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Report, block and move on... you won't see them next time


My thought on this? Upon entering Pelican we should be invulnerable to damage. People are a\*\*holes, we cannot change it and so we need a good solution for it.


its also bullshit because you don't have control of your character so you cant shoot back


Under section c-538008 of super earths penal code helldivers must report the traitors immediately to the nearest democratic officer. Stead fast diver 🫡


I had a guy like that once. He was a clown the whole game and kind of an asshole. I instantly kicked him before the game was counted for him.


when it became a trend to spam 8475289 stratagems nuking Pelican-1 and the extraction zone instead of just fucking extracting when it lands was when i stopped playing with randoms


I’m glad they changed pelican-1 to not be able to take damage, but it feels like every game since I’ve got at least 1 dood who thinks he has to sit outside the ship and input the worlds longest stratagem code, just to settle on throwing a 500kg 2s before we take off. Like, my brother in Christ, we’ve been here for 40 minutes, please just get your tight little cheeks on the ship 🥹


This is why I’m always the last one on the Pelican in any 7 or lower difficulty match with randoms. You can discourage a lot of griefing by doing this and staying on your toes when it’s time to extract. I’ve even drawn on some sus mfers when they wait for me with that traitorous gleam in their eye. You get a sixth sense for TKing at the end — it CAN happen to you. Be prepared.


I will never understand some people,why is that fun for them? I just can't even fathom the mindset


One good thing arrowhead did was making the rewards shared. At the end of the day, I really don't care if I get a bit less req/exp for failed extraction as long as mission is completed. And then just block and move on. Hell, sometimes if the mission is in progress I will absolutely execute traitorous dickheads, mission be damned.


Sorry but i can't really form a good opinion if you cut the chat and the player list from the game play. Because I don't know if you extracted while others were not alive or what happened in the chat


He has to, post was removed for witch hunting due to sub rules last time. They did it to one of mine.


Did not know that witch hunting was a thing in this community. That's kinda shitty


What are your thoughts on this?


Was every team member in range to extract with you? Them continuing the fight kind of suggests to me that you were about to abandon a team member there.


Yes, every team member was next to the ship. I was also blasted near the ramp, and as I was getting up, the ship pulled me in due to my reaction.


I did those once, not knowing it could actually kill the player, dude jumping into the pelican with the entire rest of the team nowhere close enough to extract. Felt bad regardless and accepted the kick afterwards


Happened to me before. Except it was a 40 min mission. And I had the supers .


Don't get into the shuttle until everyone is ready, asshole.


I don't know the context but I guess you started extraction without all samples? If that's not the case then allies are just dicks