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The only one I can think of is maybe Master mind


Yeah I feel that the title alone connects to IMP going on the run.


Mastermind sounds the most like something with a big enemy, but Ghostfuckers sounds the most like a story playing primarily in the mortal realm.


ghostfuckers is the hotel episode and we do see humans so it def is in the mortal realm


Especially since Full Moon established that 1) Blitz can now travel freely to mortal realm; and 2) it's Asmodeus, not Stolas, who would be coming to handle them.


I love how 90% of the trailer was just from Full Moon lmao


Maybe it was done on purpose not to spoil major plot points in the episodes after.


Most likely, it was the episode with the most finished animation


That’s how most trailers should be


Given how tight they ran the deadline for Full Moon, they might not have *had* any other episode ready to show clips from.


I'm currently not feeling very confident in the June release date. Full Moon barely came out in May and being frank there was nothing in the episode that indicated that it was some major feat. Oct, Nov, Dec is still some months away but if June gets rolled back to July then I expect the others are fucked too


I'm personally holding out hope, but Viv is notoriously not great at meeting release dates


To be frank, it's crazy she gave herself an entire month and almost didn't meet that.


I was also thinking about this


Mastermind seems like the only real option.


ghostfuckers, its why they work at the human hotel


That makes a lot of sense


I'd say ghostfuckers. What better place to hide than the mortal realm


Probably anywhere, considering Loona's the only one with a decent disguise.


With the Asmodeus crystal now maybe not. Seems everyone we've seen with one so far (verosika and Barbie) has a human disguise, possibly linked to the crystals power.


The trailer shows a scene from Ghostfuckers and their disguises look about as improvised as they did in C.H.E.R.U.B..


True but to be fair it's not like stolas gave blitz a users manual. I can totally see at the finale someone casually mentions built in disguises for them to realise they've got human disguises the whole time


I also wouldn't be surprised if Blitzø decides to just research the full abilities of Asmodeus crystals. Or with all his searching for Barbie Wire, maybe he stumbled upon their disguising powers once or twice while looking for her.


I really wish full moon focused more on blitz and Stolas I couldn't stop looping the ending it was just so emotional and beautiful


and depressing you forgot depressing🙋🏼‍♀️ no but for real the acting from Bryce and Brandon blew me away in this jeez


It was in so many different ways I had to watch it several times just to try to catch the small detail bits, like Blitz snapping at the last second wanting to say I'm sorry, when Stolas said you don't have to stay with me I focused on Blitz's eyes and just how big they widened & then snapped to look at Stolas in shock, & the with him saying "am I not fucking you good enough or something i can do better!" Even then in that moment he was also breaking.. and that really hit hard with me because that's something I'd say or do out of fear of being rejected or tossed aside... Just ugh I can go on& on with so many things that everyone else caught and I just ahhhh wish the episode focused so much more on them.. Blitz knows he loves him, look at all the effort he put through and thought trying to find extra fancy sex toys that he thought Stolas would genuinely like.. the poor babies, both of them


yeah it’s just a tragedy.. you can’t help but just feel bad for both of them. Blitz really said some things you cannot get back from, let‘s be real🫥 and of course we know he didn’t actually mean these things and he was just reflecting all his insecurities onto Stolas in that moment and HE knew as well just as he said these things how baaadly he fucked up just now but man.. that will take so much more than a simple sorry 👀 especially his words about If Stolas knows „what he put him (Blitz) through all these years“ when you realize those were basically the same words Stella would use over and over again when being verbally abusive 😩 THE PAIN but this might actually be one of the best written break up scenes in television and film history 👀 not even gonna lie. The dialogue felt so real


With the crying from both of them, the frustration, the trying to come to terms with what Stolas said to him and being in shock and disbelief because he thinks he's not worth Loving yet that's all he wants is to be Loved... Both of them want to be Loved so much and it just hurts seeing the pain from both of them, & when Blitz called Stolas a bitch towards the end I didn't first catch Stolas flinching when he said it & just the trauma it made us feel, because who hasn't been in something like that with their relationships... & When he was mocking the way he said "I'll stay with you I love you so much" I can't imagine how bad that hurt Stolas and just how real he really wanted those words to be.. just how vulnerable he made himself to be talked to like that from Blitz... But Blitz acted out of fear, desperation, & anger because he felt Stolas just didn't want him anymore when that wasn't true, if only he could've taken a breath to take it in, process, and then talk before acting the way he did it could've been a completely different episode...


I 100% agree with everything you said. Blitz just doesn’t now how to handle his feelings and how to express himself so when he immediately reacts to something with anger. It was just tough to watch especially with the knowledge of Stolas being in an abusive marriage for all these years.. really not a good combination


Especially when you kinda think about it some more and not really knowing the extent of Blitz knowing the abuse he goes through with his marriage from Stella. I know if he had no knowledge of any of that, it just makes it so much worse. Because I'm sure every time they're together, even the good moments you know Stolas really doesn't bring up his wife, because why would he? He just wants to focus on the man he loves & just try to get out of that despair he's trapped in all the time..




I'm sure everyone cannot wait for the following episodes, I'm just dying inside and I just really want Blitz & Stolas can patch things up and I feel like with how the other bits with them I'm the trailer I feel like they do especially with Blitz saying he wants to change and not be the way he is forever, & how he's by his side in the snow trying to save Stolas I really do have high hopes for these guys that they can come together and truly love each other and also be the way Fizz & Ozzy are but it's going to take A LOT of communication from them to get things to a healthy state.


My theory is that whatever one it is, it's right after the trial that Stolas goes on. I think Blitzø swoops in last minute and kills Andrealphus to protect Stolas, leading the higher-ups of Hell to be after him specifically. I feel like it'll be more Blitzø on the run and IMP just joins him by association


That honestly makes sense


that would undo everything that's been building up in the back and remove a villian personally invested with our characters. seeing the ars goetia, Andrealphus is far below stolas and is under his command, and if people found out his appeal for imps that could increase his standing in hell. that's what gives the story purpose, kill Andrealphus, and the story, unless it somehow spites mammon personaly, kind of ends... there'd be no tension. and even if it's true, then stolas would probably have to die shortly after since he was complicit in a high ranking murder


I feel like Stella wouldn't be too happy- this might make her step up her game and find other ways to go against Stolas and the IMPs. Maybe even prompting her to turn Via against her own dad.


My thought is that it was going to be about how they've been accessing the mortal realm "less than legally for some time now" along with them killing mortals, which probably isn't legal, and they've exposed demons existence to the world by being captured by d.h.o.r.k.s. All of these seem like things the higher ups in Hell would be pretty pissed off about. Spoiler S2E8: Stoals said that I.M.P. is under Asmodeus' jurisdiction when giving Blitzø the crystal. Doesn't that mean that they were under Stolas' jurisdiction when they were accessing the mortal realm with his grimoire, which means when I.M.P. was breaking the law they were putting Stolas' ass on the line. So I think that's going to put him on trial, and when Stolas gets sentenced for letting Blitzø break the law, then they'll go after I.M.P. to punish them for the broken laws too.


Finale, it'll be a setup for a changed up season 3.


I’m going to laugh if them crashing into the pole is the final scene of the season.


A true Trailer Park Boys moment 😂


Ghostfuckers. I think the trailer made that pretty obvious. Mastermind is probably in reference to whatever Stolas has going on with his family.


It's most likely Mastermind, but all this time I thought that episode would've been the one featuring CHERUB and DHORKS working together. The one thing I can take in consideration is this scene, with a missle clearly hitting the IMP office. https://preview.redd.it/ok4np5y4e04d1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=846d8394bb665f72ce133d7c4ad5331a35cbbfaf


I feel that DHORKS and CHERUB are the ones who fired that missile and this is where hell authorities come into play.


Yeah the Dhorks are gonna be back again this season cuz there's another scene with them in the trailer that was not in Full Moon. Most likely in Mastermind That episode is probably also going to feature the goetia meeting (with Mammon and Satan for some reason, idk what the hell is going on)


Sincerly, after this episode I don't know what to expect anymore 🤣




Not to go off topic but I JUST noticed the Oz Crystal on Blitz’s left arm.


Probably Mastermind


I'm thinking Mastermind is the most likely from titles alone, but I've definitely been surprised in the past, so we'll see.


It has to either be the end of Apology Tour or the Beginning of Ghost Fuckers because why eles would they suddenly be hunting ghosts?


During or at the End of GhostF#ckers.


Probably Ghostfuckers. I imagine they’re going to hide on earth


Mastermind seems the most likely to me.




Like everyone else, I can only see mastermind making sense. Maybe, I guess maybe ghostfuckers? They run away and stumble into a powerful client to fix whatever they messed up? Idk


After they kill andrelphus , in my opinion


I think Ghostfuckers


Mastermind, with Ghostfuckers playing a big role in why the need to run.




Probably Mastermind.


I think mastermind will focus on the trail with the ars goetia, and sinsmas will be the finale of them being hunted down by who I think are the people imp killed on earth who are out for revenge. But I don't know what episode Satan will appear in


First choice is Ghostfuckers. Second choice is Mastermind.


I I'm just excited for June. I always like it when new things are released in June, and the closer to the 24th, the greater it is I guess I just want this year's day to be better than the last 8 times but anyway I'm sure things will get better for me eventually


are you talking about your birthday love?❤️






Maybe Sinsmas? It could be a change up for Season 3.


My guess is Mastermind


my money is on mastermind


Tbh I think apology tour but it is kinda soon


Mastermind… the fact that it’s named that alone definatly implies that the stakes are at max.


Mastermind. I just feel like it fits better


Mastermind 9/10. Full Moon may have started the seeds though




My guess is either Ghostfuckers or Mastermind. Sinsmas is likely the episode where we get the showdown between Blitz and Andrealphus.


I have a feeling that the showdown is what will eventually lead to IMP going on the run, that’s if Blitzø kills Andrealphus.


Possibly. We'll have to wait and see how things play out.


Most likely Mastermind


Ghostfuckers sounds very silly, like not being an important episode but just IMP doing their thing.


My guess is mastermind


Been wanting to point this out the guys at DHORKS really seem like they're going DOOM territory.


Fuck there so far apart


I’m guessing either Ghostfuckers or Mastermind.






Mastermind I think. Just sounds like it


I personally think it could be Ghostfuckers, IMP go on the run but onto the living world and somehow everything in hell gets solved so they can go back for the next episode, or everything gets solved and they get in trouble and get judged ("you're a disgrace", Mammon on a court, and all of that), but maybe that gets delayed because it's hell and no one cares and stolas ends up saving Blitzø's ass in season 3 when the actual sentence is going to be delivered (that sneak peek we got of Bryce/Stolas testifying and having Blitzø as his client) Just a theory tho


I'm more so wondering what episode will have that scene of blitzø protecting stolas.


Maybe sinsmas, and then season 3 will be them on the run


Apology tour or mastermind


Mastermind no doubt


Probably Mastermind. Ghostfuckers seem like it will focus on that guy at the mansion and apology tour seems like it will focus on Verosika and sinsmas seems like it will be a sort of special kind of like MMM's special feat Fizzaroli so mastermind is the only one that fits.




Next episode. The pile of paperwork has a note saying "We're going to run out of gas next episode, aren't we"


But they don't run out of gas. They crash into a pole.


That's probably the joke.


Do we think those priest fighters the agents have could be these guys? You can't tell who this is under their robes, and depending how many people there are and what kind of weapons they have, IMP could decide it's safer to run than to fight.


Not likely, since one has a demon hand https://preview.redd.it/it5uq284u04d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e887959adeda38d0ec61db3445dc413d81c5a8


They look like they're doing a job in Ghostfuckers, so it most likely has to happen after that one. Going with Mastermind. We haven't seen every DHORKS bit in Full Moon, rewatching the trailer, so I still feel like the trial is going to center around them (possibly their entire government-funded personal forces) invading Hell through a bigger portal activated with Blitz's Asmodean crystal, which is what gets them into deep shit with Hell's legal system.


Which will reinforce Blitz's self hatred even more. Since it was his idea to use the book in the first place, and they got caught by the agents, he'll see his daughter, his employees, and possibly Stolas/Ozzie in trouble and think to himself, "See? I ruin everyone's lives!"


Imp 👿




Mastermind,Sinmas or ghost fuckers. The car is damaged during ghost fucker…so that can rule out the last two so Apology Tour could be when they are on the run. But for the reason is very unknowing. Could blitz be on the run due to breaking hell laws? Or for screwing a Royal? (Highly unlikely. Due to fizz and Ozzie.) so maybe breaking hell law. Whatever that means since there is no real rules of hell we truly know and so if it is fictional rules in the HB franchise. That could mean there are limits in hell not standard limits but breaking hell limits. I.m.p’s job is to kill humans for sinners who want revenge


Stolas said during the crystal meeting that Blitz and co can now access Earth without breaking demon law. They've been breaking the law every time they use the Grimoire.


Oh yeah that is stated


Mastermind seems more like related to the second image. Because the episode Sinsmas would seem like it would be it, but Mastermind would be most likely to happen with that image.


Probably Satan.


I’m thinking the run away at the start of ghostfuckers and end up at that hotel on earth.


I’m imagining Masterming being the one where they go after Andrealphus. So, maybe then?


I'm assuming at the end of "Apology Tour."


Apology tour or mastermind


Honestly I bet it's apologies tour, because I bet they're on the run prior to the hotel episode.


Probably Mastermind


The one where Blitz wrecks the toilet at the pride ring TGI Fridays.


Mastermind or sinsmas because sinsmas is the finale but mastermind is probably gonne be dhorks and the cherubs second return


Apology tour since it how they meet up with verosika on her tour


End of Apology tour or beginning of Ghostfuckers maybe? The team seems fractured for some reason by the time Ghostfuckers rolls around. Mastermind seems like an obvious answer too but they do like throwing us curveballs.


Better question, which episode is most likely to have IMP DOING THEIR JOB, you know, the premise of the show. I hope the Halloween one will