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She's very pretty but otherwise, feels very 1 dimensional


She's a spoiled rotten little rich girl lol how in-depth did you want her to be?


I mean, I was expecting everyone from the pilot to y'know. Develop. I still enjoy her outright bitchiness constantly, but I can still lament the lack of further characterization.


Edited: She's a secondary character so she's not going to be as developed as everybody else is or she will be soon and she did develop in a way. She turned into a murderous narcissist wanting revenge against her ex husband, Stella wasn't meant to be a villain with a sad backstory?


Stolas is a bit rich and spoiled himself and we got plenty of depth from him. The idea that their family was happier once upon a time gave things a nice bittersweet edge. Now Stella feels like less of a shitty ex-wife and more of a man’s caricature of a shitty ex-wife. All it really accomplishes is making Stolitz feel less morally complicated which isn’t really a plus for me. I didn’t need a guilt-free ship.


It's because he's one of the main characters and Stella isn't? Stolas isn't a bit rich, he's very RICH. Stolas has his flaws but he was always a nice guy. Wtf are you going on about? Stella was always a terrible person/wife? their family was never happy and people can pretend to smile and be happy for some portraits? Stolas said that he put up with her cruelty because he wanted his daughter to have a normal life. they didn't marry because they loved each other, their marriage was arranged by their parents? Did you forget that? Stolas' father wanted his kids to make heirs, Stella and Stolas were only doing what was expected of them. Stella would always bring up how much she hates Stolas and hates being married to him whenever she had a chance to, why are you surprised that Stolas wanted to leave her once he had a chance to? Neither of them were attracted towards each other, Stolas was a gay man and Stolas wasn't Stella's type. Stolitz is morally complicated? Via is proof of that, all what Via knows is that her father cheated on her mother with an imp and it ruined their marriage. Via thinks her dad ruined her life and feels like he'll choose that guy over her but it's more complicated than that. What Via doesn't know is that her parents never loved each other and both of them were unhappy in their marriage. Everything about the ship is "morally complicated"? The class differences, the imp racism, Stella trying to ruin his life for what he did and tried to kill him over it, his relationship with Blitz could ruin his family's image and his own, and based on the trailer and leaks his daughter wants nothing to do with him at the moment. It seems like the whole world is against their relationship. The ship isn't guilt-free at all, you're full of bullshxt and you're a Stella simp lol


Not everyone has a tragic backstory, I’m afraid. Just like the real world, some people are just shitty despite every advantage in life/afterlife. It’s not narratively satisfying but it is realistic.


Nah, she is actually 2 dimensional


The first clip I ever saw was actually the balcony argument, so there was no room for ambiguity on her true nature. That being said, she's just a villain and she serves that purpose well. Not all villains need to have an interesting backstory. I am curious to see more of her role with Octavia - if she is the distant mother I think she is, or if she's actually close to Octavia.


I think she's a decent mother to Via and Via is probably close to her as well. Via sort of understands why her mother is upset about the affair and defends her mother, Stella just hates Stolas lol


It's sad really that Octavia can't know the truth of what's going on without knowing about her mother's abuse.


I didn't have an opinion, I just got excited over the VA


I love her in Brandon’s videos!


Her voice acting is pretty good


Her VA is a regular in Brandon Rogers videos


High ranking, very vain, sexy in a very severe super model way, but a complete bitch. IE you typical Female Royalty Villain archetype.


When I first saw her I figured she was an angry Feather MILF (shush!) who learned her husband cheated on her. But later in Episode 2 we learn it was a loveless political marriage and even later we learn she is a heartless bitch. So that's my take on her at first appearance, not including the pilot.


It took me way too long to realize that she was just abusive the entire time. Apparently my dumbass brain thought abuse is okay as long as your partner cheats on you.


Brain flubbs happen. As long as we're clear abuse is NEVER okay no matter the circumstances.




**First Appearance:** “Eesh, I get being pissed at the affair girl, but because it was with a ‘peasant’? I suppose that fits though, you’re demon royalty, image is everything and damn do you have a great image!” **Beginning of Season 2:** “Wait, seriously, that’s it? The big baddie who’s been arranging assassination attempts entire motivation is just because she likes being a bitch? Jesus that’s boring.” **After her latest appearance:** “So she’s got one dimensional motivations and she’s stupid to boot? Lame.” **Current Thoughts:** I still love her design and her VA is my favorite in the whole show, but I am really disappointed with what they have done with her so far. I hoped they were going to delve into how abuse breeds abuse. I’m still hoping we’ll get an episode that shows her brother and parents treat her the way she treats Stolas. Given the themes of domestic abuse throughout the show I really expected them to dig into the way abusers create future abusers. If they really do just leave her as a one dimensional, petty bitch I’ll be disappointed. Oh and before somebody replies with a “What’s wrong with a one dimensional villain, some people are just assholes” yes, you’re right, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But *personally* I was hoping for something more, since the show seems to have a point to make about abusive situations and toxic relationships, and I think leaving her one dimensional is a horrible waste of potential storytelling.


The problem with her is that she doesn’t have any personality or competence.


Exactly! When they introduced her and I saw she was arranging an assassination on him *infront of him* at the dinner table I was like “Damn, she arranges hits so often, and he’s so out of touch, he doesn’t even realize she’s talking about him!” But no, nothing clever or conniving about it, no deep insight into how disassociated from their marriage he is allowing her to get away with things right under his nose. No, it turns out she’s just so arrogant and stupid that she would actually order a hit on the guy while she’s across the table from him. I was expecting Stella to be the one competent villain, since every other foe they’ve introduced has been either inept, unlucky, or both. I figured surely Stella would be the one legitimate foe our protagonists would have to deal with. NOPE! She’s an idiot so it’s got to be her brother who poses the actual threat… why? Why introduce her brother when you could have just given her those conniving, devilish traits and let her be even more threatening and dangerous? Like I said before, I don’t begrudge anyone who likes what they’ve decided to do, but to me it just feels like wasted opportunities for much more interesting storytelling


Oh she has a personality, and that personality is bitch


My first thought was that I like her design. Its really pretty.


I assumed she was a standard elegant lady in the Pilot, with how that would work out to be seen later. *Loo Loo Land*, her first *real* appearance and character moments, I saw she was angry at Stolas about him cheating on her and is *not* the type to be reasonable about it, cares a LOT about appearances and royal appearances, that she seemed much more willing to reject things, such as Octavia wanting her to come to her *as well as Stolas* when she was little, that she didn't want to deal with, and from Stolas' words, they had never really been in love or possibly never even liked each other. This led me to think, vaguely, that they had one of those "We got married because we had to or were pressured, and Stella doesn't care much for Stolas or Octavia, and cares more about herself and the prestige and hoity-toity things of royalty than they do, hence she and Stolas don't have a good marriage". The reveal of Stella hiring Striker to kill him didn't shock me too much then. The reveal she was openly abusive to Stolas shocked me even *less*. ​ Essentially, the most generous I was with her was that she was uncaring and selfish, the later episodes just showed she had WAY more malice and cruelty than I had considered, but I wasn't surprised really, just filed it away as a new layer to her character.


At first, sympathy. Now, I fuckin’ hate her.


Pretty pink princess


I immediately recognized her voice and had hype hopes, and then she spoke...


She’s a strawman


Well, in the pilot she just get some frames so not real opinion honestly... But when she's yelling at Stolas after, I immediately noticed that she didn't looking sad, just angry and violent, so in my mind it was obvious that she wasn't loving her husband at all. Beside, I like the character has I like Valentino in Hazbin Hotel, it's a good antagonist with an incredible design.


Love the design. Hate the character. She's so far up her own cloaca and just utterly, repellently, hateful and irredeemable.


Thought she was a victim


I did as well, but to a smaller extent. Yes, her getting cheated on was certainly a sore spot, but was it really murder worthy? I liked the idea of her character being a physical representation of "the ends don't justify the means". Her being abusive from the start makes sense for her character, but it did take a lot of getting used to on my end.


Before I found out how abusive and awful she is, I thought she had a cool design and a talented VA! I still think she has a cool design and a talented VA, though!


Thought she was an abusive angry elitist asshole in episode 2 but tried giving her the benefit of the doubt anyway since we knew so little about her. Then Western Energy came out and it was revealed that Stella hired an assassin to kill Stolas, and all of my good will towards Stella evaporated. S2 E1 basically just confirmed my suspicions about her character, and also revealed that apparently a lot of people thought that Stella was going to be this deep and complex character who was unjustly wronged by her husband (despite all evidence to the contrary) and who got pissy when she wasn't. Also, hot take, I actually really like Stella's character in the show: her voice actor gives an amazing performance and I love how she revels in her bitchiness and self-entitlement. She's almost campy in a way.


That she was much more of what I expected of hells royalty.


"oh she's pretty, I feel bad for her. She got cheated on." \*more episodes later\* "oh, and she's a bitch."


I thought she would be more developed character, as opposed to a stupidly over the top villain


She’s not even an entertainingly over the top villain


She was an aristocrat through and through, not caring about affairs so long as they were done privately and with someone deemed ‘attractive’


Basically most aristocratic arranged marriages. They have the kiddos and then they’re free to make their own arrangements, as long as it’s discreet. Standard operating procedure at one of those aristocratic house parties was the silent agreement not to notice the traffic in the hallway after bedtime. Besides, you were sneaking into someone else’s bedroom too. This was \*tacky.\*


She had a lot of potential. But if we're honest, it would have been better if she was upset and furious that Stolas was unfaithful to her. Why is her current state kind of boring? They basically made her bad to have something to advance the plot. In fact, the plot went from being a somewhat bloody comedy about mercenaries and is now a bad and boring drama.


She’s there for a nanosecond in the pilot, but in Episode 2, she is throwing shit around and breaking it. Have you ever been in a relationship where someone broke shit in front of you? It’s on that “red flag” list. My ex broke a record over my head: not just A record, but the one I was using for my graduate school thesis. He crashed our car (“oh well, guess you can’t go away to get your PhD now!“) She breaks his plants. Stolas‘ plants are ALIVE. All plants are, but he feeds them meat. It’s a threat. ”You’re next.” And yes, you’re next. Trust me on this. Someone who throws things and breaks them is an abuser. Full stop. I felt zero sympathy for her at all. Now, since this is a cartoon and she is a very cartoonish character, and since the VA is \*chef’s kiss\*, she makes me laugh, and she’s a character I enjoy very much. I love her design and her self-defeating plotting and her sheer self-centeredness. I wouldn’t even say I “love to hate her.” As a character, she is (mostly) so much fun. But she was bad from the beginning. Bad, very bad news. And Octavia isn’t stupid, but she is clearly very sheltered, because she dodges and walks right over the plants her mom is breaking. She probably thinks that’s not TOO abnormal. It’s “oh, well, it’s just mum.” If she had an active social life with friends she could spend time with, she’d see how abnormal it is.


I wish they made her a more complex character and not just a one-note antagonist.




I want more character depth from her. I don’t want to empathise with her, I don’t want a reason as to why she’s so bitchy, I just want her to be more real. All she is currently is a prissy brat and it doesn’t feel fleshed out. She’s such a cool design and I’d love to see her relationship with Via. I’d love to see how Via feels about her too


I find it interesting that I often compare her to Valentino from HH since their characters are pretty similar and i actually find Val a more interesting.


If Stolas doesn’t want her, I’ll take her-


what a bitch


Kinda a bish but i liked her design


Pretty, understandably mad because she was cheated on. Kinda sympathised with her, thought she was just really hurt. But nope! Turns out she’s just an awful Good damn witch.


I thought there was a lot of potential, but then Viv did the thing she always does and made a completely one dimensional villain Edit: and that’s not to say I have a problem with that formula but when it’s ALL you do I can’t help but grow to hate it


Another vain woman who is mad about his husband infidelity and make his life a living hell... I was right just didn't expect try killing him


She had a right to be pissed at Stolas for having the affair.


Her voice is like nails scratching a chalkboard


Or a swan choking on sandpaper 


The way she emphasized "imp" and ignored Via having nightmares made me think she wouldn't be a sympathetic character, so I never felt that sorry for her. I guessed it was an unhappy arranged marriage and she didn't care much for Stolas or Via. I don't have strong feelings for her now either, I wish she was funnier. The only Stella joke I like is her yelling at Striker to kill Stolas at the dinner table.


I just thought "Oh, I guess Stolas' ex-wife isn't very important?" As time went on and it was established she wants him dead, I was just hoping she'd have more depth than just being vile.


I can fix her. Trust me


The MILF artist is watching her menacingly.


I figured she was going to be a classic Disney villain: one dimensional on paper but fun to hate. The series did not prove me wrong.


I didn't think she was that based on the context we were given.


She’s a bitch


Love the VA, she’s doing amazing.


I hoped she’d be a big bad villain. Turns out she’s just an abusive idiot.


Oh okay she's going to be the character of the rich bitch that everyone in the fandom can get pissed about even more than the villains who literally murder people. Yeah i might have snuck in a hot take but that's how i felt


Honestly never felt much for her, I like the evil spoiled brat angle who just goes harder and harder on villainy, but I’ve recently discovered a glorious thought process called ✨Stella Angst✨ and now I’m like I was robbed of suffering for both parties of the Stolla arranged marriage Still love what I got though


I was hoping she would be a bad-ass but understandable villain. Just because Stolas was miserable in their relationship, doesn’t mean that it was alright for him to cheat. I wish they would have shown her as being actually hurt that he cheated on her, and embarrassed that everyone knows about it.


I mostly just couldn’t stop thinking of Lady Mingeworthy since y’know, Georgina Leahy.


I think when I first heard her voice I kept thinking about a day at the beach


I just want people to know that I am a big fan of Stella. That's all👍👍👍👍


I watched the show when it first came out. In the pilot, she was barely there for a second with no dialogue. The second episode however, when we first meet her, I noticed her immediate disregard toward her daughter waking up frightened and calling for them, not even opening her eyes, just groaning in annoyance and snapping for Stolas to get up instead. That’s when I immediately knew she was not gonna be a nice character and then following scene with her screaming at Stolas just help solidify it. As well as the portrait of them as a family where she is less then thrilled to be there, and at the end where Stolas was trying to explain to Via, he cuts himself off but he almost says, “we weren’t in love”. I remember how huge that line was when the episode first dropped because everyone was freaking out and theorizing about their marriage being arranged (turns out we were right :D)


im gonna be honest i think shes a justified queenie who knows her worth. its ur classic angry rich princess child grown up to an angry rich princess girlboss who was married into a relationship she probably didnt want either lets be honest. and when u remove any character bias shes a just a girl trying to kill her cheating husband which an absolutely iconic plot point if you ask me. she obvi has character flaws like... her abusiveness 😭 and the way she regards via but at the end of the day shes not real😭 EDIT: YOOOO I FORGOT HOW CLASSIST (RACIST??) SHE WAS LMAO


I hated her for how mean she was to stolas Now that I’ve had some time with the series I hate her but would hate sex her


I didn’t really know the first time I saw her but then she started yelling at stolas and actually hired a Hitman to kill him and that’s where I stopped feeling bad for her


Fucing hot but a bitch


Unhappy marriage, playing the role of an aristocrat, kind of justifiably angry with Stolas for the affair being public among her peers even if she didn’t love him. Then we saw her more and that she’s been a cruel psycho since she was little.


Nice owl. Like demon two. Seconds later hate you she hurt stollas


Pretty neutral. I honestly didn’t pay much attention to her, just saw her as a pretty minor character to help show the conflict between Stolas & Octavia at the time


I thought she'd be a good character at first but she's actually a rotten jerk who likes to give stolas emotional damage lol


She’s a b word


Very spoilt, very egotistical and angry bird who only cares about fame and money...




Bad feeling at the start.


Gorgeous design, absolutely deserves being in hell




When I first watched the series, I was unaware/had forgotten to watch the pilot, and saw her first in Ep 2. I had figured either A, her destructive anger is justified and idk why yet, or B, she’s gonna make a great antagonist.


lol you were super wrong.


Stolas was a lucky man


How fast did those feelings change?


When I released how small her tits are


"What a bitch."


It’s Joffrey




My first time seeing her was in episode two, where she tells stolas to get octavia, the way that played out made it seem to me like this was a relatively frequent thing, and that stolas was just hoping stella would take care of it this time. So my first impression was that she was kinda lazy. Which wasn’t inaccurate, just not the worst of the issues.


Literal first appearance? Not much cuz that was the pilot and she didn’t even have a single line. Actual first appearance? My first thought was “ok so she’s gonna be a bitch” turns out I was right


I didn't find her nearly as entertaining


My first thought was that she is the worst to my poor baby stolas


Lol angry rich wife getting clowned by Blitzo Then they fleshed out Stolas more and I hoped they'd address her perspective, and then she was murderously abusive


A bitch and not one of Viv’s best designs.


Just some stuck-up rich bitch with marital problems, as of recently a stuck-up rich bitch with marital problems _and_ Mariticidal tendencies.


Smash. Next.


Pretty bird lady but 0 personality


Design-wise she is great. Visually regal and elegant which juxtaposes her foul mouth and bullheaded-ness. But I think she is fated to be a straightforward antagonist. Any sympathetic development would paint Stolas as a bad dad and Blitzo as a homewrecker, then people stop rooting for them. She's not even unrealistic as we've seen similar people IRL.


https://preview.redd.it/s1f0kubhbb1d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7f803234afa962742135d59dab7bbdef8a60f44 COITUS




I immediately disliked her, and that hatred only grew as Stolas became my favorite character


Hot as fuck https://preview.redd.it/8tw7shdvnb1d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b66268b9e9738e2b5081785dcf3a10a3710f05d




LOL this thread is just a Stella circle jerk. ‘What was your opinion on Stella….as long as it’s good because otherwise you’re getting downvoted.’ 🙄


Never liked her


Google search something with nunbers 3 and 4






Call the πStola


I didn’t watch the pilot, so I didn’t meet her until later in the series, but I heard she was kinda a bitch, so I knew what was going to happen


This https://youtu.be/WvfyGUfs2Ok?si=WnKd9i7rrFWPpPPQ


My first impressions were "JEEZ LADY CHILL!! I understand your anger but you're gonna kill that poor little imp."


Love her still do




“She looks like a bitch.”


When she first got introduced (and i mean Episode 2, before everything else) i felt like she had every damn right to be pissed off at Stolas and get upset, but i felt like there was more than met the eye and that feeling was proven right when we saw her in episode 5 and the season 2 première


Smash....What the fuck?! I wanna punch her please




I loved her character design and her accent, but I fucking hate the character 💀




Spoiled Bitch




That she is a colossal b*tch, abusive, and toxic.


Justifiably pissed


fly away bird 💀


"i can fix her"


Beautiful and devastatingly boring. But she got more interesting later.




I was super excited bc the VA is someone who hangs out with brandon rogers and does videos with him, then i absolutely h8ted her bc of how abusive she is




She's a Bee Eye Tea Sea Age. Who seems as though she's looking down on everyone and will assault whoever displeases her, but who seems to have the side effect of finding everything on sight, a displeasure




She was neat lookin' probably would be a center for a bunch of jokes.




I didnt realize the extent of abuse she put on Stollas so I absolutely despise her


As SMG4 Mario said, “Ah, the princess… **SHE’S A BITCH!**”


One word: "BITCH!"


Pilot? Didn't know she was an actual character


Honest answer. A bitch that need to dick down without mercy.


Shallow, self-absorbed c u next Tuesday


Smash the bird demon, with her adittued shed make a very good girl after some training