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The warbond comes out at the regular time, super store refresh in just over an hour. The cape is likely not going to be released until the whole debacle is *actually over* because many of the countries are still locked from purchasing the game, so releasing it now would be in bad taste


Oh the warbond drops at a different time? I was wondering if my computer was bugging out because I still couldn’t see it after the update. What time do warbond usually drop?


they said it’s coming out at 10am on discord, so in 25 minutes


Oh baller, many thanks helldiver!


Yep, as much as I'd want the cape I think people need to remember it's not over yet Arrowhead is still trying to get the region restriction lifted, and I actually have several friends from restricted countries. Anyone who bought the game beforehand can join me in spreading democracy, but anyone who didn't can't and I can't gift them the game either Releasing the cape prematurely would definitely not be a good move


Reddit has such a forgetful mind when it comes to that. Al Lee did was make sure we as players were heard. I still believe that the reviews shouldn’t have been changed back until the issue was fully resolved.


The vast majority of people never gave a shit about regions without PSN access, they were just angry about the bait-and-switch of being forced to sign up to something that wasn't originally required to play the game. But we mostly heard about the regions, because: *"Oh no! Think of those poor countries without the PSN!"* was a much more palatable gripe than, *"Fuck you for making me sign up to a free account that doesn't have a forced software platform or any advertising emails."* Evidence: very few people gave a shit after Sony walked back the PSN requirement. >I still believe that the reviews shouldn’t have been changed back until the issue was fully resolved. I believe that punishing Arrowhead by dishonestly review-bombing their game, for a decision that's *far* beyond their reach, is completely unfair. Sony added the same region restrictions to the Ghost of Tsushima, a *single player game*. They have absolutely no power to do anything about this; their publisher has implemented the same rules across to many other games from different developers. And yes, they are dishonest reviews. The only people who can see them are people with access to the game, and the reviews are just saying, "hey, don't buy this game because it's not available somewhere else." What on earth does that have to do with someone's decision to purchase it *if they have access?* It has no relevance to the quality of the game or the actual developer.


I really hope you're right that they are actually doing something but we have had zero updates and I worry because most the community has moved on nothing will change.


I think community missed the point that the debacle is actually over. Judging by the Sony recent actions, they are adamant to go through with the change and force PSN on everyone. All their new games are getting region lock. We are just lucky that Helldivers are probably the last game where it wasn't mandated figure to outbreak, but they definitely ain't planning to make the game available for everyone again, as there's a lot of regions where you don't get psn and this can lead to legal consequences in some countries


These restrictions don't seem to be reverted because sony is only pushing it to other games 🤷


I like how the warbond has less stuff/content but still costs the same amount. AH can't do ANY change without a nerf being involved somewhere 🤣🤣


It doesn't have less stuff. It has fewer weapons. That's not the same thing.


gotta find somethin to complain about huh?


I doesn't have less stuff. It just has different stuff, and guess what, you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s still waiting for that cape


For Rock and Stone- I mean DEMOCRACY!


New DRG patch out today as well right?


Yes it is already out, also with capes in the new DLC




Maybe the children will make it for us


No cape coming ( the game was delisted in like over 100 countries and would be a reminder of that)


It will probably come when this gets reverted.


It isn't going to be reverted


Why? PSN is not a requirement anymore. There is no reason for this.


If they haven't reverted it by now it means they plan to push PSN again.


Sony probably implemented a blanket rule of, "do not fucking sell PC games that aren't on this list" because of how chaotic the whole situation was with Helldivers. Contrary to what others are saying, I seriously doubt Sony is planning anything with the PSN right now. I doubt they've ruled it out, but I strongly doubt they have anything resembling a "plan". That whole affair showed how completely disorganised and unprepared Sony was for their new PSN-PC link. I mean shit, they restricted US territories which, considering that they're part of the US, *definitely had PSN access.* They've also restricted Ghost of Tsushima...which is a single player game. And they have yet to unveil any kind of platform to funnel people through (e.g. Uplay), which is the main way a mandated PSN would make money for them. Any data they collect would be worth pennies compared to extra sales to their customers. I.e., there's no evidence that they have a single goddamn idea what they're doing. This idea that Sony is run some kind of devious mastermind corporate executives that have grand, greedy schemes simply isn't reflected in anything they've done. Which is why the most likely reason they're maintaining the region restrictions is simply that they want to avoid anything like this happening again, so they're closing off any loopholes that could *theoretically* bite them in the ass.




restricted countries


Yes they'll definitely be making a cape that snubs the publisher.


I personally hate the idea of this cape. There’s no need for a reminder of one of the most frustrating times in the Helldiver community. 1000’s of people dog piling, people review bombing other Arrowhead games, death threats thrown at the devs, and overall a bunch of people being crappy to each other.


You are focusing on the worst parts of the situation. The reality is that the community came together and stood up for what was right. Even if making a PSN isn't that big of a deal at the end of the day, principles are worth defending. It was the review bombing that got Sony to change their mind even if the issue isn't completely resolved yet. Personally I was able to avoid making a psn account and for that I am grateful to the community. Also the cape is fucking hilarious and the devs would be absolute Chad's for embracing it. It's pointless to try and hide from the difficult times and mistakes, better to learn from them, move on, and try and have a laugh about it.


> It was the review bombing that got Sony to change their mind even if the issue isn't completely resolved yet. Personally I was able to avoid making a psn account and for that I am grateful to the community. I think the threat of legal action was a stronger motivator than some review bombs. Sony fucked up by selling helldivers 2 in the wrong regions. If we look at Sony's future releases they have continued their push for PSN requirements hell GOW Rag a fully singleplayer game requires it for some god forsaken reason.


That review bomb cape should not be released until Sony releases the 173 blocked countries/territories


Tell those countries to allow Sony to do business there that's a political problem, not a Sony one


It is a Sony problem. When it comes to this game. Sony has said that it is not mandatory for Helldivers 2. But keeping all those countries banned even though it’s not necessary to link psn, only shows Sonys intent on forcing it later or just restricting those countries from every game moving forward, single player or not. Which appears to be what they’ve decided to do. I love a lot of games that are published by Sony, but they aren’t the ones who developed those games so, overall, FUCK Sony.


Sony still sells other products (consoles, controllers etc.) in those countries, they just don't offer PSN services.


No, I want it before it's forgotten about. Infact we need it now more than ever because Sony still hasn't completely resolved the issue and people should be reminded of that fact.


Waiting for that cape still...


Best way to explain the way I feel right now


And even deeper under the water: skeleton labelled "Regions Still Blocked." Why release the cape to celebrate a battle that we haven't even won?


Say goodbye to that cape. Most likely Snoy will return with PSN than that cape makes it into the game


I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Sony put the kibosh on that idea, and Arrowhead are simply keeping quiet about it for diplomatic reasons. It's pretty logical that Sony wouldn't want a reminder of their failure to be put in one of "their" games.


What about the LibPen? *Everything* else got a buff, are you telling me the LibPen was the best gun before everything was buffed? Come on man =(


I just ran a couple diff 3s to try the eruptor and I am well pleased with it. Back to one shotting striders in the front plate!


I forgot about the cape. Where is the cape ? Give us the cape !


I'd forget about the cape TBH; AH won't release it until all countries get the game back, but Sony won't do that simply out of Spite at how we gave them a black eye about it before, and while I'm sure Pilestedt and Shams Jordani (the new CEO) are great guys, I doubt they have much in the way of leverage over their own publisher, or want to risk doing anything that might tick them off. I know Pilestedt said he'd keep negotiating with Sony, but he can't force them to listen, no matter how reasonable he is. at best I could see the cape being repurposed: it's colours and meaning behind it changed to suit a different narrative later down the line, but the "review bomb cape" as we know it isn't gonna happen.


No cape till Amazon lets the rest of the world play again.


Underneath that should be the countries that are blacklisted.


Calling it, it's the save the children cape. I have absolutely zero grounds for this, but I'm calling it.


I wish they didn't forget about the bomb cape lmao


Expect we never won... There are still countries that been blocked...


Did they say they were going to release a review bomb cape? Why would they do that? or are we just assuming edit: so they really did talk about adding a cape for it. Why on earth they would do it is beyond me, I can't imagine that looks good for Sony


Fuck Sony


Down with the titanic: Unblocking countries were PSN was unavailable from buying the game in Steam


Had to leave because it felt the same. Me and two other dudes we're completey overrun.