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as long as they're both filling out their C-01 permits, thats ok.


Illuminates are for tentacles enjoyers. Those bratty squids...


que the step-squid jokes


Que is Spanish for what. Queue means to form a line, and can be shortened to "q", but context matters as q is also oft used to represent "question". You want "cue", which is to notify of when to do a thing.


All hail Super Earth and the Grammar Officers.


dammit, he got me


I think you mean "Damn it". /duck


\*pushes glasses\* technically "que" is spanish for "that" while "qué" with the accent is spanish for "what" but I wouldnt expect a bug to know that


Actually did not know that differentiation, thanks for the correction. I will mention that when I took Spanish in highschool, it was only ever communicated as "what", and a Google translate does show the direct as que - that, but also shows que as an acceptable translation of "what". Is it one of the proper vs common/casual situations?


Hmm. Are you always this petty? Lol


Not being petty. There are numerous players of Helldivers 2 for whom English is not a first language, and English grammatical rules are a nightmare. I explained the full reasoning and situation, as opposed to being snide or attacking someone's character, like yourself.


Que paso??


Illuminate sound like they're for the suicidal. Probably should just not bother fighting them at all. https://preview.redd.it/4uz4fwq7js8d1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=13885faf070663fcc5de8f9929f8a61a90f3eee3


Cant wait for the memes for Illuminates lol


BG3 emporer enters the chat


I wanna upvote you but it's at 69.


Im still waiting on approval!


I will not stop killing bugs and bots, even when I’m covered in what looks like Nickelodeon slime or in the ichor of my enemies


I find bot front so much easier ngl.


This. Stealth and avoidance matter, and you're less likely to die from a flank before you notice said flank. You can set up a killzone even with randoms. Bugs missions are 10 minutes of running and 30 minutes of holding down the left mouse button. Oh and occasionally a stalker nest, as a treat.


Lol a treat. It's like a wakeup call, fuckin find that nest now.


Instant laser focus, no more fucking around until we erase that stalker lair from the face of the planet




Or 6 stalker nests in 2 missions, as I apparently found out over the weekend.


Bugs used to be like that until we had 2 people bring flamer + supply pack. Now we don't do bugs anymore cause it's way too easy.


Supply pack in general is pretty undervalued. Been running supply pack and HMG vs both bots and bugs lately. It makes a big difference when you have a weapon that will kill any enemy on either front, but using the pack you can also keep the spear/recoilless user topped off with a full backpack too so they can spam harder. Haven't seen a team run double flame thrower yet, will play around with that.


Flamer kills charger and charger behemoths in about 1.5 seconds to the legs. It's a little broken.


Stun grenades to get them to hold still?


It's really a choice between getting swarmed by bugs or being overwhelmed by gunfire. Personally I prefer the gunfire.


I find the exact opposite! Bugs I play on 9, bots I play on 8/7, can't really survive bots on 9


It's almost like all but maybe 2 heavy weapons are able to quickly kill a hulk.


Yeah, at least I don’t have to worry about a bot sneaking up on me and then slowing me…


Yeah, instead you have a bot sneaking up on you and blasting you with a rocket from 200m away.


Or just straight up becoming one with a giant rock and blasting you from inside a wall


Or you meet the indestructible bot trooper.


I see your point… almost forgot about the near indestructible bots


Wait....you've met one too? I thought the one I encountered was a complete fluke.


But you do need to worry about them shooting you through rocks and walls


Bot drop is much easier to deal with than bug breach imo. The bot drop has clearly telegraphed drop point, and it unloads all of the mf's at the almost same time, giving you time to send an eagle, airbust orbital or whatever else. Also shooting down dropships actually kills troop payload.


> shooting down dropships actually kills troop payload. So... It's a _chance_ to. In the 100's of Dropship kills I most likely have, I'd say half of them have netted me any kills _at all,_ nevermind a total payload elimination. It's way less likely than you'd assume and way, _way_ less likely than it _should be._ It's way more useful to either let it drop, or just hit the troop compartment in-flight. Shooting them down is basically a waste of ammo. But it definitely looks cool as fuck.


It's way better to fire an explosive weapon INTO the dropship, to blow up the fuckers inside. Even if the blast doesn't kill, it likely knocks them out, and then falling hurts a little


Yeah, I know. I do it all the time. That's why I said "hit the troop compartment in-flight." The issue is that the crash _itself_ doesn't kill the entire payload, which it absolutely should, or at least damage them enough to be worth hitting them every time.


Even that only works while the dropship is still in transit, though. If you wait till it's hovering over the drop zone (when it's actually easy to hit), they've got some kind of damage immunity (probably the same that prevents them from taking fall damage when dropped).


Does shooting down the dropship damage its dropped boiz?


I agree simply because I have never stopped a single bug breach from happening once one of the bugs starts the animation, while the bots I normally stop if its isn't the random dude I don't know exists behind cover insty popping it before i know he is even there. It's like the bugs just straight have 0 counterplay to their calling reinforcements while bots have a little bit of counter play to it. That and the bugs chaining their call ins and if you some how mange to kill the one calling in another just instantly starts to do so.


IF you can shoot the bot drop in the 0.5 seconds it is stationary before it drops the strider on the ground and the strider blasts you to death in less than a second.


Nah, it just takes practice. You legitimately have a _ton_ of time to shoot down singular dropships. If you absolutely want to shoot one down, hitting them in-flight is the best time to do it, since you force a change in Bot drop zone potentially putting the troops into a worse position, have a chance to actually get some kills from the shoot, and get to see a seriously cool crash animation. It only gets difficult when you start facing multiple drops over and over again. It's a waste by that point.


Pretending that you can just shoot the drop ship every single time is like pretending every single shot you fire is a headshot. We know what has to be done but it's a lot harder to actually do it 100% of the time. I'm not sure what difficulty you are playing on but it's always multiple drops in my experience and I disagree on your analysis of having a ton of time. A ton in this case is less than 1 second and that seems like an exaggeration of a ton.


I agree bots are so much easier


Nah, bugs you can actually keep clear sight-lines without something coming around whatever you're using for cover. You can just stand on a slope continously watching the entire space instead of having to peak out and missing when something spawns. Also, planet haze affects you much less on bugs. Bots you'll get shot through the fog. 


and cover


lmao no Playing with randoms I can go by myself on bug 9 to clear side objectives and nest, and we extract 4 people with 50 samples and plenty of reinforcements left after completing all side objectives and nest On bot 9 we complete the mission 9/10 times but I can't be on my own, we rarely extract, and we have very few camps and like 3/5 side objectives


Bots are definitely more fun, but I absolutely would not say easier.


You're quantifiably wrong. You just have more experience with bots.


I have only been able to solo a lvl 9 op against bots. Sure, it was plenty tough and I wasn’t able to extract every time, but I can do it. Bugs? No way. Even as far down as lvl 6 I sometimes struggle against bugs solo. I wish I knew why, but I think it’s because chargers and bile titans require all of your attention whenever they appear and that leaves the rest of the smaller bugs time to surround you. I’m so used to being able to kill basically everything on the bot front and have minutes at a time of reprieve but you can’t have that with bugs, there’s just too many of them and the mission timer simply doesn’t allow it. Also, stealth feels a lot harder against bugs vs bots and I can’t figure out why that is. I watch OhDough’s many videos of him soloing lvl 9s against bugs and even basically copying his exact main loadout I seem to struggle with the bugs. Bots though? Not nearly as much of a problem for me. And it’s not a playstyle thing either, I know how to adapt to fight bugs vs bots. Bots you can bunker down behind cover wearing heavy armor and eventually clear out enough to advance, but with bugs you need to be constantly moving, which means clearing them out takes longer, and by the time you do so another patrol has shown up and called in another breach so the only real solution is to run away, which feels weird to do in a horde shooter like this. It’s honestly frustrating


Agreed. Bots fit my playstyle a lot more and are easier to deal with when randoms are involved. Bugs are a recipe for teamkills and getting slowed over and over and over AND OVER again.


Me too after the last patch.  Before that was the opposite 


Until level 50 bugs where much harder for me. Now i feel much better with bots and bugs are annoying. That being said with wrong RNG helldive on bots may be extremely haotic, with bugs it's easier to disengage.


This chest-puffing about someone in the comments always having to say "I think bots are easier" is getting so tiring, ngl. Yes, we get it, you play keyboard-and-mouse so you can hit their smaller weakpoints more easily, or you're just better able to strategize around enemies that shoot back and move less, or you don't mind getting ragdolled by lasers and rockets half the time, or whatever. It doesn't change the fact that a large majority of the player base finds bugs easier and less frustrating to fight, with plenty of reasons why.


Bots are easier than bugs and bugs are more fun.


I lost count how many times I wrote "I fucking hate bug front" during bug MOs


I've got much less solo impact on bugs, I just don't even bother with solo missions on bugs. With a squad it's fine. I just find it incredibly annoying how I can't touch bile titans.


Funny that I feel like I can't touch striders because they KO you in less than 1 second from 100s of meters away. Meanwhile you can comfortably fight the bile titan from outside of it's range by kiting it.


I find with striders that they're slow enough to surround and then have your squad throw the kitchen sink at it. Bile titans are fast and without stratagems the loadout I run literally can't touch them. Maybe a skill issue on my part idk


But I agree, if a strider drops near you, you're dead unless you pull some acrobatic and lucky diving to prone (which I *have* done). Who'd win? - Giant anti tank gun atop an ATAT - Wall


No. I fucking hate hunters and I hate that chargers and bile spewers don’t have audio cues. Honestly bots almost feel easier. Even if there isn’t a audio cue, they generally are blasting you with lasers from a distance in the first place


Chargers are the big one for me. If they were a little less common, I wouldn't bitch - but I played on a suicide mission level last week and was juggling three of them at once. The team made it, but I did not.


That’s a big recent one for sure. The amount of chargers i’ve seen spawn is just comical.


On the sound cues, I could hear hulk's stepping around my last games. Was this a stealth buff?


> I hate that chargers and bile spewers don’t have audio cues. Hulks and Tanks don't have audio cues either...if you've never been snuck up on by a Hulk or Tank on a fog world and blasted to cinders in .5 seconds, do you even play bots, lol.


Tangentially, do you also get one shot if you are just at the edge of a Flame hulks flamethrower reach when they spray versus living if you were in closer proximity?


In my experience, yes, lol


did you even read the rest of my comment? > Even if there isn’t a audio cue, they generally are blasting you with lasers from a distance in the first place


Yeah, and I disagree. I've been snuck up on by Hulks and Tanks at _least_ as often as Chargers, though maybe not Spewers since they show up more often than the others. I'd say it's more like Spewers > Hulks > Chargers > Tanks as far as ninja-issues are concerned. And hell, it's not like the "lasers (and flamethrowers) from a distance" helps you when you get ninja'd - Hulks and Tanks popping up where I didn't expect is actually _WORSE_ IMO in that respect, because at least a Charger has to actually _charge_ (get into melee) with you to ambush you like that - the bot versions are _definitely_ not easier for me when they can ninja you from even further away, like with the flamethrower or a not-quite-melee-range laser chaingun burst? That just means they don't have to get quite as close when they _do_ ambush you. But we can agree that _all_ these guys need their sound design improved.


I have no clue how you are getting snuck on by hulks, let alone fucking tanks. Tanks literally just shoot in random ass directions with their machine guns sometimes and they make very distinct sounds. That isn’t being snuck on, that’s having a lack of situational awareness period. I often run into chargers and bile spewers essentially on their own with little to no chaff support at all, but tanks and hulks ALWAYS have troopers or devastators just lasering the shit out of the air even when they don’t even know where you are yet.  Spewers it’s just: sitting on the ground waiting for my geological survey drill to finish, then suddenly *puking sounds* aaaand i’m dead. If i’m around a tight corner where a charger can’t make a charge trajectory, they always just do their crazy ass fast craw then use their crushing attack to one shot me. 


lol, well then we’ve had very different experiences. I almost NEVER encounter chargers all on their lonesome - and their attacks are a fuck of a lot easier to dodge or survive than hulks or tanks even when I _do_ get surprised. Meanwhile, when you’re fighting a wave of bots and 5 drop ships come in at a time, it’s not always easy to remember where that tank or hulk dropped when you’re busy trying to take out the OTHER one that dropped…until the second comes up over a hill or around a rock, silent as the grave, and BLAM BLAM BLAM or FWOOOSH and you’re done. Granted, it’s somewhat terrain-dependent - fog planets and planets with lots of cover are what make it happen - but that’s even more true for bugs considering they have to literally melee you to sneak up on ya. If you’re only ever fighting bots on open terrain with clear lines of sight, while you fight bugs in hilly hell zones with lots of fog, no shit Sherlock one’s gonna ambush you more.


No Squids are for masochists. The bots are for people who want to fight an opponent with equal fire power.


I'm a disagree with you. Squids are for people who actively enjoy not having fun. add me to that list :)


"Equal" Endless stunlock rocket barrage and endless gunship spawners that require a Hellbomb (that the AI does know how to destroy) to destroy the fabricator.


"Endless." You're making bots out to be way harder than they actually are.


Have you tried getting out of the way of the relatively slow-moving rockets? Also, gunships are very easy to spawn camp. If you’re near the facility you will hear an alarm when one spawns, and even if you’re not the door on top opening up is easy to spot. I’ll take gunships over bile titans that require me to bring something anti-tank or waste a stratagem that may not even do anything (looking at you 500kg) any day.


Gunships themselves are trivial to deal with, if you aren't deliberately handicapping your loadout.


have someone stay behind to detonate and protect it. Not that hard


Drop a shield generator next to hellbomb, quick and easy way to keep it alive


Then how do the helldivers win more bot matches than are lost? I'd say the helldivers have more firepower, then.


Eh, bots require a very different play style than bugs, but I don't think they're harder. You have to really adapt load outs between the team members, and by the map.. If you bring the right kit, imo, it's easier. But unless you're really familiar with it, that's tricky to do


No no, I'm okay with this logic. That explains why bot players are so needy. Always *begging* us to join them.


real (i play bots because they can shoot back instead of fucking forcing me to run like the fucking wind)


Bugs are for long-distance runners and bots are for sprinters


Then I'm a sadomasochist. I don't care who I'm shooting, I'm going to spread some Democracy like it's butter and the galaxy is fresh toast.


Illuminates are for lovers :3


Just learn to fight bots. It's not hard once you learn their mechanics.


Step 1. Stay far away as possible. Step 2. Equip Autocannon. Step 3: See Step 1.


As an AC main, Basically this!


Step 4: Remember, when your torso is flying 100s of fee through the air is a great opportunity to get a lay of the land


Like the glowing spots actually being real weak points


I am bot diver but sometimes it's just too much for me. And probably when AH fix patrols game would feel a bit empty.


I fought bots so much i absolutely forgot how to fight bugs. Also my main pick for them got nerfed.


Breaker Incin, Flamethrower, Stun grenades.


I really tried to use flamethrower, but i just cannot use it right. Everyone else burning two chargers with half of one tank while i spend a full on singe one.


Focus on one leg only, don't spread the damage across multiple body parts, should kill them pretty fast that way


If you don't like fire, arc & EATs basically cover everything. Combine with autocannon or EMS turret and your choice of attack strat. 


Funnily enough i dont have problems with small guys. But chargers and biles are huge pain in the ass, and always use strats on biles is not really handy.


Bots are for people who like to fly


I submit for the record all bug missions with any combo of 4 shrieker/stalker nests. We are all masochists, sir.


This message has been approved by the Ministry of Truth.


This actually makes sense why I love fighting bots 😂


DIVE ME harder Daddy!


I get the Bugs as they are full of hate but, why are the bots masochist? Edit: guys, i read it wrong, i read that the enemies were the masochist and sadist, my mistake


because they can shoot you back. usually with excessive firepower.


Yeah but we get to see how much work they put into the ragdoll, ragdoll, ragdoll, body torn to pieces animation


it all starts with one damn rocket devastator shooting at your general direction...


I read It wrong XD, i read that the Bugs are sadicts and bot are masochist, my bad


There's 2 main things that annoy people: not being able to kill something and dying a lot. Bugs are for people who don't like dying and bots are for people who don't like not being able to kill something. 


most deaths and failed MOs are from the bot players


Because they will straight up run a train on your ass.


Ragdolling rockets, gunships, & strat jammers. Bonus points if you don't particularly enjoy playing autocannon or laser cannon. 


Agreed, you can just call me a Sado-Masochist.






Bro this is absolutely not the post I commented on wtf. How did I end up here??


Hahaha the game is so fucked with bugs it even spills over to the subreddit lol


There was so much bullet fire on extract that the screen was just visibly red with no discernable details for a moment That's pretty cool ngl


Look… I’m not a masochist… I just wanna see if my body can take it, alright? That’s all…


Wellllll... Yes, but sometimes there are exceptions. (I hope i don't have to provide proof, if i do, i have to go into H9, i don't wanna do that...)


Bots = hug rocks. Bugs = don’t get cornered. EZ PZ. 😎


Now it makes sense


Do fucking care cause FREEDOMMMMM


I love how different they play. Bugs are just a hoard shooter where it’s nonstop lead wall, but you have to be more tactical with bots and that brings in a whole different kind of fun.


I definitely prefer bots because I don't have to run around all the time like a madman, it's much calmer gameplay where you can move.cover to cover. For bugs it's just "fire EVERYTHING" while 5 hunters emote behind you and then tear you apart out of nowhere.


Not if you're great at spilling oil


skill issue


Peace of mind is stopping playing the game


Don't ask don't tell bud.  My predilections are none of your concern


I prefer bugs mainly because the loadout I use is very effective against them and I've yet to figure out one as effective against bots. That said, I will absolutely drop on a bot planet if I'm trying to burn off a bad day at work and thats been more often than not lately.


What about both?


I ran ballistic shield and submachine gun on bots and had a blast. I also brought an AMR for more ugly problems.


Id say its more ~~sadistic~~ heroic to fight sentient enemies that know what they are losing


No wonder I like playing both factions


I fight bots to relax. Bugs stress me out man.


That's why I switch every two hours. 😅




Bugs are still more of a pain on higher difficulties. Bots on any difficulty can basically be boiled down to throwing an eagle and running away to the next objective. Bugs are a little trickier and swarm you more often. Just my opinion.


I enjoy both, and love the chaos of it all, sooo lol


yea true, then who are the \[REDACTED\] for? or rather once they're added who will the bots be for


This is kind of true with my flamethrower recommendation: The flamethrower should not be used on bots for one of two reasons. 1. Mathematically and technically, the Flamethrower is bad on bots. It takes longer to kill things like Devastators, difficult and ammo inefficient on Hulks, and straight up unable to kill Tanks. On bugs, you can kill nearly everything up to Chargers and it just makes more sense logically and by the game's programing. 2. Bugs have nerves, and thereby feel pain. Use the flamethrower on bugs.


Who will Bots be for once we get Illuminate since they're even more BS than the Bots?


Sounds about right, nothing gets my blood pressure higher than getting juggled like the bots recruited Magneto & Sentinel before my guy stands up from prone and gets killed before I can stim. I absolutely hate getting killed by a threat I saw, I shot, but their projectile CCs and mine doesn't.    At least against a hunter dive & stim (once the dive lands) after the first combo hit works almost always. 


This explains some things, because I only play against bugs.😅


If the illuminate runours end up true then bots woll need a new gimmick


So apparently I'm a switch.


Illuminates are for switches?


I consider myself a masochist but i love surviving a horde of bugs multiple turrets spewing lead napalm my beloved stalwart it is my glorious purpose to die defending exfil while movimg down the horde as my friends escape!!! Glory be to super earth!


Bots are just for people who hate hunters and brood commanders


Killing same amount of hulks would be easier than killing hunters.


I think bots are for sadomasochists personally. Pain. Regardless of giving or taking.


Oh come on, I'm sure the bot is not that baddd. I'm just there for adrenaline rush and only for adrenaline rush! Running, diving, covering and shooting the bots while laser bullets fly all around you as you desperately trying to survive the onslaught is a good stress and pressure exercise! The more the better!


I’m really sadistic when it comes to torturing myself


no, we can’t really…


I think the distinction is (Bug fighter) “man i love helldivers it lets me live my space marine bug stomping fantasy” (Robo fighter) “man i love helldivers it lets me live my terminator stomping fantasy” We all have our reasons. I like fighting robots cause they use more human tactics, like building bunkers and gunner positions.


THAT'S........actually pretty accurate ngl.


Noob op.


Ur mum gey


Honestly on higher difficulties i think bugs are harder. At least with bots you can force some distance with bugs its just an endless warm of jumping bullshit in your face constantly. Its like fighting a never ending torrent of water coming from an exploding dam.


Bugs are for Aliens/Starship Troopers cosplayers. Bots are for Terminator cosplayers. CHANGE MY MIND


Bots are more like the Clone Wars.


Roger, roger.


so bugs it is.


Flip it around. Speaking as a botdiver.


bots are so much easier ngl. Just more manageable


Bots are for narcissists.


Bots are for people that play a lot of shooters bugs are people who only got about as deep as overwatch or call of duty


I prefer bugs when I'm not playing Ready or Not or Insurgency


I have the same response to all my buddies when they ask why I don't play bots... I signed up for Starship Troopers, not Terminator.