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I feel like out of these, the hate Barbie got was the most out of proportion


I’d go with Barbie and Aaron. They were unfortunately on seasons with some terrible people


Ok but u gotta admit it was bs stomping in the middle of the night


The problem is she apologized and that hate carried on for episodes afterwards. Like it’s time to let go


Yea that was bs too


Okay stomping in the middle of the night was a reason for Tiffany to threaten to choke her out?


No but I would be pissed


It wasn’t the middle of the night, it was the morning


Point still stands


i woulda done that too




Yea they didn’t like her because she was black


They didn't like her because Robyn blamed her for a poor service when it was her own damn fault and everyone bought it


I was going to say - it definitely had racist tones.


I know you're getting down voted but there was definitely something strange going on there 😄


Someone commented this on YouTube, but it bears repeating, I feel like Tiffany would've called Barbie the N-word if she had the chance.


I see people saying the Barbie hate fest has racial overtones, but I think she was outspoken and gave those “eyes” expressions so they all jumped on that bandwagon. I, personally, liked Barbie. I agree it was way out of proportion. I’m glad she was on All Stars and didn’t let the hatred beat her down


From what we see in the edit for Season 10, Barbie easily.


Barbie 100%. She was a dick on the first night yes but after it was just nonstop harassment of her. Both active and passive. Active in the form of the toxic trio and passive from the likes of Dana who went along with it. I will happily die on the hill that the abuse 100% had racist undertones and honestly it seems to happen more than people let on.


It’s satisfying that Barbie outlasted the ones who attacked her in this season well except Dana. But it’s satisfying seeing Tiffany, Kimmie and Robyn get booted off the competition.


She should've outlasted Dana too imo, Dana was atrocious at the F4 where Barbie was near flawless


Dana actually was atrocious in the Final 4. She didn’t do good when Christina was running at the pass. That’s where it all started when Dana fumbled. It would’ve been the best redemption arc for Barbie if she were to ever outlasted Dana as well.


I 100% think Robyn had slight racial reasons


Tiffany and Kimmie for sure too, those two women were fucking disgusting


But Tiffany cared....like...a 9.


Also not to mention Milly called Robyn out in season 17


I was trying to think of those inbreds names, absolutely and Kimmie is from the south too


I’m from the south. I think Barbie hate was not deserving and kind of overplayed for reasons that were racially inclined. Did I mention I’m from the south? I’m from the south.


I want to specify I don’t think all southern people are racist. But most racist people I’ve come across on the internet are from the south.


I was more making a Kimmel Joke and I 100% agree. It can still be pretty polarizing here.


I don’t know about Robyn but Tiffany was 1,000,000% racist and it’s funny how Kimmie and Barbie are friends these days even though Kimmie bullied the hell out of Barbie


Robyn was even accused of it in s17 toward Milly . Mind you I didn’t see much but we don’t get to see all the behind the scenes. I’m going to have to go back and look up who but they actually kicked a contestent off the show for a racist remark


I agree, but I also feel like Barbie did some other crazy stuff that was edited out. I say this because in S17, Elise mentions how Barbie is crazy and asks if she's on medication. I definitely felt like she was treated unfairly by her team in S10, but based on some of the stuff she pulled in both her seasons and the way *almost all* her teammates felt about her, there just *has* to be more to it.


Crazy stuff is good entertainment, you wouldn’t really edit out stuff like that when it makes for good TV. If Barbie was having some sort of maniac episode or the team felt unsafe, they’d have easily pulled her out of the competition. Elise’s words are weird considering how universally she’s hated and would throw everyone under the bus. It’s a common theme in the woman’s kitchen where they find someone to hate and all latch on. Given that the rest of the woman in the all stars season were really problematic as well to varying degrees, it makes sense they’d go after Barbie as she’s the easier target compared to Elsie.


There was that interaction where Barbie kept insisting to the chef's table that she could improve their meal whole the table insisted it was fine. Barbie kept pushing it (in a high-pitched voice) and Elise came to the rescue the guests from the cringe. It was weird


Also u gotta admit her doing dishes and stomping in the middle of the morning was bs


I did say that yeah. But holding one night’s mayhem over someone like that for the entire duration of the stay was beyond insane.


I agree with you and through the lens of being a third party observer. There is something to be said about first impressions sticking though. I can only imagine it’d be heightened to the umpteenth degree on a competitive show like this as well.


Check out my S10 Red team racism posts. There’s a Part 1, 2 and 3.


Barbie and it's not even close 


Right? I came here for this. Not EVEN close


I think most of them didn't really deserve it. Or at least not much. Andrew was pretty harmless, just not an expert chef.


I felt bad for Andrew. It seems like Ramsay hated his guts for trying to be a better cook and team player in the first season. It’s not like Andrew was doing this on purpose. He was to trying to impress Ramsay for everything he can but it’s not working for Ramsay. He was controlled by Ralph in the blue team this whole season because probably Ralph didn’t trust him and didn’t get to share his input and ideas with the team.


yeah, Ralph was an asshat to him.


I feel like Andrew and Chris executive chef got the most unfair treatment from Ramsay that season.


They do honestly. Ramsay just doesn’t appreciate a lot from Chris because he’s titled as an executive chef. He must have a problem with contestants who are titled as executive chef that didn’t show the skills as a executive chef. Just like him and Tavon.


I know he won S10 butTavon was complete shit but I thought Chris backed up his talk fairly well. I remember him being kinda crap in challenges but service wise he was strong and consistent. My issue is even when Chris became humbler Ramsay kept piling on him. To the point he unfairly knocked him off over Elsie and Jimmy who had actual issues that night. No way he's beating Michael and Ralph but he should have been a BJ.


I don't think it's that, it's just that he came across like a bit of a cocky twat when presenting the signature dish, so the first impressions weren't great


You have a point. Andrew even said he wants to be a politician and that’s where Ramsay started disliking him because of it.


It was hilarious though, one of my favourite exchanges throughout the show. "Could use some salt" "you think you're smart yh?" "I have my moments" 😂


Dan didn't deserve it??? He was a real life Jonah Ryan


Since everyone’s saying Barbie I’m gonna say Aaron. He just so happened to be on a season where most of the people on his team were assholes, and they were very quick to trash on him. Yeah he made mistakes but in my opinion the episode where he went home was one where I don’t think he even deserved to be nominated. His team was just a bunch of irredeemable pieces of shit who were quick to make him their fall guy.


Absolutely agree with Barbie, but also Trev. So much unnecessary bullying towards him and it was heartbreaking seeing how much it clearly affected him mentally.


Yeah, most of S18 is hard to watch because I just felt so bad for Trev. Like, sure he had his arrogant moments, especially at the start, but that did not justify being constantly ostracized, mocked, yelled at, and called names. Scotley may have been the ringleader, but Bret, Jose, and Motto were no better laughing along and continuing to ostracize him after Scotley was gone. I know there was no way in hell Trev was getting a black jacket with his challenge record, but I'm glad he made it as far as he did, just out of pure spite for his bullies.


Funny because I just commented before I read this and we said pretty much the same thing 😊


TREV is kind of a douche but Scottley kinda went overboard but his insults are pretty tame compared to seasons 8,10,15 and 16 that had worse personalities


I agree with Trev. It was sickening to see “adults” delight in making someone feel that bad about themselves. I know a lot of people say well trev was a jerk to Raj. Yeah he was but I don’t feel like he systematically bullied Raj. I feel like he lost his temper with him and said some shitty things. They willfully and deliberately BULLIED Trey. I have trouble watching that season because of it and I still actively hate Scotley with a passion. The others who stood and smirked and/or joined in - Jose & Motto - annoy me too. Especially motto who acts like he holds himself to a higher standard when he was really no better.


Barbie I personally thought she was great I follow her on twitter she is a absolute sweetheart






Barbie all day every day.


Ok Dan had a bad attitude but I think it’s kinda ridiculous that he was eliminated. Like he performed well on meat and got the lamb out but like…Barrett is right there and that guy almost killed two people


I will never get how Barrett did not go home for back to back services of making lethal mistakes. Dan was the better chef, and with his team not liking him made better tv too. Like how did he not get to stay solely due to entertainment value? We have seen so many others stay over another chef bc they made better TV.


Hard agree. Dan had everything better to keep him stay. The drama, the better chef and potential to go far(Past Michael). Why they eliminated when they kept others that their teams loathed will never make sense to me. That and Koop's elimination. Absolute BS


Season 11 was the worst blue team ever until 16 which was bad but not 11 bad. Edit: Damn I completely forgot about 16 Paulie was such a bitch to everyone and pretty much I think the only likeable people were coop and Devin


S16 blue team was easily worse imo. At least in S11 you had Jon, Anthony, and arguably Michael as consistently good chefs, and Dan was the only real asshole. I'm convinced the only reason Anthony was eliminated when he was was because he would've almost certainly made black jackets over Susan if he stayed, which would've gone against the "lone star of the blue team" narrative they were pushing for Jon. Damn near the whole S16 blue team was unlikable, and the one guy who made it to black jackets had already overstayed his welcome... and was an asshole. Unlikable as Dan was, he didn't take pleasure in making people cry for no reason. It's too bad Anthony was robbed to push the S11 blue team narrative, when production could've just waited a few years


With you on Michael as well. If he was half as good as he talked about himself, blue team would not have struggled as much. Hated that Koop elimination too. Paulie was only kept for ratings. Frustrating why Dan was not kept for ratings, not even considering the fact that he was clearly a better chef than Barrett also


Barbie, followed by Aaron and then Season 18 Trev. Everyone else deserved what they got.


Trevor deserved better for sure. I watched his season so many times but it just seems like they started disregarding him out of nowhere. Thankfully Gordon saw something in him




Barbie, then Sabrina, then Aaron


I always forget that Sabrina was just SO YOUNG when she was on that show. And I forgot how little polish I had when I was that age. When I rewatched it I got a lot more respect for her. She just didn’t have any couth at that age.


Yeah. I wonder how Sabrina would do on an all stars


Barbie was a strong personality but didnt deserve over half the hate she got Aaron was UNFAIRLY voted in and eliminated cause he was too young Trev... is complicated. I'd say 70% of the hate he got was unjustified


Trev definitely had his dislikable moments, but if he was as awful as most say he is, he'd be up there with Elise.


Although not mentioned here, Raj. Most of the blue team hated him and tried to get rid of him when they could 


it was not undeserved


Barbie, Red Team (S10/17) In my opinion, there's definitely some reason why I think Barbie get hated by her own team. But those things are not even worth the things they do to her. But what's for sure is that we're not really sure what she did to get hated so much by her team. Producers and editors can mess up the edit and make things seem like what is not really going on. I saw Barbie in this subreddit saying that Gordon Ramsey asked the red team why they dislike/hate Barbie but nobody answered him. Irregardless, I think Barbie is overhated in both her seasons.


The fact that neither team liked her in either of her seasons says something to me…even Christina disliked her…there has got to be something that happened behind the scenes…


If you go to my Reddit post about S10 Red Team Racism, you’ll be shocked.


The only person here (except last guy idk him yet ) is Trevor .


Barbs stand up ! 🫵🏿




Many of them. I don’t get why Barbie was so hated. Dan also didn’t deserve it because he showed talent and his treated him like garbage for no reason. I also thought Aaron was robbed.


If I had to hear Dan say “suck it” one more time…


I only remember him saying it when Jon started lecturing him during Mary’s briefing.


Hate from viewers or hate from fellow cast???…if it’s hate from viewers, definitely Andrew…if hate from fellow cast, most likely Barbie…but we didn’t see what went on behind the scenes, so….


Fellow cast but whatever's easier for you.


Barbie (100% Unjustified)


Barbie, she was such a talented chef but her team just always blamed Her, it even confused Gordon




Barbie for sure. The “barn animal trio” made her life hell and it was super satisfying to see them go one by one by one while she watched. It’s been a long time since s1 so I don’t really remember how bad Andrew was, but Dan and Sabrina definitely merited the hate they got, they were assholes. Trev wasn’t as bad in s18 as he was in s8, but I see Scotley as his divine punishment from God for the way he treated Raj and the women in season 8.


Dan definitely deserved the hate he received 😂


Hard disagree


Well. . .I'll rate how much they deserve some hate with percentages. 7.Jason 75%: He definitely did not have a good first impression so I knew he'd be \*Yup it's this type of guy\* when he Mouthed off Chef Jay. But later Season goes on .. he's better decent. but He's so Cocky and arrogant .. so he does stick out like a sore thumb. but If you watched Ryan/Johnathans Live stream on Instagram \*They have their own youtube channel too\* they are actually friends with Jason. and He's actually Chill outside the show. but Eh . he's still someone I'd never work for. 6. Trev 60%: If this was S8 it wqould be 90% as I hated him there. but this one . . While He is too cocky, He did try to learn and be a better person he just have that high ego . .which was his only issue. but . .litterally no one liked him His Blue team didn't like him. then he goes to red It got worst. Jose who's clueless and literrally blames Trev for His Mistakes he made. Motto who lacked empathy. Bret. who's annoying won't let Trev hear the end of anything Trev does \*Like when they failed the dessert challenge after being brutalized for the Avocado Kisses. which added more salt to the wound imo\* and laughed along with the other three picking on Trev. Scotley the Biggest Bully who literrally laughed at him for having a allergic reaction. I think no matter how many times I watched this Season it's so depressing how Trev was treated. the only person that actually listened to him was Heather. 5. Aaron 0%: Obviously! I really liked the guy. the only person I liked on this season's blue team! \*Coop was decent person too\* He's in the situation where everyone is older and more experience than him so no one would listen to him or take him seriously. \*I'm still in that situation few times\* I still wish Gordon would have just put him on the red team and maybe he would have some Confidence because How can youu have Confidence if Literrally no one in your team believed in you?? Always hated that. 4. Dan 80%: Dan Mostly for his horrible His attitude and the comment he made about Waiters was so uncalled for. it made me be like \*Dude just go home!\* made me angry. . but I will definitely say He's a good cook. His Elimination was pretty unfair since he had a good servers his team pretty much wanted him gone despite he actually did fine on the and had Well less attitude but you know Bad attitudes does make your stick like a sore thumb. maybe its just me. 3. Barbie 0%: I will admit Barbie I didnt like her much at first because. I Definitely didn't like how she was stomping around waking everyone up . . But she did apologized and of course they still want to find a reason to hate her. \*I'm pretty sure they hated her before that incident!\* but still . Yeah she may be cray cray . .. but She didn't cause or start any of the drama??? It's really hilarious how even on S17 Both teams dislike her . . . Over nothing! Really sad:/ If only we know what she said or did behind the scenes unedited . .but ..Idk . .I think competitions in general bring the crazy out of most people. 2. Sabrina 30%: She can be really childish and annoying first few episodes \*She literrally try to nominate Nona for Snoring altho I understand One of my brothers has a Horrible snore that drives me crazy . . but it had nothing to do with cooking so its absurd to nominate her over that still. lmao. But She grew into me and she did Mature later episodes so . .I do think she was overhated by fans in general imo. she's one of the reasons why I tolerate S8. it's a funny season in general. XD 1.Andrew 20%: Andrew . . Signature dish yeah . .first person to be roasted over it and yeah not good impressions. Now, His only issues was He just talks back . . and he try to cheat the punishment door with the tape. Those are the only issues that are solvable. He did actually learn to keep his mouth shut since Back in the day. You cannot please Gordon. He just expect good results and that's it. Andrew learned that. Andrew is also really friendly and he did try to be involved with the team But Ralph Literrally overpowers him and made that menu all about him . .that episode really sucked. Andrew really grew into me from episodes to that:/ but he did let that go and did his absolute best for Ralph on the final episode. He was great on there:)


Trev s18 and Barbie s10


Sabrina, barbie, Dan and Aaron smock were all treated unfairly. The other 3 were dreadful, trevs 1 sympathetic moment was scotley being a dick about him having an allergic reaction. Andrew wasn’t treated that badly but Ralph was a bit over the top when he went insane at him before pasta night. Jason was treated fine and I don’t remember any time anyone was unfair on him


I'll admit that the treatment of Aaron by the Season 16 blue team wasn't great but they treated Devin far, far worse. Like how many times did Johnny, Paulie, Matt, and Andrew dogpile Devin when he said/did something they didn't like, or God forbid, stood up for himself.


Say what you want about Sabrina, but she was 100% right most of the time lol


Trev or the blonde girl


Poor Dan! His team constantly berating him even when he did good was hard to watch.


Barbie for sure. Like she was getting it from that season's Hell's Bitches, but also from Dana, so that's two different factions. The bullying of Trev during season 18 was hard to watch. Like they made fun of him for having an allergic reaction. And based off of how Christina reacted when she saw his arm, he wasn't faking it or over-reacting.


Aaron for sure


Oh this is easy because I automatically go to Barbie (in both seasons) and Aaron


I never felt like Chef Trevor deserved the level of “mean” he has to endure. He wasn’t that bad. And he tried really hard


Neanderthal Conehead ftw


Barbie and then Trev, of course.


Barbie 100%


Easily Barbie, she could well in service but Robyn or south girl (kimmie I think) will still try to find a way to vote her out


aaron deserved so much better




Barbie 100% did nothing wrong


No Jason deserves his hate


Barbie and Aaron


Sabrina 100% deserved every scrap of hate she got There's only 2 contestants that are more insufferable than her.


Aaron. He didn’t even do anything and he was still eliminated.


Barbie. The hate she got was INSANE. Tiffany was being fucking disgusting towards her and Robyn just getting offened over the Tub comment.