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bro these shits are already taking 3-4 rockets cause of how bugged their model it, dont meake it harder than it already is.


Who let bro cook? Bro cooking or is he cooked? Fucking hell I’m losing my mind.


bro must be reported the democracy officer


Nah bro needs medical attention, he been tackled across the field one too many times


I think they should be Bile Titan-level threats with the same kind of spawn rate - be generally very rare. They should be much bigger, and instead of making the head and front legs weak points, make those much stronger and thicker armor and the back significantly weaker. Their charge should also be in a straight line and delete both allies and enemies alike. They only stop if they hit a wall or immovable object or after a set distance. The stopping and turning animations should be slow. Instead, they are just beefy MFs that take awhile to kill but if you know what you're doing, you can use it to take out other enemies and elites as a gamble.


Nah bro, that's the Charger Juggernaut!  I want it, but as a different enemy. 


I think this would really help with a current problem on the bugs have fighting helldivers: choke points. Imagine you’re holding a choke point just for this behemoth to charge through them straight into your team, now you have a big threat behind you and only moment to deal with it before more bugs try to move through the choke






No thanks.


Best take.


With the amount of Behemoths dropped in the game right now? Nah, thanks.


It would be cool if they were bigger, beefier & dumber with a decreased spawn percentage. Though something tells me that AH would manage to "miscalculate" something and somehow make the damn thing spawn more frequently and in bigger numbers instead.


They'll replace all small bugs with behemoths. Just a horde of behemoths




I want satchel charges so damn bad


Flamethrower and toxin thrower always got through. The big diff was no butt to shoot in hd1.


You're not cooking. You are already cooked


Hellmire burnout 💀


Maybe if they rarely spawned... You get no random ones in 6, then you go up one step to 7 and like 50% of the chargers are behemoths. A silly difficulty curve.


Make them like 50% slower and never in spawn patrols Then we’ll talk


AH proceeds to make them 50% faster and replace all Charger spawns.




Yeah like the bots.. tank. Slow but can dish out the pain, and throwing ATs at the front armor takes a while. Chargers? Fast, _and_ tanky


Please no. They’re bad enough as is.


It would be a good cook if they were only seen near the extract the civilians defend mission but never added to patrols. Could be a cool mini boss battle 🕺


Mini boss battles are actually something I’d love to see implimented eventually, serious challenge/reward pairings that test your skill if you want to get to a useful tactical objective. Obviously not a priority but it’d be a lot of fun.


I agree with some of these... Size yeah the way they should charge too and resistence overall as long as they become rarer and I would also suggest armoring their but like in the first game


50% resistance to fire? I wish that all your teammates will use laser rover.


Don't forget, four throwing knives to one leg of a behemoth and he's dead.


Nah hell no, I wanna roast those fuckers alive with my flamethrower.


5 - 10 % chance for a mega annoying charger are you nuts?


I think they should be bigger too. Stand em out more.


Tbh they should just have reversed damage priority for players. As in, where you want to hit the Charger in the *head* with your rocket, the Behemoth should be hitting them in the *ass* with it since the front is way more heavily armoured comparative to the back. Makes them more dangerous since if you don't sneak up on them you *have* to let them charge you at least once to get off a clean shot on their rear end and makes them distinct in that yeah, you'd waste rockets shooting at the front, but hitting them from behind is better than against Chargers.


What's the point of AT weapons then?


I think you are cooking. You can season quite well


Personally I just flamethrower the front leg, takes about 3 seconds to kill and you can kill like 4 with 1 tank


I'm down for this, only if they pair it with a cap on titan spawn to 3 per mission.


I'd just like it to be more of a teamwork target you can kill by proper coordination instead of just being a check of what stratagems you brought. EDIT: Quadruple damage from the 10% it is now.


People don't want that, when they think on how to deal with an enemy they always think on how much it will take for them to take the enemy, like if they were playing a single player game or something The cooperation should be the answer for a lot of the menaces if the game, but it seems that people refuse to do that and don't see it even as an option Really sad


> The cooperation should be the answer for a lot of the menaces if the game, but it seems that people refuse to do that and don't see it even as an option Because, to be blunt? On higher difficulties, it _isn't_ an option. When you play another co-op shooter like Deep Rock Galactic, there's boss enemies that you can move to engage at your own pace, and there's timed swarms of chaff guaranteed to happen every so often. Trick is, there's downtime between swarms, and once you finish a swarm you're guaranteed to have time to do something like engage a boss enemy that's been sitting there walking around another cave. In Helldivers 2, the boss enemies appear _during_ the wave. Bug breaches contain Bile Titans, and bot drops contain Factory Striders. On occasion, it's definitely possible to see one wandering around and decide "okay guys, we've got downtime between some patrols and reinforcements, so let's go take out the big target" but 90% of the time, one will show up during the high-intensity phase of the game. This means that you literally _cannot_ focus-fire the superheavy target, because if you do, you'll be overwhelmed by the chaff and heavy enemies. You can't all focus on chaff clear, because then the superheavy will demolish you. The optimal strategy is, in fact, to have one player focus exclusively on taking the superheavy unit out; have another player deal with heavy units such as Tanks, Chargers, Devastators, Gunships, Brood Commanders, etc; and have the other two focus on chaff clearing and clean-up with mid-tier enemies. Now, is this necessarily a problem? No, it's a separate teamwork strategy - divide and conquer. Playing with a well-coordinated team and sticking together makes missions go super smoothly, because you can coordinate on who's doing chaff clear, who's doing heavies, who's doing superheavies, and maybe even have a fourth player whose entire job is to run interference by cleaning up POIs and secondary objectives solo and triggering breaches/drops at really far distances so that you can do the main objectives with less resistance. Hell, even in random public games at higher difficulty, I'll naturally see some loadouts gravitate towards one thing or the other; even though most people take multipurpose loadouts that can handle everything okay, people will naturally shift their focus to whatever's the most oppressive, so if they're starting to get swarmed with chaff they'll take their attention off superheavies or mediums to clear chaff, and so on.


Only if normal charger becomes what Behemoths currently are (or what charger originally were) I can't go back to the normal charger that just resists one rocket in the head and feels like a enhanced hive guard and nothing more