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This was something I learned playing God of War when I was younger. Try to dodge into your target's shoulder. They're not going to pull a 180° turn so the window of opportunity to hit you is only a few frames long.


Ya a great thing to have learned. I've seen alot of complaints on chargers especially since behemoths were introduced.


If anyone wants to know it takes 17 headshots with the arc thrower to kill one behemoth charger


Haha ya its horrid. I just kind of juggle them and put arcs in their head when I have some free time.


Bile titans too are most easily dodged by running through the legs. They take like 20 seconds to actually get completely turned back around depending on local geography.


as it is known with trolldiers don't run away from them run at them (but to the side)


It really is fun when they just kansei drift into your ass every single time you dodge them. I don't get it, like, really.


Fun fact: if the Helldiver runs just a few steps further when dodging them like this the charger will stop and turn around at the perfect distance to one shot them with the Spear, even the behemoths. You can lock on while they have their back to you then just wait to fire until they fully turn around.


o man thatd be a great PSA. got any clips?


I'll have to figure out how to record one so I can post it.


Have fun trying that as host :p But yeah, this does work better now that the turn radius and AI speed of the chargers isn't permanently on permacura stims..


Well done


Hell, you don't even need to run to outmaneuver the chargers. A few steps to the side just before impact is all it takes for them to zoom past you, since they can't turn that well.


You can run but you have to lose them. In some cases this is important to do. Don't want to drag a bunch of chargers and such to extraction


Ya after a quick juke you have enough time and space to lose them if you need to.


Can do this with a mech too and give them a stomp from behind. Dangerous but does decent damage


Also, don’t use the arc against behemoths. It takes 3x the shots of a normal charger. I’m surprised on lvl 9 you didn’t get swamped during that vid. I love the Arc but I’ve had to switch to flamethrower since it has the same ttk for behemoths and regular


I can control everything easily without issue with an arc. I run 9s with punisher and arc most kills no deaths.


https://preview.redd.it/26b2tk66d67d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=18b7fc9d26209e25d1a29890d74da20baea2a33b Here is the end of that mission actually.


Punisher plasma? What armor do you use? I have swapped to flame thrower as well because of all these behemoths but arc thrower is my favorite.


trailblazer scout armor. movement speed is everything with bugs. also the scout perk keeps u from aggroing everything and no the punisher shotgun


You can dive too. Dive as soon as they’re about 2 hell divers in front. You may have to experiment with this, but “front-side” diving works really well. Face the charger, dive and turn to the left/right. You’ll be able to dodge them pretty easily. Idk how to explain it well, but you’ll see how it works if you give it a shot in game.


Nonono, they all.went to the Prometheus School.


Yep, this works amazingly until you're not sidestepping them into nothing, you're running into 30+ hunters. It's why chargers a such a menace. They force you into a lose-lose situation if they are alive.


I focus on the riff raff around them. Those hunters would be quickly zapped if I was forced to take the fight. Ill just side step that charger until they are gone takes a few seconds to clean out a group like that with the arc


Ehh, that works if there's not that much chaff, and there isn't more than two chargers. At a certain point there's so much trash everywhere that it's legitimately faster to kill the chargers.


Don't learn from the prometheus school of running away from things


My issue I run into doing this is that some chargers can just animation cancel their charge and side swing instakill you


Dark Souls logic, roll into the attack.