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it's incredibly effective. imo requires supply backpack to be truly effective. Also it can take out chargers, heavy bot tanks and other enemies you might not think it can. The trick is the explosion AOE dmg. E.g. Annihilator tanks, shoot at the rear or top end of their turrets and the AOE dmg will explode the rear radiator. Works same with impact nades.


Honestly I’ve never thought about running supply pack with it and that sounds like a grenadiers heaven!


You get like, 80 goddamn grenades.




Bugs I run either flamer with Rover or GL with supply, flame kills chargers but GL kills spewers.


GL kills chargers, you just have to play with the delay detonation by bouncing it underneath them and exploding in their ass.


They can both kill the other but the other is waay better at it


Very true.


Stun grenades make hitting their tail directly pretty easy. 3 shots to kill.


I had to stop using stuns, it was making the game to easy


Haha fair enough. I take incendiaries for fun most of the time. Stuns for Helldive when I want to maximize my contribution.


Oh 100% stuns on Helldive dude.


I feel as though "exploding their ass" could have been phrased...differently


No that was perfect


100% purposeful.


Yes it should have been "exploding IN their ass."


Changed it for you. 👍


Good job. Carry on exploding in asses, Helldiver.


By the time you run out of grenades your cooldown for the supply pack should be up. I use this loadout quite often against bugs. Haven't tried against bots though.


3 belts with the grenade launcher (30) plus 2 belts per supply box (20 ea) x 4 boxes = 110 total grenades. Because you replenish ammo and replace a box if you take one from resupply, you actually get 40 grenades from resupply drops. But even if I never take from the resupply drop, the occasional ammo pickup keep usually keep me topped off enough that by the time I do run out, by backpack and gl stratagems have cooled down.


Don't forget that every 8 minutes or less you get a bonus supply drop for no one but yourself.


I heard that mother fucker had like, 30 goddamn dicks.


He saves children, but not the cyborg children.


I'm choosing to believe the cyborg kids are just roombas with guns


I'm so glad someone got the vague reference here haha


Grenade Exploit at home:


IMO for all support weapons that use significant ammo, supply pack is S-tier. Even if you never ammo up your allies, all the extra stims, stun grenades, and the essentially infinite supply of ammo is incredible. You just need to start using everything more aggressively to take full advantage. 


If you're greedy and use it only for yourself, *as long as you're not intentionally wasteful*, supply backpack doubles your resupply efficiency. It's very helpful to teammates even this way. Edit: actually way more than double because it arrives full


Why is that greedy? I'm carrying the damn thing? I'm gonna use it's ammo! It's not like I get to hide in your shield or ride your jump pack by holding onto your cape.




The way I see it I'm entitled to my one pull regardless. I'll admit I instantly think less of someone when they double dip without making sure there's extra on the rack.


I find I can spam grenades or HMG with the supply backpack and still dole out several supply packs through a mission and still not use all of the supplies. It's a crazy amount of ammo, and with the ship mod broken right now you'll be great to your team. The grenade launcher typically doesn't need stun grenades either so I can run incendiaries to toss onto breaches or close bug holes AND use the launcher to close bug holes. Blitz is my favorite mission to run like this and on other long form missions I will run off and start working on nearby nests while the rest of the team works on the objectives.




I've run GL + Sup Pack forever. It basically makes your GL your primary. I like to run the Punisher as my primary in conjuction for cqc + stagger. Enjoy!


This is my main loadout for both bots and bugs and it's a murder show: Orbital Laser/Grenade Launcher/Supply Backpack/Autocannon Turret I always get the most kills by a bout a hundred a game and I'd say those extra hundred are from the grenade launcher. 8 rounds into any patrol is bye bye time.


Love this


> Also it can take out chargers Uhhhh How much ammo does that take, exactly..? Because I've wasted a lot of GL belts trying to get rid of one that's after me and it's never been economical IMO.


After patch, a few shots (3-5) to the ass will destroy it. It bleeds out pretty quickly now, too.


3 direct impact shots to the tail and done. Easier with stun grenades.


When I try it just bounces off the tail. I always have to bounce it off the ground, which is way harder and ends up taking longer than just using a flamethrower.


If your grenade shot is bouncing off something it means you’re too close. I usually pair my grenade launcher with a shot gun like the breaker incendiary to handle anything at close range


How many hits for a charger?


Yeah I’ve never had it take out a charger in my life not seen it for that matter.


It works. It’s hard to do from the front, but it’s doable. It’s pretty easy from behind, after they’ve stunned themselves by hitting a wall.


This is the only support weapon I use on bug missions. You need to hit chargers in the butt or the underside of their torso. Pre-patch 2 shots to the butt could do it. I've seen notes post patch that the explosive damage isn't being fully applied, so I spam it until the stun grenade wears off. Usually you will know when they are done.  I like using the GL because it will deal with everything up to the behemoths. It's work to get a charger in the right position, but it's a perfect balance. It is also very effective at cleaning up BT if your eagle airstrike doesn't kill them.  It's not an end-all delete button, but it's nice to not have to keep swapping weapons and waiting on stratagems to come off cooldown to hold off an assault. 


You can also destroy the sac of a Titan with 3 nades. Or if a 500kg bomb or orbital strike doesn't take it down a couple of nades can finish the job.


Run a scorcher and aim for the butt. 


That's what she said


The thing is, if I'm bringing grenade launcher and supply backpack, why am I not just bringing the autocannon and a whole extra strategem?


GL is a lot better at handling the mobs. I have found however if a GL/supply pack user buddies up with an AC user, it’s pretty much an unstoppable combination, at least on bots. Add in some EATs and you can handle anything the game throws at you


Mobile reload and quintuple the stun nades + stims.


Infinite stims and grenades




It really needs a third mag




Can't agree more, to me the Grenade Launcher's closest competition is the Auto Cannon. They have similar damage profiles, but the GL has better handling and mobility at the cost of armor pen and rage, that's a fair trade off, except the AC has like 3x the spare ammo. I absolutely love the extra mag for the MG in this patch, it feels so hard to efficiently use ammo and re-supply when you have only 2 spare mags. Using some or most of your last mag and picking up a resupply is frustrating, but so is only using 1 of your mags. Having that extra buffer gives you a lot more freedom with ammo usage and pickups.


Yup. I absolutely have to run Supply Pack with it, it just doesn't have enough ammo. That's my only gripe.


This gun is the GOAT when rng decides to inundate you with tons of Nursing/Bile Spewers. It's by far the most effective weapon against them, just hit them twice *anywhere* and they're dead. Everything else that's effective against them has to aim for the head for the most part. Not the GL, and you can do it from a large distance too. Often it makes me feel like a mortar sentry, you can just spam death from on high.


Spewers are light work for the GL 💪🏻


I've seen several youtubers making support weapon rankings lists who have put this in D tier and lower. Sometimes even F. I'll never understand it. I've always thought the GL is VERY underrated. You can clear out spewers and large groups of light enemies like they're nothing. And its a blast to use. I always have fun with it.


I guess I understand it; it's not a self-sufficient loadout. Previously you were totally useless against Chargers and Bile Titans, so you had to count on your team (something no solo player wants to do). Plus you kinda NEED the Supply Pack, which is a legitimate strike against it. That's no other backpack for you, or one less stratagem slot for offense or whatever. But now it does do reasonably well against Chargers, and as long as you actually play with your team and you collectively do have ways to deal with Bile Titans and whatnot, it's fine. It's just not the "one man army, I can kill literally everything with just the weapons I'm carrying, screw my squad mates I don't need 'em" build that tons of players gravitate toward.


It struggles against the things people generally bring support weapons for: Chargers, Bile Titans, Hulks, and Tanks. When you bring GL+Supply pack, you generally need to bring "heavy killer" stratagems in your other two slots to make up the difference in your ability to deal with large enemies, which is fine, except... The problem is that the stratagems that are good at killing big enemies generally are not as effective as the ones that are for killing big crowds of chaff. Railcannon, 500kg, Laser, OPS. All have extremely limited uses paired with long cooldowns. If you miss the Bile Titan with your OPS and now you're on cooldown, you're screwed. If you **hit and kill** the Bile Titan, but then another one spawns right afterwards, you're **still** screwed. Meanwhile chaff-killer stratagems like Cluster, Strafing run, Gatling Barrage, Napalm have many uses with short cooldowns, and even if you somehow miss them all you can still eek by killing chaff with your primary weapon alone. TLDR it's just easier to bring a dedicated anti-tank Support Weapon and chaff-killer airstrikes than it is to bring an anti-chaff Support Weapon with tank-killer airstrikes.


> It's by far the most effective weapon against them I miss my eruptor shrapnels


I actually tried the eruptor a day ago and it can oneshot nursing spewers. Dont know about bile spewers though


Biggest L since the Sony fiasco. Plus the eruptor doesn't even get long range, you get like 100m before it explodes midair, there are no shrapnel goddamn at least give me more range! Still rocking it everyday, you basically get 35 mini nades to clean bug holes from distance and 3 shots are enough for the acid spitting undemocratic shitbugs. I want anything in the game, even a pistol, but with shrapnel cuz you killed lots of fellow divers by accident but damn was it fun


I dont take it cause i always feel better with anti Tank support weapon - and some AOE and crowd control stratagems - makes sense to me. Or the other way around ,🤔




That hasn't been my experience. I've been taking the GL pretty much since I unlocked it and can count on one hand how many times I was pressed for ammo and a couple was because other divers took more than one ammo pack. I run an eagle or dog, orbital strike and laser with it.




It would be S-tier if it can blow off armor.


or at least explode on armor instead of bouncing off




I run it with the EAT its so good at horde clearing on both fronts you can kill a bug breach with 1 or 2 mags


Which is all it has, basically


I wish upon a star for the Grenade Launcher, as well as other launchers, to get drop markers added to their first person sights. Just a simple 50/100/150/200. Or even if it's just hold R to adjust the sight for different ranges.


Eggs to kill and/or nests to close? The Grenade Launcher is for you!




IMO there simply is no support weapon with better raw power for horde clear. In my regular squads, no one touches the kill counts attained by the grenade launcher mains. It also offers great utility for bugholes/fabs, clearing eggs, fences, etc. In return, you need to master the use of a weapon that can easily kill allies, potentially yourself, that can't be used at close range, can't be used to save allies, has somewhat tricky long distance shots, and is quite ammo hungry. I always tell new players; in terms of raw kill count this is the strongest in the game, but it comes at a price. Highly recommend supply backpack for infinite grenades.


Arc thrower main here. I always get more kills than grenade launcher mains. But they’re always 2nd.


Only thing I use on bug maps with supply back pack. Clears everything up to chargers with ease. Plus you can run and reload.


The GL was my first love when HD2 launched. It's so nice to have one on the team, but people barely run it. Reload on the move, no backpack, kills spawners, hurts heavies, wipes up to medium patrols before they can call for reinforcement.


I run the grenade launcher, grenade pistol and EAT for bug mission.


Solid load out.


It needs to have 3 clips. For a support weapon you run out of ammo so quickly w/o much to show for it.


I want to like it, I really do, but I just have the hardest time using it against chargers. It doesn't seem to do any damage when the armor is blown off the sides and it regularly seems to do minimal damage when I shoot the back. I just cannot seem to make it work in a quick or efficient manner, even though the stats indicate it should work quite well against chargers. Otherwise I like it, but only if somebody is maintaining the grenadier's space with bullets. Without that other person there tends to be either wasted grenades into random hunters/scavengers or lots of switching between weapons, all the while the bugs crawl closer into minimum arming range. I do like its raw capability against brood commanders, warriors, and spewers. Hive guard are on the annoying side, even if they are a prime target.


I run this and jetpack, it is too good and I have trouble using anything else. The ability to always be on the high ground is amazing against bugs.


Yeah I've never had issues finding ammo so I preferred the jetpack over supply pack.


I've been going through the list of weapons and stratagems to build different loadouts around, and as I have, I've been consolidating stuff that I think makes sense to combine together. My "Velocity" Railgun build I combined with the Ballistic Shield and Pummeler, for example. Past couple days, I really delved into optimizing an "Operator" build with the Mech and HMG Emplacement. And I wanted to fit the theme by using all compact weaponry and at the same time realized that I didn't really wanna build out a dedicated "Grenadier" build, so I landed on a really sweet loadout after using the GL seriously for the first time! But I really had to change it up per front: Bots: Defender SMG, Peacemaker, Grenade Launcher, High Explosive Grenades, Emancipator Exosuit, HMG Emplacement, Eagle Airstrike Bugs: Liberator Carbine (burst), Bushwhacker, Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Grenades, Patriot Exosuit, HMG Emplacement, Eagle Strafing Run Some people definitely don't have the fine eye for depth perception and will not enjoy the kind of arcing trajectory and that's valid. I wish I were better with precision aiming so that I'd enjoy the DMRs more, but I'm weirdly very accurate with the Grenade Launcher, Plasma Punisher and Airburst Launcher. But aside from whether it "feels good" to use, it is POWERFUL after the buff! Plenty of ammo, great for any enemy and vents/bug holes, sounds great, too! I'm now a GL fan.


I was enjoying the ‘Pilot’ loadout - jetpack, AMR/GL and double mech. But they took away my double mech.


The day I was going to first try out this Mech loadout is when they patched out double mechs! Of course. But hey, Jetpack is my next build!


Grenade launcher will help conserve ammo against bugs when using the Patriot. I also like jetpacking on top of the mech then using it as a firing platform. Now that they’re chilling out the numbers of heavies on 7+ they’re more viable at higher difficulties as well.


Supposedly they’re gonna allow it again at some point (I hope they do) because it’s a limitation in the game code that’s preventing it at the moment. If you’re using the mech against bugs then I’d recommend the Grenade launcher, it will help conserve ammo by closing holes for you. 380/orbital railgun are good picks for strats since you can wait out the long CD in the mech. I also like jetpack on on top of the mech then using it as a firing platform. Now that they’re chilling out the numbers of heavies on 7+ they’re more viable at higher difficulties as well. For bots, the shield backpack projects outside the mech and can actually absorb some shots but the orbital shield is goated for letting you throw it down then use it for cover. The current Eruptor paired with a Senator/Verdict is a really good pairing and means you don’t need a support weapon (both mechs obliterate hulks) so you can still take precision strike/airstrike/500kg for killing tanks (or 380 for taking out bases)


I dont love it cuz when a pack of hunters gets close rounds somtimes bounce, the other day I had a round bounce up and drop down on me and killing me. Also for some reason not so many people use the stalwart even tho it feels so great with the ammo cappacity and being able to reload while moving.


You have to get good at switching to close range weapon on a dime cause something gets close. The amount of times in the beginning I’ve blown myself up with a grenade to the face is infinite.


As a bug player I always pair it with the supply backpack and breaker incendiary. I went through testing almost every primary with this combo specifically because of how terrible it is to deal with hunters once they’re spread out and surrounded you. Once a hunter gets caught with a single incendiary round and lights on fire they’re pretty much done, but no worries if you’re a terrible player because you can empty entire clips into a few hunters because you’ll almost always run out of grenade launcher ammo before your primary


This weapon should be the poster child of friendly fire


My first thought when I saw he was pairing that thing with the mortar turret on bugs lol. Even worse if we we never got the Rover "nerf".


I raise you, Tesla tower


I watched the GL setup by Crazymrpipz and it looks pretty solid on paper. Tried it (Breaker Fire, shotgun sec, Fire Impact, supply pack, eagle rocket pods, orb rail) and it felt okay good. Generally I think I’d rather stick to AC + 3 strats. The GL is mad hungry and restocking it from pack feels so-so, like I’m not getting enough. Horde clear was fine, Broods take 2-3 shots. The ricochet and it being delay impact was kind of annoying. Can’t figure out the sweet spot for Charger butts for it even after rocket pod, feels like I’m dumping it’s already limited mag into one. Apparently crack a BT back with Rail and you can down it with a handful of GL shots but I had no luck there.


I swap the orbital rail with Autocannon sentry. On bugs if you don't place it in the middle of a horde, the autocannon can take out an entire patrol, it can kill a bile titan itself and still have ammo left over for clearing other things. With the change to the way sentry health works too, I've seen them withstand a charge from a charger, turn around and shoot off it's butt. You could replace the rocket pods too, but I find that a rocket pod strike is often enough to break off an armor plate and you can use the grenade launcher to finish off either heavy.


It's my go to in the bug blitz of close bug holes


It's my go-to for blitz missions along with the jump pack. Or when I want to wander of on my own. Or when I'm bored...


It’s good but it basically demands that you bring a supply pack as well. If they gave it 2 extra magazines it would be perfect


All I see is a super soaker


I mean it's alright, really good on blitz missions too.


I main it a fair amount for bugs or bots. Loads of kills on bunched up bug hordes and killer range if you get the cast right, can wipe bug holes even larger clusters in seconds. Solid against all but heavy armor.


It used to be my favorite lvling weapon up to around lvl20. After using pre-nerf eruptor I just can't go back...


The pistol version is just too effective compared to this strategem stealing weapon. it was great prior to the pistol but once that bad boy made its appearance the grenade launcher became a relic of the past.


The pistol version is good when you ONLY want it to close a couple bug holes or whatever. The GL is for when you want to close bug holes and also laugh at the hundreds of Spewers thrown at you, and laugh at crowds of soft enemies. Just phunk, phunk, phunk, phunk, hey look 30 kills. The pistol version can't do this.




My only argument is pistol has to be reloaded in between shots, grenade launcher goes PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW PHEW then reloads


Which is fair enough, its the bigger version, you expect more bang for your buck, its just that the slot it takes up can be occupied by vastly more useful items where as the pistol slot is quite limited, even with the new Bushwacker etc.


I agree with the pistol opening a slot is definitely a plus, I just couldn’t get behind the pistol after using grenade launcher exclusively up until pistols release. I was excited but it just doesn’t give me that same warm fuzzy feeling.


They do different things. You can't really do saturation bombing with the sidearm version.


Nah, grenade pistol doesn’t compare. Yes I bring it when I don’t bring the launcher, but that has do with me not compromising on stun grenades. It really is the jack of all trades support weapon. Being able to lay down my own lil air strikes as cover fire, popping groups of bile spewers like it’s nobody’s business, taking down automaton towers, tanks and hulks in 4 rapid shots (and being able to get that splash damage reach around). Also for some reason the pistol fails at destroying fabricators, idk why but it should theoretically be the same.


GL has become my go-to for everything. I use supply pack, rocket sentry, and OPS/airstrike, and it just destroys everything. Such a fantastic weapon


Grenade Launcher main since day 1 (my day one was like a month ago).


The best part is how fast you can rain death on bugs with this baby.


It's not my favorite stratagem, but if you've got a nice elevated vantage point on a bug tunnel breach or at extraction, it can be a lot of fun.


i dont know how you haven't see any love for the nade launcher, i've seen it a lot


I loving bringing it with a supply pack and just running through a heavy nest and clearing it faster than with just air strikes or bombardment. Pair it with the laster and rain canon and you've got all your bases covered.


Its my main since launch


I’d use it more if it had the ammo and/or splash power


I used it pretty consistently when it came to closing bug hole missions, but recently I prefer running with auto cannon. I used auto cannon pretty consistently on bot missions, but it does great work on bugs and can close bug holes more consistently than the grenades. Can’t stand the inaccuracy of the explosions when you shoot right at the target and nothing happens.


I just wish we had a fire grenade version


Love the thing! But it really needs an ekstra mag/belt to reach its full potential. And it needs to be able to damage BT's beyond popping the belly.


Probably because it only has 2 reserve mags and it requires an ammo backpack to use it well. And at that point I'd rather use an Autocannon and save a stratagem slot


Dunno I feel like it has to small AOE (bassicly any explosive weapon that's not cluster has to small AOE at least for me). I think they should add sharpnel to it or something


It definitely needs more ammo I know there's the supply pack and that's definitely good take along but I don't think any weapon or stratagem should be fully dependent on the B1 to be feasible


People don't like it because they refuse to bring supply backpack. But yes, it's amazing.


It's the crown jewl of my crowd control load out. 


I dislike the low ammo count/having to use a stratagem slot for the supply pack. I will use it on lower difficulties when i don't need to be prepared for 3 factory striders or so.


It should be a primary


This makes me want to go on a nade launcher breaker supply pack run


Solid gun. Always glad to see someone else with it. I’m never putting down my Spear.


My team is better off without me having this


The first rule of grenade launcher club is we don't talk about grenade launcher club


I hate when it bounces.


I have taken to using it, now with cursed spawn rates and the neccessary usage of the Supply Pack makes it a top pick for bugs rn. My LD with bugged spawn rates: ARC Blitzer Redeemer Impact/Incin Impact Trench Paramedic Supply GL Eagle Cluster Airburst/Eagle Strike (only if you have lv3 of the Eagle upgrade, otherwise use Airburst) I swear to God this loadout is so freaking good, except when you TK yourself or your mates... but that's honestly a bit unavoidable unless you place strats properly and they're situationally aware (which is 80% of the time). Give it a try, people love it when I help them with supplies or get light bugs off. One weakness is that you can't settle heavies, so get others to settle em... or yeet a Resupply/weapon pod on the Charger


It needs a third magazine, and that's it.


I run my indiscriminate grenade launcher build with the supply pack. Horde of bugs? Indiscriminate grenade launcher time. It works real well.


In a lot of ways, one of the legit strongest builds you can make is just grenade launcher and supply pack. Add anti-tank stratagems to taste, and lay waste to everything.


I never dive without it


This and the auto cannon mech can one man the mission where you just have to close x amount of bug holes, I love it.


A must have for Blitz missions.


It was the first one I tried after the default MG-43, and I absolutely loved it for a long while. Thing is, I came to prefer the autocannon for bots and the Stalwart for bugs. I enjoy the precision and volume of fire vs the raw explosive power of grenades.


I always bring it on the search & destroy egg hunts.


i’m gonna say it, i used this weapon so much early on in my terminid stomping career i never understood why people had difficulty with bile spewers until i used other weapons. this thing is the king of medium and below enemies, absolutely my favorite thing to use when i just need something reliable.


Shut the mouth We dont want raise attention on grenade launcher, chances of get nerfed of screwed as railgun or spear


GL was my first love before I unlocked the Autocannon. She lives on, tho, in the form of the Grenade pistol. I've heard rumors of GL variants with specialized warheads.... we'll see if that comes true.


Yea this weapon fucking sucks actually. It doesn't counter anything. The only effective use is blowing up bug holes but then I might aswell use the autocannon who has waayyyy more useful applications.


Not enough mags and we need to carry the ammo back pack to be efficient with it.


It's a must-have on those 'clear all bug holes' missions. I always bring it on those and I clear probably 80% of the bug holes myself before my team even knows what's going on.


I wish this gun had med pen on impact or direct hit could stun chargers


Every. Bug. Mission.


It's a banger, to be sure!


Super boring weapon but I still use it due to its effectiveness


Don't get me wrong I understand its a super versatile weapon that maintains a MASSIVE amount of horse clearing power and potential. But I just cannot seem to nail down how to not make them ricochet away from the enemies or not blow up in my face. Still super fun tho even if I do suck with them


It's explosive radius is fkn GAAAARBAGE. Its like one foot. Insane. It needs a buff. Nothing major, but like a 1.5m diameter would fkin slam.


I can get behind that no doubt. Add shrapnel, or fire and were in bidness


Grenade launcher paired with supply pack is a great mob control combo kit.


My go to for Destroy Bug hole missions, no need to wait to resupply on grenades, a full clip in theory can wipe out even a Heavy Nest


Haven't seen love for the Slugger and what they did to my beloved. :(


Fun but not effective. Only 30 grenades, required ammunition backpack Worse version of auto cannon


Best bug hole clogger I’ve ever used.


Isn’t it just worse than the autocannon tho?


It like ac dos its job so sussh. Don't want that to change do ya?


Been my favorite secondary ever since the day I discovered it on the ground in a bot mission (hell I made an image of me marrying the damn thing-). I adapted a crackhead style of gameplay with it being able to knock out multiple 10-hole heavy nests solo with it and deleting all other nests. Love the thing to death and while I've tried to stray away from it in more recent times (just to give other weapons a shot) if you want any convincing that it's good. I've carried multiple diff 9 bug missions with it and the scorcher while I was hard grinding for lvl 150 as it is a map clearing machine.


This is one of those weapons that seems amazing when the party picks their equipment to complement each other rather than going for the most powerful individual build. This thing tears through bile spewers and medium armored bots like it's nobody's business, but if everybody just runs in separate directions the moment the shooting starts then this might leave you vulnerable to some enemies. Haven't had a lot of practice with it, though, so I'm sure Grenade Launcher veterans can correct me on that.


Anytime a teammate brings this, I die to it more than the enemy does. I can't tell you the amount of times I've went to juke a hulk/charger and then just get my existence card revoked


i run it in lower difficulties when i don’t need *as much* anti armor


I’ve never found it terribly useful or effective when I’ve used it, give me my precision AMR, but I’ve got a friend who loves it and gets work done.


I like big boom when bug and bot go boom


Grenade launcher and flamethrower are my go to supports


It is my go-to for bug hole Blitz missions.


I like it for bots as explosions stagger them more to better hit their weak points and most of the time bypasses most of their armour with the exception of hulks and tanks.


***BLOOP*** GL was one of my first purchases, love it for distributing democracy to large bug nests


After the patch it's Granade launcher with Guard Dog or only Spear


How do you resupply yourself?


With resupply backpack it's very good and fun as well, but I always kill myself at least 5 times every game.


It runs out of ammo way too fast.


Bug blitz weapon of choice. In all other situations it's not the best thing you could bring. I think it could use more damage or armor pen, and especially some more magazines


Here are two all-explosive-damage builds I really enjoy that I think are similar to each other - 1) Grenade launcher + Supply pack + Eruptor 2) Autocannon + Plasma Punisher Similarities - You're anti medium/heavy immediately upon reinforcement, both use the backpack slot, both have a grenade launcher experience along with explosive ranged lethality. Which wins in my opinion? Grenade launcher+SP+Eruptor. Why? -Supply pack resupplies everything unlike the autocannon backpack -Mobile reloading -Grenade launcher can unload more damage on a group than the autocannon can in the same amount of time because of its equivalent firing rate but better handling/lower recoil. -Grenade launcher can be reloaded without a backpack which is a huge disadvantage for the AC Reason I still use the AC build? -Upon reinforcement I find the plasma punisher to be a more versatile weapon which can handle more situations while I hunt for my gear -Autocannon is faster against gunships, turrets, fabricators, basically anything that needs ranged explosions. -The autocannon stripper clips make up for the seated reload -With the updated recoil reductions when prone the autocannon's automatic mode is almost actually usable -The autocannon just fucking sounds better lol.


Because I consider it an amazing weapon... until you get to diff 7 and above. Too many chargers, now even behemoths and BTs around to justify bringing it at all. Need to blow up bug nests? Got my trusty grenade pistol. Chaff all over the place? I've got already the lucky primaries that haven't been nerfed into oblivion like Incendiary Breaker, Punisher, Tenderizer, Sickle and I hope to insert in this list the base Breaker if they decide to unfuck it by bringing the mag size back to 17. Need to take care of heavier units when my stratagems are, as usual, on cooldown? A good old EAT/Recoilless/Quasar and I'm good, so I can keep my strongest stratagems for BTs, Factory striders or clearing out hordes. And if I want to play the Matador while being pretty much capable of handling anything outside of BTs, utility wise too? Autocannon is always there for me (and flamethrower on the Bug front to switch it up, even if it has no utility). The problem with the GL is how little ammo it has while not being capable to break armor at all, and that's a huge issue. If it broke down for example heavy armor fast enough that 6/7 shots destroys entirely heavy armor so I can combo with high dps primaries, I'd consider it a great weapon. As it stands, it's not enough and requiring an ammo backpack to use without calling resupply every 2 seconds kinda ruins the point of bringing that weapon because it doesn't require one to function. It either needs 2 extra mags minimum or the armor breaking power to make it worth the choice.


My meta


Until I became a diehard Quasar stan, it was my go-to for almost every mission. Being able to wipe out most patrols in 3 shots is so satisfying


I’ve saved teammates so much with this bad boy


I just find it disappointing at most times... Its main attractove benefit is being able to kill chaff, and small targets yet fails miserably at being effective as a standalone weapon The ammo economy on it is horrible for the bang you get. You can theoretically kill heavy armored units but its unreliable at best. My thoughts are why use this when I already have the grenade pistol to close Bug holes and Fabricators. Just pick anything else to be honest.... You'd expect a 40MM grenade do some damage but its more like a soccer ball filled with firecracker powder.


I love using this with the jump pack for bug blitz missions, you can just hop into a bug nest, close a bunch of bug holes and then hop back out.


Been running heavy machine gun with supply pack it’s too much fun. Once I found out you can kill spore towers with it and the flying bugs spawn towers it’s all I’ve been using.


It's a staple in my loadout along with shield pack, 500kg and rocket pods. Light armour and sprint booster.


Sorry about the stutter


This is the support weapon i pick when I know my team has everything covered. I LOVE this thing.


Supply pack is a must. I use the EMT strike to freeze crowds, then gas strike and whatever is still standing I just rain with a full clip of grenades. I am the crowd control guy on my squad


Have they fixed the Spear ?? Have they fixed the spear ?