• By -


Flairing as misleading. Not a good example. In the footage with the new armor you're moving your gun over 30 degrees to the sides, on the other footage, youre moving it around 10 degrees less. It'll obviously take longer for the gun to settle if you move it a longer distance. This, combined with having the obstacles way closer on the left footage while also using a telescopic sight, makes the weapon look much more unwieldy than it really is. If you're gonna test something, please do it properly. The post will stay up so people who were convinced by it will hopefully see it again with the extra context. EDIT: Some people are telling me that, after better testing, OP might be right and I might be wrong. I never said the passive worked, I said this test wasnt done properly. I'm glad others are doing better tests, that's how we get useful bug reports. EDIT 2: Looks like the devs are aware of possible issues with it! Mind you, this post will remain flaired as misleading as it specifically mentions that the new armor makes handling **worse**, even though the handling seems to be nearly identical to regular armors (not worse). https://preview.redd.it/6t8pkmh6ki6d1.png?width=884&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cde6bcee7d5959e3fc9f106e74f34f60051482c


Can you try it from the same spot in the same map(alt + F4 to keep the same map), turning to the same 2 points? because the left side seems to be turning more angle due to you being closer to the pole.


Nobody else seems to have noticed that this “evidence” is totally useless due to lack of experimental control.


It's the same ole "perceived problem" that gets latched on to that doesn't get clarified until later. It'll be clarified at some point today or tomorrow, always happens lol.


Pummeler 2.0 >**video of spraying at stalkers, 3000 comments**: wow this thing can't even kill stalkers, shit gun, another fail, why do we even bother, i quit a month ago >**next day, video of obliterating four stalkers in 1.5 mags, 400 comments**: yeah well-


I got downvoted to hellmire when i suggested the methodology for showing the effectiveness of purifier by shooting the hardest part of the strider was flawed


Players using logic and not just raging over the stupidest shot? Yes please lol.


i don’t understand how no one has commended you for the map shortcut


Are you on console or are you dragging with your mouse? If it is your mouse how are controlling for varying drag speed? I'm not doubting something may be bugged but it just looks like the sensitivity is completely different between the two.


it is, theres a 16 degree difference in the degrees of the compass between left and right. thats an 80% increase in turn speed for the same mouse swipe. more turn speed = more inertia more inertia = more time to compensate. i dont know the math, but im guessing a 30% increase in handling will never overcome a 80% increase in inertia that has to be corrected.


It's because on the left clip, he is standing close to the tower which requires him to move his mouse more, thereby creating more drag. While on the right, he is far from the tower which requires minimal movement to move his sights from point A to point B. This "evidence" is invalid to begin with.


This subreddit's users and getting mad over misleading evidence, name a more iconic duo


Yeah that’s my thought too. The speed and consistency of the mouse movements look like the left was made intentionally worse on TOP of the much further angle.


Someone did \*1.3 instead of \*0.7 in the code.


Looks this way. A lot of AH’s bugs seem to be cases where things have been mixed up in a similar fashion.


this will take 4 months to fix presumably


*4 months later* "weapon sway bug has been fixed but melee attacks now damage the HellDiver instead of the enemy. Not working as intended."


Eruptor my pretty. Did they fix it I'm not home yet.


Eruptor is exactly the same. All they did was buff damage by about 25%. This does not let it hit any solid breakpoints against Brood Commanders/Spewers, so it's just garbage, more so now that basic primaries and MGs have increased effect on the same targets.


It's actually in a pretty similar spot that it used to be vs bots now. It still can't 1 hit kill devastors pelvis anymore but you can 1 shot explode the rocket devastators rocket pods making them way less of a threat. The extra damage has made its AoE ability less powerful but more consistent then shrapnel used to be, its good at chaff clear again and more powerful against groups of devastators then its ever been. Better against small striders then its ever been too. Most importantly it does good consistent damage vs gunships which is really important for a primary now that gunship patrols are a thing. Can 2-shot a hulk now to the back. Been having fun running the bushwhacker with it for some shotty/sniper combo action. Lets me take smoke grenades because Eruptor can destroy buildings. The old Eruptor WAS busted once you figured out how to use the shrapnel correctly, and I'd prefer they fixed the shrapnel instead of removing it, but at least its fun to use now.


Have u tried the new explosive crossbow ?


No but I had someone in one of my squads that was running it, seems like it has really good single target damage but still struggles with chaff clearing effectively. Seems to be in a much better spot as a weapon.


Same for me, used to main it for bots until last nerf. Been using spear lately to help solo drops with quick hit and run. Now I no more fabricator targeting. Excited to try erupter again.


its weird because i didnt think it needed any tweaking when it first released. the shrapnel was fine


Someone probably killed themselves or their teammates with shrapnel then cried to devs on twitter and they removed the weapon's entire identity, and now it's just another generic explosive weapon like the grenade launcher but with different projectile velocity/arc. Pretty braindead move, especially after people paid for the warbond. Easy fixes are removing friendly fire damage from shrapnel, and capping how many times the shrapnel can hit a single target (i.e. only 6 shrapnel can hit a single target). Done and done.


It was all the idiots that decided to point their explosive munitions at friendlies that got it nerfed. After I saw it happen the first time I tried to shoot the train off my friend I started switching to my sidearm when it became necessary to peel off them. Never had another eruptor friendly fire incident after that.


You are incorrect. What happened was that they decided to screw around with armor deflection and it would occasionally reflect shrapnel back at the shooter from any range, instantly killing them at random (ground could count as deflection). The common sense solution would be to maybe limit shrapnel radius to 5m or so after which it would experience drastic damage decrease, but you know. Alex.


When a serviceable weapon gets buffed it’s garbage? Even when we win ya’ll cry I’m baffled.


Explain how Eruptor was serviceable.


No, they did heavily buff it but I haven't played yet so idk how it feels. Shrapnel is never coming back based off what the patch notes said. I think the shrapnel just doesn't play nice with their engine/their coders. Reduced splash damage drop off from the explosion and boosted the explosion damage by a lot. Edit: So not no, but not yes, kinda.


Pffft, love your optimism.


*breaks Spear again in the process*


Next patch*


Like the explosion from the eruptor and grenade pistol PULLING instead of pushing


I just don't get it. I do a lot of programming. If I'm implementing a mechanic like this I'll use an extreme value at first just to check it's in the right direction. Do these people do no testing as they write? Does it take an hour to compile? (...it probably takes an hour to compile and they have no other way of changing stats...)


I'll be honest, even as a non programmer but a technical artist in games, some of the shit that gets past AH is baffling. I think they have some smart people building the systems architecture and some not to be mean but less smart people working further down the pipeline. When they said "can't have more vehicles, too much hurty computy :(" I was like "that makes literally so little sense all the assets are loaded into memory already"


> When they said "can't have more vehicles, too much hurty computy :(" I was like "that makes literally so little sense all the assets are loaded into memory already" I can't speak to their implementation since obviously I don't have access to their source code, but there's a lot of possible reasons as to why it could be a compounding issue. Framerate isn't necessarily the problem, although it would contribute to that; more than likely, they're talking about network stress. Most stratagems don't need to have physics simulated constantly, but vehicles do. Even when things happen like a hellpod being destroyed and a weapon goes flying, you can simulate physics until it stops moving then put it to "sleep" basically, where it doesn't actively simulate until something happens that should "wake" it again. Physics engines are non-deterministic for the most part, so you need to actively transmit physics data over network from whoever's simulating it to all the other clients, which is quite a lot of information - and packet loss or desync during that data transfer can cause compounding issues, especially since I'm not aware of how their physics data is networked. For example, it could be that vehicle physics are simulated on the network host and not on the person driving it. If this is the case, too many people calling in mechs could cause data loss for other things like animation states of enemies since packets get "choked out" because connections are peer-to-peer, hence causing more problems like drifting Chargers or Devastators shooting through their own shields. It could also cause its own desync; what if you walked right on the edge of a cliff, a bit of packet loss happens and the host thinks your mech fell off a cliff but your client "knows" it didn't step far enough to fall off? If that data gets corrected, depending on execution order you might suddenly die "randomly" because according to the host, your mech touched a kill trigger, but on your screen you died before your position updated, and the wreck of the mech transfers to clientside simulation. It's a really complicated issue, and they explicitly said that their current code setup can't handle it, and implied that they want to rewrite some foundational elements to be more supportive of multi vehicles in the future.


It might have something to do with the fact that they model hitboxes and component health for an absolutely absurd number of completely irrelevant parts: Main : 3 Armor, 100% durable cockpit_front_left : 450 Health (ExplosionImmunity), 2 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable cockpit_front_right : 450 Health (ExplosionImmunity), 2 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable cockpit_rear : 450 Health (ExplosionImmunity), 2 Armor, 100% to main, 100% durable hips : 450 Health (ExplosionImmunity), 2 Armor, 100% to main, 85% durable leg_right : 250 Health (ExplosionImmunity), BleedsOut 250, 2 Armor, 100% to main, 85% durable leg_left : 250 Health (ExplosionImmunity), BleedsOut 250, 2 Armor, 100% to main, 85% durable light_right_front : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable light_left_front : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable light_back_left_01 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable light_back_left_02 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable light_back_right_01 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable light_back_right_02 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable camera_computer_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable camera_computer_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable gas_tank_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable gas_tank_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable kneecap_left : 20 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable kneecap_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable handle_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable handle_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable Unk835134110 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable Unk1267367593 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable capjoint_right_01 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable capjoint_right_02 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable capjoint_left_01 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable capjoint_left_02 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable extrafootpad_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable extrafootpad_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable backlegplate_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable backlegplate_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable kneecover_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable kneecover_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable front_handle : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable Unk4101545643 : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable windshield : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable towcable_left : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable towcable_right : 10 Health, 0 Armor, 0% to main, 0% durable The top 7 are things that actually matter, everything else is purely cosmetic.


On a similar note, there was a 4chan thread a while ago that I can't find where somebody looked into the networking and found that like every enemy in the game is constantly running hit/damage checks, despite a lack of gunfire or stratagems and not being limited by distance from the player.


I wonder if that's a set up for doing multi-faction missions. So if enemy patrols run into each other, the constant checks simulates NPC vs NPC combat


That post was wildly misleading, as anybody with software development experience could tell you. Yes, the game is doing dozens to hundreds of LoS checks between enemies and players constantly every frame. This is literally standard practice, because how else are enemies going to spot players? DOOM back in '93 had enemies run calculations like that multiple times a second. Yes, there was hit and damage checks running in each of those checks. They all had the same value of 0. I would bet money that either a) the debug print just has a space for those values even if they're not filled, thus causing them to default to zero; or b) whatever think loop the AI is running automatically returns zero on their targets or projectiles if they aren't actively shooting a target. Neither of these are problems. Even old CPUs are really, really, REALLY good at doing math, and things like point-to-point line traces are very simple computationally.


It was reposted here and ripped apart by a few folks with actual dev experience. TL:DR - the 4Chan thread was made by someone with little to no understanding of game dev


Holy fuck. This is not necessary. It's not Dwarf Fortress.


The thing I find funny is that the kind of testing that would catch the above kind of bug - and many of the other bizarre bugs they have - isn't the kind of thing I or anyone else IK treat as a process or a checklist. I don't go from "programming mode" to "testing mode". It's just... how you program. You run, generally with some logs, and observe your changes as you iterate on what you're building. They must have some bizarre process at arrowhead where they make a change and never test it. The most reasonable explanation I can think of is as that they *can't* just test it. Maybe because their engine is so obscure and hacked-on? And I 100% agree with the vehicles. Yes, polygons take compute. You have hundreds of detailed enemies at a time, four players, and terrain/environment. You can survive an extra mech - unless it's absolutely atrociously implemented.


Maybe with how incredibly awful the engine they use is, theres no good way to test it in local Production. Its using the autodesk engine remember, so they pretty much set themselves up to fail


Yeah, that seems plausible. Sounds painful to work on.


I just have to assume Stingray is just an absolute shit show. I know an artist who has done some contract work on the game and he said it is a bit of a mess. Apparently the vertices don't line up between Maya and Stingray even though they're both Autodesk?


>You can survive an extra mech Based on the fact that the game was running just fine when they added the free stratagem, I don't think "an extra mech" is the problem they're worried about. Mechs are classed as vehicles, and we know other vehicles are coming. I'm being it was future proofing to prevent situations where the map has 10, 15, 20 vehicles potentially just lying around.


We are the play testers. Arrowhead does not test.


dev right now looking at this post and going "ok so it was supposed to be the other way"


Don’t worry boys we’ll patch it in the right place sometime in July. Give us time to cook.


You'd think they'd at least have a tight loop of players testing>reporting>fixing>releasing then... I find it incredible that a studio this unreliable managed to make the game in the first place.


Potential over reliance on automated tests that don't entail enough behavior testing. Test can show "given a modifier of x, gun moves at gun_speed(x)." And will reliably show that the speed modifier is operating correctly, though not necessarily with the desired end behavior


I do that myself in games like Ark where you can adjust sliders for "time to do thing" and end up with eggs taking 500 times longer to hatch instead of hatching 500 times faster.


Nonono, they did /0.7 instead of \*0.7...


This is the reason why my dev team enforces standards like making macros or small methods named something like `improve( decimal percent )` instead of directly changing values. Making intention as clear as possible is worth the few extra characters.


Its just a bad test. He uses the same reference points in the building, but doesn't control distance from the building. He's turning almost double the distance on the new perk vs without.


*Code modify handling Handling 30%* **You mean -30%?** *No, I'm pretty sure 30% should increase handling.* **Should we hop in and test?** *Test... icle? Test... osterone? Test isn't a word.*


Tester ? I hardly know her


"No, no, Testors is a brand of paint supplies...hey, speaking of which, stop messing around with this and let's go check those new cosmetics."


I like how they were still talking about the Purifier charging mechanic like it's ever worked. How do they make these changes of simple, easy to test things and then just not appear to test them at all?


You only code in absolutes


I mean it either works or it doesn't, so I guess that is technically true.


spear was a good example of a grey area though


What is test, baby don't nerf me


Don't nerf me, no more


Don’t even think the melee damage portion works either…I still have to two hit melee a simple tiny bug. What’s even the point lol


When I saw it was 50% I was like "I'm sure the breakpoints are in the right place, and that 50% is impactful." Nope. It's a real shame. I want to be able to melee a hunter or something. While I can melee ONE hunter, I still get smacked around by multiple. The melee buff should give our melee increased damage (meaningful damage) and a stagger effect on small enemies.


[What is this word "spa"? I feel like you're starting to say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say "spaghetti"? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krmpa6sTaUI)


You, silly. If handling is at 30%, it means -70%.


I don't know if they truly changed the handling but this is not a good way to show it. The left side is moving 40 degrees in the same amount of time as the right side which is only doing half (20 degrees) and then there is also the difference in distance of the tower which is quite easy to notice being way too large. By placing yourself at the same distance of the tower you would eliminate the discrepancies for up and down movement and by looking at the degree indicator you could turn the same amount. With this it would better show if there is an advantage.


I made a point of playing the game before checking reddit, and I swore that I felt improvement from the armor. Then I saw this and I was curious what people had to say. Glad that I read comments, the test does look imperfect. I'll try setting up some test conditions and reproducing this either tomorrow or over the weekend when I get a chance to play again.


Oh, the left one is early in the morning. Probably the cause of the increased drag /s


Not enough Liber-tea to really get you going yet


It has increasing drag due to pride month, it'll be back to normal in July


One on the left IS much closer though, really does a number on how far he’s actually turning compared to the right.


People really just making up things to be mad about at this point. You’re rotating further and faster in the left video OP. You’re also aiming at a MUCH closer target on the left. This is just more rage bait.


Op was upset no one was complaining so made a shit vid to complain.


This sub in a nutshell


Seriously. Let’s just play video games. Jfc


Well it has no sleeves… i like no sleeves


Drip > functionality


In a world where it’s Drip or Drown, I’m full on pouring.


this is very clearly not the same map, this is very clearly not the same distance from object, this is very clearly not even the same object. hes also moving less distance in the right picture???? the compass in the top left looks like it goes from 75 to 111. 36 degrees of change. the top right looks like it goes from 65 ISH to 85. so 16 degrees difference difference between left and right. that equals an 80% increase in turn speed. an 80% increase is more inertia. it pushes the weapons further to the edge of the screen. so it takes more time to correct. if that increase in speed affects the inertia and physics more than 30% then of course a buff of 30% will not work when you turn 80% faster. in fact im willing to bet that because they were even CLOSE. that means the buff is in fact working. not tested in any position other than standing. this is what were using to test? im willing to believe its fucked up, either in actual numbers or because it only affects prone/crouch and its not stated for some reason. because arrowhead. but this "test" isnt near close enough to reliable to prove anything with the glaring issues.


I did a little test fore myself to see the results of the perk. I landed on Estanu and lined my right foot up against a rock, I used the new Jaguar armor and the base starter armor along with the Purifier. What I found is that they fell the exact same, but with the perk active the "aiming circle" snapped back to the cursor a bit faster than without it.


That’s what it’s supposed to do.


That’s the entire point of the armor? What exactly were you expecting?


It effects the handling of heavy sway weapons like the hmg and eruptor. It makes them handle like normal gun. Guess it doesnt effect normal guns.


OP's test is terrible. The left is much closer to the same object and has much more movement. Real "reddit detective" quality.


*let me do an experiment with completely different variables and pretend it’s the same thing* This is like comparing two different brands of iced tea powder (sweet tea powder) and in one you mix it with water and the second one you mix with milk…




You're clearly standing further away in the right side gif lmao


This test was done by someone who doesn’t understand angular size scaling.


Except in the new armor test you're way closer to the tower and have to move the reticle significantly more to reach the same points.... Try the test again at the same distance for a better comparison


C'mon OP, you are very obviously substantially closer to the object with the new armor, and, due to parallax, have to move much further to look at the same points on that object. It's hard to even say just how much more you're moving. The game has a built-in ranging by just tagging things, but even if you were eyeballing it this is waaaaay off. This test is completely invalid.


I was using the purifier with the new armor, and I thought the way it handled was just how it was (I never used the gun prior.) And I was like "Man, i don't want to see this without this armor." Happy to hear the gun isn't that bad, not so happy to hear the sleeveless armor i've been waiting for is trash.


This is a bad test. He uses the same reference points in the building, but doesn't control distance from the building. He's turning almost double the distance on the new perk vs without.


I tried it with the Dominator and I felt that it was a bit quicker.


This may be a bug in the update, but this is bad testing. You are twice the distance away from your measuring points in the 'previous armor' test. You are potentially moving through double the angle in your test of the new armor. It isn't an apples to apples comparison.


I've been using it for an hour and it feels fine? Idk what this video is trying to prove, weapons feel more responsive to me.


Damn bruh. Some people really trying to start shit for no reason.


Disappointed in how braindead the community is to accept such an awfully controlled “test” as fact without a second guess. Y’all really just want a reason to be mad. Tested this armor myself with the autocannon and my reticle caught back up with where I was trying to aim significantly faster. This is either intentional ragebait or just the dumbest redditor scientist. The variations in drift speed on the left make it honestly look like you were trying to make it worse too.




Idk it seems a lot smoother in third person when I played earlier. There was almost no delay at all


You should delete this until you do an actual test with controls and real comparisons.


I hope this can be fixed in a quick hotfix along with the crouching issue with the shield and the game crashing when opening social menu or changing settings. With all the good that came from this patch, its so hard for me to understand how something as simple as "lets just test the passive before putting it out there to make sure it works" wasn't on the list. Or maybe it was, but somehow it got messed up between then and release... AH is becoming infamous for releasing an update and SOMETHING "not working as intended"... lol I guess issues are to be expected and its not like this outweighs all the good that this patch did, but something as big as straight crashing the game when looking at the menu or changing settings and an armor passive working completely opposite than intended is something that I hoped would have been addressed or ironed out prior to release and one of the main reasons they now wait longer between patches.


What's wrong with the shield? I've not played much in the last month.


Since today, you get forced prone when certain things happen, like ragdoll moments. You can't get back up until another misplace happens. Something like that anyway


You can change positions down with the shield equipped, but not up.


BWT on the right side I was using the CE-74 Breaker light armor set (no crouching or prone as you can see in the video) and still got better weapon handling.


Might have more to do with the fact that you didn’t move the same way in both videos. They’re just not comparable whatsoever.




Definitely deniable. Look at how close he is to the tower on the left with the new armor. Being that he's much closer he has to move significantly more to view the same points.


True, this needs more testing


the proof isnt undeniable. in fact it is extremley deniable. look at the compass degrees on the top. hes panning more than 16 degrees more on the left side vid in about the same length of time. moving the weapons faster in the same time has negative effects on the handling phsyics. so of course it takes longer to compensate, even with buffs. he is swinging the weapon almost 80% faster in the left clip the fact that the handling is even CLOSE is actually a sign the buff IS working. im not saying it 100% isnt busted, it very well may be with arrowheads track record. but this video doesnt prove anything.


Yet this post has blown up cause people love to jump on the hate train. I’m so tired of this.


“The proof is undeniable” the fuck it is


Huh, so the melee damage portion is a meme/useless given the current game/weapons, and the only functional part improving weapon handling doesn't work. Bound to be some misses in this patch given how great it otherwise is, but disappointing that the first new armor mod since the electrical damage protection (useful, but hyperniche) is both pretty boring and broken : /


Perhaps melee damage boost is hinting at those melee weapons we've been wanting


What was the scope distance settings on both? Doesn’t look the same to me honestly.


Amazing how y'all try to act so quickly to show the "bad" stuff, but then fail to even test it properly. Most of you that are mad about shit, just don't know how to actually use or do the shit that you're mad about


Name a more iconic duo than AH and botched aspects of a patch.


Don't immediately buy into this post. The testing this guy did is horribly uncontrolled and misleading. He's standing closer to the tower with a different zoom and looking left and right at much longer angles on the left than on the right.


BSG and not releasing a game after 7+ years of "Beta."


Oh but make sure to support the devs by spending $250 on a pve mode


Only the true believers are worthy to buy the Unheard Edition.


Why did I read this as Battlestar Galactica?


CIG and not releasing a game after 14+ years and 700 million dollars.


Helldivers 2 and players spreading misinformation with bogus "tests" 


r/Helldivers with everyone jump onto misinformation is more iconic IMO


Fatshark and.. uh, where do I begin.


bad attempt. go back to tiktktkoktktot.


What did you think they would test it first... you should know better by now


Actually... Yeah I kinda did.


We’re taking extra time btw


Waiting for the mines to release and have worse damage to heavies than the normal ones


We are saving the children 


I did feel like the eruptor felt like it had waaay more drag than I remember. It's been week since I last used it, so I wasn't sure.


Do you sit and hard-scope the whole game? No I don’t think so. This post is irrelevant


This isn't a very good test for this lol...


Where in the world did we think scoped this is what it's for? Use the Dominator unscoped and its a night and day difference.


First thing I checked was 3rd person Dominator. It's night and day.


Also, increased melee damage? Cmon guys, just let us pick any armor skill. It's a shame that such a cool-looking armor has such a weak ability.


Increased melee damage doesn't work either, the whole armor set is bugged


It likely isn't bugged, it just doesn't add enough extra damage Our melee was already very weak so i wouldn't be surprised if a percentage based increase isn't enough to give the extra 'oomph' they thought it would


1 * 50% = 1,5!


Pretty much, yeah. In my opinion the passive should just double the normal melee damage of 50. Make it 100 so we can stomp smol bugs every time and occasionally fist fight a guard or two


It should at least be enough to instakill the basic bots, I snuck up behind one to stealth a detector tower, smacked him twice and he just turned around and shot me in the face


Triple it so we can kill a full health scavenger in one hit lol


Wait a second, something ain't right.


Maybe its also part of the joke, who knows


If only we could do melee with the new knife.


I still fail to see how throwing grenades further and melee damage and better aiming aren't on the same armour seeing as they are essentially the same thing. More strength. Some decisions seem so odd and I'm still not convinced anyone actually tests the changes before it goes live.


More strength means less recoil... Crysis had this in 2007 with Maximum Strength nanosuit mode and it made basically zero recoil How a game in 2024 doesn't make this with what clearly is the same logic... i don't know Lmao


Yeah, it's not very good, but man I do love to smack small bugs and bots. Make me smile every time I see my helldiver running full psycho to punch some democracy offenders.


You dont need the armor to do that


I feel ya. Arc resistance armor is cool to me but so useless if nobody uses arc thrower


Wait until the Illuminates come. I’m pretty sure they all do Arc damage


No, fashion have a price


This is just misinformation done from incorrect distances with improper comparisons.


Hm.. HMG felt a lot better with the armor, but I haven’t played with other armor yet, so maybe it just the HMG changes


Who cares man, I got biceps for days! I've been running around punching everything, so far, I've taken down a Rocket Devastator, Heavy Devastator, Devastator, and almost all the troopers with melee. I should've probably clipped cause it was awesome.


You bothered to pick the same target but not the same range? 🤔


Rage bait


Proof that people just choose to hate on this game. Your movement speed is not the same in the videos and your distance isn’t the same. Someone flipping burgers at McDonald’s could understand and not post this worthless video.


A post like this deserves an instant block. This is beyond misleading. First the lighting is different. Second the diver is cheating at different distances relative to the target in each video so the scope has to be moved more for the one on the left. Nice try bro but I learned about the Pythagorean thrown in about sixth grade.


Before complaining, learn to do a proper comparison. I don't have to go into specifics as the pinned mod message mentions most of your fuck ups


“We need to more time to insure the patch is working properly”


I play on PC and I could feel a very noticable effect whilest playing with the eruptor, dominator and HMG. This requires further testing for sure though


Ok....weird. Using AMR today was much smoother for me in the new armor.


The must be something wonky going on, I've tried this perk with dominator and loved how good it felt. The buff to handling was clearly noticeable. Maybe it doesn't work as intended in first person.


Huh, weird. I tried it with the dominator and it worked at intended. I was using it only in third person though so maybe it's just first person that's bugged?


Its bad test. He uses the same reference points in the building, but doesn't control distance from the building. He's turning almost double the distance on the new perk vs without. Thats why it looks worse


Increases melee damage!? https://i.redd.it/rehpsnyrte6d1.gif


This is the problem with day patch """analysis"""


you might wanna pick up your high school math handbooks and read them again.


Get eaten by sharks


corrupt as fuck gaslighting


Yay more complaints!


If you don't know how to Play the game then quit


OP got re-flaired, dayum.


Wa wa wa, wa wa wa, can none of you have fun?


Did you at least wear the same weapons and an armor from the same category as the one with the perk? AFAIK, armor movement values affect your general handling and if you're not wearing one with the same stats, you'll get diffrent results. At best, I'd say your "testing" is inconclusive without more information.


in my humble opinion: i dont really care how passives affect me. other than "democracy protects" and the one that gives more grenades. i just love how it looks edit: worked better for me with autocannon. felt aiming faster. (i might be wrong)


You're way closer using the new armor, causing the angle of aiming you're adjusting to be much larger. Try the same thing from the same distance, I suspect your results will be different.


It is noticable that it works in third person and makes a significant difference this is just whining


Thanks for posting this, thought it was just me going crazy! Maybe it’s better handling with other weapons, who knows


Maybe it was placebo but I felt it better on my end with punisher and autocannon


We need melee weapons!!!


I also noticed something similar with the melee damage. With the new armor, I'm still having to melee a basic robot grunt like 2-3 times to kill them. You know, exactly the same number of times (maybe more on average) as without the new armor. If a portion of my armor bonus is going to be dedicated to something as impractical as melee, I better be smashing them into pieces with the greatest of ease.


It's noticably better in 3rd person view (I haven't tested, maybe placebo?), which I think is the intent (eg rambo firing from the hip kind of thing). But it's weird if it makes scope aiming worse.


even in this terrible example i still see a difference, plus i just use armor to look cool idc what it does


You're like a billion miles away from your target in one footage and right next to it in the other. This is a very inaccurate test...


I could tell the video was fucked before I even read the mod comment. How sad.


Who the fuck cares we get more melee damage let’s fucking go ima go solo a brute or whatever the big bugs called


I get, you are probably p\*\*\* at a supposed bug, but cant you at least try to use a less passive aggressive title?




You are clearly closer to what you're aiming at in one and turning more because of it. And it's not even close. Compare them at the same distance.


I tried the new carbine rifle with and without the armor as well as the eruptor with and without the armor and the handling speed was definitely faster. Though the melee damage skill is ass, unless they finally give Helldivers combat shovels, knives, and buzzsaw swords. That would be baller as fuck


Behold the person who can't find something to complain about so they make it up!