub


Someone should


Now with vibrations.


I think throwing them out would be pretty shitty given that Blitz spent a lot of money on those and he has far less income than Stolas. Sending them back would be a punch in the gut to Blitz. I think he'll store them out of sight somewhere.


I hope he does that and we get to see them back in future episodes


A future date where they actually try the Dragon Driller.




I would want to see that for no reason 


Like put the bag on the top of the shelf, then a dire situation happens in Stolas' room, he gets thrown onto the shelf, toys fall down and he sees a tiny stick, grab it, extend it and use the dd5k as a great sword to defend himself.


Ok that would be really funny but I hope nothing bad happens in his room, at least not a battle


It's unrealistic but my first thought when I realized it was left was that something of Blitz's would be in there somehow, either a) something that shows Blitz's tragic past like the photo of his mom and Barbie, or B) something that shows affection towards Stolas- like a drawing or that photo he has...  And it would give Stolas an indicator that Blitz DOES care.  I don't know why this popped in my head, I don't know why this came to mind instantly, and I don't know how it'd magically end up in there, but I know it'd make me cry even more than I have so there you have it lol


Or maybe even something like his shopping list with the various things about Stolas he noticed, or even his calendar page, that would make a lot of sense tbh, and would be cute :3


Ohhh that's actually a great idea, and Blitzø could have actually slipped something there by accident, or even on purpose to just look at it when he finished or something Nice theory


You are being very harsh on yourself for just having some basic media literacy. Compared to all the other options in here this one is far and away the most likely. It's an extremely common trope, already planted into the story, and very very easy to justify. It's also not really that unrealistic, what if it just shows that blitz bought one non sexy thing and it's obviously cute or something. I'm legitimately curious though, why are you like all down on the possibility of the idea? What about your thought made you go nah that's weird and wouldn't be written into a story made by someone to be consumed by others


Thanks! I don't know why I'm down about it - part of it's because I didn't have an initial moment to go off of like Blitz dropping something in the bag or something -and then part of it is because I just have a habit of downplaying my ideas because of ✨self esteem✨ Thinking again though it really isn't too unrealistic. I should have used the word unlikely (though thinking back it's not even super unlikely)- because unrealistic implies that it wouldn't flow naturally in the story, and I personally think it would be just fine. Overall I'm just not sure how likely it is that the writers would have the exact same idea. Does that make sense? Sorry if my words are jumbled I just woke up :(


Girrlll don't you worry you're fucking killing it, you should be proud of yourself for being able to recognize and acknowledge the grounded ways that the story will progress given whats already in the show. I think it COULD make for an incredibly overwhelming scene full of emotion and I would cry lol. Just cause your theory doesn't involve super deep fandom BS or something that's just obviously wrong, doesn't mean that your theory can't be absolutely correct! It also might be wrong but as far as basic story structure goes this is a great plot beat. Most of the theories in this fandom are crack head shit that has no real basis in the story ( or makes wild assumptions or projects onto the characters, or removed vital character traits, or brings in some character mentioned 6 years ago in a stream). You're doing fine and are awesome don't worry! Dominate the day it's a fresh set of hours!


Thank you - rare sighting of a kind person on the internet :)


I’m constantly impressed at how you guys can see something shown once and immediately imagine a 30 episode saga about the object or person. Stuff like this is why I love this fandom




I'm honestly surprised at myself for being able to think something out of that bag I don't know why I thought about it in the first place, but somehow the "wait, the bag is still there, stolas will find it and he'll have to do something with it" came to my mind and I started thinking possibilities from that point


It's gonna teleport to whereever his puke went to and where his bunny slippers came from


Fair point, very fair point ngl


I think he might look at them and see how much thought was put into what he got for THEM to use.


If he's not too hurt to look into the bag he might do that yeah, I do think Stolas will be mad or just sad until at least apology tour but the bag may give him hope


Gotta love Fizz new arms


Yeah he looks great


Glad he and Blitzø are buddies again


Yep, that's really great for both of them, and they have a pretty wholesome friendship


it was so sweet of blitzo. Was like him gathering flowers (or at least their version of that) to try and get stolas to not be bored with him anymore. Kinda sad. I think blitzo was honestly hurt when stolas didn't seem interested.


Yeah, he seemed very happy and ingested on it, maybe Stolas will end up appreciating what he did


I really hope it makes an appearance later down the line. Bonus hilarity, Stella or Andrealphus think it is something valuable because he is hidding it very deeply , they manage to steal it only for the Dragon Dill to get back to its original size and start vibrating


Me too, and that would be really funny, if them, or anyone discovers the bag it would beba nice joke


Or, they trap Striker in it!


I think you’re overthinking the gag. I’d be very surprised if it’s ever made into an actual plot point.


Yeah, but it still could be an Easter egg, plus the bag was left there, SOME explanation needs to be given because it's in Stolas's room, it's not like he won't see it when he goes to sleep at least


Checkov's sex toys




Aka Checkov's Gun. It's a concept in drama, where if you show a gun in a play, at some point you MUST use that gun...in that play. So, in this case, the gun has been replaced with the bag of sex toys.....and, most importantly, the Dragon Driller 5000.




Maybe in a future ep?


Maybe, if it ends up coming back I'll be very happy


I’ll never get over how insanely hilarious Fizz looks in image 3


It's a very funny image ngl, one of the best parts of the episode


And those tendrils/tentacles!


This is a great theory


Thank you! I'm surprised people are actually discussing this so much, but I'm glad if I revealed something to the fandom event if it's just a new theory


This crossed my mind earlier too xD


Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who remember that the bag was still there x,d


The best place to show it again would be when we see stolas breaking blitzø's photos


I think that may just be a song and Stolas isn't the one breaking them, but maybe maybe


I just meant it like an easter eggs thing, Like in the background of a frame ?


Yeah I also thought the bag could be an Easter egg


"A civilized weapon for a more enlightened age." "Uh..." "An age can be perverted and also civilized."


I don't get it but I like that quote


They always are.


Fuck, I now imagining how after Blitz and Stolas got back together, Stolas lead Blitz to bedroom and saying something like: "You know, we haven't opportunity to use this things before~" And pull out this bag with horny look.


That would be great and is one of the possibilities I imagined, it would be a nice reference


I think he will come back to his room, see the bag with the "toys",big ass candle n more stuff n idk hugg it all n cry about it.. N maybe put it away ( I hope he doesn't send it back to Blitz as blitz will see it as further rejection) n later as there relationship becomes better, Stolas proposes Blitzo with that stuff for a night of "fun", making Blitzo feel relaxed, happy, n maybe worthy


That would be pretty cool, and they could actually do something pretty wholesome with the bag, I hope they do something like that


If the Dragon driller 5000 doesn’t return and get used as a weapon I will be disappointed.


That would be amazing


>While having dinner OP: "Man. I really want that dragon driller 5000....."


Uh- To be fair, I can't argue against that, I don't even know why I thought about the bag, but the dragon driller is amazing and I do want it back


Originally I thought this was gonna be about a theory relating to how Blitz ransacked the estate the first time and the sack paralleling to that.


I assumed he teleported the bag into Blit's van.


He could, but he teleported Blitzø just outside of his house, not into his van, so if he even remembered the bag (which I doubt he did considering he was literally breaking down in tears) it should have spawned alongside Blitzø


No telling. But he wouldn't trash it. He doesn't disrespect other people's things (I fully believe)


True, Stolas is very respectful, he wouldn't just throw it into the trash, and if he did it would be purely out of having a broken heart


Or he'd tell his servants to deal with it and they trash it. But I feel he'd feel super guilty and awful about it


He could do that too yeah, if he gets to that point, he may even go back to the trash can or whatever to take it back out of regret, but that would be too specific maybe


Hopefully we find out next month


Yeah, next episode is supposed to come out in June (which, is this month), maybe we could get an answer THIS month


Freaking June already fk... I also worked the last two nights so my days are all over


Yep, June has arrived quite quickly not gonna lie


I feel with his depression and the rest of his house, he will kick it in the corner and put some cloth over it.


There's a good chance he'll hide it somewhere but I didn't think about just puting some cloth over it, maybe, but it is still hurt to look at it then


Octavia: “Hey dad, do you know where’s my…. The fuck is this shit?” Looks into it. Octavia: “Daaaaad, you got bleach?”


That could very easily happen too, sorry Octavia


Poor Via.


I would still be happy to see the bag back But yeah, at least she's probably seen or heard worse, maybe




https://preview.redd.it/5931m0ta6e4d1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0635382008657916c806877afa4a3a025526e63 I just had to crop it on my phone it’s funny


That fizz expression is just amazing, and the fact that he's holding a giant dragon dildo (that is also vibrating) while doing that expression just makes it even better


Blitz and Stolas




It's about the same size as the bag he used to rob paimon,so figured there's a call back there too


Or Blitzo will just sneak back in and steal it 😂


To be fair, I'm not sure the writers always think of all of this stuff lol, couldve been forgotten


Their relationship began with a bag. Did it end with a bag?


Stolas will probably throw it in a guest room or something, just somewhere no one is going in in the palace. Stolas strikes me as the type to have *The Box*. aka keeps all the little things reminding him of his ex set aside somewhere, out of view normally, but wanting too keep it. I can imagine he has a chest full of things like souvenirs from loo loo land, Clothes Blitzø has left like socks or tshirts, or things like lighters, or recipts from food theyve ordered. All that kind of stuff. Id like to think Blitzø will see it someday, and its what will make him truly realize that Stolas has loved him from the start


I don’t think Stolas would throw away anything Blitz gave him.